Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

Here's the thing, the scumbag did NOT do the right thing.

He never apologized for lying. No way....

Here's what he said:

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

Do you see an apology in there? If anybody does, they're delusional.

All he said was that he's sorry that people find themselves in a bad position.

That's an apology?

To apologize, you first have to admit you transgressed. Otherwise, it's just empty words.

obama is a scumbag. As are all dimocraps.

It's NOT an apology - it's an expression of regret that he got caught lying (without even an admission that he lied).

This is his version of the Clintonian "mistakes were made".

Had this been an interview with an actual curious journalist, Obama would have had to answer a question like this:

"Mr President, a significant portion of your re-election campaign was centered around the promise you are now admitting was not correct. What would you say to those who believe you lied to get re-elected?"

Something like that. In a different world.


How about this: "Mr President, why are you such a lying cocksucker?"

Had this been an interview with an actual curious journalist, Obama would have had to answer a question like this:

"Mr President, a significant portion of your re-election campaign was centered around the promise you are now admitting was not correct. What would you say to those who believe you lied to get re-elected?"

Something like that. In a different world.


How about this: "Mr President, why are you such a lying cocksucker?"

Well, that's a difficult question, but let me be clear: it boils down to three things. 1) It's Bush's fault. 2) I am the polar opposite of George Washington; I cannot tell the truth. 3) I enjoy sucking cock.
Obama did not "man up".

If he had, he would have apologized for barefaced LYING. He would have apologized for winning his second term with unprecedented crooked and dishonest lies and cheating and blatant deception. If he had "manned up" he would have resigned by now.
Policies that don't meet the requirements are the ones being cancelled. It is the fault of their crappy insurance and them for buying such terrible policies however their insurance company should have given them until after the first of the year to get something else.

The people here seem to think people are cancelled the moment they received the letter. That can't be the case. If it is, the insurance was worse than even I had imagined.

Now is their chance to get some insurance that is designed to cover everyone at an affordable cost.


That is just not true. Many companies have just stopped their health care benefit. They have changed their business model so they don't have to offer it.. Their policies are perfectly adequate, but if your company isn't going to offer it you can't enroll through your company.
God. It amazes me how even when somebody FINALLY does the right thing, he still gets lambasted for not doing it soon enough. Or hard enough. Or without benefit of Vaseline®.

THIS is why I can't take most Republicans seriously. Because their hatred of the President is so big that they can't see past it.


It's diversionary. They're attempting to take everyone's mind off of that colossal fuckup of a shutdown. You know that day they allowed the idiot Cruz to take over House leadership and guide House Republicans down that yellow brick road? Fail.

The president did the right thing but it will never be good enough because they have this agenda.

Here's the thing, the scumbag did NOT do the right thing.

He never apologized for lying. No way....

Here's what he said:

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

Do you see an apology in there? If anybody does, they're delusional.

All he said was that he's sorry that people find themselves in a bad position.

That's an apology?

To apologize, you first have to admit you transgressed. Otherwise, it's just empty words.

obama is a scumbag. As are all dimocraps.

Not only did he not admit to transgression, he doubled down on the lie about having in good faith tried to help people keep their care instead of purposely made the law so restrictive that it hamstrung providers.
Policies that don't meet the requirements are the ones being cancelled. It is the fault of their crappy insurance and them for buying such terrible policies however their insurance company should have given them until after the first of the year to get something else.

The people here seem to think people are cancelled the moment they received the letter. That can't be the case. If it is, the insurance was worse than even I had imagined.

Now is their chance to get some insurance that is designed to cover everyone at an affordable cost.


That is just not true. Many companies have just stopped their health care benefit. They have changed their business model so they don't have to offer it.. Their policies are perfectly adequate, but if your company isn't going to offer it you can't enroll through your company.

You should be mad at them then. How cheap and unprofessional.
That was nice and all, but I think the right thing for him to do is sign that Bill the republicans are cooking up called "keep your old policy" as long as it's not filled with other items. I think the other right think he can do, is take away the mandatory aspect of the bill and fulfill his original campaign promises before his first term where he highlighted the fact that his health plan in contrast to Mrs. Clinton's health plan, was that his didn't have a mandatory provision.

The words are nice, but I think that those above actions would be "the right thing to do".

Neither of those things are going to happen. The time for Rs offering their own plans is over.

I just saw Ms. Laundreiux (sp) (Democrat from Louisiana) proposing drafting the same or similar thing.

Mary Landrieu can propose all she likes. He might compromise but only after the site is up and running smoothly. He is not running from his signature legislation. It isn't as bad as these braindead and wingnutty Cons on here are making it seem.
He didn't apologize for what he did. He lied. That isn't what he said in his spindition of events. It's documented record that the administration and Obama knew many people would lose their coverage. He lied, and nowhere did he admit that.


They never do this right. People are so sick of Rs and their crazy obsession with Obama that this latest will die out as quickly as everything else they try and hurt him with. People just begin to point and laugh after a few days of this bullshit.

I think you're right. When you have zero credibility due to the birther "scandal", the benghazi "scandal", the open mike "scandal" etc... you've pretty much used up all of your "Look, see, we told you!!!!" opportunities.

