Obama not just Importing 'Possible' ISIS - he's bringing in 1,500 ADMITTED TERRORISTS

NYC, The FBI has already stated that there are NO In-Depth Background checks being conducted on the 'Refugees already here and who are coming. The established process fails miserably to adequately ensure they are not threats.

Furthermore, Obama doesn't just want to bring "Refugees' to the U.S. - he just authorized Homeland Security Chief with the authority to bring in known, admitted terrorist supporters, facilitators, and those who arm them! HE IS IMPORTING ADMITTED TERRORISTS!

I am sure Paris did background checks and precautions before they allowed the 2 'Refugees' who participated in the attacks in Paris, and they failed to protect their people. You honestly think Obama's lame-ass security checks will stop 'Refugees' from attacking the US as they did in Paris? Based on WHAT (if your answer is 'yes')? Because Obama - the guy who said 'we have ISIS contained hours before the worst attack on Paris since WWII, Mr. 'Lie of The Year' who has been lying about ISIS since 2012 - said so?!
Obama just said, moments ago, that thorough background checks will be done.

How do you do that when Syria has NO BACKGROUND on any of these people?


The article also states that Soy is turning people gay.

Hate to turn this thread into this....Soy is full of estrogen's like milk and meat...ect.

Hint: Old women take soy to help with replacing estrogen.
Transgenders take estrogen to become more feminine

precisely...and I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

I thought being gay was a choice? lol. Better avoid those estrogen riddled beans and peas as well. Do your family/friends a favor this Thanksgiving and smash that green casserole onto the floor. Three bites can turn an alpha-male into a flame queen by the time pie is severed. lol

sure...whatever you say, beta male.


I am not the one claiming that estrogen in food causes homosexuality. That would be you and the author of the WND article I posted. I was just trying to help you from not becoming a fag. So much for gratitude. :(
NYC, The FBI has already stated that there are NO In-Depth Background checks being conducted on the 'Refugees already here and who are coming. The established process fails miserably to adequately ensure they are not threats.

Furthermore, Obama doesn't just want to bring "Refugees' to the U.S. - he just authorized Homeland Security Chief with the authority to bring in known, admitted terrorist supporters, facilitators, and those who arm them! HE IS IMPORTING ADMITTED TERRORISTS!

I am sure Paris did background checks and precautions before they allowed the 2 'Refugees' who participated in the attacks in Paris, and they failed to protect their people. You honestly think Obama's lame-ass security checks will stop 'Refugees' from attacking the US as they did in Paris? Based on WHAT (if your answer is 'yes')? Because Obama - the guy who said 'we have ISIS contained hours before the worst attack on Paris since WWII, Mr. 'Lie of The Year' who has been lying about ISIS since 2012 - said so?!
Obama just said, moments ago, that thorough background checks will be done.

LMFAO...and who are we going to ask about their backgrounds? syria?
"background checks"...too funny..

isn't it interesting that "background checks" don't keep guns away from criminals...but the democrat socialists want us to believe that syria will vet these "refugees" for us and everything will be fine....

The article also states that Soy is turning people gay.

Hate to turn this thread into this....Soy is full of estrogen's like milk and meat...ect.

Hint: Old women take soy to help with replacing estrogen.
Transgenders take estrogen to become more feminine

precisely...and I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

I thought being gay was a choice? lol. Better avoid those estrogen riddled beans and peas as well. Do your family/friends a favor this Thanksgiving and smash that green casserole onto the floor. Three bites can turn an alpha-male into a flame queen by the time pie is severed. lol

sure...whatever you say, beta male.


I am not the one claiming that estrogen in food causes homosexuality. That would be you and the author of the WND article I posted. I was just trying to help you from not becoming a fag. So much for gratitude. :(

I don't need your help to reject perversion. Enjoy yourself...suck it up.
[I am not the one claiming that estrogen in food causes homosexuality. That would be you

You are a LIAR... I never said that.
I see you and Obama have a lot in common....

The article also states that Soy is turning people gay.

Hate to turn this thread into this....Soy is full of estrogen's like milk and meat...ect.

Hint: Old women take soy to help with replacing estrogen.
Transgenders take estrogen to become more feminine

precisely...and I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

I thought being gay was a choice? lol. Better avoid those estrogen riddled beans and peas as well. Do your family/friends a favor this Thanksgiving and smash that green casserole onto the floor. Three bites can turn an alpha-male into a flame queen by the time pie is severed. lol

The article also states that Soy is turning people gay.

