Obama Now Has the Power to Appoint 93 Federal Judges

all of you who are calling President Obama a hypocrite on this filibuster issue

[ame=http://youtu.be/1pWHHw-dAV4]Obama: Nuclear Option Not Good For Either Part, About Power Instead Of Democracy - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/K1Dacnvjf8A]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/r-nZJ0flnQU]Best Of Harry Reid Opposing Nuclear Option. Harry Reid Compilation - YouTube[/ame]
Not all democrats in the Senate are left wing liberals, and with only 51% majority, it only takes a few to vote down any fanatical far left nut jobs. The DNC is now responsible for the judges that get in, and they aren't going to sink the party for the sake of a few judges. Now they have no one to blame, and if (by some miracle) the cons get control, they won't have the liberals to blame either.
Democrat party-liars and snakes...and their base of voters have become nothing more then, sheep who were once proud people

[ame=http://youtu.be/ESZPCmnD6Vw]Reid on Filibuster in 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

FLASHBACK: Reid in 2008: ‘As Long As I Am The Leader’ We Will Not Have a Nuclear Option

Reid called it 'a black chapter in the history of the Senate'

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 21, 2013 2:54 pm

Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.) said in a 2008 interview that as long as he was the Senate Majority Leader, the nuclear option would never happen under his watch.

“As long as I am the Leader, the answer’s no,” he said. “I think we should just forget that. That is a black chapter in the history of the Senate. I hope we never, ever get to that again because I really do believe it will ruin our country.

Reid railed against Republicans who fought for the measure, saying it would lead to a unicameral legislature and that the U.S. Senate was purposefully set up by the Founding Fathers to have different rules than the House of Representatives. Such a measure like the nuclear option, he said, would “change our country forever.”

Yet on Thursday, on a nearly party-line vote of 52-48, Democrats abruptly changed the Senate’s balance of power by reducing from 60 to 51 the number of votes needed to end procedural roadblocks known as filibusters against all presidential nominees. As the minority party, the Republicans have been effectively stripped of their ability to block President Barack Obama’s judicial and executive branch nominees.

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What I remember is the Gang of 14 getting together and ending the debate. Then again, you always did live in an alternate universe.

hey for carb and the rest here I guess being a person who has not shot someone and someone who has, equals exactly the same thing, talk about a corruption of logic....

and for those adding gop snippets of the gop sptting the nuclear option, well, vis a vis the dems who said same when they were under the gun, guess what?

its not the gop who are the hypocrites here, its the folks who pulled the trigger.

lol, that's a new one.

So listen, conservatives...Trajan is saying that all of you who are calling President Obama a hypocrite on this filibuster issue, you people are fucking idiots because the President doesn't have a vote in the Senate.

He does, however, run the party, and it would have failed if Obama hadn't personally gotten involved.

Obama Personally Lobbied Senators to Curb Filibuster - WSJ.com

That must make this a very important issue, because he hasn't personally lobbied for anything since he didn't lobby for Obamacare.
ninety- three. That has a nice ring to it. Thanks Repubs for hastening the rules change through your over-the-top obstruction.

If Republicans are at fault for all those vacancies, why hasn't Obama nominated anyone for 90 of those vacancies? Why is it that he is only worried about 3 of them on one court?
He has. 51 of them:

Judicial Vacancies

The DC Circuit is a little more important than District Courts.

And the bulk of the remaining ones on the District Courts are from states that have "blue slip" pogo written on them.

Does that mean the OP lied about how many judges he can appoint?

the DC circuit is actually the one that least needs the judges because it is only 3 judges short, and doesn't have a backlog. The only reason to insist on putting more judges on that court is if someone is planning a political agenda, and wants to pack that court with judges that have a political bias to support it.

Please, defend that. I would love to shove your fake complaints about judicial activism down your throat while you defend blatant examples of political activism.
If Republicans are at fault for all those vacancies, why hasn't Obama nominated anyone for 90 of those vacancies? Why is it that he is only worried about 3 of them on one court?
He has. 51 of them:

Judicial Vacancies

The DC Circuit is a little more important than District Courts.

