Obama & modern liberals have destroyed the racial progress we were making in this country.

Racism has been promoted because the racist were given a seemingly legitimate status and platform from the Republican Party and conservatives via the Tea Party. Viewing of early Tea Party Rallies and the many racist signs dispersed throughout the crowds and marches make this obvious and undeniable. The Republicans needed support and allowed themselves to be infiltrated by the extremist right thinking they could adjust and balance at a later date. They couldn't and didn't. The Tea's gave the hard core racist an entry and they never left. Just reading the pages and threads here confirms it. You don't see liberals being blatant and obscene racist of the lowest kind. Those aren't liberals depicting the first family with monkey faces in their avatars or calling teenage blacks feral ghetto apes. A day doesn't go by that conservative posters here don't show disgusting signs of racism. To conservative here, racism is when a person comments about a white police officer killing and unarmed American who happens to be black. Americans are racist when they question why a police officer has to assault a bikini clad 14 year old girl, who happens to be black.

Lying again, scumbag?

Well, you're part of the Khmer Rouge, can't exactly expect integrity from you, can we?
You might be taking your village idiot ID thing to seriously. You are in no danger of loosing your status, although there are a few like finger boy taking nips at you. You could be going to far by trying to convince people that opponents of your nonsense and goofy ideas are Cambodian communist or followers of their dead leader.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.

Um...racism is as American as baseball and apple pie. For a while it was hidden below the surface; as more and more of us understood the history of race in America those raised in racist families kept their opinions to others like them, for fear that they would be ostracized by civilized citizens.

Then a black man was nominated for the office of POTUS and all hell broke loose. Yeah, racism exists and no amount of denial by a racist can hide their hate.
So Obama provided inadequate leadership which resulted in kids without tickets climbing a fence at a concert.

States, not the federal government and certainly not Obama control welfare payments. State legislatures and the US congress control the amount and time limits on welfare payments. Federal programs such as food stamps and SSI are controlled by congress. Claiming the president is responsible for what people receive in government welfare programs is incorrect and just plain silly.
So Obama provided inadequate leadership which resulted in kids without tickets climbing a fence at a concert.

He's just an inadequate leader for the black community. A real leader doesn't dangle a welfare check from a pole and say "follow me."
States, not the federal government and certainly not Obama control welfare payments. State legislatures and the US congress control the amount and time limits on welfare payments. Federal programs such as food stamps and SSI are controlled by congress. Claiming the president is responsible for what people receive in government welfare programs is incorrect and just plain silly.
Did you ever think that perhaps there never was racial progress. It was a coat of paint on a derelict house. It was a bandaid on gangrene. It was a story we told ourselves that was never true.
Actually it's real....but one-sided.

Whites knew things had changed but blacks weren't aware as long as they stayed in their proper place and remain authentically black........and vote Democrat.

Once they leave the poor neighborhoods and try to mix with the rest of American society and try to fit in.....they discover that most of the racism is their own.
You might be taking your village idiot ID thing to seriously. You are in no danger of loosing your status, although there are a few like finger boy taking nips at you. You could be going to far by trying to convince people that opponents of your nonsense and goofy ideas are Cambodian communist or followers of their dead leader.

There was a time when you merely equaled Josef Goebbels with the slander and libel you spouted, but as you have gone into greater panic, all stops are off and only the Khmer Rouge matches the lies and smut that you use to defame the enemies of the party.

I get it, you and your filthy party are in full meltdown; Hillary was supposed to be a coronation. Two years ago, ALL of you demanded that we need not even have an election, Hillary would be queen, no questions asked. But then reality struck, and the criminal acts of the Clinton Crime Family got ever more exposure - the point that even party press was forced to condemn her.

Now it's clear to you that there is no way in hell that Hillary will be president - no matter how many illegals you ship in, no matter how many dead vote in Florida, California, and Chicago; Hillary is damaged beyond repair.


Now you are stuck - who are you going to run in her stead? Bernie Sanders? ROFLMAO...

So what can you do other than be a feral baboon and fling feces? Same old stupid lies, your hate of the Tea Party, your hate of Sarah Palin, Your hate of white people, your hate of Christians.. But all the hate you spew cannot change the fact that Hillary is done, and you have no one to replace her.
And yet...........he's managed to get a lot farther and become a lot more successful than you, hasn't he?

The really entertaining part is how he did it: by being black, burying his past and building a Messianic myth with the active cooperation of the Democrats' pocketed media allies.

It's obvious that had he been white, Hillary would have been the nominee in 2008.
It's true. When President Obama was elected all the racist pieces of shit in the country went ballistic, fed off their own vileness, and infected many of those around them......
Did you ever think that perhaps there never was racial progress. It was a coat of paint on a derelict house. It was a bandaid on gangrene. It was a story we told ourselves that was never true.
There has certainly been a lot of progress, just not as much as we would like.
  • In 1940, 60 percent of employed black women worked as domestic servants; today the number is down to 2.2 percent, while 60 percent hold white- collar jobs.
  • In 1958, 44 percent of whites said they would move if a black family became their next door neighbor; today the figure is 1 percent.
  • In 1964, the year the Civil Rights Act was passed, only 18 percent of whites claimed to have a friend who was black; today 86 percent say they do, while 87 percent of blacks assert they have white friends.
  • 40 percent of African Americans now consider themselves members of the middle class. Forty-two percent own their own homes, a figure that rises to 75 percent if we look just at black married couples.
  • In 1964, white high school graduation was twice that of blacks. In 2013, black graduation rate was only 5% below whites.
The progress blacks have made is overshadowed by racial tensions and political issues.

