Obama needs to be investigated

I'm laughing at you...but i'm guessing Obama is not laughing today....

lol.... compared to trump, obama is having a wonderful day.....
The investigation into the Obama administration is under way.....and its long over due.....time to move back to Kenya Obama.....LMAO....
Trump to release full FISA information regarding Russian collusion.....this will put Comey on trial....
I'm laughing at you...but i'm guessing Obama is not laughing today....

lol.... compared to trump, obama is having a wonderful day.....
You are an absolute moron if you think that....you must not be paying attention....

If you can read then read this...if you can't maybe you can get help....there are way more intelligent libs here than you and that is saying something...maybe one of them will help with the big words....

Obama is running scared today.....that is what he gets for breaking bad....
I'm laughing at you...but i'm guessing Obama is not laughing today....

lol.... compared to trump, obama is having a wonderful day.....
You are an absolute moron if you think that....you must not be paying attention....

If you can read then read this...if you can't maybe you can get help....there are way more intelligent libs here than you and that is saying something...maybe one of them will help with the big words....


i am only reading a couple sentences that is available... but i suppose that 'executive privilege' is directed toward mcgahn. um.... he is a private citizen now & if subpoenaed, will face a contempt charge which he will not want to risk losing his law license & reputation. not to mention that he was accused of being a liar.

he'll show up
I'm laughing at you...but i'm guessing Obama is not laughing today....

lol.... compared to trump, obama is having a wonderful day.....
You are an absolute moron if you think that....you must not be paying attention....

If you can read then read this...if you can't maybe you can get help....there are way more intelligent libs here than you and that is saying something...maybe one of them will help with the big words....


i am only reading a couple sentences that is available... but i suppose that 'executive privilege' is directed toward mcgahn. um.... he is a private citizen now & if subpoenaed, will face a contempt charge which he will not want to risk losing his law license & reputation. not to mention that he was accused of being a liar.

he'll show up
No he won't Buuuaaaahahahahahaha...and even if he did he has nothing to share that would incriminate Trump.....give it up....Trump is still president and WILL win re election and give us possibly two more SCOTUS justices....all while the Obama team is defending themselves in federal court....remember I'm never wrong....I've been spot on since this whole witch hunt began and you have been wrong every step of the way.....
lol.... compared to trump, obama is having a wonderful day.....
You are an absolute moron if you think that....you must not be paying attention....

If you can read then read this...if you can't maybe you can get help....there are way more intelligent libs here than you and that is saying something...maybe one of them will help with the big words....


i am only reading a couple sentences that is available... but i suppose that 'executive privilege' is directed toward mcgahn. um.... he is a private citizen now & if subpoenaed, will face a contempt charge which he will not want to risk losing his law license & reputation. not to mention that he was accused of being a liar.

he'll show up
No he won't Buuuaaaahahahahahaha...and even if he did he has nothing to share that would incriminate Trump.....give it up....Trump is still president and WILL win re election and give us possibly two more SCOTUS justices....all while the Obama team is defending themselves in federal court....remember I'm never wrong....I've been spot on since this whole witch hunt began and you have been wrong every step of the way.....

You are an absolute moron if you think that....you must not be paying attention....

If you can read then read this...if you can't maybe you can get help....there are way more intelligent libs here than you and that is saying something...maybe one of them will help with the big words....


i am only reading a couple sentences that is available... but i suppose that 'executive privilege' is directed toward mcgahn. um.... he is a private citizen now & if subpoenaed, will face a contempt charge which he will not want to risk losing his law license & reputation. not to mention that he was accused of being a liar.

he'll show up
No he won't Buuuaaaahahahahahaha...and even if he did he has nothing to share that would incriminate Trump.....give it up....Trump is still president and WILL win re election and give us possibly two more SCOTUS justices....all while the Obama team is defending themselves in federal court....remember I'm never wrong....I've been spot on since this whole witch hunt began and you have been wrong every step of the way.....

Be careful that popcorn will clog your colon.....
If we just ignore his crimes they will happen again....

since when has our corrupt government EVER brought justice to a criminal president. ALL presidents are ALWAYS criminal war mongering traiters who get a mere slap on the wrist for their crimes that we go to jail for if we commit those same crimes, Kennedy being the possible exception,same as politicians,one different law for them than there is for us.
Nothing has been done to this extent Because the tools havent been available that long. You should be worried because it is still occurring.

Care4all made some very good points that undercut your claims.
To what extent?.....you can't nor can Care4all tell me what the Russians did and what impact it had...can you?...no because no one has made that clear...not even Mueller....what counts is the statement made by Rosenstein and Mueller...that there were no votes changed and the Russian attempts had no effect on the election...I don't know what else I can say to make it clear that Trump won fair and square...he had no help from Russia or anyone else...So two years of investigation is not enough to convince you....that my dear is a personal problem you will have to come to terms with....
no one said any ones minds were changed by the marketing propaganda and stolen email releases, but no one said minds of voters were not changed through the Russians Herculean influence efforts either.

It seems like te Trump Campaign KNEW the stolen emails and Russian propaganda would help their campaign a great deal, otherwise they would not have spent so much time on retweeting and reposting the Russian propaganda, or so many instances, 150 plus times where Trump mentioned wikileaks and dnc and podesta emails during his rallies in October, in one month...

