Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’

A. Played at campaign headquarters? That link says a Paul Shanklin parody CD was handed out by one person to some RNC members. It does not say the song was played at campaign headquarters.

B. Barack the Magic Negro was a meme introduced by a black liberal.

C. The parody on the black liberal's comments was written after Obama had already called half of his would-be constituency bitter clingers.

The question stands, do you fall in line and support someone who has slammed you? If you forgive them once, do you keep forgiving them when they do it over and over? If so, get help.

Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.


I knew Obama was a scam artist all along. Others, who are still hanging onto the notion that he's a great guy, are people that hate the system and are happy to see it fall.
[[Image deleted for readability]] FlaCalTenn

I know this makes me look like a hippy... but srsly ppl :cool:

Your chart is highly inaccurate.. Actually, the Oil companies LOVE all the pork subsidies that are available for "alternatives".. You'll find they've issued a bunch of feel-good confirmations about Global Warming. In fact, at one time BP petrol was the worlds leader in solar installations.

And on the other side, there isn't a big push from Green lobbies in terms of money to promote this farce. Not required when every govt on the planet is providing OBSCENE amounts of grant money, subsidies and tax breaks to drive this agenda. And turning all their scientific resources towards INSISTING that the Earth is so fragile that a couple degree rise will lead to CATASTROPHIC acceleration of that warming. The projected warming from CO2 is merely the "trigger" function for this sketchy theory.

Just like NSA lost it's primary motivation for funding --- the "evil empire" got vanquished. And NOW they get a brand new spy palace in Utah and a mainstream role in spying on US... The enviro movement was running low on REAL enviro causes and had to invent a new raison d'etre. The whole movement is packaged for 4th grade consumption. A single (fairly meaningless number) representing the temp of the entire globe averaged over a year. The inflated impact of CO2 on the warming that's been occuring for a couple centuries, and a list of imagined horrors that are happening RIGHT NOW.. All because of a 1 degF increase in "Mean Global Surface Temperature" over your lifetime..

The 'Earth' is not fragile at all. The 'Earth' can withstand a 1000 degree rise in temperature. It is humans and the conditions that support human existence that is fragile, VERY fragile.

If we had a true free market economy that properly valued our resources polluters would be out of business, because dirty, toxic sources like coal are the MOST expensive source of electricity. If we had a true free market economy, polluters would be forced to internalize their costs instead of taxpayers paying OBSCENE amounts of subsidies, tax breaks, taxes, medical bills and lost working days due to toxic pollution.

You are so confused... What with you jumping to pollution and externalities and IGNORING what your Theory of AGW actually says..

It says that a couple degree rise in temperature FROM ANY SOURCE is a "trigger" that will cause the Earth to go into accelerated death throes of warming due to a myriad of projected or imagined feedbacks. It DOES state that the climate is fragile and that we are literally sitting on a JUNKER of planet with a death wish.. Literally, you believe that we are holding the deed to a ginormous FUEL-AIR time bomb with a short fuse..

You ignore all this when your OWN THEORY states that the temperature forcing from CO2 ALONE is not likely to exceed 1 or 2degC in this century. Let's mitigate THAT eh?
I acknowledge THAT as in the realm of the possible.. Me --- A FLAT EARTHER !!!!

But instead -- you declare your own BREATH as a pollutant. Overlook the fizz on your polluting beer and JUMP RIGHT TO sweeping public policy pronouncements and a blizzard of propaganda and spin to support this anti-growth, anti-progress jihad..

Wouldn't be so freaking obnoxious -- if your Dear Leader HAD an alternative plan and path. But INSTEAD all he has is an urgent need to turn off your lights..
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I know this makes me look like a hippy... but srsly ppl :cool:
No, it makes you look like an easily led idiot.
You mean while Republicans were playing "Barack the Magic Negro" at campaign headquarters?

A. Played at campaign headquarters? That link says a Paul Shanklin parody CD was handed out by one person to some RNC members. It does not say the song was played at campaign headquarters.

B. Barack the Magic Negro was a meme introduced by a black liberal.

C. The parody on the black liberal's comments was written after Obama had already called half of his would-be constituency bitter clingers.

