Obama & modern liberals have destroyed the racial progress we were making in this country.

The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
do you realize you're a pawn in your being play? Racism does it play one bit into my daily life is a weight issue topic that they talked about and then you laugh up and they get you and us divided arguing with each other at all family you're going to go run and vote for the Republican Party because you don't like black people you idiot
It's not a factor in your life because you're insulated from it somehow?
I live in a mixed neighborhood & the topic comes up quite often. And I'm sure the people in the cities that have burned or been looted also take issue with your bubble.
You should move down south about 4 hours and join us white guyz in paradise....
I'll pass on the Friday night cow tipping. Thanks tho
Did you ever think that perhaps there never was racial progress. It was a coat of paint on a derelict house. It was a bandaid on gangrene. It was a story we told ourselves that was never true.
The whites get along with the Asians better now...

According to some on the far left anyone not of African decent is "white"..
Depends on the season..I stay a healthy brown tone during the sunny parts of the year...

Still makes you "white"..
All but that 1/8th.....

Elizabeth Warren tried the same thing, but it will still make you "white"..
The whites get along with the Asians better now...

According to some on the far left anyone not of African decent is "white"..
Depends on the season..I stay a healthy brown tone during the sunny parts of the year...

Still makes you "white"..
All but that 1/8th.....

Elizabeth Warren tried the same thing, but it will still make you "white"..
Well that's fucked, no advantages there...story of my life......
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
do you realize you're a pawn in your being play? Racism does it play one bit into my daily life is a weight issue topic that they talked about and then you laugh up and they get you and us divided arguing with each other at all family you're going to go run and vote for the Republican Party because you don't like black people you idiot
It's not a factor in your life because you're insulated from it somehow?
I live in a mixed neighborhood & the topic comes up quite often. And I'm sure the people in the cities that have burned or been looted also take issue with your bubble.
You should move down south about 4 hours and join us white guyz in paradise....
I'll pass on the Friday night cow tipping. Thanks tho
We do ours with a John Deer....I would like to be pickin' up those under age hookers in KC but.....
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
do you realize you're a pawn in your being play? Racism does it play one bit into my daily life is a weight issue topic that they talked about and then you laugh up and they get you and us divided arguing with each other at all family you're going to go run and vote for the Republican Party because you don't like black people you idiot
It's not a factor in your life because you're insulated from it somehow?
I live in a mixed neighborhood & the topic comes up quite often. And I'm sure the people in the cities that have burned or been looted also take issue with your bubble.
You should move down south about 4 hours and join us white guyz in paradise....
it is weird that here in Detroit or Metro Detroit we are very sexy gated blacks live primarily in black neighborhoods and whites live mostly in white neighborhoods occasionally there's a black who lives among us but it's not that, believe it or not
According to some on the far left anyone not of African decent is "white"..
Depends on the season..I stay a healthy brown tone during the sunny parts of the year...

Still makes you "white"..
All but that 1/8th.....

Elizabeth Warren tried the same thing, but it will still make you "white"..
Well that's fucked, no advantages there...story of my life......

Unless you are "gay" then you can be part of the protected classes..
Depends on the season..I stay a healthy brown tone during the sunny parts of the year...

Still makes you "white"..
All but that 1/8th.....

Elizabeth Warren tried the same thing, but it will still make you "white"..
Well that's fucked, no advantages there...story of my life......

