Obama More of a Criminal Than Nixon??


Gee...I should never have to write 'wrong' in response to your posts....it is assumed.

For your edification...if that is possible....

In the 40's, racist Democrats (is that redundant?) demanded to know the donors to the NAACP, so the law made it private and nondisclosable.

True today of non-profits.

I suggest you go back and read the .pdf I posted.

"Contributions and expenditures by 501(c)(4) nonprofits and 527 political organizations remain largely hidden even as they represent an increasing portion of campaign spending, according to a report accompanying the resolution. One 527 group known as a super PAC can accept unlimited amounts of contributions and spend unlimited money on behalf of or against candidates, the ABA Journal reported in May. The expenditures of a super PAC cannot be funneled directly to federal candidates; instead the money must be spent independently.

People or corporations seeking to keep political contributions private donate money to 501(c)(4) nonprofits, which in turn donate to super PACs. In filings with the Federal Election Commission, the super PAC lists the nonprofit, “effectively masking the true source of the funds,” according to the report to the House."
Resolution seeks disclosure of secret campaign donations made through nonprofits and super PACs - ABA Journal

I'm am now begging you...

...if you're going to post something that has nothing to do with what I posted, please do us both a favor and don't post it.
Well, I don't think there's any dispute that DC dems, and not just the WH, truly feared a lot of Citizens' United money would be unleashed, and the IRS felt pressure not so much to persecute conservatives but to look for new abuses of non-profits.

I'm not sure all republicans (privately) don't agree, and conservatives should be very wary about unlimited money, esp when it's non-disclosed, go to public speech. That's not an excuse, but more a wish that there were people who could be rational and work on campaign finance and lessen pol pressure on the IRS
No RW groups were turned down, though at least several Dem ones were. IOW- total BS as always. MANY more RW groups than Dem ones too, and the Audit run by a Bush appointee has already said no partisanship and no WH connection. Another real snoozer, hater dupes. Change the channel and get some fresh air...
Well, I don't think there's any dispute that DC dems, and not just the WH, truly feared a lot of Citizens' United money would be unleashed, and the IRS felt pressure not so much to persecute conservatives but to look for new abuses of non-profits.

I'm not sure all republicans (privately) don't agree, and conservatives should be very wary about unlimited money, esp when it's non-disclosed, go to public speech. That's not an excuse, but more a wish that there were people who could be rational and work on campaign finance and lessen pol pressure on the IRS

To show you how far afield the actual tyranny went, way beyond your post, tomorrow I'll put up an OP about a case about which I have personal knowledge.

I hope to see your comment on same.
No RW groups were turned down, though at least several Dem ones were. IOW- total BS as always. MANY more RW groups than Dem ones too, and the Audit run by a Bush appointee has already said no partisanship and no WH connection. Another real snoozer, hater dupes. Change the channel and get some fresh air...

So, BB....you're not shocked over the IRS scandal?????

You....a brilliant mind.....not outraged?????

What the heck!

You'd best get in touch with Obama forthwith, and straighten the dummy out....'cause 'Mr. Obama now professes shock and outrage that bureaucrats at the IRS did exactly what the president of the United States said was the right and honorable thing to do. "He put a target on our backs, and he's now going to blame the people who are shooting at us?" asks Idaho businessman and longtime Republican donor Frank VanderSloot."
Strassel: The IRS Scandal Started at the Top - WSJ.com

Get with the program, boy!

You poor, sad thing....can't keep up with your lord and master's machinations.....

Gee....you're so slow, we have to drive stakes in the ground to measure your progress.
"Get the word out, down to the IRS that I want them to conduct field audits on those who are our opponents"
President Richard Milhouse Nixon

He wanted it done.

It wasn't done.


Nixon's political enemies list eventually included 47,000 Americans.

The official purpose, as described by the White House Counsel's Office, was to "screw" Nixon's political enemies, by means of tax audits from the Internal Revenue Service, and by manipulating "grant availability, federal contracts, litigation, prosecution, etc." In a memorandum from John Dean to Lawrence Higby (August 16, 1971), Dean explained the purpose of the list:

“This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can maximize the fact of our incumbency in dealing with persons known to be active in their opposition to our Administration; stated a bit more bluntly—how we can use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies." wiki
"Get the word out, down to the IRS that I want them to conduct field audits on those who are our opponents"
President Richard Milhouse Nixon

He wanted it done.

