Obama mans up and apologizes for his misstatement on keeping insurance

Yanno................the only reason people are being kicked off of their healthcare insurance is because the companies providing it realize that they don't meet the minimums that were put in place by the ACA.

Yanno, some of these plans that didn't 'meet the minimums' were cadillac plans. Which in some cases were a bit overkill.There is no way in hell 4.2 million plans didn't meet the minimum requirements for Obamacare.

Kind of like having to meet the minimums for auto insurance for the state you're in. If you can't meet the minimums, you're going to be thrown off to the side.

That's a pretty lame analogy.

Obamacare is having the insurance companies for health insurance meet minimum regulations (sort of like what you have to buy if you're going to drive an automobile) so that if you DO cause a wreck, your insurance will be able to cover it.

How does not buying healthcare insurance mandated by the government hurt anyone else except the individual? I guess 'freedom of choice' is not in your vocabulary?

The only places where Obamacare is failing are those states that have Republican governors who refuse to participate.

That's nothing but a copout. Watch too much Ed Schulz on TV or something?

Even though KY is a red state (according to statistics), they are embracing it and doing quite well.

Sure, if you call 130,000 people in Kentucky losing their insurance as 'doing quite well.'

I wonder when McConnell and Paul are going to visit the governor of the state they are supposed to represent (and the ones that elected them) and ask why Obamacare is working so well?

You have yet to explain how Obamacare is 'working well' Biker. Care to elaborate in detail?

Sorry, but in 2014 and in 2016, people are going to remember this, and it's going to be a bloodbath for those in the GOP.

Indeed, people will remember who lied to them about keeping their insurance and how it would be affordable. Democrats will pay dearly for this. You are in denial.
Yanno................the only reason people are being kicked off of their healthcare insurance is because the companies providing it realize that they don't meet the minimums that were put in place by the ACA. Kind of like having to meet the minimums for auto insurance for the state you're in. If you can't meet the minimums, you're going to be thrown off to the side.

Obamacare is having the insurance companies for health insurance meet minimum regulations (sort of like what you have to buy if you're going to drive an automobile) so that if you DO cause a wreck, your insurance will be able to cover it.

The only places where Obamacare is failing are those states that have Republican governors who refuse to participate.

Even though KY is a red state (according to statistics), they are embracing it and doing quite well.

I wonder when McConnell and Paul are going to visit the governor of the state they are supposed to represent (and the ones that elected them) and ask why Obamacare is working so well?

Sorry, but in 2014 and in 2016, people are going to remember this, and it's going to be a bloodbath for those in the GOP.

They know all of this but continue to repeat their talking points over and over in an attempt to get someone, anyone, to agree with their nonsense.

you're still pushing a lie that obama has already admitted to.
You failed to slow it down tho and this communist take over as you so stupidly refer to it is helping people all across America as we speak. Have you signed up yet?

Also, I'm frankly loving how it helped all of 6 people all across America on the first day. I'm sure you're elated.

You should just go away, you're way too negative and mean for 6am. I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around you.

Now, stop lying about people signing up for Healthcare online and you should know there are other ways to do it while the kinks are being worked out.

Kinks? :lmao:

Also, I'm frankly loving how it helped all of 6 people all across America on the first day. I'm sure you're elated.

You should just go away, you're way too negative and mean for 6am. I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around you.

Now, stop lying about people signing up for Healthcare online and you should know there are other ways to do it while the kinks are being worked out.

Kinks? :lmao:


If that isn't photoshoped that's true irony :lol:
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"Insurance cancelled" grabs headlines and sends shortwaves across the nation. However the details are not so shocking. A friend of mine got a letter of cancellation from United Health. It said the current plan was discontinued. The letter contain the details of the replacement plan. It also contained a table of discounts versus family income and suggested visiting their web site and the exchange web site if you qualified. In realty the terrible cancellation was nothing more than an update of the current plan.

In a few years, we'll look back at this and other stumbling blocks in the implementation of the law and wonder what all the fuss was about.

It would be a lot easier to understand what you leftists are saying if you weren't all mumbling around Obama's dick. :suck: Now spit it out and try again.
I'm sure Sarah GG feels like this about now..

Brenda Lee - I'm Sorry - YouTube

And I feel like this
[ame=http://youtu.be/uZfRaWAtBVg]Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration - YouTube[/ame]

Good one ..:lol:

and Sarah GG would counter with this, I'm pretty sure..:lol:

[ame=http://youtu.be/iEe_eraFWWs]The Black Eyed Peas - My Humps - YouTube[/ame]
oh yeah rotten crotch

[ame=http://youtu.be/bwTUQkUApVY]Rotten Crotch - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vql_1pO9FZw]Whos Sorry Now Connie Francis - YouTube[/ame]

Good one ..:lol:

and Sarah GG would counter with this, I'm pretty sure..:lol:

[ame=http://youtu.be/iEe_eraFWWs]The Black Eyed Peas - My Humps - YouTube[/ame]
oh yeah rotten crotch

[ame=http://youtu.be/bwTUQkUApVY]Rotten Crotch - YouTube[/ame]

Wow..I have no idea what she would do now...:scared1:

(You mind posting that in my "Odd and Fun songs" thread.)..the link....http://www.usmessageboard.com/music/280056-odd-and-fun-songs.html#post6860579
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That interview is very good. Chuck Todd is not being easy on him and he is giving very thoughtful and logical explanations.

But you people are never happy. He isn't talking to or especially apologizing to the likes of you.

BFS, Chuck Todd soft balled him. You know that every question he asked, Obama and his minions vetted and had a prepared answer before the Interview. Obama never answered Chuck Todds questiions, he just deflected. Go back a re-watch the inteview and stop drinking the cool aid. Obama is a pathological liar. FUCK HIM!!!!!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rGIY5Vyj4YM]I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this anymore - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QV7dDSgbaQ0]Nancy Pelosi Pass the Bill to find out what's in it - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wfl55GgHr5E]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

"OOPS", SORRY.........

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