They never do this right. People are so sick of Rs and their crazy obsession with Obama that this latest will die out as quickly as everything else they try and hurt him with. People just begin to point and laugh after a few days of this bullshit.

I think you're right. When you have zero credibility due to the birther "scandal", the benghazi "scandal", the open mike "scandal" etc... you've pretty much used up all of your "Look, see, we told you!!!!" opportunities.

Zero credibility is how you would never accept the "apology" from W that you demand others accept from Obama. You're just another liberal who practices double standards. Not that I've met any who don't, but it's theoretically possible.

They never do this right. People are so sick of Rs and their crazy obsession with Obama that this latest will die out as quickly as everything else they try and hurt him with. People just begin to point and laugh after a few days of this bullshit.

I think you're right. When you have zero credibility due to the birther "scandal", the benghazi "scandal", the open mike "scandal" etc... you've pretty much used up all of your "Look, see, we told you!!!!" opportunities.

You don't need credibility when people are getting policy cancellation letters and increased rates. All the apologists can do is say it's overblown or not as bad as the Republicans are making it out to be or that Obama didn't really lie, but Ma and Pa Kettle are getting those cancellation letters and the Joneses they're keeping up with are watching their insurance go from a car payment a month to a mortgage payment a month and with less coverage to boot. Spin it all you want, but Obama said that wasn't going to happen and now it is and when called on it effectively all he said was "sucks to be you."

They never do this right. People are so sick of Rs and their crazy obsession with Obama that this latest will die out as quickly as everything else they try and hurt him with. People just begin to point and laugh after a few days of this bullshit.

I think you're right. When you have zero credibility due to the birther "scandal", the benghazi "scandal", the open mike "scandal" etc... you've pretty much used up all of your "Look, see, we told you!!!!" opportunities.

Example of blind stupidity support for obashit.
Neither of those things are going to happen. The time for Rs offering their own plans is over.

I just saw Ms. Laundreiux (sp) (Democrat from Louisiana) proposing drafting the same or similar thing.

Mary Landrieu can propose all she likes. He might compromise but only after the site is up and running smoothly. He is not running from his signature legislation. It isn't as bad as these braindead and wingnutty Cons on here are making it seem.

...well, it's hardly good either, granted, you must be graced with common sense to figure that out..

They never do this right. People are so sick of Rs and their crazy obsession with Obama that this latest will die out as quickly as everything else they try and hurt him with. People just begin to point and laugh after a few days of this bullshit.

I think you're right. When you have zero credibility due to the birther "scandal", the benghazi "scandal", the open mike "scandal" etc... you've pretty much used up all of your "Look, see, we told you!!!!" opportunities.

I love when Democrats do comedy..:lmao:
Obama on health plan cancellations: 'I am sorry' | MSNBC

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based, based on assurances they got from me. We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”

This was the right thing to do.

No he needs to keep his promise to Americans--that YES they can elect to KEEP their chosen health insurance policies.

The MAJOR F-UP in all of this is that there are very sick people right at this very moment--that are receiving treatment for their illnesse's whom are receiving cancellation notices from their insurance companies--because of Obamacare. An apology to these people just doesn't cut it.

They never do this right. People are so sick of Rs and their crazy obsession with Obama that this latest will die out as quickly as everything else they try and hurt him with. People just begin to point and laugh after a few days of this bullshit.

I think you're right. When you have zero credibility due to the birther "scandal", the benghazi "scandal", the open mike "scandal" etc... you've pretty much used up all of your "Look, see, we told you!!!!" opportunities.

Example of blind stupidity support for obashit.

no kidding, Candy and Sarah.... call them the Obama cheerleaders...
clueless women followers of a man...Billy Clinton would love them
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Meanwhile, starvation looms. As those of us who knew he was a liar also knew:

"Illustrating the soaring demand for food, before the 2007 recession, the five food banks that form the Association of Arizona Food Banks were handing out an average of 69,000 emergency food boxes per month. Last month, 108,300 boxes were handed out, an increase of around 80 per cent."

» Food Bank CEO: Welfare Cuts Causing ?Nightmare Ripple Effect? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

2007....hhmmmm. Yeah, that was the year that Boooosh let the countries go to Hell while he and his buddies enjoyed their tax cut.

I know I enjoyed my retroactive return of 15 thousand bucks when he changed the capital gains tax.
And I dont even know him.......
Shouldn't I get crony status or something?:mad:

They never do this right. People are so sick of Rs and their crazy obsession with Obama that this latest will die out as quickly as everything else they try and hurt him with. People just begin to point and laugh after a few days of this bullshit.

I think you're right. When you have zero credibility due to the birther "scandal", the benghazi "scandal", the open mike "scandal" etc... you've pretty much used up all of your "Look, see, we told you!!!!" opportunities.

The birther craziness was the best. I mean, wingers simply didn't care who opened their big mouth speaking for their party. Anyone who could land a blow was ok with the loons in congress.

We will look back on this as the worst, do nothing, congress ever. Unfortunate that but hopefully we'll get a better one next Fall.

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