It wasn't done.


Nixon's political enemies list eventually included 47,000 Americans.

The official purpose, as described by the White House Counsel's Office, was to "screw" Nixon's political enemies, by means of tax audits from the Internal Revenue Service, and by manipulating "grant availability, federal contracts, litigation, prosecution, etc." In a memorandum from John Dean to Lawrence Higby (August 16, 1971), Dean explained the purpose of the list:

“This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can maximize the fact of our incumbency in dealing with persons known to be active in their opposition to our Administration; stated a bit more bluntly—how we can use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies." wiki

It wasn't done.

I know you troglodytes require a bête noire ...
...but it wasn't done by Nixon.

Only by Obama.

From post #24:
According to Dean, Colson later compiled hundreds of names on a “master list” which changed constantly. On December 20, 1973, the Congressional Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation concluded that people on the "Enemies" list had not been subjected to an unusual number of tax audits.

And you were saying about a bridge.....?
"March 31, 2010.
According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon time of March 31st.

The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees — the same employees who belong to the NTEU — set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.

The IG report wrote it up this way:

April 1-2, 2010: The new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for a Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party cases. The Determinations Unit Program Manager Agreed."
The American Spectator : Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQCUgOxShc]BaZing! - YouTube[/ame]
You're upset because you can't find any errors in the OP.

Isn't that the real truth?

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Hunty, I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual" and not part of propaganda or an agenda.
No one here is taking you seriously....you not even "blond" or "super". You're a poser. LOL

1. "I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual"....
First fib: you know nothing....Let's be honest: you're a dunce.

2. Second fib:"I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual"
You haven't pointed out anything in the OP that isn't true.
See first fib: you're a dunce.

3. Third fib: "you not even "blond" or "super".
"you"??? That would be 'you're not even "blond" or "super".

Well, I have been blond, and, compared to you, I sure am super.

So...two half-fibs= fourth fib.

4. What have we learned?
The only true statement is that you're a dunce.

Consecutive translation: "you" a dunce.

You're only saying that as an "exchange student", trying to assimilate. We all know it.
Face it.....the American Dream has eluded you, hence your frustration, which can largely be remedied with the proper dildo.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Hunty, I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual" and not part of propaganda or an agenda.
No one here is taking you seriously....you not even "blond" or "super". You're a poser. LOL

1. "I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual"....
First fib: you know nothing....Let's be honest: you're a dunce.

2. Second fib:"I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual"
You haven't pointed out anything in the OP that isn't true.
See first fib: you're a dunce.

3. Third fib: "you not even "blond" or "super".
"you"??? That would be 'you're not even "blond" or "super".

Well, I have been blond, and, compared to you, I sure am super.

So...two half-fibs= fourth fib.

4. What have we learned?
The only true statement is that you're a dunce.

Consecutive translation: "you" a dunce.

You're only saying that as an "exchange student", trying to assimilate. We all know it.
Face it.....the American Dream has eluded you, hence your frustration, which can largely be remedied with the proper dildo.

That's all you have?

Junior high school vulgarity?

That's it?

So you insist on proving that you are not only stupid.....but you have no class.

Go home and wash your mouth out....with a revolver.
1. "I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual"....
First fib: you know nothing....Let's be honest: you're a dunce.

2. Second fib:"I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual"
You haven't pointed out anything in the OP that isn't true.
See first fib: you're a dunce.

3. Third fib: "you not even "blond" or "super".
"you"??? That would be 'you're not even "blond" or "super".

Well, I have been blond, and, compared to you, I sure am super.

So...two half-fibs= fourth fib.

4. What have we learned?
The only true statement is that you're a dunce.

Consecutive translation: "you" a dunce.

You're only saying that as an "exchange student", trying to assimilate. We all know it.
Face it.....the American Dream has eluded you, hence your frustration, which can largely be remedied with the proper dildo.

That's all you have?

Junior high school vulgarity?

That's it?

So you insist on proving that you are not only stupid.....but you have no class.

Go home and wash your mouth out....with a revolver.