And the bulk of the remaining ones on the District Courts are from states that have "blue slip" pogo written on them.

Does that mean the OP lied about how many judges he can appoint?

the DC circuit is actually the one that least needs the judges because it is only 3 judges short, and doesn't have a backlog. The only reason to insist on putting more judges on that court is if someone is planning a political agenda, and wants to pack that court with judges that have a political bias to support it.

Please, defend that. I would love to shove your fake complaints about judicial activism down your throat while you defend blatant examples of political activism.
1. No. The OP didn't lie. Obama will now. There was no point in wasting time nominating people Obama knew would be held up anyway. Smart man. Now he can, and will.

2. Another one who fell for Grassley's ridiculous line.

"This effort is a shockingly transparent effort to deny the president his constitutional right to nominate federal judges to fill vacant seats. Grassley’s action also ignores the unique and important nature of the D.C. Circuit, which enjoys special jurisdiction to hear cases that go to the very function of the federal government. Chief Justice Roberts wrote an article in 2006, titled “What Makes the D.C.Circuit Different? A Historical View,” in which he identifies all the distinctions between the D.C. Circuit and other appellate courts."


"In actual fact, the D.C. Circuit is actually so overloaded with cases —its heavy policy load makes its docket especially technically demanding — that it has leaned on a panel of retired judges to hear its overflow cases." From above link.

There's this too: "In fact, the average caseload for the Court is up, from 119 cases in 2005 to 188 cases this year."

Chief Justice Roberts, who heads the non-partisan Federal Judicial Center that studies the Courts and provides Congress with it's recommendation, has stated the vacancies need to be filled.

Grassley is full of it.
Both parties' behavior since 2001 brought this about.

You already exposed your true colors.

As a self described mainstream Repulican you should have opposed this from the get go, yet you tried to blame the Republicans earlier. The filibuster actually forces both parties to compromise, yet the Democrats have totally destroyed the one part of our government that actually does what you insist is the only goal of government, to work out a compromise.
He has. 51 of them:

Judicial Vacancies

The DC Circuit is a little more important than District Courts.

And the bulk of the remaining ones on the District Courts are from states that have "blue slip" pogo written on them.

Does that mean the OP lied about how many judges he can appoint?

the DC circuit is actually the one that least needs the judges because it is only 3 judges short, and doesn't have a backlog. The only reason to insist on putting more judges on that court is if someone is planning a political agenda, and wants to pack that court with judges that have a political bias to support it.

Please, defend that. I would love to shove your fake complaints about judicial activism down your throat while you defend blatant examples of political activism.
1. No. The OP didn't lie. Obama will now. There was no point in wasting time nominating people Obama knew would be held up anyway. Smart man. Now he can, and will.

2. Another one who fell for Grassley's ridiculous line.

"This effort is a shockingly transparent effort to deny the president his constitutional right to nominate federal judges to fill vacant seats. Grassley’s action also ignores the unique and important nature of the D.C. Circuit, which enjoys special jurisdiction to hear cases that go to the very function of the federal government. Chief Justice Roberts wrote an article in 2006, titled “What Makes the D.C.Circuit Different? A Historical View,” in which he identifies all the distinctions between the D.C. Circuit and other appellate courts."


"In actual fact, the D.C. Circuit is actually so overloaded with cases —its heavy policy load makes its docket especially technically demanding — that it has leaned on a panel of retired judges to hear its overflow cases." From above link.

There's this too: "In fact, the average caseload for the Court is up, from 119 cases in 2005 to 188 cases this year."

Chief Justice Roberts, who heads the non-partisan Federal Judicial Center that studies the Courts and provides Congress with it's recommendation, has stated the vacancies need to be filled.

Grassley is full of it.

