Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’

Kind of ironic since the flat earthers were the ones that ignored the scientific data like the global warming worshipers.

Really? Just because every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger is certainly no reason the think that science supports the idea of global warming, right?

Your statement is about as dumb as they come. All the scientific evidence is that the climate is rapidly changing with serious results and consequences for all of us.

"Clear and present danger"? Project much?
this is your ugly President calling YOU the people he SUPPOSEDLY Represents names...you voted for it:clap2:

By Justin Sink - 06/25/13 02:40 PM ET

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."

"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."

Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.

all of it here
Read more: Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ?flat-Earth society? - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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Completely appropriate. You people are totally in denial of the present reality.
What reality might that be?

The reality of a rapidly warmng and changing climate. The reality of ocean acidification. The reality of sea level rise. The reality of how the GHGs work. The reality of worldwide glacial retreat, the reality of the loss of Arctic Sea Ice, and what that means to our climate.

What is truly ironic is Obama makes a clarion call to end partisanship on this issue and that he is more than willing to to work with anyone and listen to any new ideas.


Yes, that is ironic, but not in the way you seem to mean.

One of his mouths calls for an end to partisanship while the other bashes those who are not allied with him. This happens again and again.

Sometimes he goes a full day before he shows he doesn't mean what he says about civility and cooperation. Sometimes he doesn't last a full sentence before backsliding.

We have people on this thread claiming that burning coal does not produce CO2. We have them claiming that nothing at all is changing, yet you can look at the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains and see fewer and smaller glaciers every decade. The Arctic Ice has declined to the point that people have circumnavigated the ice cap in a couple of months in small sailing yachts.

Yes, the people denying the obvious are 'Flat Earthers'. They are the people that can watch the ships sail out, and over the curve of the earth, and still claim that it is flat. The President named them right, and they should be mocked.

I understand why you might feel that way. It's too bad that this incident and all the other times the president has been rude go against his calls for civility.

He's a dishonest ass.

If he were honest about employing incivility that would be very different.

But he's not.

Oh well, what's one more lie? It's not like it's his first. Or even his first this week.
Kind of ironic since the flat earthers were the ones that ignored the scientific data like the global warming worshipers.

Really? Just because every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger is certainly no reason the think that science supports the idea of global warming, right?

Your statement is about as dumb as they come. All the scientific evidence is that the climate is rapidly changing with serious results and consequences for all of us.

"Clear and present danger"? Project much?

Not at all. The danger is clear, the increase in atmospheric water vapor due to a warming ocean and atmosphere creates an increase in the chance for catastrophic flooding. The change of the air currents creates dry periods of greater severity, and we see far greater fires. And this is happening right now, in the present. Colorado and New Mexico set new fire records every year now. And it was predicted thirty years ago that the warming would cause that area to dry out.
Sure Amelia; I'm sorry I don't believe you.

You're welcome.

LOL. I just casually post unsolicited praise for Obama for the heck of it. I don't really mean it. Mmm hmm. :cuckoo:

You're a trip. A bitter trip.

Obama was rude on Tuesday. He spoke divisively. It's not a matter of partisanship to acknowledge that. It's just the facts.

He's probably frustrated. The same way a parent gets frustrated when their 5-year old's face is covered in chocolate, yet s/he insists s/he did not eat the cookies.

If I tell you the sky is red, and you say no, it's blue... Are you being divisive?
There you have it...Lolberals are your mommy and anyone who disagrees is a child.

What is truly ironic is Obama makes a clarion call to end partisanship on this issue and that he is more than willing to to work with anyone and listen to any new ideas.


Yes, that is ironic, but not in the way you seem to mean.

One of his mouths calls for an end to partisanship while the other bashes those who are not allied with him. This happens again and again.

Sometimes he goes a full day before he shows he doesn't mean what he says about civility and cooperation. Sometimes he doesn't last a full sentence before backsliding.

If you are as open minded and non partisan as you claim to be, do me a favor...READ the speech. Then tell me it is divisive.