I couldn't agree more. Obviously, a decent upbringing most definitely eluded this clown.
Although Nixon is quoted by John Dean as fuming "Why Can't We Use the IRS against them?"...he did not do so.
Thus...article two of the articles of impeachment used the term 'endeavoured'....

"He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."
Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

But the Chicago thug administration never stopped at 'endeavor'.....they went on to actually achieve the illegality....

The Obama team "obtained from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."

Correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't actually committing the crime worse than suggesting it?

1. "A little over a year ago, I reported that, ”It is likely that someone at the Internal Revenue Service illegally leaked confidential donor information showing a contribution from Mitt Romney’s political action committee to the National Organization for Marriage, says the group.”

2. “There is little question that one or more employees at the IRS stole our confidential tax return and leaked it to our political enemies, in violation of federal law,”...

3. In a 2012 speech, Sen. Mitch McConnell noted, “The head of one national advocacy group has released documents which show that his group’s confidential IRS information found its way into the hands of a staunch critic on the Left who also happens to be a co-chairman of President Obama’s re-election committee. The only way this information could have been made public is if someone leaked it from inside the IRS.”
The IRS admits to 'targeting' conservative groups, but were they also 'leaking'? | The Daily Caller

5. "In April 2012, the Huffington Post and the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group, posted IRS documents indicating GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney had given $10,000 to the anti-gay marriage group.

6. “In addition to being our principal combatant in the war on traditional marriage, [the Human Rights Campaign’s] president at the time was serving as a co-chair of President Obama’s reelection campaign,” Brown said in Tuesday’s statement. “This is a chilling set of circumstances that should ring alarm bells across the nation.”
National Organization for Marriage to sue IRS - Kevin Robillard - POLITICO.com

7. " Those NOM documents were published on the Huffington Post on March 30, 2012. At that time, Joe Solmonese, a left-wing activist and Huffington Post contributor, was the president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Solmonese was also a 2012 Obama campaign co-chairman.
Both the Huffington Post's Sam Stein and HRC described the leak as coming from a “whistleblower.”

a. Solmonese resigned his position at HRC the next day and took up a position as an Obama campaign co-chair.

8. In early April 2012, NOM published documents which it said showed this leaked confidential information did not come from a “whistleblower” but “came directly from the Internal Revenue Service and was provided to NOM's political opponents, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).”
Claim: Obama Campaign Co-Chair Attacked Romney with Leaked IRS Docs

9.IRS staffer: "Everything comes from the top. We don’t have any authority to make those decisions without someone signing off on them. There has to be a directive.
”Anonymous Cincinnati IRS official: ?Everything comes from the top.? | WashingtonExaminer.com

If suggesting the use of the IRS against political opponents was an impeachable high crime and/or misdemeanor for the Nixon presidency.....

....how can it not be so for the Obama presidency?

Can the Right borrow some of the Left's tenets: "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant*; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”

Or, can we recall America from an earlier time: "in America, the law is King. For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
Common Sense, Thomas Paine.

Is this now a nation that considers, not the law, but who it is that breaks it?

You are trying to compare Nixon who schemed to commit an assortment of black bag operations to gain an edge on Johnson. Nixon was criminally insane with power and paranoia.

There is no evidense that Obama sits around dreaming up ways to hurt his enemies whom have vocally and publicly sworn to bring Obama down. They did it before he was sworn in as president.

I think the tea baggers should be investigated if they are asking for government subsidy when it was clear that Rove, Bennet and the Koch brothers funded them all the while calling themselves "grass roots". Maybe they have thier finances in order now and are actually doing what the say they are doing which is a requirement to be tax exempt. Tax exempt organizations must be completely transparent. My guess is that no one in the IRS broke any laws. Obama is fully within his perogative to hire or fire anyone within the government working under the administration. The "Obama is picking on me" cry for justice is easy for the president to shape politically as he is holding all of the cards. The IRS can investigate anyone they want to as an individual or a group.
The Nixon administration and the FBI were into so much un-American stuff it's not funny, and all swept under the rug with the pardon. All these "scandals" are total bs. Read something.
He wanted it done.

It wasn't done.


Nixon's political enemies list eventually included 47,000 Americans.

