Obama More of a Criminal Than Nixon??

And you have unsuccessfully refuted these allegations. Where is your proof that Obama didn't play a part in these things?

We do not have to prove he had anything to do with such wild allegations such as this, the birth certificate, etc. They must be proven by the accusers.

Well, it's true in that he's not going to seek another election, nor is there much liklihood that someone is going to find a "smoking gun" with his fingerprints. But, seriously, can you say with a straight face that the IRS was targeting his opponents from 2008, and he either had no knowledge, or his advisors took his comment "who would rid me of this troublesome priest" and ran with it?

That said, I'm just not outraged. obama's a politician. Punish some IRS guys. And the benghazi and "spying on reporters who divulge secrets" .... cue scary music. That's not worthy of taking me away from box scores.

1. You keep hinting, implying....but no evidence is forthcoming, about anyone other than Obama.

And, speaking of thugs....

2. Then there was the case of Sacramento’s Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson. An unfortunate government watchdog made the mistake of looking too closely at his misuse of government funds…and suddenly found himself out of a job. Since inspectors genereal are supposed to be independent, ‘else how do they conduct investigations into federal agencies? In fact, Congress passed the Inspectors General Reform Act of 2008. (Public Law 110-409 : “To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors General, to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, and for other purposes.”) Barack Obama was a co-sponsor
3. Gerald Walpin was the inspector general who oversaw the AmeriCorps program, and he discovered evidence that Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson had misused $850,000 of the AmeriCorps grant money and ‘used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands."

a. BTW, did I mention that Kevin Johnson stated that he was ‘a personal friend of President Obama?

4. Walpin referred the matter for criminal prosecution to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence Brown. Brown, who had taken over from a Bush appointee, instead entered into settlement talks with Johnson, and on terms very favorable to Johnson. Walpin objected. Ibid.

a. On June 10, 2009, Walpin was given two options: resign immediately or be terminated.

You might like to refer to Freddoso's book, "Gangster Government" to fill in your evident lacunae.

Obama is a Chicago thug, and you are a mindless robot.
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The difference between Nixon, Obama, and all the others that held the office...?
Nixon's people were sloppy and got caught.

nah. Nixon thought he needed to wiretap the Dem Natl Committee, and Obama let Mitt out himself ln audio as a Mormon Plutocrat. Nixon would have skated on everything, but you can't wiretap the otherside, get caught, and be complicit in a coverup.

It's just a degree of subversion. the Right (not conservatives and not always the gop) has been trying for find a payback for 40 years and so far they have a highly paid bimbo who was a felatio expert and guy with little personal impulse control.
You guys have been looking hard for someone worse than Nixon since Watergate. Unsuccessfully, I might add.

And you have unsuccessfully refuted these allegations. Where is your proof that Obama didn't play a part in these things?

Where is your proof that we have converted the judicial system in this country to 'guilty until proven innocent'?

He's the boss is he not? I've heard many a government employee say "I was only doing what I was told." Only to hear that those doing the telling were the ones we least expected.
We do not have to prove he had anything to do with such wild allegations such as this, the birth certificate, etc. They must be proven by the accusers.

Well, it's true in that he's not going to seek another election, nor is there much liklihood that someone is going to find a "smoking gun" with his fingerprints. But, seriously, can you say with a straight face that the IRS was targeting his opponents from 2008, and he either had no knowledge, or his advisors took his comment "who would rid me of this troublesome priest" and ran with it?

That said, I'm just not outraged. obama's a politician. Punish some IRS guys. And the benghazi and "spying on reporters who divulge secrets" .... cue scary music. That's not worthy of taking me away from box scores.

1. You keep hinting, implying....but no evidence is forthcoming, about anyone other than Obama.

And, speaking of thugs....

2. Then there was the case of Sacramento’s Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson. An unfortunate government watchdog made the mistake of looking too closely at his misuse of government funds…and suddenly found himself out of a job. Since inspectors genereal are supposed to be independent, ‘else how do they conduct investigations into federal agencies? In fact, Congress passed the Inspectors General Reform Act of 2008. (Public Law 110-409 : “To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors General, to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, and for other purposes.”) Barack Obama was a co-sponsor
3. Gerald Walpin was the inspector general who oversaw the AmeriCorps program, and he discovered evidence that Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson had misused $850,000 of the AmeriCorps grant money and ‘used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands."

a. BTW, did I mention that Kevin Johnson stated that he was ‘a personal friend of President Obama?

