Obama not just Importing 'Possible' ISIS - he's bringing in 1,500 ADMITTED TERRORISTS

"Judicial Watch obtained the numbers from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) annual report to Congress on the DHS secretary’s application of discretionary authority.
".... The bottom line is that the U.S. government is allowing them all to stay in the country with rights and benefits afforded to legal residents despite their terrorist connections and associations."

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum - Judicial Watch

mdk eat shit again.
World Net Daily also claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. Best to avoid Asian cuisine altogether b/c one drop will transform you into a cock/twat gobbling homo. You've been warned breeders! lol.
Poisoning the well, logical fallacy.

Grow up.

The OP was proven false on the first page.

Eat shit.
No, it wasn't.

So eat your own shit.

You'll never accept that was b/c it doesn't confirm your bias.

No thanks, I am not into having shit spoon fed to me. That is more your bag. :thup:
World Net Daily also claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. Best to avoid Asian cuisine altogether b/c one drop will transform you into a cock/twat gobbling homo. You've been warned breeders! lol.
Poisoning the well, logical fallacy.

Grow up.

The OP was proven false on the first page.

Eat shit.
No, it wasn't.

So eat your own shit.

You'll never accept that was b/c it doesn't confirm your bias.

No thanks, I am not into having shit spoon fed to me. That is more your bag. :thup:

No, I'll never accept it because it's a lie.

So how long have you been the defender of terrorists? Have you always lied in order to sneak them in? Do you ever get $$ for it? If you don't, you should...it could be quite lucrative for you.
a joint effort by DHS and the State Department created an “Exercise of Authority” that allows “an alien who provided limited material support” to a terrorist organization to stay in the U.S. if the powers that be in our government believe they pose no threat.
"The administration seems to have a soft spot for terrorists. A few months after the INS change was exposed, a frustrated U.S. senator revealed that the administration appears to have a terrorist “hands off” list that permits individuals with extremist ties to enter the country. The lawmaker obtained the information from internal DHS documents that include communication between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) asking whether to admit an individual with ties to various terrorist groups. The suspect had scheduled an upcoming flight into the U.S. and was believed to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and a close associate and supporter Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad."

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum - Judicial Watch
World Net Daily also claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. Best to avoid Asian cuisine altogether b/c one drop will transform you into a cock/twat gobbling homo. You've been warned breeders! lol.
Poisoning the well, logical fallacy.

Grow up.

The OP was proven false on the first page.

Eat shit.
No, it wasn't.

So eat your own shit.

You'll never accept that was b/c it doesn't confirm your bias.

No thanks, I am not into having shit spoon fed to me. That is more your bag. :thup:

No, I'll never accept it because it's a lie.

So how long have you been the defender of terrorists? Have you always lied in order to sneak them in? Do you ever get $$ for it? If you don't, you should...it could be quite lucrative for you.

Oh, shut up. I never once defended terrorists. I am not just willing to swallow the bullshit WND and Judaical Watch spew.

Does this mean I get added to your 'ignore (but I am still going to respond to your posts anyway) list'? Laughable hack!
Last edited:
Poisoning the well, logical fallacy.

Grow up.

The OP was proven false on the first page.

Eat shit.
No, it wasn't.

So eat your own shit.

You'll never accept that was b/c it doesn't confirm your bias.

No thanks, I am not into having shit spoon fed to me. That is more your bag. :thup:

No, I'll never accept it because it's a lie.

So how long have you been the defender of terrorists? Have you always lied in order to sneak them in? Do you ever get $$ for it? If you don't, you should...it could be quite lucrative for you.

Oh, shut up. I never once defended terrorists. I am not just willing to swallow the bullshit WND and Judaical Watch spew.

Does this mean I get added to your 'ignore (but I am still going to respond to your posts anyway) list'? Laughable hack!
When you lie in order to support policies that bring in terrorists, then you are supporting terrorists.
The OP was proven false on the first page.

Eat shit.
No, it wasn't.

So eat your own shit.

You'll never accept that was b/c it doesn't confirm your bias.

No thanks, I am not into having shit spoon fed to me. That is more your bag. :thup:

No, I'll never accept it because it's a lie.

So how long have you been the defender of terrorists? Have you always lied in order to sneak them in? Do you ever get $$ for it? If you don't, you should...it could be quite lucrative for you.

