Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’

"...Please feel free to expand on the 'green weenie' dogma. I'd love to hear it..."
The rudeness of the reply was matched to the rudeness of the opening remarks.

I couldn't give a $hit less about your Green agenda and really don't feel like dealing with it.

Especially in connection with a hair-trigger Dogmatic who goes 'rude' at the drop of a hat.

Not my idea of fun on a grey, overcast afternoon here in Illinois.

Oh, so you have an excuse for your rudeness. I see...

You still don't have an excuse for your rudeness to me. An apology for the untruth you claimed about me would be a good start.
Here's my new BFGrn refocusing response.


Really 'cute'... but the POINT you failed miserably to comprehend, is the only way we are going to end violations of our civil liberties like the Patriot Act is a national dialog and BI-partisan support. Neither party is going to put their neck in a guillotine. IF Obama had ended the Patriot Act and there were another 9/11 attack, Republicans and conservatives would use that as an ax on Obama and Democrats...sissy liberals, soft on terrorism blah, blah, blah...

That is the reality. Maybe you are too naive to comprehend it?

I'm not part of that circle-jerk bud. Talk to someone who cares about your current political cartels.. I vote Libertarian and my views don't change election to election.

Now what about that FRAGILE Earth theory that you support? You didn't reply to my last post except to score some phantom political points on some imaginary target..

Sure, provide a link to the theory you claim I support.Just not some polluter funded 'think tank'.

I am skeptical about what you believe. You have already vehemently defended polluters without a PEEP about defending every human's right to breath clean air. So your libertarianism is a defiled or polluted...LOL
The rudeness of the reply was matched to the rudeness of the opening remarks.

I couldn't give a $hit less about your Green agenda and really don't feel like dealing with it.

Especially in connection with a hair-trigger Dogmatic who goes 'rude' at the drop of a hat.

Not my idea of fun on a grey, overcast afternoon here in Illinois.

Oh, so you have an excuse for your rudeness. I see...

You still don't have an excuse for your rudeness to me. An apology for the untruth you claimed about me would be a good start.

Sure Amelia; I'm sorry I don't believe you.

You're welcome.
Oh, so you have an excuse for your rudeness. I see...

You still don't have an excuse for your rudeness to me. An apology for the untruth you claimed about me would be a good start.

Sure Amelia; I'm sorry I don't believe you.

You're welcome.

LOL. I just casually post unsolicited praise for Obama for the heck of it. I don't really mean it. Mmm hmm. :cuckoo:

You're a trip. A bitter trip.

Obama was rude on Tuesday. He spoke divisively. It's not a matter of partisanship to acknowledge that. It's just the facts.
Sure, provide a link to the theory you claim I support.Just not some polluter funded 'think tank'.

I am skeptical about what you believe. You have already vehemently defended polluters without a PEEP about defending every human's right to breath clean air. So your libertarianism is a defiled or polluted...LOL
CO2 isn't a pollutant, butt nugget.
There was a time when a few lone voices were against the flat earth scientists.
Those few were right back then too. The earth is round and the climate warming has stopped for the last 16 years.
Our President and the EPA are stating a lie that Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant.
No it isn't.
Burning coal and oil do not produce more Carbon Dioxide.
Carbon Dioxide comes from living animals and humans breaths.
Plants breath in CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and breath out oxygen.
All of this bologna about out fossil fuels is just that bologna.
What we need to do is plant more trees and plants that drink up CO2 and stop polluting the oceans that is killing off the algae.
I can't believe how many people are being duped by this false crap.
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Our President and the EPA are stating a lie that Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant.
No it isn't.
Burning coal and oil do not produce more Carbon Dioxide.
Carbon Dioxide comes from living animals and humans breaths.
Plants breath in CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and breath out oxygen.
All of this bologna about out fossil fuels is just that bologna.
What we need to do is plant more trees and plants that drink up CO2 and stop polluting the oceans that is killing off the algae.
I can't believe how many people are being duped by this false crap.

Burning coal does not produce CO2? Now I thought I had seen some dumb things on this board, but that really takes the cake.