The question stands, do you fall in line and support someone who has slammed you? If you forgive them once, do you keep forgiving them when they do it over and over? If so, get help.

Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.

Wrongo --- mr propanganda.. He COULD HAVE protected my Civil Liberties from the Patriot Act or STOPPED BOMBING 4 different countries a month.. But, alas, I too was crushed by his ineptness and lack of principles..
A. Played at campaign headquarters? That link says a Paul Shanklin parody CD was handed out by one person to some RNC members. It does not say the song was played at campaign headquarters.

B. Barack the Magic Negro was a meme introduced by a black liberal.

C. The parody on the black liberal's comments was written after Obama had already called half of his would-be constituency bitter clingers.

The question stands, do you fall in line and support someone who has slammed you? If you forgive them once, do you keep forgiving them when they do it over and over? If so, get help.

Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.


Sure, got a bridge to sell me too?
Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.


Sure, got a bridge to sell me too?

Just the other day, I posted that one good thing about Obama being president was immigration reform. It needs to happen and I didn't see it happening with a Republican president.

Now go take your sycophantic defense of Obama's asshattery somewhere else.
A. Played at campaign headquarters? That link says a Paul Shanklin parody CD was handed out by one person to some RNC members. It does not say the song was played at campaign headquarters.

B. Barack the Magic Negro was a meme introduced by a black liberal.

C. The parody on the black liberal's comments was written after Obama had already called half of his would-be constituency bitter clingers.

The question stands, do you fall in line and support someone who has slammed you? If you forgive them once, do you keep forgiving them when they do it over and over? If so, get help.

Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.

Wrongo --- mr propanganda.. He COULD HAVE protected my Civil Liberties from the Patriot Act or STOPPED BOMBING 4 different countries a month.. But, alas, I too was crushed by his ineptness and lack of principles..
Or closed GITMO, or stopped spending like a drunken Kennedy and raising debt ceilings, or ended no-bid contracts, or allowed importation of prescription medications, or more congressional ethics oversight, or put bills up on the internet for 5 days before signing anything.....

All promises that he bailed on.
and just thinking out loud, the $2 billion Obama has earmarked for climate change "research" wont effect the integrity of climate scientists in any way would it ? nah, it couldnt.....
Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.

Wrongo --- mr propanganda.. He COULD HAVE protected my Civil Liberties from the Patriot Act or STOPPED BOMBING 4 different countries a month.. But, alas, I too was crushed by his ineptness and lack of principles..
Or closed GITMO, or stopped spending like a drunken Kennedy and raising debt ceilings, or ended no-bid contracts, or allowed importation of prescription medications, or more congressional ethics oversight, or put bills up on the internet for 5 days before signing anything.....

All promises that he bailed on.

Yeah.. All that stuff too... :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
A. Played at campaign headquarters? That link says a Paul Shanklin parody CD was handed out by one person to some RNC members. It does not say the song was played at campaign headquarters.

B. Barack the Magic Negro was a meme introduced by a black liberal.

C. The parody on the black liberal's comments was written after Obama had already called half of his would-be constituency bitter clingers.

The question stands, do you fall in line and support someone who has slammed you? If you forgive them once, do you keep forgiving them when they do it over and over? If so, get help.

Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.

Wrongo --- mr propanganda.. He COULD HAVE protected my Civil Liberties from the Patriot Act or STOPPED BOMBING 4 different countries a month.. But, alas, I too was crushed by his ineptness and lack of principles..

And it would be nice if dogs could fly, then my three legged Malamute could make it down the stairs without a harness.

Yea, I can hear it now if there were another terrorist attack on domestic soil...

ALL the right wing Islamophobia crowd who cheered the Patriot Act, suspension of habeas corpus, Gitmo, the creation of the over-bloated bureaucracy Fatherland Security and torture of human beings would praise Obama for protected "my" Civil Liberties.
Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.

Wrongo --- mr propanganda.. He COULD HAVE protected my Civil Liberties from the Patriot Act or STOPPED BOMBING 4 different countries a month.. But, alas, I too was crushed by his ineptness and lack of principles..

And it would be nice if dogs could fly, then my three legged Malamute could make it down the stairs without a harness.

Yea, I can hear it now if there were another terrorist attack on domestic soil...

