Obama-McCain Debate: Round 12 (Debate 3)

Here's the only poll number that matters, CNN poll of who independents think won the debate:
Obama 57%
McCain 31%

*To clarify, I mean what the independents think is important, not the fact that CNN conducted the poll.

MC came out strong, but in my opinion O took the debate. McCain was negative and emotional while Obama stayed positive and cool. I think he owned Mc on health care and spoke really well on education.

Am I the only one who heard Mc suggest we put unqualified teachers in the classroom? That is insane...also against one of the major pillars of NCLB, the highly qualified teacher.

I also noticed what someone else mentioned about Mc confusing autism with Down Syndrome. I taught special ed for 4 years, and have worked with the special needs community for 6, and it seemed to me like he didn't know what he was talking about. I think it will come off as disingenuous to the special needs community to lump the disabilities together when they are so vastly different.
Obama Wins Fox News Focus Group

GOP pollster Frank Luntz: A good night for Obama

Focus Group of undecided independent voters conducted by Frank Luntz for Fox News:

Luntz: "…none had made a decision to support Sen. Obama before the debate, but more than half supported after the debate. It was a good night for Barack Obama."
Senator McCain, even schools that have never failed before are failing under No Child Left Behind because of the horrible policy that it is.

The worst school systems in America DON'T get the most money per student. Least that's not how it works here in Rhode Island.


take it up with ted kennedy and get back to me

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), often abbreviated in print as NCLB and sometimes shortened in pronunciation to "nickelbee"[1], is a controversial United States federal law (Act of Congress) (co-Authored by Democratic Rep. George Miller of California and Democratic U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts) that reauthorized a number of federal programs aiming to improve the performance of U.S. primary and secondary schools by increasing the standards of accountability for states, school districts, and schools, as well as providing parents more flexibility in choosing which schools their children will attend. Additionally, it promoted an increased focus on reading and re-authorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). The Act, introduced as HR 1 during the 107th Congress, [2] was passed in the House of Representatives on May 23, 2001[3], United States Senate on June 14, 2001[4] and signed into law on January 8, 2002

No Child Left Behind Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
yeah, more money will fix everything

Did I ever say that? No

No need to put words in my mouth. I don't think any problem in life can be solved by just throwing money at all.
more from CNN's instapoll":

Obama's favorable ratings went up after the debate.

McCain favorability went down after the debate.

How does a political candidate get 90 minutes of FREE television and have their favorability ratings go DOWN? That's the kind of shit that gets campaign managers and political consultants fired.

Not scientific. Means nothing.
Actually, it was bi-partisan. And then the repub congress wouldn't vote the money for it. You do remember you all held the purse strings then, right?

Besides, I always knew No child left behind sucked... but that's because I have a son who's school was affected by it.

actually it was written by two democrats.
Here's the only poll number that matters, CNN poll of who independents think won the debate:
Obama 57%
McCain 31%

*To clarify, I mean what the independents think is important, not the fact that CNN conducted the poll.

MC came out strong, but in my opinion O took the debate. McCain was negative and emotional while Obama stayed positive and cool. I think he owned Mc on health care and spoke really well on education.

Am I the only one who heard Mc suggest we put unqualified teachers in the classroom? That is insane...also against one of the major pillars of NCLB, the highly qualified teacher.

I also noticed what someone else mentioned about Mc confusing autism with Down Syndrome. I taught special ed for 4 years, and have worked with the special needs community for 6, and it seemed to me like he didn't know what he was talking about. I think it will come off as disingenuous to the special needs community to lump the disabilities together when they are so vastly different.

Not scientific. Means nothing.
ummm.... anyone know how to make this into a halloween mask?


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By himself?

Your nose is growing right now, isn't it?

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), often abbreviated in print as NCLB and sometimes shortened in pronunciation to "nickelbee"[1], is a controversial United States federal law (Act of Congress) (co-Authored by Democratic Rep. George Miller of California and Democratic U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts)

ted hasn't been able to tie his shoes by himself for 20 years, so you've got a point i suppose. still, not seeing much bipartisan authorship here.

No Child Left Behind Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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