Black Progress How far we ve come and how far we have to go Brookings Institution
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Did you ever think that perhaps there never was racial progress. It was a coat of paint on a derelict house. It was a bandaid on gangrene. It was a story we told ourselves that was never true.
There has certainly been a lot of progress, just not as much as we would like.
  • In 1940, 60 percent of employed black women worked as domestic servants; today the number is down to 2.2 percent, while 60 percent hold white- collar jobs.
  • In 1958, 44 percent of whites said they would move if a black family became their next door neighbor; today the figure is 1 percent.
  • In 1964, the year the Civil Rights Act was passed, only 18 percent of whites claimed to have a friend who was black; today 86 percent say they do, while 87 percent of blacks assert they have white friends.
  • 40 percent of African Americans now consider themselves members of the middle class. Forty-two percent own their own homes, a figure that rises to 75 percent if we look just at black married couples.
  • In 1964, white high school graduation was twice that of blacks. In 2013, black graduation rate was only 5% below whites.
The progress blacks have made is overshadowed by racial tensions and political issues.

Black Progress How far we ve come and how far we have to go Brookings Institution
Now for the rest of the story.....

Black Americans Are Worse Off Under Obama National Review Online

• When Obama entered office on January 20, 2009, U.S. unemployment stood at 7.8 percent. By April 2014, that Bureau of Labor Statistics figure had fallen to 6.3 percent — a modest improvement. Among blacks overall, joblessness dropped, though less significantly — from 12.7 to 11.6 percent. But for blacks aged 16 to 19, unemployment grew from 35.3 to 36.8 percent. • Obama’s somewhat more sanguine unemployment numbers, such as they are, seem less about job growth and more about people simply abandoning the workforce — whereupon they conveniently exit the unemployment rate. The more revealing labor-force-participation rate thus fell from 65.7 percent in January 2009 to 62.8 percent last month, a portrait of disengagement last witnessed in March 1978. For black adults, that number slipped from 63.2 to 60.9 percent. While 29.6 percent of blacks aged 16 to 19 were working when Obama took power, only 27.9 percent were employed last month. ADVERTISING • Poverty has increased under Obama. Overall, 14.3 percent of Americans were below the poverty line in January 2009, versus 15.0 percent in 2012, according to the latest available data from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. Similarly, the share of black Americans living in poverty expanded from 25.8 to 27.2 percent. • Inflation-adjusted median household income fell across America, from $53,285 in 2009 to $51,017 in 2012, the most recent Census Bureau data indicate. Blacks slid, too, from $34,880 to $33,321 — and at a much lower income level. • America’s population of food-stamp recipients soared overall from 32,889,000 in 2009 to 46,022,000 in 2012, the latest Agriculture Department statistics show. For blacks, the analogous numbers are 7,393,000 when Obama arrived to 10,955,000 in 2012. • In spite of $275 billion in housing-market bailouts that Obama unveiled in his first month in office, home ownership actually has waned. In the first quarter of 2009, 67.3 percent of Americans owned homes. By 1Q 2014, that Census Bureau figure was 64.8 percent. Meanwhile, black home ownership during this interval sagged from 46.1 to 43.3 percent.

Read more at: Black Americans Are Worse Off Under Obama National Review Online
Did you ever think that perhaps there never was racial progress. It was a coat of paint on a derelict house. It was a bandaid on gangrene. It was a story we told ourselves that was never true.
There has certainly been a lot of progress, just not as much as we would like.
  • In 1940, 60 percent of employed black women worked as domestic servants; today the number is down to 2.2 percent, while 60 percent hold white- collar jobs.
  • In 1958, 44 percent of whites said they would move if a black family became their next door neighbor; today the figure is 1 percent.
  • In 1964, the year the Civil Rights Act was passed, only 18 percent of whites claimed to have a friend who was black; today 86 percent say they do, while 87 percent of blacks assert they have white friends.
  • 40 percent of African Americans now consider themselves members of the middle class. Forty-two percent own their own homes, a figure that rises to 75 percent if we look just at black married couples.
  • In 1964, white high school graduation was twice that of blacks. In 2013, black graduation rate was only 5% below whites.
The progress blacks have made is overshadowed by racial tensions and political issues.

Black Progress How far we ve come and how far we have to go Brookings Institution
Now for the rest of the story.....