ALL the right wing Islamophobia crowd who cheered the Patriot Act, suspension of habeas corpus, Gitmo, the creation of the over-bloated bureaucracy Fatherland Security and torture of human beings would praise Obama for protected "my" Civil Liberties.
Left wing freaks had a BIG hand in creating USAPATRIOT Act, the Department of Fatherland Security, and helping in the bloating of the bureaucracy, you brain dead hack.
this is your ugly President calling YOU the people he SUPPOSEDLY Represents names...you voted for it:clap2:

By Justin Sink - 06/25/13 02:40 PM ET

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."

"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."

Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.

all of it here
Read more: Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ?flat-Earth society? - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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I'm guessing to distract him from all the scandals, his staff decided to play some movies for him and someone made the mistake of playing The Day After Tomorrow and 2012. The he came up with the bright idea of using the GW fiction to obfuscate away from his problems. Smartest.President.Ever........
Try being honest for ONCE in your life. There is NOTHING Obama could do or could have done that would gain your support.

Wrongo --- mr propanganda.. He COULD HAVE protected my Civil Liberties from the Patriot Act or STOPPED BOMBING 4 different countries a month.. But, alas, I too was crushed by his ineptness and lack of principles..

And it would be nice if dogs could fly, then my three legged Malamute could make it down the stairs without a harness.

Yea, I can hear it now if there were another terrorist attack on domestic soil...

ALL the right wing Islamophobia crowd who cheered the Patriot Act, suspension of habeas corpus, Gitmo, the creation of the over-bloated bureaucracy Fatherland Security and torture of human beings would praise Obama for protected "my" Civil Liberties.

Here's my new BFGrn refocusing response.

"... Green-Weenie agenda? As you open your pie hole, it is becoming more and more clear you are a right wing regressive Koch sucker..."
Repeat after me, BFGRN...

"OK, Kondor, ya caught me. I'd been dealing with anti-Obama types for a while and your comment about his becoming increasingly rude just rubbed me the wrong way and I lumped you in together with some of the raging anti-Obama types kinda automatically. My bad."

See? Now, don't you feel better?

But... no... that won't help you, because you're so married to an agenda and defending Obama and propagandizing that you can probably be labeled as an ObamaBot with some considerable justification.

You even take your 'rudeness' cue from Fearless Leader and you may not even be capable of realizing that you have become even more Dogmatic than those whom you seek to oppose.

Dogmatists and other forms of Fanatic have long-since lost their objectivity and ability to absorb criticism without overreacting in some really strange and unusual ways.

They have Deprogramming Camps for lost-soul hyper-partisans which may be of some use to you, should you choose to seek help for your affliction.

Meanwhile, keep your Amateur-Hour politically-saturated Magical Mystery Tour summations for someone who gives a $hit, Sparky.

Rude People defending an increasingly rude President.

Now there's a big friggin' surprise.


Oh, and, re: the Handle...

Buy a vowel or sumfin' fer Crissakes, will ya?
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Wrongo --- mr propanganda.. He COULD HAVE protected my Civil Liberties from the Patriot Act or STOPPED BOMBING 4 different countries a month.. But, alas, I too was crushed by his ineptness and lack of principles..

And it would be nice if dogs could fly, then my three legged Malamute could make it down the stairs without a harness.

Yea, I can hear it now if there were another terrorist attack on domestic soil...

ALL the right wing Islamophobia crowd who cheered the Patriot Act, suspension of habeas corpus, Gitmo, the creation of the over-bloated bureaucracy Fatherland Security and torture of human beings would praise Obama for protected "my" Civil Liberties.

Here's my new BFGrn refocusing response.


Really 'cute'... but the POINT you failed miserably to comprehend, is the only way we are going to end violations of our civil liberties like the Patriot Act is a national dialog and BI-partisan support. Neither party is going to put their neck in a guillotine. IF Obama had ended the Patriot Act and there were another 9/11 attack, Republicans and conservatives would use that as an ax on Obama and Democrats...sissy liberals, soft on terrorism blah, blah, blah...

That is the reality. Maybe you are too naive to comprehend it?
"... Green-Weenie agenda? As you open your pie hole, it is becoming more and more clear you are a right wing regressive Koch sucker..."
Repeat after me, BFGRN...