4. Walpin referrer the matter for criminal prosecution to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence Brown. Brown, who had taken over from a Bush appointee, instead entered into settlement talks with Johnson, and on terms very favorable to Johnson. Walpin objected. Ibid.

a. On June 10, 2009, Walpin was given two options: resign immediately or be terminated.

You might like to refer to Freddoso's book, "Gangster Government" to fill in your evident lacunae.

Obama is a Chicago thug, and you are a mindless robot.

bimbo, my pt was obama is a chicago pol a/k/a pol thug. That is SO SHOCKING. go smoke somthing or whatever pushes your insanity button.
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Well, it's true in that he's not going to seek another election, nor is there much liklihood that someone is going to find a "smoking gun" with his fingerprints. But, seriously, can you say with a straight face that the IRS was targeting his opponents from 2008, and he either had no knowledge, or his advisors took his comment "who would rid me of this troublesome priest" and ran with it?

That said, I'm just not outraged. obama's a politician. Punish some IRS guys. And the benghazi and "spying on reporters who divulge secrets" .... cue scary music. That's not worthy of taking me away from box scores.

1. You keep hinting, implying....but no evidence is forthcoming, about anyone other than Obama.

And, speaking of thugs....

2. Then there was the case of Sacramento’s Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson. An unfortunate government watchdog made the mistake of looking too closely at his misuse of government funds…and suddenly found himself out of a job. Since inspectors genereal are supposed to be independent, ‘else how do they conduct investigations into federal agencies? In fact, Congress passed the Inspectors General Reform Act of 2008. (Public Law 110-409 : “To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors General, to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, and for other purposes.”) Barack Obama was a co-sponsor
3. Gerald Walpin was the inspector general who oversaw the AmeriCorps program, and he discovered evidence that Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson had misused $850,000 of the AmeriCorps grant money and ‘used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands."

a. BTW, did I mention that Kevin Johnson stated that he was ‘a personal friend of President Obama?

4. Walpin referrer the matter for criminal prosecution to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence Brown. Brown, who had taken over from a Bush appointee, instead entered into settlement talks with Johnson, and on terms very favorable to Johnson. Walpin objected. Ibid.

a. On June 10, 2009, Walpin was given two options: resign immediately or be terminated.

You might like to refer to Freddoso's book, "Gangster Government" to fill in your evident lacunae.

Obama is a Chicago thug, and you are a mindless robot.

bimbo, my pt was obama is a chicago pol a/k/a pol thug. That is SO SHOCKING. go smoke somthing or whatever pushes your insanity button.

So, let me get you claim straight: it's less that you're stupid, more like you're just inarticulate?

Did I get it this time?

And that's Ms. Bimbo to you.
listen witch, I didn't call you the first name. You're a reactionary illtempered factless pisce of shite.

Obama is a pol thug. Bushii was at best mindless and allowed his vp to subvert personal literties and manipulate the free press and public into a needless war based on a notion of influencing other countries internal politics. Clinton was a personal embarassment.

You view the entire thing as a war between two parties. you're a naive idiot.
And you have unsuccessfully refuted these allegations. Where is your proof that Obama didn't play a part in these things?

We do not have to prove he had anything to do with such wild allegations such as this, the birth certificate, etc. They must be proven by the accusers.

Well, it's true in that he's not going to seek another election, nor is there much liklihood that someone is going to find a "smoking gun" with his fingerprints. But, seriously, can you say with a straight face that the IRS was targeting his opponents from 2008, and he either had no knowledge, or his advisors took his comment "who would rid me of this troublesome priest" and ran with it?

That said, I'm just not outraged. obama's a politician. Punish some IRS guys. And the benghazi and "spying on reporters who divulge secrets" .... cue scary music. That's not worthy of taking me away from box scores.

Where is the proof?
I was seeking a more objective source than you.

OK...you can return your lips to Obama's boots.

Considering how often you are wrong, the smart bet was to go against you. I was not voicing an opinion, but beginning the week on a positive note.

Shirley, you must be imagining someone else.

I'm never wrong. I once thought I was wrong, turns out, I was mistaken.

Could not be anyone else, darling, I only think of you.
And you have unsuccessfully refuted these allegations. Where is your proof that Obama didn't play a part in these things?

We do not have to prove he had anything to do with such wild allegations such as this, the birth certificate, etc. They must be proven by the accusers.

Well, it's true in that he's not going to seek another election, nor is there much liklihood that someone is going to find a "smoking gun" with his fingerprints. But, seriously, can you say with a straight face that the IRS was targeting his opponents from 2008, and he either had no knowledge, or his advisors took his comment "who would rid me of this troublesome priest" and ran with it?

