Obama & modern liberals have destroyed the racial progress we were making in this country.

The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
Well that's a catchy line. Care to explain how the leadership of the president encourages kids to climb fences at a hip hop concerns.
If you had a son......
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
Well that's a catchy line. Care to explain how the leadership of the president encourages kids to climb fences at a hip hop concerns.
If you had a son......
Was Trayvon climbing a fence trying to get in a concert?
The level of racial tension in this country is absurd. Before Obama came along things were moving along smoothly. The main rants pre Obama were anti war & anti republican. Now? Anti white. Anti cop. Anti law & order. Anti peaceful order. White privilege. Etc......

Racism is being reignited and sympathy for your "cause" and I use the term loosely, is being pushed to the side.

Just today watching the cop slam that black teenage girl to the ground really pissed me off. Then 5 minutes later I see footage of a crowd of blacks trying to force their way into a concert despite not having tickets only to end up fighting with police about it.

The occasions when your race is mistreated are far outweighed by the complete & utter stupidity you display nearly every fucking day.

We'll be up in arms for weeks, I'm sure, thanks to that stupid cops handling of that teenage girl. YET, the dozens of deaths that WILL happen in inner cities across this country THIS WEEK will be completely ignored.

In your rush to judge white America you leave the children of your own culture who were victims of your own culture to be forgotten. They die in vein because of your incompetence.
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
Well that's a catchy line. Care to explain how the leadership of the president encourages kids to climb fences at a hip hop concerns.
If you had a son......
Was Trayvon climbing a fence trying to get in a concert?
No he just tried to beat down an armed Mexican which is even more stupid
"Obama & modern liberals have destroyed the racial progress we were making in this country."

You've obviously given up any pretense of 'debate' and instead are going to engage in nothing but blatant, ridiculous lies.

For over 60 years liberals have been at the forefront of fighting for the rights of racial, ethnic, and gender minorities – from Brown v. Board of Education and Hernandez v. Texas in the 1950 to Lawrence v. Texas and US v. Windsor recently – and every step of the way those efforts were opposed by reactionary conservatives fearful of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.
The fact that Obama was able to bring this country to the brink of a race war in 7 short years is proof that the "progress" made wasn't really progress in the first place.
you mean like how George W Bush took us to the brink of our second greatest depression?
How is Obama responsible for a riot at a hip hop concert. I thought it started over kids without tickets climbing a fence.
The absence of leadership encourages mutiny
Well that's a catchy line. Care to explain how the leadership of the president encourages kids to climb fences at a hip hop concerns.
If you had a son......
Was Trayvon climbing a fence trying to get in a concert?
No he just tried to beat down an armed Mexican which is even more stupid
Guatemalan.....on his mother's side, I believe? not Mexican....

But he was being STALKED and had a kid brother in the house he was heading home to....I would have punched Zimmerman as well....
What about the rodney king riots and the liberty city riots....do you blame those on the sitting white Presidents at the time?
The only people who seem to truly believe Obama is the Messiah and can stop all bad from happening throughout our nation and the world seems to be Right wing/Conservatives, and not the liberals as conservatives claimed.
There is no question that once Obama became President, the racists came out of the closet

All one has to do is read this board
There is no question that once Obama became President, the racists came out of the closet

Indeed. Look how fast Sharpton suckered himself ramora-like to Obama, and the fury being whipped up in the cities by the Democrats' hired houseboys.
There is no question that once Obama became President, the racists came out of the closet

Indeed. Look how fast Sharpton suckered himself ramora-like to Obama, and the fury being whipped up in the cities by the Democrats' hired houseboys.

They just indicted cop for murder, for the shooting of a fleeing black man.

I take it you're upset the dead black guy wasn't indicted for trying to steal several police bullets.

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