Now Peach, coal is nearly pure carbon. C + O2 = CO2 + energy. The atomic weight of carbon is 12, that of Oxygen, 16. So when you burn a ton of coal, you create 3.67 tons of CO2. 7.6 billion tons of coal were burned last year, that created 27.87 billion tons of CO2 in the atmosphere.
There is no evidence I can present to you that you wont turn to some blogspot or other nonsense to try and explain it away. Youre a true believer in Goebbel's Warming. You will not be converted to a healthy approach to the issue. To you, this is a religion, not science.

Old fart, I look at the scientific evidence, not the mewling and puking of the rightwing fruitloops on a scientific subject. No, it is not a religion, that is your purvue. After all, I am looking at the evidence, not going on blind faith that nothing is happening.

And this is not a blogspot, it is the creme of the crop in Geophysical Sciences presenting their researchs to their peers.


You can go to any year since 2009, AGU Convention, and get the videos of the lectures presented at that meeting. That is the evidence that I go by and present.
Right....You go by the words of the high priests inside the Holy Church of Goebbels Warming....Just like the people who believed that the world was flat did.

Another classic case of Freudian projection from the cult. :lol:

I see. The scientific society with the best geologists and geophyicists in the world, and you characterize them as high priests. You know, Oddie, you are even more ignorant than I thought.
Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’

And appropriately so.

The issue has nothing to do with the validity of climate change, but the fact that our continued pumping of toxic chemicals and waste into the biosphere has got to stop – and ignoring that fact, as most on the right do, is indeed akin to believing the Earth is flat.
You believe in computer model based evidence. This says it all, box of rocks. it's actually funny how much you bloviate and in the end, it all comes down to passing off models as evidence.

Egad, have you gone completely around the bend? The worldwide retreat of glaciers is a computer model? The ice loss of the ice caps of Greenland and Antarctica is models? The rapid shrinkage of the Arctic Sea Ice is models?
You still don't have an excuse for your rudeness to me. An apology for the untruth you claimed about me would be a good start.

Sure Amelia; I'm sorry I don't believe you.

You're welcome.

LOL. I just casually post unsolicited praise for Obama for the heck of it. I don't really mean it. Mmm hmm. :cuckoo:

You're a trip. A bitter trip.

Obama was rude on Tuesday. He spoke divisively. It's not a matter of partisanship to acknowledge that. It's just the facts.

Unfortunately Amelia the truth is usually divisive. This is the same segment of our citizenry infested with people who believe Obama is the anti-Christ.
"...Oh, so you have an excuse for your rudeness. I see..."

Your rudeness.

Served-up first.

As post #12 on this thread...


Idiotic assumptions and agenda-driven rudeness, beginning with your first unsolicited and unwanted and unprovoked and rude harangue directed at me, which only grew worse over time; standard fare from a one-trick pony.

Don't over-think it, my little butt nugget, or you'll do yourself an injury...

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, pi$$ant, yer borin' the hell outta me...
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"...Oh, so you have an excuse for your rudeness. I see..."

Your rudeness.

Served-up first.

As post #12 on this thread...


Idiotic assumptions and agenda-driven rudeness, beginning with your first unsolicited and unwanted and unprovoked and rude harangue directed at me, which only grew worse over time;l standard fare from a one-trick pony.

Don't over-think it, my little butt nugget, or you'll do yourself an injury...

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, pi$$ant, yer borin' the hell outta me...

My green weenie agenda: "We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." - Lakota Sioux Proverb

I am going to ignore you childish rant and ask you a question. Did you even READ President Obama's speech, or are you just emoting based on right wing victim-hood?

Because it was a brilliant speech. You will be hard pressed to even find that passage, and in the context of how he prefaced it, it is not inappropriate. It is near the end of his speech. Try something new today...READ it.

What is truly ironic is Obama makes a clarion call to end partisanship on this issue and that he is more than willing to to work with anyone and listen to any new ideas.

'We Need to Act': Transcript of Obama's Climate Change Speech

"But more broadly, we’ve got to move beyond partisan politics on this issue. I want to be clear -- I am willing to work with anybody -- Republicans, Democrats, independents, libertarians, greens -- anybody -- to combat this threat on behalf of our kids. I am open to all sorts of new ideas, maybe better ideas, to make sure that we deal with climate change in a way that promotes jobs and growth.

