Obama & modern liberals have destroyed the racial progress we were making in this country.

What about the rodney king riots and the liberty city riots....do you blame those on the sitting white Presidents at the time?
Of course not. The presidents then did not personally interfere & stoke the racial flames with stupid fucking comments or send their henchmen to the funerals of fallen thugs.
I dunno? Wasn't that about the time Presidential Candidate Reagan began stumping his speech on "Welfare Queens Driving Cadillacs"?
Having a sober agreement over complex issues is getting harder the more people are involved - in terms of racial rift any of the smallest mistakes can create a huge rift and not everyone realizes it.
The biggest threat can ever be to America and every other country by the way is a social rift - race, gender, religion , language - in the end they're all the same.
If race is being magnified by an individual - he is "considered" racist, if not - he (or she) considered a bigot - and there is many experiments made in this very issue - here is one perfect example:

Now let's ignore the fact this is an advertisement for a moment;
The fact some couples didn't took their seats represent their (motive?)fear - of different people (Justified or not)
The fact some couples did eventually went to their seat (cautiously or not) represent the way difference is still being noticed while it can be ANY difference that was noted by them and it could be in many different situations while the motive doesn't always have to be fear.
A semi conclusion is that regardless of the small details there have to be a very wide "agreement" that is at hand of all the people and in this case not just by modern liberals by in a scale that would involve the entire population.
They just indicted cop for murder, for the shooting of a fleeing black man.

They did, and rightfully so.

I take it you're upset the dead black guy wasn't indicted for trying to steal several police bullets.

No, I'm upset that the bulk of the black community hasn't figured out that the Democrats have been taking them for a ride these last eight decades or so, and that is why most have been kept right where the Democrats want them.
Are you saying that the bulk of the black community isn't very bright?
What about the rodney king riots and the liberty city riots....do you blame those on the sitting white Presidents at the time?
Of course not. The presidents then did not personally interfere & stoke the racial flames with stupid fucking comments or send their henchmen to the funerals of fallen thugs.
I dunno? Wasn't that about the time Presidential Candidate Reagan began stumping his speech on "Welfare Queens Driving Cadillacs"?
How exactly is that the same as Obama getting DIRECTLY INVOLVED?
Those guys are dead...it was in all the papers

Irrelevant. The Democratic Party is not, and is worse than ever.

This guy is dead too, yet is nearly the Democratic Party's own Wizard of Oz.

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.We've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. I'll have them ni**ers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years"
- Lyndon B Johnson
I see you are parading out that lie....he never said that. But feel free to prove that he did.
There is no question that once Obama became President, the racists came out of the closet

All one has to do is read this board
They are like spouse abusers, blaming someone else for their behavior.
Spoken like EVERY race baiting liberal & black on this board. Woe is me because of white privilege...

Can I get an amen sista?
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.

The goal of the left, the reborn Khmer Rouge, is to utterly destroy the fabric of American society. We have stood by and let them. The Khmer Rouge fans the flames of dissent, anywhere and everywhere there is a spark. The war against Christians, the war against whites, these are just tactical battles that the Khmer Rouge wages in the larger war to end this nation.

The question is, will we of the old republic allow the democrats to destroy this nation without firing a shot?
Your crazy talk is fantastic. Everyone should read it.
Fundamentally I am still the same as when I was first baptized with the holy white privilege and being born a male...is that still an advantage??

It never was - which you know.

No one every handed me anything. I made stupid choices when I was young, so found myself working at Carl's JR. for minimum wage during the day and going to school at night, with a wife and three small children at home. No one ever said "you're white, so here, have some money." I had to claw my way up, like every other white male, black male, or Mexican female has to. The only thing "white" had an effect on is that I was barred from government jobs. Whites need not apply in government work.
Uncensored started life in Easy Mode and wants to brag about starting in Hard Mode. :lol:
"To the brink of a race war"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

One thing about you shortbus, you put the "holy fuck" in "stupid as a brick."

And? That could be at any time......but I do enjoy your stupidity, dishonesty, and hatred on parade. :D
lol, someone's up to the K's in his hysterical Obama comparisons handbook.

Obama isn't smart enough to wipe his ass without written instructions. The war you of the left wage on this nation goes back a good 40 years. While the intensity of your attacks have grown in recent years, this is because you are closer to the goal of eradicating the Constitutional Republic, not because Obama did anything.
And yet...........he's managed to get a lot farther and become a lot more successful than you, hasn't he? Doesn't say much about you and your smarts.
What about the rodney king riots and the liberty city riots....do you blame those on the sitting white Presidents at the time?
Of course not. The presidents then did not personally interfere & stoke the racial flames with stupid fucking comments or send their henchmen to the funerals of fallen thugs.
I dunno? Wasn't that about the time Presidential Candidate Reagan began stumping his speech on "Welfare Queens Driving Cadillacs"?
And Bush Sr's Willie Horton commercials....
Uncensored started life in Easy Mode and wants to brag about starting in Hard Mode. :lol:

Shortbus, you're an assclown - you have an IQ<40.

The only "easy mode" is reserved for the kids of Lebron James, Muhammad Ali, or other ultra wealthy people.

Everybody else has to work to succeed - which is why you didn't.
Racism has been promoted because the racist were given a seemingly legitimate status and platform from the Republican Party and conservatives via the Tea Party. Viewing of early Tea Party Rallies and the many racist signs dispersed throughout the crowds and marches make this obvious and undeniable. The Republicans needed support and allowed themselves to be infiltrated by the extremist right thinking they could adjust and balance at a later date. They couldn't and didn't. The Tea's gave the hard core racist an entry and they never left. Just reading the pages and threads here confirms it. You don't see liberals being blatant and obscene racist of the lowest kind. Those aren't liberals depicting the first family with monkey faces in their avatars or calling teenage blacks feral ghetto apes. A day doesn't go by that conservative posters here don't show disgusting signs of racism. To conservative here, racism is when a person comments about a white police officer killing and unarmed American who happens to be black. Americans are racist when they question why a police officer has to assault a bikini clad 14 year old girl, who happens to be black.
Racism has been promoted because the racist were given a seemingly legitimate status and platform from the Republican Party and conservatives via the Tea Party. Viewing of early Tea Party Rallies and the many racist signs dispersed throughout the crowds and marches make this obvious and undeniable. The Republicans needed support and allowed themselves to be infiltrated by the extremist right thinking they could adjust and balance at a later date. They couldn't and didn't. The Tea's gave the hard core racist an entry and they never left. Just reading the pages and threads here confirms it. You don't see liberals being blatant and obscene racist of the lowest kind. Those aren't liberals depicting the first family with monkey faces in their avatars or calling teenage blacks feral ghetto apes. A day doesn't go by that conservative posters here don't show disgusting signs of racism. To conservative here, racism is when a person comments about a white police officer killing and unarmed American who happens to be black. Americans are racist when they question why a police officer has to assault a bikini clad 14 year old girl, who happens to be black.

Lying again, scumbag?

Well, you're part of the Khmer Rouge, can't exactly expect integrity from you, can we?

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