And all the efforts the Trump campaign manager, Manafort, gathered the secret Trump campaign polling and passed it off to a Russian Nationalist, Kilimnik, who had ties to the GRU, and how manafort discussed the 3 Democratic leaning electoral states with this Russian national to focus Russia's attempt to interfere on were the shocking 3 democratic leaning electoral states that Trump got his electoral win from.... and Roger Stone working overtime trying to time the dropping of the russian emails with wikileaks and Trump's campaign...

but no, no, no.... the Russian influence election attack on our nation, and trump campaign working overtime to get what the Russians had and Russian help in social media....

was just a waste of time nothing burger, eh?

YOU really should READ the Mueller report.... 10 to 20 pages a night.... you'll be done in a couple of weeks... it's a good read... and it will bring you out of your state of ignorance that you are blissfully living in! I'm on my second read of it, finding all kinds of things I somehow missed the first time around....
Nothing has been done to this extent Because the tools havent been available that long. You should be worried because it is still occurring.

Care4all made some very good points that undercut your claims.
To what extent?.....you can't nor can Care4all tell me what the Russians did and what impact it had...can you?...no because no one has made that clear...not even Mueller....what counts is the statement made by Rosenstein and Mueller...that there were no votes changed and the Russian attempts had no effect on the election...I don't know what else I can say to make it clear that Trump won fair and square...he had no help from Russia or anyone else...So two years of investigation is not enough to convince you....that my dear is a personal problem you will have to come to terms with....
no one said any ones minds were changed by the marketing propaganda and stolen email releases, but no one said minds of voters were not changed through the Russians Herculean influence efforts either.

It seems like te Trump Campaign KNEW the stolen emails and Russian propaganda would help their campaign a great deal, otherwise they would not have spent so much time on retweeting and reposting the Russian propaganda, or so many instances, 150 plus times where Trump mentioned wikileaks and dnc and podesta emails during his rallies in October, in one month...

And all the efforts the Trump campaign manager, Manafort, gathered the secret Trump campaign polling and passed it off to a Russian Nationalist, Kilimnik, who had ties to the GRU, and how manafort discussed the 3 Democratic leaning electoral states with this Russian national to focus Russia's attempt to interfere on were the shocking 3 democratic leaning electoral states that Trump got his electoral win from.... and Roger Stone working overtime trying to time the dropping of the russian emails with wikileaks and Trump's campaign...

but no, no, no.... the Russian influence election attack on our nation, and trump campaign working overtime to get what the Russians had and Russian help in social media....

was just a waste of time nothing burger, eh?

YOU really should READ the Mueller report.... 10 to 20 pages a night.... you'll be done in a couple of weeks... it's a good read... and it will bring you out of your state of ignorance that you are blissfully living in! I'm on my second read of it, finding all kinds of things I somehow missed the first time around....
Fake news.
Nothing has been done to this extent Because the tools havent been available that long. You should be worried because it is still occurring.

Care4all made some very good points that undercut your claims.
To what extent?.....you can't nor can Care4all tell me what the Russians did and what impact it had...can you?...no because no one has made that clear...not even Mueller....what counts is the statement made by Rosenstein and Mueller...that there were no votes changed and the Russian attempts had no effect on the election...I don't know what else I can say to make it clear that Trump won fair and square...he had no help from Russia or anyone else...So two years of investigation is not enough to convince you....that my dear is a personal problem you will have to come to terms with....

I'm not sure you understood what I said or I didn't express myself clearly. Here is what we know - and can assess, and what we do not know or can not assess.

We know, from a great deal of evidence, and as concluded in the Mueller report - that the Russians had and still have an active campaign of attempting to interfere in elections, sow discord and division, and create distrust in fundamental institutions of democracy. This is not only directed against the U.S., but has been directed against other western democratic nations as well. Can we agree on this conclusion?

The second thing we know, from Mueller's report is that the Russians did want Trump to win, and tried to interfere in ways that would advantage his campaign - again, this is a conclusion in Mueller's report. Can we agree on this conclusion?

When I said nothing has been done to this extent before - it is because the WWW and social media and the power of Big Data has created opportunities and tools we are only just now beginning to appreciate. The Russians have always tried to interfere with various propoganda programs etc but their effect was limited because of the reasons I stated above (and it's worth considering that these same tools are available to all politicians, including our own, in both parties - it changes the political playing field). Can we agree on this?

The third thing is, did Trump win "fair and square"? My answer is the same as it has always been - yes. There was no fraud, no votes were changed - voters voted, their votes were recorded. I've never said otherwise. Even if it was criminally proven that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia it would not alter the results of the election because the votes were valid and there was no fraud. Can we agree on this?

The fourth thing is this: Did Russian attempts to interfere in the election alter the way people voted in any way? That is unknowable. We have absolutely no way of measuring or knowing whether it had any affect on peoples decision on how to vote over the long term. Can we agree on this?

The thing to remember is that while you are grasping on the positive points of the Mueller investigation, you are also ignoring the deeper understanding that was laid out very carefully. Trump was not exhonerated - only that there was insufficient (ie - not "no") evidence to support a criminal indictment. So keep in mind, there was a lot of questionable behavior and actions by multiple individuals there. That's reality and factual, assuming you agree with the conclusions of the report. I think it's important to keep in mind that report was quite clear on what the Russians were attempting to do and what they are CONTINUING to do, and the previous administration had good reason to be concerned about it. Why are we squabbling about all these other things instead of focusing on elephant in the room - the integrity of our elections which is DEPENDENT on the public's trust in our democratic institutions.

Russia has succeeded beyond it's wildest dreams here - discord, deep divisions within our people, deep distrust of fundamental institutions of government, the media, etc that preserve our democracy. Trump is just a detail, not the bigger picture.

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