Obama & modern liberals have destroyed the racial progress we were making in this country.

The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
At some point they recognized the political advantage of keeping us divided.

So Identity Politics was born, and PC was weaponized.

And that was that.

Who's they?
Who pushes PC and Identity Politics?

Gosh, I can't imagine.

Clearly today is Obtuse Day.

Still want to know, WHO is they, specifically?
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
At some point they recognized the political advantage of keeping us divided.

So Identity Politics was born, and PC was weaponized.

And that was that.

Who's they?
Who pushes PC and Identity Politics?

Gosh, I can't imagine.

Clearly today is Obtuse Day.

Still want to know, WHO is they, specifically?
Look at the title of the thread.

"Obama and Modern Liberals".

So, it's Obama and Modern Liberals we're discussing. That's who I meant. Obama and Modern Liberals.

Or, more succinctly, Modern Liberals.

There. I think my answer is obtuse-proof.

another white guy blaming blacks for the way whites think.

Whites fucking loved blacks people...that was BEFORE OBAMA!! Blacks had it sweet and they should be happy at the progress and by progress I mean not being in chains and having rights!


Just as soon as all blacks all are peaceful I'm sure then blacks will allow you to then see blacks as individuals
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
You mean the bandaid has been pulled off.
Yes it was certainly Obama's fault if there has been any deterioration in race relations in this country...

...I think that was proven when Obama showed up at his inauguration looking like this:

The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
do you realize you're a pawn in your being play? Racism does it play one bit into my daily life is a weight issue topic that they talked about and then you laugh up and they get you and us divided arguing with each other at all family you're going to go run and vote for the Republican Party because you don't like black people you idiot
It's not a factor in your life because you're insulated from it somehow?
I live in a mixed neighborhood & the topic comes up quite often. And I'm sure the people in the cities that have burned or been looted also take issue with your bubble.
How horrible to talk about it.
The only people who seem to truly believe Obama is the Messiah and can stop all bad from happening throughout our nation and the world seems to be Right wing/Conservatives, and not the liberals as conservatives claimed.
They are certainly the ones here at USMB who keep calling President Obama "messiah", "the chosen one", "dear leader", etc.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.

The goal of the left, the reborn Khmer Rouge, is to utterly destroy the fabric of American society. We have stood by and let them. The Khmer Rouge fans the flames of dissent, anywhere and everywhere there is a spark. The war against Christians, the war against whites, these are just tactical battles that the Khmer Rouge wages in the larger war to end this nation.

The question is, will we of the old republic allow the democrats to destroy this nation without firing a shot?
Fundamentally I am still the same as when I was first baptized with the holy white privilege and being born a male...is that still an advantage??

It never was - which you know.

No one every handed me anything. I made stupid choices when I was young, so found myself working at Carl's JR. for minimum wage during the day and going to school at night, with a wife and three small children at home. No one ever said "you're white, so here, have some money." I had to claw my way up, like every other white male, black male, or Mexican female has to. The only thing "white" had an effect on is that I was barred from government jobs. Whites need not apply in government work.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.

The goal of the left, the reborn Khmer Rouge, is to utterly destroy the fabric of American society. We have stood by and let them. The Khmer Rouge fans the flames of dissent, anywhere and everywhere there is a spark. The war against Christians, the war against whites, these are just tactical battles that the Khmer Rouge wages in the larger war to end this nation.

The question is, will we of the old republic allow the democrats to destroy this nation without firing a shot?

lol, someone's up to the K's in his hysterical Obama comparisons handbook.
What about the rodney king riots and the liberty city riots....do you blame those on the sitting white Presidents at the time?
Of course not. The presidents then did not personally interfere & stoke the racial flames with stupid fucking comments or send their henchmen to the funerals of fallen thugs.
lol, someone's up to the K's in his hysterical Obama comparisons handbook.

Obama isn't smart enough to wipe his ass without written instructions. The war you of the left wage on this nation goes back a good 40 years. While the intensity of your attacks have grown in recent years, this is because you are closer to the goal of eradicating the Constitutional Republic, not because Obama did anything.
another white guy blaming blacks for the way whites think.

Whites fucking loved blacks people...that was BEFORE OBAMA!! Blacks had it sweet and they should be happy at the progress and by progress I mean not being in chains and having rights!


Just as soon as all blacks all are peaceful I'm sure then blacks will allow you to then see blacks as individuals
Funny but dumb.

You think we blame you for our thoughts? YOU blame whites for EVERYTHING wrong with your pathetic life

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