Obama not just Importing 'Possible' ISIS - he's bringing in 1,500 ADMITTED TERRORISTS

Siete, what if YOU are right and AFTER the importing of all these Syrians are delayed until we can confirm that not one of them turns out to be dangerous? The delay would be like 'no harm, no foul', right? So why not do it?

What, however, if I am right, and Obama brings all these Syrians right into the US...and 7, 8, 10 turn out to be ISIS...and they pull a 'Paris'? America burns, Americans die, and now we have no idea how many more of those 100,000 brought in might be terrorists as well.

Delaying bringing them here may take a little more time, but it's 'no harm, no foul', and may save lives - it is the more responsible thing to do!

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