Nobody has a monopoly on what is a very hard problem, but I don’t have much patience for anyone who denies that this challenge is real. We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society. Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it’s not going to protect you from the coming storm. And ultimately, we will be judged as a people, and as a society, and as a country on where we go from here.

Our founders believed that those of us in positions of power are elected not just to serve as custodians of the present, but as caretakers of the future. And they charged us to make decisions with an eye on a longer horizon than the arc of our own political careers. That’s what the American people expect. That’s what they deserve.

And someday, our children, and our children’s children, will look at us in the eye and they'll ask us, did we do all that we could when we had the chance to deal with this problem and leave them a cleaner, safer, more stable world? And I want to be able to say, yes, we did. Don’t you want that?

Americans are not a people who look backwards; we're a people who look forward. We're not a people who fear what the future holds; we shape it. What we need in this fight are citizens who will stand up, and speak up, and compel us to do what this moment demands."
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'Flat earth society' is a fairly jovial and polite way to put it.

What is truly ironic is Obama makes a clarion call to end partisanship on this issue and that he is more than willing to to work with anyone and listen to any new ideas.


Yes, that is ironic, but not in the way you seem to mean.

One of his mouths calls for an end to partisanship while the other bashes those who are not allied with him. This happens again and again.

Sometimes he goes a full day before he shows he doesn't mean what he says about civility and cooperation. Sometimes he doesn't last a full sentence before backsliding.
You still don't have an excuse for your rudeness to me. An apology for the untruth you claimed about me would be a good start.

Sure Amelia; I'm sorry I don't believe you.

You're welcome.

LOL. I just casually post unsolicited praise for Obama for the heck of it. I don't really mean it. Mmm hmm. :cuckoo:

You're a trip. A bitter trip.

Obama was rude on Tuesday. He spoke divisively. It's not a matter of partisanship to acknowledge that. It's just the facts.

He's probably frustrated. The same way a parent gets frustrated when their 5-year old's face is covered in chocolate, yet s/he insists s/he did not eat the cookies.

If I tell you the sky is red, and you say no, it's blue... Are you being divisive?
Well....since he already parted the sea's, perhaps now he can make our air 100% pure with a wave of his hand!!

LMAO.....this shit has zero public backing.......another stunt to appease the environmental k00ks who supported him. Watch.....in short order, he'll be telling us that China is all in on this!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Obama is simply telling his environmentlist supporters he appreciates their support.
He will tell them what they want to hear. He will tell them he is about to wage war on coal.
Meanwhile, Obama is once again promising what he cannot deliver. He is also claiming that he once again will attempt use the power of government to pick winners and losers.
"Obama has no patience for those who refuse to swallow the global warming kool-aid.
That is Obama showing his arrognace, his petulance and his ego.
this is your ugly President calling YOU the people he SUPPOSEDLY Represents names...you voted for it:clap2:

By Justin Sink - 06/25/13 02:40 PM ET

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."

"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."

Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.

all of it here
Read more: Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ?flat-Earth society? - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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Completely appropriate. You people are totally in denial of the present reality.
What reality might that be?

What is truly ironic is Obama makes a clarion call to end partisanship on this issue and that he is more than willing to to work with anyone and listen to any new ideas.


Yes, that is ironic, but not in the way you seem to mean.

One of his mouths calls for an end to partisanship while the other bashes those who are not allied with him. This happens again and again.

Sometimes he goes a full day before he shows he doesn't mean what he says about civility and cooperation. Sometimes he doesn't last a full sentence before backsliding.

We have people on this thread claiming that burning coal does not produce CO2. We have them claiming that nothing at all is changing, yet you can look at the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains and see fewer and smaller glaciers every decade. The Arctic Ice has declined to the point that people have circumnavigated the ice cap in a couple of months in small sailing yachts.

Yes, the people denying the obvious are 'Flat Earthers'. They are the people that can watch the ships sail out, and over the curve of the earth, and still claim that it is flat. The President named them right, and they should be mocked.

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