Hate to turn this thread into this....Soy is full of estrogen's like milk and meat...ect.

Hint: Old women take soy to help with replacing estrogen.
Transgenders take estrogen to become more feminine

precisely...and I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

I thought being gay was a choice? lol. Better avoid those estrogen riddled beans and peas as well. Do your family/friends a favor this Thanksgiving and smash that green casserole onto the floor. Three bites can turn an alpha-male into a flame queen by the time pie is severed. lol

Not saying being gay is a choice or not, just telling you what I have learned from being a estrogen dominance cancer person.
Google Estrogen Dominance Foods and cancer ..since we are on this topic its good to know.

Sorry to Hyjack the thread


Yeah, I feel bad about hijacking this thread as that wasn't my intention. My point was that WND is a source that can hardly be classified as credible. With that, I'll withdraw from this thread so the topic can be discussed without further distraction. Cheers!
precisely...and I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".


I don't get it?
Are you denying that estrogen is a female hormone?

Not at all...
We all have hormones, and when they get unbalanced by eating certain foods , or being exposed to too many estrogen's the
men get man boobs ect. and women get cancer..

My cancer is estrogen fed so I have to take drug that strip the estrogen out of my body..it sucks.

Try learning about it ..
For instance...
Milk is jammed pack with the hormone estrogen, even organic..why? because the cow's are kept pregnant to produce the milk.
Meat jammed packed with chemicals and estrogen's..

Corn: isn't even real anymore and is in everything.
If you want I can make a thread somewhere for you so the thread goes back to its topic.

precisely...and I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".


I don't get it?
Are you denying that estrogen is a female hormone?

Not at all...
We all have hormones, and when they get unbalanced by eating certain foods , or being exposed to too many estrogen's the
men get man boobs ect. and women get cancer..

My cancer is estrogen fed so I have to take drug that strip the estrogen out of my body..it sucks.

Try learning about it ..
For instance...
Milk is jammed pack with the hormone estrogen, even organic..why? because the cow's are kept pregnant to produce the milk.
Meat jammed packed with chemicals and estrogen's..

Corn: isn't even real anymore and is in everything.
If you want I can make a thread somewhere for you so the thread goes back to its topic.


I understand (most of) that and I agree with you. I didn't know about it causing/accelerating cancer. That's pretty interesting.
I MIS understood your intent with the picture..pardon my error.
[I am not the one claiming that estrogen in food causes homosexuality. That would be you

You are a LIAR... I never said that.
I see you and Obama have a lot in common....

I never said you did. I was responding to Rotgilla who stated:

I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

Try actually reading whom I was responding to next time, Easyt65. It will help in not making you look like a fool. :thup:
[I am not the one claiming that estrogen in food causes homosexuality. That would be you

You are a LIAR... I never said that.
I see you and Obama have a lot in common....

I never said you did. I was responding to Rotgilla who stated:

I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

Try actually reading whom I was responding to next time, Easyt65. It will help in further making you look like a fool. :thup:

....." too much estrogen in food is part of the reason..."

is what I said, homo...cherry picking and mischaracterizing don't work when the words are right there for everyone to see.
NYC, The FBI has already stated that there are NO In-Depth Background checks being conducted on the 'Refugees already here and who are coming. The established process fails miserably to adequately ensure they are not threats.

Furthermore, Obama doesn't just want to bring "Refugees' to the U.S. - he just authorized Homeland Security Chief with the authority to bring in known, admitted terrorist supporters, facilitators, and those who arm them! HE IS IMPORTING ADMITTED TERRORISTS!

I am sure Paris did background checks and precautions before they allowed the 2 'Refugees' who participated in the attacks in Paris, and they failed to protect their people. You honestly think Obama's lame-ass security checks will stop 'Refugees' from attacking the US as they did in Paris? Based on WHAT (if your answer is 'yes')? Because Obama - the guy who said 'we have ISIS contained hours before the worst attack on Paris since WWII, Mr. 'Lie of The Year' who has been lying about ISIS since 2012 - said so?!
Obama just said, moments ago, that thorough background checks will be done.

he also won lie of the of the year by saying: if you like your policy you'll be able to KEEP your policy. for crying out loud.
[I am not the one claiming that estrogen in food causes homosexuality. That would be you

You are a LIAR... I never said that.
I see you and Obama have a lot in common....

I never said you did. I was responding to Rotgilla who stated:

I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

Try actually reading whom I was responding to next time, Easyt65. It will help in further making you look like a fool. :thup:

....." too much estrogen in food is part of the reason..."

is what I said, homo...cherry picking and mischaracterizing don't work when the words are right there for everyone to see.