'We Need to Act': Transcript of Obama's Climate Change Speech
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this is your ugly President calling YOU the people he SUPPOSEDLY Represents names...you voted for it:clap2:

By Justin Sink - 06/25/13 02:40 PM ET

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."

"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."

Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.

all of it here
Read more: Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ?flat-Earth society? - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Follow us: @Thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

It is interesting that he thinks Hans Van Storch is a flat earther.

What is truly ironic is Obama makes a clarion call to end partisanship on this issue and that he is more than willing to to work with anyone and listen to any new ideas.


Yes, that is ironic, but not in the way you seem to mean.

One of his mouths calls for an end to partisanship while the other bashes those who are not allied with him. This happens again and again.

Sometimes he goes a full day before he shows he doesn't mean what he says about civility and cooperation. Sometimes he doesn't last a full sentence before backsliding.

If you are as open minded and non partisan as you claim to be, do me a favor...READ the speech. Then tell me it is divisive.

'We Need to Act': Transcript of Obama's Climate Change Speech - Bloomberg

I did not claim to be nonpartisan. I am very partisan. What I said was that this statement from you was not true: "There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support." I have no love for Obama. However, he has done at least one thing I approve of -- pushed for immigration reform.

The speech is compelling. I understand why you appreciate it. However, yes, it is divisive. For a long stretch there, it wasn't. But he couldn't help himself. He probably thought that Flat Earth Society comment was especially clever. It sure got him attention. Was it worth it? Was it worth making that be the one line people remember from the speech instead of how comprehensive and positive and inspiring other parts were?
Yes, that is ironic, but not in the way you seem to mean.

One of his mouths calls for an end to partisanship while the other bashes those who are not allied with him. This happens again and again.

Sometimes he goes a full day before he shows he doesn't mean what he says about civility and cooperation. Sometimes he doesn't last a full sentence before backsliding.

If you are as open minded and non partisan as you claim to be, do me a favor...READ the speech. Then tell me it is divisive.

'We Need to Act': Transcript of Obama's Climate Change Speech - Bloomberg

I did not claim to be nonpartisan. I am very partisan. What I said was that this statement from you was not true: "There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support." I have no love for Obama. However, he has done at least one thing I approve of -- pushed for immigration reform.

The speech is compelling. I understand why you appreciate it. However, yes, it is divisive. For a long stretch there, it wasn't. But he couldn't help himself. He probably thought that Flat Earth Society comment was especially clever. It sure got him attention. Was it worth it? Was it worth making that be the one line people remember from the speech instead of how comprehensive and positive and inspiring other parts were?

The people who are butt hurt by that comment would find some other passage to pounce on. They ALWAYS have. Their hatred for our President has no bounds. AGAIN, this is a group of citizens infested with people who REALLY believe Obama is the anti-Christ.

Should we also not ridicule them for believing Obama is the anti-Christ???
If you are as open minded and non partisan as you claim to be, do me a favor...READ the speech. Then tell me it is divisive.

'We Need to Act': Transcript of Obama's Climate Change Speech - Bloomberg

I did not claim to be nonpartisan. I am very partisan. What I said was that this statement from you was not true: "There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support." I have no love for Obama. However, he has done at least one thing I approve of -- pushed for immigration reform.

The speech is compelling. I understand why you appreciate it. However, yes, it is divisive. For a long stretch there, it wasn't. But he couldn't help himself. He probably thought that Flat Earth Society comment was especially clever. It sure got him attention. Was it worth it? Was it worth making that be the one line people remember from the speech instead of how comprehensive and positive and inspiring other parts were?

The people who are butt hurt by that comment would find some other passage to pounce on. They ALWAYS have. Their hatred for our President has no bounds. AGAIN, this is a group of citizens infested with people who REALLY believe Obama is the anti-Christ.

Should we also not ridicule them for believing Obama is the anti-Christ???
How about that we just go with you being a Boikingbot and call it a day? :lol:
LOL. I just casually post unsolicited praise for Obama for the heck of it. I don't really mean it. Mmm hmm. :cuckoo:

You're a trip. A bitter trip.