The official purpose, as described by the White House Counsel's Office, was to "screw" Nixon's political enemies, by means of tax audits from the Internal Revenue Service, and by manipulating "grant availability, federal contracts, litigation, prosecution, etc." In a memorandum from John Dean to Lawrence Higby (August 16, 1971), Dean explained the purpose of the list:

“This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can maximize the fact of our incumbency in dealing with persons known to be active in their opposition to our Administration; stated a bit more bluntly—how we can use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies." wiki

It wasn't done.

I know you troglodytes require a bête noire ...
...but it wasn't done by Nixon.

Only by Obama.

From post #24:
According to Dean, Colson later compiled hundreds of names on a “master list” which changed constantly. On December 20, 1973, the Congressional Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation concluded that people on the "Enemies" list had not been subjected to an unusual number of tax audits.

And you were saying about a bridge.....?

Oh, a lot of liberals and Democrats were audited PC, ALL for political reasons and ALL with malice intent. The fact that they were honest citizens is no excuse for what Nixon did. You are also forgetting; this was brought to a screeching halt when Nixon was forced to resign in shame. Nixon's henchmen were also plotting the murder of columnist Jack Anderson, but the guy that was going to kill Anderson was caught breaking into the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate Hotel. It saved the life of a man that committed no crime and did nothing wrong.

Those who bother to read these historical snippets will find many important departures and only tenuous parallels between the Obama Administration's IRS affair and Richard Nixon's Watergate-era IRS scandal. A principal distinction is the ingredient of direct presidential involvement. President Nixon was the fulcrum, the visionary and the principal conspirator in his various capers to use the IRS as a political weapon. Nixon personally directed and persistently harangued his staff to audit, investigate and gather dirt on his enemies for personal purposes. Nixon went to reckless extremes even punishing IRS agents who refused to participate in his vendetta. A mean-spirited viciousness and his contagious enthusiasm for law breaking were also distinctive Nixon bailiwicks. In contrast, there is no evidence that Obama even knew of the IRS investigations which were presided over by Donald Shulman, a Bush appointee. The most recent evidence indicate that the Tea Party audits resulted not from intentional political targeting of conservatives from the sheer preponderous of Tea Party applications among the hundreds of 501(c)(4) tax exemption requests that deluged a tiny understaffed IRS field office. The 200 demoralized officials, already drowning in tax exemption petitions, also audited several liberal groups including Progress Texas and Sea Shepard. Detailed reporting in Sunday's New York Times indicates that the problem arose because the Cleveland branch is already debilitated and overwhelmed by years of personnel and budget cuts, now aggravated by the sequestration -- and confused by new rules applying to the cascade of political "charities" unleashed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision. The GOP's comparisons of today's IRS blunders to the Watergate era scandals broadcast a willful blindness toward history. ref.
The republicans refuse to confirm Obama appointees but have no trouble complaining about the agencies that don't even have leadership. Was the administer of the IRS the sworn and vetted and confirmed Obama nominee? Of course not...but that won't stop the republicans from attempting to blame IRS mistakes on the president.

I hate republicans. I'm not wild about Obama but I REALLY hate republicans.
1. "I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual"....
First fib: you know nothing....Let's be honest: you're a dunce.

2. Second fib:"I simply know better than to regard anything that you post as "factual"
You haven't pointed out anything in the OP that isn't true.
See first fib: you're a dunce.

3. Third fib: "you not even "blond" or "super".
"you"??? That would be 'you're not even "blond" or "super".

Well, I have been blond, and, compared to you, I sure am super.

So...two half-fibs= fourth fib.

4. What have we learned?
The only true statement is that you're a dunce.

Consecutive translation: "you" a dunce.

You're only saying that as an "exchange student", trying to assimilate. We all know it.
Face it.....the American Dream has eluded you, hence your frustration, which can largely be remedied with the proper dildo.

That's all you have?

Junior high school vulgarity?

That's it?

So you insist on proving that you are not only stupid.....but you have no class.

Go home and wash your mouth out....with a revolver.
Just as soon as you wash that thing out you want to call your beaver, bitch. I was being nice to you, but you have showed your true colors. No more Mr. Nice Poet to you.

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