That said, I'm just not outraged. obama's a politician. Punish some IRS guys. And the benghazi and "spying on reporters who divulge secrets" .... cue scary music. That's not worthy of taking me away from box scores.

You know, Bendog, they have been going after Obama since he was first elected with one phoney scandal after another. He could shoot someone on live, nationwide television and we would not believe it. The right no longer has any credibility. They are a joke.
We do not have to prove he had anything to do with such wild allegations such as this, the birth certificate, etc. They must be proven by the accusers.

Well, it's true in that he's not going to seek another election, nor is there much liklihood that someone is going to find a "smoking gun" with his fingerprints. But, seriously, can you say with a straight face that the IRS was targeting his opponents from 2008, and he either had no knowledge, or his advisors took his comment "who would rid me of this troublesome priest" and ran with it?

That said, I'm just not outraged. obama's a politician. Punish some IRS guys. And the benghazi and "spying on reporters who divulge secrets" .... cue scary music. That's not worthy of taking me away from box scores.

You know, Bendog, they have been going after Obama since he was first elected with one phoney scandal after another. He could shoot someone on live, nationwide television and we would not believe it. The right no longer has any credibility. They are a joke.

The funny part is that the IRS thing actually is a bit revealing. The OLD daley crew, or Harold Washington, would LOVE it. And in a normal world, that scandal would pretty much relegate Obama to lame duck, as congress moves in a bipartisan way to make the IRS more protected from pol manipulation. impeachable? Prolly not, certainly not without a direct tie.

Public opinion pretty quickly came down on Clinton being targeted in political vendetta that really didn't have that much mainstream gop support. The senate verdict was not really ever in serious doubt.

But McConnell et al have been so personal in their attacks. McCain is still outraged that America chose this guy over the war hero. Sure there are the whackadoodles like Bachmann, but they're always around. The dems have their own. But this is like Ted and Schumer personally took it upon themselves to destroy Bushii. You're right that there's just something different about the ... anger.
Considering how often you are wrong, the smart bet was to go against you. I was not voicing an opinion, but beginning the week on a positive note.

Shirley, you must be imagining someone else.

I'm never wrong. I once thought I was wrong, turns out, I was mistaken.

Could not be anyone else, darling, I only think of you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-07AA8mFEX0]Heartbeat - Sound Effect - YouTube[/ame]
The difference between Nixon, Obama, and all the others that held the office...?
Nixon's people were sloppy and got caught.

No, the difference is Obama has a willing press advocating for him. Obama feels he can do no wrong. Nixon didn't have a press willing to carry his water for him.
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We do not have to prove he had anything to do with such wild allegations such as this, the birth certificate, etc. They must be proven by the accusers.

Well, it's true in that he's not going to seek another election, nor is there much liklihood that someone is going to find a "smoking gun" with his fingerprints. But, seriously, can you say with a straight face that the IRS was targeting his opponents from 2008, and he either had no knowledge, or his advisors took his comment "who would rid me of this troublesome priest" and ran with it?

That said, I'm just not outraged. obama's a politician. Punish some IRS guys. And the benghazi and "spying on reporters who divulge secrets" .... cue scary music. That's not worthy of taking me away from box scores.

You know, Bendog, they have been going after Obama since he was first elected with one phoney scandal after another. He could shoot someone on live, nationwide television and we would not believe it. The right no longer has any credibility. They are a joke.

Nether does the left or Obama.

Have to admit, Obama looks like a sorry piece of shit here. He doesn't know shit and that's the way he likes it. Besides, there is no there there.

Now, let's have another star-studded party at the White House.
It is federal tax data that was leaked from the IRS.

It's tax data that was already in the public domain. How can you claim an expectation of privacy for tax information that you were already required by state law to make public?


Gee...I should never have to write 'wrong' in response to your posts....it is assumed.

For your edification...if that is possible....

In the 40's, racist Democrats (is that redundant?) demanded to know the donors to the NAACP, so the law made it private and nondisclosable.

True today of non-profits.

I suggest you go back and read the .pdf I posted.
I try for consistency in my daily life...and am less than 100% successful.

In that light, your astounding consistency in incorporating either error or prevarication in your post is remarkable!

Let me be a witness to your continuing success:

1. "There is nothing beyond unsubstantiated accusations..."
From Politico: "... the Huffington Post and the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group, posted IRS documents..."

Breitbart: "...came directly from the Internal Revenue Service and was provided to NOM's political opponents, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).”

Daily Caller: "... someone at the Internal Revenue Service illegally leaked confidential donor information...."

Your record is intact!