Yes, soy is part of the reason that causes homosexuality according to you, which is laughably absurd. Indeed, it is right here for everyone to see. I am sorry I made fun of World Net Daily being a credible source. Can you ever forgive me? I hope so. Without it I may not be able to sleep tonight. :(
[I am not the one claiming that estrogen in food causes homosexuality. That would be you

You are a LIAR... I never said that.
I see you and Obama have a lot in common....

I never said you did. I was responding to Rotgilla who stated:

I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

Try actually reading whom I was responding to next time, Easyt65. It will help in further making you look like a fool. :thup:

....." too much estrogen in food is part of the reason..."

is what I said, homo...cherry picking and mischaracterizing don't work when the words are right there for everyone to see.

Yes, soy is part of the reason that causes homosexuality according to you, which is laughably absurd. Indeed, it is right here for everyone to see. I am sorry I made fun of World Net Daily being a credible source. Can you ever forgive me? I hope so. Without it I may not be able to sleep tonight. :(

that's not what I said, faggot. Not at all what I said....
[I am not the one claiming that estrogen in food causes homosexuality. That would be you

You are a LIAR... I never said that.
I see you and Obama have a lot in common....

I never said you did. I was responding to Rotgilla who stated:

I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

Try actually reading whom I was responding to next time, Easyt65. It will help in further making you look like a fool. :thup:

....." too much estrogen in food is part of the reason..."

is what I said, homo...cherry picking and mischaracterizing don't work when the words are right there for everyone to see.

Yes, soy is part of the reason that causes homosexuality according to you, which is laughably absurd. Indeed, it is right here for everyone to see. I am sorry I made fun of World Net Daily being a credible source. Can you ever forgive me? I hope so. Without it I may not be able to sleep tonight. :(

that's not what I said, faggot. Not at all what I said....

Awe, look a little the bawl baby trying to save face. It must have been some other moron with your handle that stated: "I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys". lol

It is right there in this thread. You can pretend it doesn't exists all you wish but the rest of us are under no obligation to do so. :thup:
WND is not a credible source.

OP fail.
THIS is how you know when a Liberal loses an argument - when all they can come up with is their opinionated declaration that whatever source you are using is 'not credible' because THEY say so. Never mind that I posted 2 other links to different media reporting the same thing.... Starkey just raised the Liberal white flag. Now all he has to do is bring up Bush and call me a 'racist' to accomplish the Liberal Trifecta of propaganda / excuses. :p
I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys".

Try actually reading whom I was responding to next time, Easyt65. It will help in further making you look like a fool. :thup:

....." too much estrogen in food is part of the reason..."

is what I said, homo...cherry picking and mischaracterizing don't work when the words are right there for everyone to see.[/QUOTE]

Yes, soy is part of the reason that causes homosexuality according to you, which is laughably absurd. Indeed, it is right here for everyone to see. I am sorry I made fun of World Net Daily being a credible source. Can you ever forgive me? I hope so. Without it I may not be able to sleep tonight. :([/QUOTE]

that's not what I said, faggot. Not at all what I said....[/QUOTE]

Awe, look a little the bawl baby trying to save face. It must have been some other moron with your handle that stated: "I think too much estrogen in food is part of the reason so many american "men" are homosexual beta males and "pajama boys". lol

It is right there in this thread. You can pretend it doesn't exists all you wish but the rest of us are under no obligation to do so. :thup:[/QUOTE]

Not saying this is true , but in the future we may find this to be factual and Rotagilla may be right.


Dr. Brian A. Gladue, director of the study who now heads psychoendocrinology research at North Dakota State University, said the findings indicated that ''most of the homosexual men in our study are processing the estrogen differently from heterosexual men.'

Last edited:
THIS is how you know when a Liberal loses an argument - when all they can come up with is their opinionated declaration that whatever source you are using is 'not credible' because THEY say so. Never mind that I posted 2 other links to different media reporting the same thing.... Starkey just raised the Liberal white flag. Now all he has to do is bring up Bush and call me a 'racist' to accomplish the Liberal Trifecta of propaganda / excuses. :p

Paris Attacks: Governors Won't Let In Syrian Refugees

Governors of Alabama, Michigan Pledge Not to Let In Syrian Refugees After Paris Attacks

No Syrian refugees have entered Alabama under federal refugee assistance rules, and Gov. Robert Bentley declared Sunday night that they never will on his watch.

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