Oh, shut up. I never once defended terrorists. I am not just willing to swallow the bullshit WND and Judaical Watch spew.

Does this mean I get added to your 'ignore (but I am still going to respond to your posts anyway) list'? Laughable hack!
When you lie in order to support policies that bring in terrorists, then you are supporting terrorists.

Drink deep from the well of bullshit, KG. I really don't care if you wish to remain a willfully obtuse hack. :thup:
dimocraps are scum --


ALL of them

YEP, but they still put him in office OVER all that he showed he was either a Muslim or for sure a Muslim sympathizer. and then he has the Iranian Jarrett as his close advisor.

on top of every American hating Radical he could put in office starting with Holder, who was involved in an armed takeover of a ROTC building back in the 60's ...and it's goes on and on .

dear gawd we are so up a shit creek. and it was done by our own citizens.

sigh, deep breath and sigh again...

YOU believe EVERY LIE YOU HAVE EVER BEEN TOLD by your continually lying right wing scum buckets media.

Do some research of your own....YOU should be FURIOUS with this right wing media manufacturing this kind of crap to baffle you in to a frenzy, LYING TO YOU all the time....

honesty is the best policy...and I am not saying you are intentionally dishonest...because you truly believe this CRUD that you repeat and regurgitate!!!

Well let me SET you straight on this one Stephanie.

Valerie Jarett is NOT A MUSLIM, and she did NOT make that statement at Standford U. as all of you right wingers have lied about....

Both her parents are African American and are NOT MUSLIM, her grandfather was known to be the first African American Architect in the USA, her roots go very deep in this Nation.

Her Father was a Doctor that served with other American Doctors in this hospital in Iran, (with other American Doctors in a service much like Doctors without Borders) when she was born, they came back to the USA when her Father's job was complete and she was here in the USA from 5 years old, in prep schools and in college/university etc....

Now STOP passing this LIE around, pretty please.


Example: [Collected via e-mail, January 2015]

Quoted from Valerie Jarrett:

"I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. I am also an American Citizen and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself."

Valerie Jarrett, Stanford University 1977


Origins: Valerie Jarrett was offered a role as a White House Senior Advisor at the very beginning of the Obama administration in January 2009 and now holds the position of Senior Advisor to the President of the United States. President Obama has said he consults Jarrett on every major decision, and the New Republic's Noam Scheiber reported thus of her influence with the White House:
"Her role since she has been at the White House is one of the broadest and most expansive roles that I think has ever existed in the West Wing," says Anita Dunn, Obama's former communications director. Broader, even, than the role of running the West Wing. This summer, the call to send Attorney General Eric Holder on a risky visit to Ferguson, Missouri, was made by exactly three people: Holder himself, the president, and Jarrett, who were vacationing together on Martha's Vineyard. When I asked Holder if Denis McDonough, the chief of staff, was part of the conversation, he thought for a moment and said, "He was not there."

Jarrett holds a key vote on Cabinet picks (she opposed Larry Summers at Treasury and was among the first Obama aides to come around on Hillary Clinton at State) and has an outsize say on ambassadorships and judgeships. She helps determine who gets invited to the First Lady's Box for the State of the Union, who attends state dinners and bill-signing ceremonies, and who sits where at any of the above
The level of influence Jarrett holds with the Obama administration has prompted many detractors to complain she wields too much control over the President and decisions about who should have access to him, and one expression that detraction commonly takes is the assertion Jarrett is a foreign-born Islamic "mole" who is pushing for (or furthering) a Muslim agenda through the executive branch. The quote cited above is a typical example, holding that while Jarrett was an undergraduate psychology student at

Stanford University in 1977, she proclaimed herself to be an Iranian who sought "to help change America to be a more Islamic country" and she felt "like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself."

Contrary to common rumor, however, neither Jarrett nor her parents are Iranian, nor (as far as we can tell) are any of them Muslim. Jarrett's parents,
James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman, were both American-born U.S. citizens from Washington, D.C. and Chicago, respectively; the couple merely lived in Iran for about six years in the late 1950s and early 1960s while James served as chair of pathology at Nemazee Hospital in Shiraz as part of a program that sent American physicians to work in developing countries.