Obama was rude on Tuesday. He spoke divisively. It's not a matter of partisanship to acknowledge that. It's just the facts.

He's probably frustrated. The same way a parent gets frustrated when their 5-year old's face is covered in chocolate, yet s/he insists s/he did not eat the cookies.

If I tell you the sky is red, and you say no, it's blue... Are you being divisive?
There you have it...Lolberals are your mommy and anyone who disagrees is a child.

Yes, if the entire world except some American Republicans are "lolberals," then indeed climate deniers are the errant children of the world stage, and (ahem) "Lolberals" are their mommies.

Couldn't have said it better myself, though I would have used different metaphors.
If you are as open minded and non partisan as you claim to be, do me a favor...READ the speech. Then tell me it is divisive.

'We Need to Act': Transcript of Obama's Climate Change Speech - Bloomberg

I did not claim to be nonpartisan. I am very partisan. What I said was that this statement from you was not true: "There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support." I have no love for Obama. However, he has done at least one thing I approve of -- pushed for immigration reform.

The speech is compelling. I understand why you appreciate it. However, yes, it is divisive. For a long stretch there, it wasn't. But he couldn't help himself. He probably thought that Flat Earth Society comment was especially clever. It sure got him attention. Was it worth it? Was it worth making that be the one line people remember from the speech instead of how comprehensive and positive and inspiring other parts were?

The people who are butt hurt by that comment would find some other passage to pounce on. They ALWAYS have. Their hatred for our President has no bounds. AGAIN, this is a group of citizens infested with people who REALLY believe Obama is the anti-Christ.

Should we also not ridicule them for believing Obama is the anti-Christ???

Ridicule all you want. However, keep in mind that this is at odds with the more civil behavior Obama has repeatedly claimed to favor, in between taking potshots.

Obama appears to want credit for civility, but he seems more than happy to accept applause for snarky red meat one-liners. :)

It seems to be a case of wanting to have it both ways and he's gotten away with it a lot more than he should have, and this chafes rightwingers. If there had been more honesty and less idolization, feelings wouldn't be quite so raw.

What is truly ironic is Obama makes a clarion call to end partisanship on this issue and that he is more than willing to to work with anyone and listen to any new ideas.


Yes, that is ironic, but not in the way you seem to mean.

One of his mouths calls for an end to partisanship while the other bashes those who are not allied with him. This happens again and again.

Sometimes he goes a full day before he shows he doesn't mean what he says about civility and cooperation. Sometimes he doesn't last a full sentence before backsliding.

If you are as open minded and non partisan as you claim to be, do me a favor...READ the speech. Then tell me it is divisive.

'We Need to Act': Transcript of Obama's Climate Change Speech
We have this.

So the question is not whether we need to act. The overwhelming judgment of science -- of chemistry and physics and millions of measurements -- has put all that to rest. Ninety-seven percent of scientists, including, by the way, some who originally disputed the data, have now put that to rest. They've acknowledged the planet is warming and human activity is contributing to it.

If it wasn't a partisan speech why did he only release it to supporters and environmentalists with a memo to tell them not to mention economics?
I did not claim to be nonpartisan. I am very partisan. What I said was that this statement from you was not true: "There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support." I have no love for Obama. However, he has done at least one thing I approve of -- pushed for immigration reform.

The speech is compelling. I understand why you appreciate it. However, yes, it is divisive. For a long stretch there, it wasn't. But he couldn't help himself. He probably thought that Flat Earth Society comment was especially clever. It sure got him attention. Was it worth it? Was it worth making that be the one line people remember from the speech instead of how comprehensive and positive and inspiring other parts were?

The people who are butt hurt by that comment would find some other passage to pounce on. They ALWAYS have. Their hatred for our President has no bounds. AGAIN, this is a group of citizens infested with people who REALLY believe Obama is the anti-Christ.

Should we also not ridicule them for believing Obama is the anti-Christ???