"OK, Kondor, ya caught me. I'd been dealing with anti-Obama types for a while and your comment about his becoming increasingly rude just rubbed me the wrong way and I lumped you in together with some of the raging anti-Obama types kinda automatically. My bad."

See? Now, don't you feel better?

But... no... that won't help you, because you're so married to an agenda and defending Obama and propagandizing that you can probably be labeled as an ObamaBot with some considerable justification.

You even take your 'rudeness' cue from Fearless Leader and you may not even be capable of realizing that you have become even more Dogmatic than those whom you seek to oppose.

Dogmatists and other forms of Fanatic have long-since lost their objectivity and ability to absorb criticism without overreacting in some really strange and unusual ways.

They have Deprogramming Camps for lost-soul hyper-partisans which may be of some use to you, should you choose to seek help for your affliction.

Meanwhile, keep your Amateur-Hour politically-saturated Magical Mystery Tour summations for someone who gives a $hit, Sparky.

Rude People defending an increasingly rude President.

Now there's a big friggin' surprise.


Oh, and, re: the Handle...

Buy a vowel or sumfin' fer Crissakes, will ya?

Pretty 'rude' reply there 'sparky'...:eek:

I am very much a realist. Maybe you need to understand that being a liberal does not equate to being a shrinking violet. It doesn't mean you cower to ignorant people.

You know what is REALLY rude sparky? Pollution. It is as rude as it gets. It has no respect or decorum.

You are the one who revealed your ignorance with the your 'green weenie' dogma.

Please feel free to expand on the 'green weenie' dogma. I'd love to hear it...
"...Please feel free to expand on the 'green weenie' dogma. I'd love to hear it..."
The rudeness of the reply was matched to the rudeness of the opening remarks.

I couldn't give a $hit less about your Green agenda and really don't feel like dealing with it.

Especially in connection with a hair-trigger Dogmatic who goes 'rude' at the drop of a hat.

Not my idea of fun on a grey, overcast afternoon here in Illinois.
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And it would be nice if dogs could fly, then my three legged Malamute could make it down the stairs without a harness.

Yea, I can hear it now if there were another terrorist attack on domestic soil...

ALL the right wing Islamophobia crowd who cheered the Patriot Act, suspension of habeas corpus, Gitmo, the creation of the over-bloated bureaucracy Fatherland Security and torture of human beings would praise Obama for protected "my" Civil Liberties.

Here's my new BFGrn refocusing response.


Really 'cute'... but the POINT you failed miserably to comprehend, is the only way we are going to end violations of our civil liberties like the Patriot Act is a national dialog and BI-partisan support. Neither party is going to put their neck in a guillotine. IF Obama had ended the Patriot Act and there were another 9/11 attack, Republicans and conservatives would use that as an ax on Obama and Democrats...sissy liberals, soft on terrorism blah, blah, blah...

That is the reality. Maybe you are too naive to comprehend it?

I'm not part of that circle-jerk bud. Talk to someone who cares about your current political cartels.. I vote Libertarian and my views don't change election to election.

Now what about that FRAGILE Earth theory that you support? You didn't reply to my last post except to score some phantom political points on some imaginary target..
Kind of ironic since the flat earthers were the ones that ignored the scientific data like the global warming worshipers.

Really? Just because every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger is certainly no reason the think that science supports the idea of global warming, right?

Your statement is about as dumb as they come. All the scientific evidence is that the climate is rapidly changing with serious results and consequences for all of us.

argumentum ad populum. Or the head count fallacy. Logical fallacies never win an argument.

“The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, skepticism is the highest of duties: blind faith the one unpardonable sin.” - T.H. Huxley
"...Please feel free to expand on the 'green weenie' dogma. I'd love to hear it..."
The rudeness of the reply was matched to the rudeness of the opening remarks.

I couldn't give a $hit less about your Green agenda and really don't feel like dealing with it.

Especially in connection with a hair-trigger Dogmatic who goes 'rude' at the drop of a hat.

Not my idea of fun on a grey, overcast afternoon here in Illinois.

Oh, so you have an excuse for your rudeness. I see...

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