Valerie was born in Shiraz during the Bowmans' sojourn in Iran; she returned to the U.S. with her parents in 1962 (when she was five years old), whereupon she attended prep school in Massachusetts, graduated with a B.A. in psychology from Stanford University in 1978, and earned a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1981 before returning to Chicago to begin her working career. We've found no evidence Valerie Jarrett is (or ever was) Muslim, her only apparent connection to that religion being the

incidental one that she temporarily lived in a predominantly Muslim country with her American parents for the first few years of her life.

The quote to attributed "Valerie Jarrett, Stanford University, 1977" about her "seek[ing] to help change America to be a more Islamic country" is an unfounded one that has no source other than recent repetition (primarily on right-wing web sites and blogs) and that in its commonly reproduced form is too stilted to be believable as the utterance of a fluent English speaker (e.g., "I am an Iranian by birth and of [sic] my Islamic faith"). No news article or document associated with Stanford University records Jarrett as having made this statement back in 1977; and if there were any credible evidence Jarrett had ever said anything remotely like this, it would have been a well-covered news story since shortly after the 2008 presidential election and not a obscure meme that didn't pop up until several years later.

Last updated: 4 October 2015 Seeking Derangement

The only one who needs to take a breath is you. I believe what I believe, you are free to believe what you want. You want to trust these PROVEN liars you go right ahead. I don't care what you have to say about it. It's because of people like you we are now in this situation by falling for and voting FOR That liar Obama
Poisoning the well, logical fallacy.

Grow up.

The OP was proven false on the first page.

Eat shit.
No, it wasn't.

So eat your own shit.

You'll never accept that was b/c it doesn't confirm your bias.

No thanks, I am not into having shit spoon fed to me. That is more your bag. :thup:

No, I'll never accept it because it's a lie.

So how long have you been the defender of terrorists? Have you always lied in order to sneak them in? Do you ever get $$ for it? If you don't, you should...it could be quite lucrative for you.

Oh, shut up. I never once defended terrorists. I am not just willing to swallow the bullshit WND and Judaical Watch spew.

Does this mean I get added to your 'ignore (but I am still going to respond to your posts anyway) list'? Laughable hack!

List the reasons you want syrian "refugees" in your town. Explain the benefits.
..and you know what they do to homosexuals.....
No, it wasn't.

So eat your own shit.

You'll never accept that was b/c it doesn't confirm your bias.

No thanks, I am not into having shit spoon fed to me. That is more your bag. :thup:

No, I'll never accept it because it's a lie.

So how long have you been the defender of terrorists? Have you always lied in order to sneak them in? Do you ever get $$ for it? If you don't, you should...it could be quite lucrative for you.

Oh, shut up. I never once defended terrorists. I am not just willing to swallow the bullshit WND and Judaical Watch spew.

Does this mean I get added to your 'ignore (but I am still going to respond to your posts anyway) list'? Laughable hack!
When you lie in order to support policies that bring in terrorists, then you are supporting terrorists.

Drink deep from the well of bullshit, KG. I really don't care if you wish to remain a willfully obtuse hack. :thup:

No, if I was a willfully obtuse hack, I would immediately start in with personal attacks upon being exposed as a liar.

You know, like you do.
WND is not a credible source.

OP fail.
THIS is how you know when a Liberal loses an argument - when all they can come up with is their opinionated declaration that whatever source you are using is 'not credible' because THEY say so. Never mind that I posted 2 other links to different media reporting the same thing.... Starkey just raised the Liberal white flag. Now all he has to do is bring up Bush and call me a 'racist' to accomplish the Liberal Trifecta of propaganda / excuses. :p
Sorry, WND and CNS are never, ever, in the history of mankind, reliable sources... that's a FACT, that can not be argued otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!

Wnd..... twists, turns, spins, creates and manufactures the news.

But, we do have free will, so you will choose to believe them, I'm sure! Have at it!!! ;)
Poisoning the well, logical fallacies 101.

Go sit down and let better minds than yours discuss this important issue.
"Judicial Watch obtained the numbers from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) annual report to Congress on the DHS secretary’s application of discretionary authority.
".... The bottom line is that the U.S. government is allowing them all to stay in the country with rights and benefits afforded to legal residents despite their terrorist connections and associations."

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum - Judicial Watch

mdk eat shit again.

he does. don't let him bother you. no one pays him any attention
apparently Obama was successful protecting the country from all the " terrorist refugees" 43 let in from Iraq .. why would I worry about some RW bs anyway ?

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