Ridicule all you want. However, keep in mind that this is at odds with the more civil behavior Obama has repeatedly claimed to favor, in between taking potshots.

Obama appears to want credit for civility, but he seems more than happy to accept applause for snarky red meat one-liners. :)

It seems to be a case of wanting to have it both ways and he's gotten away with it a lot more than he should have, and this chafes rightwingers. If there had been more honesty and less idolization, feelings wouldn't be quite so raw.

Amelia, Obama's very existence chafes right wingers. There is a large segment of right wingers who don't even recognize Obama is legitimately the President of the United States. Can you explain away the birthers any other way? You criticize Obama and give a COMPLETE pass to all the right wingers who have gone way beyond divisive.

Could he have left that line out? Sure, but as I said, the people who are butt hurt by that comment would find some other passage to pounce on. They ALWAYS have. And low and behold Quantum Windbag just made my point. Their hatred for our President has no bounds. There is NOTHING Obama says or does that will not bring out their hatred.
He's probably frustrated. The same way a parent gets frustrated when their 5-year old's face is covered in chocolate, yet s/he insists s/he did not eat the cookies.

If I tell you the sky is red, and you say no, it's blue... Are you being divisive?
There you have it...Lolberals are your mommy and anyone who disagrees is a child.

Yes, if the entire world except some American Republicans are "lolberals," then indeed climate deniers are the errant children of the world stage, and (ahem) "Lolberals" are their mommies.

Couldn't have said it better myself, though I would have used different metaphors.
No, the metaphor is just right.

It perfectly encapsulates the haughty hubris of the modern do-gooder lolberal.

You all are the mommies and anyone who disagrees is a little child.

Fuck off.
Completely appropriate. You people are totally in denial of the present reality.
What reality might that be?

The reality of a rapidly warmng and changing climate. The reality of ocean acidification. The reality of sea level rise. The reality of how the GHGs work. The reality of worldwide glacial retreat, the reality of the loss of Arctic Sea Ice, and what that means to our climate.

Now, time for you to post data that supports those claims.
Not a story. Not some opinion piece some guy wrote after talking to a so called scientist hired by an environmental advocacy group.
The only reality is the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Not one of you global warming, stop using fossil fuels today enviro nazis has ever addressed the historical records of extremely warm winters.....in the 13th and 14th centuries. Has ever so much as touched the end of the ice age.. or any other historical climate anomaly.
No. with you people it's your hand wringing over SUV's and lawn mowers.
Unless of course someone takes a swipe at you carting your little cupcakes to soccer practice 5 times a week. Or when people get pissed off because the President one day says we are killing the planet with hydrocarbons and the next he's traveling half way around the world in a fucking 747 which will burn several hundred thousand pounds of kerosene....Which is made from .....GASP!!!!! OIL..
Oh, have you looked around you once in a while and pointed out all of the things NOT made with some petroleum derivative?
This approach your side has, all or nothing, will never work.
Obama has this idea in his head that he can ram his energy agenda down our throats. Like we're just going to sit here and take it.
Now, get to work and find the science.

I know this makes me look like a hippy... but srsly ppl :cool:

Your chart is highly inaccurate.. Actually, the Oil companies LOVE all the pork subsidies that are available for "alternatives".. You'll find they've issued a bunch of feel-good confirmations about Global Warming. In fact, at one time BP petrol was the worlds leader in solar installations.

And on the other side, there isn't a big push from Green lobbies in terms of money to promote this farce. Not required when every govt on the planet is providing OBSCENE amounts of grant money, subsidies and tax breaks to drive this agenda. And turning all their scientific resources towards INSISTING that the Earth is so fragile that a couple degree rise will lead to CATASTROPHIC acceleration of that warming. The projected warming from CO2 is merely the "trigger" function for this sketchy theory.