I am going to start a separate thread calling out all the radicals who hate the filibuster, and prove every single one of you wrong. I know you will hate that, so you might want to avoid reading it.
The appeals court actually is not backed up at all.

But that is beside the point: a president has the right to have the judges he wants.
Hey Windbag, I'll be sure to add this gem to your thread:

Here's some fun for ya's


Liberty Counsel, as part of the National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters, recently signed a letter urging the the U.S. Senate leadership "to end the judicial filibusters at the earliest possible moment and well before a Supreme Court vacancy should occur." The letter also pointed out that "while it is the right of the President to expect the Senate to give Advice and Consent within a reasonable period of time, it is the duty of every Senator to offer Advice and Consent through an honest, up or down vote."

A number of Republican senators still remain opposed or undecided on the issue. We have compiled a list you can use to call the Senators and ask them to end the judicial filibusters.
Liberty Counsel - Liberty Alert - Print Version


Washington, DC – Today, Senator Harry Reid invoked the “nuclear option” on judicial nominations, not including nominations to the Supreme Court. Under the new rules change, a judicial nominee does not need to meet the 60-vote cloture threshold and can be confirmed by a simple majority vote.
“Today’s action by Harry Reid is frightening, and every freedom-loving American should be deeply concerned,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel…


Now for the best part. You have to go to google cache to see the actual letter, because those hypo folks at Liberty Council deleted it. (anyone wanna guess why?)

National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters:A Letter to Senate Leadership | Human Events

Here,. have a look.

Shortened: To The Honorable William H. Frist,.... As the representatives of millions of American voices, we write to ask you to end the judicial filibusters at the earliest possible moment and well before a Supreme Court vacancy should occur. We believe that short of a compromise that guarantees an up or down vote at the end of debate, the Constitutional Options available to you will serve to honor the Constitution, restore Senate tradition and protect judicial independence....[Constitutional Options = Nuclear Option] (that whole letter is a hoot, retrospectively - read it.)

Look at who signed it:

. Sincerely, C. Boyden Gray, Committee for Justice Kay R. Daly, Coalition for a Fair Judiciary Harvey Tettlebaum, Republican National Lawyers Association David A. Keene, American Conservative Union Gary L. Bauer, American Values Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform Paul Weyrich, Free Congress Foundation Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family James D. Daly, Focus on the Family Tony Perkins, Family Research Council James J. Fotis, Law Enforcement Alliance of America Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship Ministries Mark Earley, Prison Fellowship Ministries Connie Mackey, Family Research Council Lisa DePasquale, Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute L. Brent Bozell III, Conservative Victory Committee Dr. William A. Donohue, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights Jim Backlin, Christian Coalition of America Dr. Carl Herbster, AdvanceUSA Ray Ruddy, Gerard Health Foundation Kurt Entsminger, Care Net Dr. Virginia Armstrong, Eagle Forum’s Court Watch Duane Parde, ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) Matt Kibbe, Freedom Works Peter A. Samuelson, Americans United for Life Clarke D. Forsythe, Esq. AUL’s Project on Law and Bioethics Richard Land, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Dr. Barrett Duke, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Dr. John C. Eastman, The Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional J

edited for size
(sorry about the long cut and paste. It had to be done)

That list reads like a CPAC meeting on 'roids. Loud, proud Conservatives busting out at the seems to nuke them rules. ennnnnd the Fillllllly Buster NOW!

Now listen to some of those same doodleburgers screaming Unconstitutional! Tyranny!
The appeals court actually is not backed up at all.

But that is beside the point: a president has the right to have the judges he wants.


"In actual fact, the D.C. Circuit is actually so overloaded with cases —its heavy policy load makes its docket especially technically demanding — that it has leaned on a panel of retired judges to hear its overflow cases." From above link.

There's this too: "In fact, the average caseload for the Court is up, from 119 cases in 2005 to 188 cases this year."

Chief Justice Roberts, who heads the non-partisan Federal Judicial Center that studies the Courts and provides Congress with it's recommendation, has stated the vacancies need to be filled.
I know idaho has been asking for additional federal judge.
maybe it's a good idea to back off that now.