Black Americans Are Worse Off Under Obama National Review Online

• When Obama entered office on January 20, 2009, U.S. unemployment stood at 7.8 percent. By April 2014, that Bureau of Labor Statistics figure had fallen to 6.3 percent — a modest improvement. Among blacks overall, joblessness dropped, though less significantly — from 12.7 to 11.6 percent. But for blacks aged 16 to 19, unemployment grew from 35.3 to 36.8 percent. • Obama’s somewhat more sanguine unemployment numbers, such as they are, seem less about job growth and more about people simply abandoning the workforce — whereupon they conveniently exit the unemployment rate. The more revealing labor-force-participation rate thus fell from 65.7 percent in January 2009 to 62.8 percent last month, a portrait of disengagement last witnessed in March 1978. For black adults, that number slipped from 63.2 to 60.9 percent. While 29.6 percent of blacks aged 16 to 19 were working when Obama took power, only 27.9 percent were employed last month. ADVERTISING • Poverty has increased under Obama. Overall, 14.3 percent of Americans were below the poverty line in January 2009, versus 15.0 percent in 2012, according to the latest available data from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. Similarly, the share of black Americans living in poverty expanded from 25.8 to 27.2 percent. • Inflation-adjusted median household income fell across America, from $53,285 in 2009 to $51,017 in 2012, the most recent Census Bureau data indicate. Blacks slid, too, from $34,880 to $33,321 — and at a much lower income level. • America’s population of food-stamp recipients soared overall from 32,889,000 in 2009 to 46,022,000 in 2012, the latest Agriculture Department statistics show. For blacks, the analogous numbers are 7,393,000 when Obama arrived to 10,955,000 in 2012. • In spite of $275 billion in housing-market bailouts that Obama unveiled in his first month in office, home ownership actually has waned. In the first quarter of 2009, 67.3 percent of Americans owned homes. By 1Q 2014, that Census Bureau figure was 64.8 percent. Meanwhile, black home ownership during this interval sagged from 46.1 to 43.3 percent.

Read more at: Black Americans Are Worse Off Under Obama National Review Online
You're cherry picking your number. Black unemployment peaked at 16.8% in March 2010. By June 2014, Black unemployment had fallen to 11%.

Graph Unemployment Rate Black or African American - FRED - St. Louis Fed
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
For fuck sake, what did Obama do to contribute to this?
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
For fuck sake, what did Obama do to contribute to this?
Well, he's president. So he's responsible for black unemployment as well as white unemployment, global warming, ISIS attacks on Iraq, spread of Ebola and flash foods in California. The bucks stops here.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
For fuck sake, what did Obama do to contribute to this?
Well, he's president. So he's responsible for black unemployment as well as white unemployment, global warming, ISIS attacks on Iraq, spread of Ebola and flash foods in California. The bucks stops here.
He is responsible for running his mouth.
He is responsible for sending people to the funerals of criminals.
He is responsible for portraying criminals as victims.
He is responsible for always judging racially charged cases early.
He is responsible for always being wrong in that judgment.
Cops acting stupidly & if I had a son, are the comments of a race hustler not a sitting president.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
For fuck sake, what did Obama do to contribute to this?
Well, he's president. So he's responsible for black unemployment as well as white unemployment, global warming, ISIS attacks on Iraq, spread of Ebola and flash foods in California. The bucks stops here.
He is responsible for running his mouth.
He is responsible for sending people to the funerals of criminals.
He is responsible for portraying criminals as victims.
He is responsible for always judging racially charged cases early.
He is responsible for always being wrong in that judgment.
Cops acting stupidly & if I had a son, are the comments of a race hustler not a sitting president.
And of course, he's responsible for destroying American healthcare education, law enforce, the constitution, the military, the economy, and my lawnmower. In less than 2 years we'll have someone else to blame for the destruction of America and life as we know. I can hardly wait.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
For fuck sake, what did Obama do to contribute to this?
Well, he's president. So he's responsible for black unemployment as well as white unemployment, global warming, ISIS attacks on Iraq, spread of Ebola and flash foods in California. The bucks stops here.
He is responsible for running his mouth.
He is responsible for sending people to the funerals of criminals.
He is responsible for portraying criminals as victims.
He is responsible for always judging racially charged cases early.
He is responsible for always being wrong in that judgment.
Cops acting stupidly & if I had a son, are the comments of a race hustler not a sitting president.
And of course, he's responsible for destroying American healthcare education, law enforce, the constitution, the military, the economy, and my lawnmower. In less than 2 years we'll have someone else to blame for the destruction of America and life as we know. I can hardly wait.

Your response was ridiculous and in no way a rebuttal to my comments. Par for the course for the dumbfucks that frequent this board.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.

And Obama is responsible for white cops slamming black girls to the ground and a crowd of blacks trying to get into a concert?

How did we have the Watts riots without him?
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.

And Obama is responsible for white cops slamming black girls to the ground and a crowd of blacks trying to get into a concert?

How did we have the Watts riots without him?
Is he responsible for the Watts riots too?
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.

And Obama is responsible for white cops slamming black girls to the ground and a crowd of blacks trying to get into a concert?

How did we have the Watts riots without him?
Is he responsible for the Watts riots too?
He must be.

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