Just like NSA lost it's primary motivation for funding --- the "evil empire" got vanquished. And NOW they get a brand new spy palace in Utah and a mainstream role in spying on US... The enviro movement was running low on REAL enviro causes and had to invent a new raison d'etre. The whole movement is packaged for 4th grade consumption. A single (fairly meaningless number) representing the temp of the entire globe averaged over a year. The inflated impact of CO2 on the warming that's been occuring for a couple centuries, and a list of imagined horrors that are happening RIGHT NOW.. All because of a 1 degF increase in "Mean Global Surface Temperature" over your lifetime..
Ain' that the truth.
Barack 57 States Asthma Breathalyzer Obama calling others "flat earthers"


Just totally pricelesd

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Really 'cute'... but the POINT you failed miserably to comprehend, is the only way we are going to end violations of our civil liberties like the Patriot Act is a national dialog and BI-partisan support. Neither party is going to put their neck in a guillotine. IF Obama had ended the Patriot Act and there were another 9/11 attack, Republicans and conservatives would use that as an ax on Obama and Democrats...sissy liberals, soft on terrorism blah, blah, blah...

That is the reality. Maybe you are too naive to comprehend it?

I'm not part of that circle-jerk bud. Talk to someone who cares about your current political cartels.. I vote Libertarian and my views don't change election to election.

Now what about that FRAGILE Earth theory that you support? You didn't reply to my last post except to score some phantom political points on some imaginary target..

Sure, provide a link to the theory you claim I support.Just not some polluter funded 'think tank'.

I am skeptical about what you believe. You have already vehemently defended polluters without a PEEP about defending every human's right to breath clean air. So your libertarianism is a defiled or polluted...LOL

Not defending polluters. I'm denying that CO2 is a pollutant. The natural land/ocean exchange of this "pollutant" is over 700GTon/yr.. Man contributes 30GTon/yr. (and of that amount about 30% is misattributed to man because of domestic livestock, but that's another story). Any component naturally cycling to the tune of 25 times MORE than man emits --- is simply not a pollutant.

I watch in awe as the Weather Channel purposely and masterfully conflates "air pollution" with CO2 and AGWarming. You should proud of this landmark deception..

Sorry you rejected your own theory with your past comment about the Earth not being fragile. It IS hard to buy the whole AGW theory when you understand that it DEPENDS on a fragile climate. NOT SORRY that you didn't know that the temp rise from CO2 forcing ALONE is less than 1degC for the next doubling of CO2 (from about 250ppm to 500ppm). And that the NEXT doubling of CO2 will cause EVEN LESS of a temp change..

This is BASIC science of AGW and warmers and skeptics ALIKE ACCEPT THIS BASELINE fact. So I'll leave it to you -- to educate yourself.. But here's a couple hints to get ya started.

From the mouth of the Prophet..

CO2 would directly cause about 1.2ºC of warming if it doubled, without any feedbacks Hansen 1984

The 10 Most-Respected Global Warming Skeptics - Business Insider

Will Happer is another, highly-respected physicist out of Princeton who compares the anti-CO2 crowd to the prohibitionists prior to the passage of the 18th Amendment. While he does acknowledge long-term warming, he thinks the influence of CO2 is vastly overstated, and that the benefits of a modest reduction in it will be negligible.

In testimony to Congress, he used the following analogy what he means:

The earth's climate really is strongly affected by the greenhouse effect, although the physics is not the same as that which makes real, glassed-in greenhouses work. Without greenhouse warming, the earth would be much too cold to sustain its current abundance of life. However, at least 90% of greenhouse warming is due to water vapor and clouds. Carbon dioxide is a bit player. There is little argument in the scientific community that a direct effect of doubling the CO2 concentration will be a small increase of the earth's temperature -- on the order of one degree. Additional increments of CO2 will cause relatively less direct warming because we already have so much CO2 in the atmosphere that it has blocked most of the infrared radiation that it can.

Don't like that basic fact from those sources ?? Go digging in the IPCC 2007 report. It's part of WG-1 AR4.. Basic AGREED upon tenet of GW theory.. I buy it. Hansen buys it. It's just that the propaganda for public consumption which you've feasted on leads you to believe that CO2 ALONE is responsible for those hysterical claims of a 6degC rise over this century.

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