Unless you are "gay" then you can be part of the protected classes..
It's okay, I fly under the radar anywhey...
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
do you realize you're a pawn in your being play? Racism does it play one bit into my daily life is a weight issue topic that they talked about and then you laugh up and they get you and us divided arguing with each other at all family you're going to go run and vote for the Republican Party because you don't like black people you idiot
It's not a factor in your life because you're insulated from it somehow?
I live in a mixed neighborhood & the topic comes up quite often. And I'm sure the people in the cities that have burned or been looted also take issue with your bubble.
You should move down south about 4 hours and join us white guyz in paradise....
it is weird that here in Detroit or Metro Detroit we are very sexy gated blacks live primarily in black neighborhoods and whites live mostly in white neighborhoods occasionally there's a black who lives among us but it's not that, believe it or not
The Africa-no population along with the Latinos, Islanders, SE Asians all live in town, it's us poor white trash gentry that live in the rural areas with our kingdoms of dirt....
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
do you realize you're a pawn in your being play? Racism does it play one bit into my daily life is a weight issue topic that they talked about and then you laugh up and they get you and us divided arguing with each other at all family you're going to go run and vote for the Republican Party because you don't like black people you idiot
It's not a factor in your life because you're insulated from it somehow?
I live in a mixed neighborhood & the topic comes up quite often. And I'm sure the people in the cities that have burned or been looted also take issue with your bubble.
You should move down south about 4 hours and join us white guyz in paradise....
it is weird that here in Detroit or Metro Detroit we are very sexy gated blacks live primarily in black neighborhoods and whites live mostly in white neighborhoods occasionally there's a black who lives among us but it's not that, believe it or not
The Africa-no population along with the Latinos, Islanders, SE Asians all live in town, it's us poor white trash gentry that live in the rural areas with our kingdoms of dirt....
if you live in Detroit you pretty much live in hell if you live where I live there's lots of trees Lake jobs police fire great schools. it's like night and day very safe where I live
do you realize you're a pawn in your being play? Racism does it play one bit into my daily life is a weight issue topic that they talked about and then you laugh up and they get you and us divided arguing with each other at all family you're going to go run and vote for the Republican Party because you don't like black people you idiot
It's not a factor in your life because you're insulated from it somehow?
I live in a mixed neighborhood & the topic comes up quite often. And I'm sure the people in the cities that have burned or been looted also take issue with your bubble.
You should move down south about 4 hours and join us white guyz in paradise....
it is weird that here in Detroit or Metro Detroit we are very sexy gated blacks live primarily in black neighborhoods and whites live mostly in white neighborhoods occasionally there's a black who lives among us but it's not that, believe it or not
The Africa-no population along with the Latinos, Islanders, SE Asians all live in town, it's us poor white trash gentry that live in the rural areas with our kingdoms of dirt....
if you live in Detroit you pretty much live in hell if you live where I live there's lots of trees Lake jobs police fire great schools. it's like night and day very safe where I live
I bet the summers are cooler than around here...
It's not a factor in your life because you're insulated from it somehow?
I live in a mixed neighborhood & the topic comes up quite often. And I'm sure the people in the cities that have burned or been looted also take issue with your bubble.
You should move down south about 4 hours and join us white guyz in paradise....
it is weird that here in Detroit or Metro Detroit we are very sexy gated blacks live primarily in black neighborhoods and whites live mostly in white neighborhoods occasionally there's a black who lives among us but it's not that, believe it or not
The Africa-no population along with the Latinos, Islanders, SE Asians all live in town, it's us poor white trash gentry that live in the rural areas with our kingdoms of dirt....
if you live in Detroit you pretty much live in hell if you live where I live there's lots of trees Lake jobs police fire great schools. it's like night and day very safe where I live
I bet the summers are cooler than around here...
I lived in the city and the summers are hot hot and humid. now I live on a lake so it can never get too hot. But summers have been unusually cool. getting older and don't seem to mind as much as I did when I was in my twenties. I don't lay out to get a tan anymore. where do you live? How country is it?
The fact that Obama was able to bring this country to the brink of a race war in 7 short years is proof that the "progress" made wasn't really progress in the first place.
You should move down south about 4 hours and join us white guyz in paradise....
it is weird that here in Detroit or Metro Detroit we are very sexy gated blacks live primarily in black neighborhoods and whites live mostly in white neighborhoods occasionally there's a black who lives among us but it's not that, believe it or not
The Africa-no population along with the Latinos, Islanders, SE Asians all live in town, it's us poor white trash gentry that live in the rural areas with our kingdoms of dirt....
if you live in Detroit you pretty much live in hell if you live where I live there's lots of trees Lake jobs police fire great schools. it's like night and day very safe where I live
I bet the summers are cooler than around here...
I lived in the city and the summers are hot hot and humid. now I live on a lake so it can never get too hot. But summers have been unusually cool. getting older and don't seem to mind as much as I did when I was in my twenties. I don't lay out to get a tan anymore. where do you live? How country is it?
I have 43 acres about 4 miles from town and the Elk River....It is all trees but 2 acres hilly..it's hot and humid all summer here, but it's cooler than OKC where I grew up...I work outside so I tan every year. I tanned for so long I have a permanent tan in spots...
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
Christopher Columbus found that out...
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
So Obama provided inadequate leadership which resulted in kids without tickets climbing a fence at a concert. :cuckoo:
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
So Obama provided inadequate leadership which resulted in kids without tickets climbing a fence at a concert. :cuckoo:
Little slow are we?
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
Well that's a catchy line. Care to explain how the leadership of the president encourages kids to climb fences at a hip hop concerns.
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
Well that's a catchy line. Care to explain how the leadership of the president encourages kids to climb fences at a hip hop concerns.
If you had a son......

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