2. "...evidence that there is probable cause to believe that President Obama was in any way involved..."

"... also happens to be a co-chairman of President Obama’s re-election committee."

Do you recognize the name "Obama"?

Good work.

3. As a staunch Obama partisan, I'm certain you'll want his good name cleared.....so are you calling for hearings?

You're citing accusations from anti-Obama propaganda cites, and none of them even accuse the President of anything.

"You're citing accusations from anti-Obama ...cites (sic),"

Look, it's long since past necessary for you to prove that you are an idiot each and every day!

It's carved in stone!

But, I admit: this is a classic:
Criticism of Obama is only credible if it comes from a pro-Obama site???

Why don't you really go for it: "Criticism of Obama is only credible if it comes from Obama!"

Criticism of Obama is only credible if it contains some proof that the criticism is legitimate.

Provide some proof.
lol, guess what the co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage herself said about the 'leak'?

Maggie Gallagher:

...the IRS is claiming — and I think it is plausible — that low-level employees found a clever way to use their low-level job to influence (they hoped) a U.S. election. Have they been identified and fired? Because otherwise this becomes no longer a low-level problem.

(You may recall that a low-level employee also released NOM’s private tax-return information to a guy claiming to be a NOM employee, who then posted it on the Internet.)

ha! So a person closest to the story is saying that the NOM return 'leak' was just some low level guy who got duped by some other guy, who then posted the info on the internet!


IRS Targets Conservatives, Will Anyone Get Fired? | National Review Online
Since what Nixon did is nothing compared to obama, the comparison is erroneous. It's like comparing the afternoon shower of Nixon to the tornado of obama.
It's tax data that was already in the public domain. How can you claim an expectation of privacy for tax information that you were already required by state law to make public?


Gee...I should never have to write 'wrong' in response to your posts....it is assumed.

For your edification...if that is possible....

In the 40's, racist Democrats (is that redundant?) demanded to know the donors to the NAACP, so the law made it private and nondisclosable.

True today of non-profits.

I suggest you go back and read the .pdf I posted.

"Contributions and expenditures by 501(c)(4) nonprofits and 527 political organizations remain largely hidden even as they represent an increasing portion of campaign spending, according to a report accompanying the resolution. One 527 group known as a super PAC can accept unlimited amounts of contributions and spend unlimited money on behalf of or against candidates, the ABA Journal reported in May. The expenditures of a super PAC cannot be funneled directly to federal candidates; instead the money must be spent independently.

People or corporations seeking to keep political contributions private donate money to 501(c)(4) nonprofits, which in turn donate to super PACs. In filings with the Federal Election Commission, the super PAC lists the nonprofit, “effectively masking the true source of the funds,” according to the report to the House."
Resolution seeks disclosure of secret campaign donations made through nonprofits and super PACs - ABA Journal
lol, guess what the co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage herself said about the 'leak'?

Maggie Gallagher:

...the IRS is claiming — and I think it is plausible — that low-level employees found a clever way to use their low-level job to influence (they hoped) a U.S. election. Have they been identified and fired? Because otherwise this becomes no longer a low-level problem.

(You may recall that a low-level employee also released NOM’s private tax-return information to a guy claiming to be a NOM employee, who then posted it on the Internet.)

ha! So a person closest to the story is saying that the NOM return 'leak' was just some low level guy who got duped by some other guy, who then posted the info on the internet!


IRS Targets Conservatives, Will Anyone Get Fired? | National Review Online

"Anonymous Cincinnati IRS official: “Everything comes from the top.”
Anonymous Cincinnati IRS official: ?Everything comes from the top.? | WashingtonExaminer.com
lol, guess what the co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage herself said about the 'leak'?

Maggie Gallagher:

...the IRS is claiming — and I think it is plausible — that low-level employees found a clever way to use their low-level job to influence (they hoped) a U.S. election. Have they been identified and fired? Because otherwise this becomes no longer a low-level problem.

(You may recall that a low-level employee also released NOM’s private tax-return information to a guy claiming to be a NOM employee, who then posted it on the Internet.)

ha! So a person closest to the story is saying that the NOM return 'leak' was just some low level guy who got duped by some other guy, who then posted the info on the internet!


IRS Targets Conservatives, Will Anyone Get Fired? | National Review Online

"Anonymous Cincinnati IRS official: “Everything comes from the top.”
Anonymous Cincinnati IRS official: ?Everything comes from the top.? | WashingtonExaminer.com

LOL, the same Washington Examiner that said Jeep was moving to China?

If everything comes from the top, why didn't Bush go to jail for Scooter Libby's crimes?

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