They're swamped w/ work and the docket is backed-up because they're understaffed. I hope Obama appoints lots & lots of judges now.

Now is your chance to prove how petty the Republicans have been by listing all the people that Obama has appointed to that bench that haven't been approved by the Republicans.

Good luck with that because Obama hasn't even appointed a single person to fill the vacancy.
I know idaho has been asking for additional federal judge.
maybe it's a good idea to back off that now.

They're swamped w/ work and the docket is backed-up because they're understaffed. I hope Obama appoints lots & lots of judges now.

Now is your chance to prove how petty the Republicans have been by listing all the people that Obama has appointed to that bench that haven't been approved by the Republicans.

Good luck with that because Obama hasn't even appointed a single person to fill the vacancy.
Wow. Holy shit.

Way to show you haven't been paying attention to this thing AT ALL.

Wow. Just wow.
Hey Windbag, I'll be sure to add this gem to your thread:

Here's some fun for ya's


Liberty Counsel, as part of the National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters, recently signed a letter urging the the U.S. Senate leadership "to end the judicial filibusters at the earliest possible moment and well before a Supreme Court vacancy should occur." The letter also pointed out that "while it is the right of the President to expect the Senate to give Advice and Consent within a reasonable period of time, it is the duty of every Senator to offer Advice and Consent through an honest, up or down vote."

A number of Republican senators still remain opposed or undecided on the issue. We have compiled a list you can use to call the Senators and ask them to end the judicial filibusters.
Liberty Counsel - Liberty Alert - Print Version

*edited for brevity
True as all that is, the Senate republicans still didn't change the rules and opted for the compromise route. The famous (or infamous) Gang of 14.

I thought democrats lived and died for the compromise. Where is the 2013 version of the Gang of 14, that wishes to work with the other side in a bipartisan way?

Or is all that bluster from democrats about bipartisanship and compromise just a bunch of cynical and disingenuous prattling?
They're swamped w/ work and the docket is backed-up because they're understaffed. I hope Obama appoints lots & lots of judges now.

Now is your chance to prove how petty the Republicans have been by listing all the people that Obama has appointed to that bench that haven't been approved by the Republicans.

Good luck with that because Obama hasn't even appointed a single person to fill the vacancy.
Wow. Holy shit.

Way to show you haven't been paying attention to this thing AT ALL.

Wow. Just wow.

Then you should have no problem providing a list of names.

Don't blame me if, once you go looking, you find out that I have been paying attention.
This whole thing blew up because the GOPpers filibustered the THIRD nominee to that court -- after an agreement in July with Reid, where the goppers broke the agreement.

It was specifically because of the his three appointments to the court that broke the camel's back.

I can't believe you are here spouting like you do when you don;t even know the BASICS>

Hey Windbag, I'll be sure to add this gem to your thread:

Here's some fun for ya's


Liberty Counsel, as part of the National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters, recently signed a letter urging the the U.S. Senate leadership "to end the judicial filibusters at the earliest possible moment and well before a Supreme Court vacancy should occur." The letter also pointed out that "while it is the right of the President to expect the Senate to give Advice and Consent within a reasonable period of time, it is the duty of every Senator to offer Advice and Consent through an honest, up or down vote."

A number of Republican senators still remain opposed or undecided on the issue. We have compiled a list you can use to call the Senators and ask them to end the judicial filibusters.
Liberty Counsel - Liberty Alert - Print Version

*edited for brevity
True as all that is, the Senate republicans still didn't change the rules and opted for the compromise route. The famous (or infamous) Gang of 14.

I thought democrats lived and died for the compromise. Where is the 2013 version of the Gang of 14, that wishes to work with the other side in a bipartisan way?

Or is all that bluster from democrats about bipartisanship and compromise just a bunch of cynical and disingenuous prattling?
That was tried. Many times.

The republicans had no interest in compromise.

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