Obama now says, "What we said was...."


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Yep, he announced that publicly. Really. Just yesterday.
Obama: "What We Said Was You Can Keep It If It Hasn't Changed Since The Law Passed" | RealClearPolitics

Does he actually think no one has the videos of his statements from last year, the year before etc.? Videos they can easily check and find out he did NOT say that at all, simply by checking YouTube etc.?

Or maybe he thinks his followers are so gullible, that all he has to do is say this today, and they will automatically believe it, despite what they heard with their own ears before.

What's frightening is, he might be right about them.

Adolf Hitler felt the same way about his own followers in Germany, and even wrote extensively about this phenomenon in Mein Kampf, calling them "bottomlessly naive and stupid". Though Obama has little in common with Hitler, he seems to have taken this lesson to heart.

George Orwell also wrote about this phenomenon, where people changed what they "remembered" simply when something new was announced, no matter how contradictory. In his novel 1984, he called it "doublethink".
Yep, he announced that publicly. Really. Just yesterday.
Obama: "What We Said Was You Can Keep It If It Hasn't Changed Since The Law Passed" | RealClearPolitics

Does he actually think no one has the videos of his statements from last year, the year before etc.? Videos they can easily check and find out he did NOT say that at all, simply by checking YouTube etc.?

Or maybe he thinks his followers are so gullible, that all he has to do is say this today, and they will automatically believe it, despite what they heard with their own ears before.

What's frightening is, he might be right about them.

Adolf Hitler felt the same way about his own followers in Germany, and even wrote extensively about this phenomenon in Mein Kampf, calling them "bottomlessly naive and stupid". Though Obama has little in common with Hitler, he seems to have taken this lesson to heart.

George Orwell also wrote about this phenomenon, where people changed what they "remembered" simply when something new was announced, no matter how contradictory. In his novel 1984, he called it "doublethink".

You make great points, LA. Obama is a lying dog but people will remember what they want to, if it is said enough times and contrary to any evidence of the truth.

President Barack Obama told his enthusiastic supporters Monday night that he never promised what video recordings show him promising at least 29 times.

The videos show Obama promising 300 million Americans that “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.”

But that’s not what he really said, Obama announced Monday in a speech to about 200 Organizing for Action supporters, gathered at the St. Regis hotel in D.C.

“What we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors.

That claim is not supported by his videotaped statements, which don’t include any mention of his new “if it hasn’t changed” exception.


Read more: Obama denies videotaped "you can keep it" promises | The Daily Caller

...If It Hasn't Changed Since The Law Passed...

This latest lie is even worse that it appears. In addition to the numerous "You can keep your plan" statements, the President SPECIFICALLY stated that people could also keep their high deductible, catastrophe, KNOWING FULL WELL that these plans would NOT be legal under Obamacare.

On February 25, 2010, he stated:

"Actually, any insurance that you currently have would be grandfathered in so you could keep it. So you could decide not to get in the exchange the better plan. I could keep my Acme Insurance, just a high deductible catastrophic plan. I would not be required to get the better one."

Fucking liars gonna lie. And when they're called out on the lie, they lie some more. Nixon was taken down for less but this guy, for whatever reason, is untouchable. Disgusting!
...If It Hasn't Changed Since The Law Passed...

This latest lie is even worse that it appears. In addition to the numerous "You can keep your plan" statements, the President SPECIFICALLY stated that people could also keep their high deductible, catastrophe, KNOWING FULL WELL that these plans would NOT be legal under Obamacare.

On February 25, 2010, he stated:

"Actually, any insurance that you currently have would be grandfathered in so you could keep it. So you could decide not to get in the exchange the better plan. I could keep my Acme Insurance, just a high deductible catastrophic plan. I would not be required to get the better one."

Fucking liars gonna lie. And when they're called out on the lie, they lie some more. Nixon was taken down for less but this guy, for whatever reason, is untouchable. Disgusting!

What does it say about the voters who reelected him? President Doofus has made fools out of all of them...

His lie was told to reassure people that the very thing which is now happening would not happen to them.

Individual insurance is a year by year thing. He knew that when he made his promise. So this excuse now that he was talking about only insurance bought before ObamaCare was passed is just bullshit between two slices of bullshit.
If I was more energetic I would locate my post from the other day and repost it...
Like I said then...I do not believe Obama was "lying". I completely believe, as all evidence clearly shows, he was repeating what he was told to say. Obama is the Parrot President. Without Ted Kennedy Obama would have never made it past a two-bit organizer in Chicago. No way no how. Ted Kennedy knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to appoint a front man behind the desk, and the real power was going to come from Democrat leaders in the Senate/House. Which is what happened. Problem was, Ted died and no one knew Obama was an egotistical narcissist. As stated by TOP DEMOCRATS - not Republicans - DEMOCRATS - who have said Obama is not capable of doing his job and essentially gets in the way.
He is a parrot. He said what he was told to say, and is doing it again now.
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If I was more energetic I would locate my post from the other day and repost it...
Like I said then...I do not believe Obama was "lying". I completely believe, as all evidence clearly shows, he was repeating what he was told to say. Obama is the Parrot President. Without Ted Kennedy Obama would have never made it past a two-bit organizer in Chicago. No way no how. Ted Kennedy knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to appoint a front man behind the desk, and the real power was going to come from Democrat leaders in the Senate/House. Which is what happened. Problem was, Ted died and no one knew Obama was an egotistical narcissist. As stated by TOP DEMOCRATS - not Republicans - DEMOCRATS - who have said Obama is not capable of doing his job and essentially gets in the way.
He is a parrot. He said what he was told to say, and is doing it again now.

if you are correct, then the President signed into law an act that he did not understand....nor did he know the ramifications to the American people of the act.
If I was more energetic I would locate my post from the other day and repost it...
Like I said then...I do not believe Obama was "lying". I completely believe, as all evidence clearly shows, he was repeating what he was told to say. Obama is the Parrot President. Without Ted Kennedy Obama would have never made it past a two-bit organizer in Chicago. No way no how. Ted Kennedy knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to appoint a front man behind the desk, and the real power was going to come from Democrat leaders in the Senate/House. Which is what happened. Problem was, Ted died and no one knew Obama was an egotistical narcissist. As stated by TOP DEMOCRATS - not Republicans - DEMOCRATS - who have said Obama is not capable of doing his job and essentially gets in the way.
He is a parrot. He said what he was told to say, and is doing it again now.

In 2008, when challenged on his lack of experience, Obama said we would be voting for the person we thought had the best judgement. Who would pick the best advisors and leaders.

If he was just parroting a lie told to him by the people around him, then his judgement is totally fucked. Not only that, the people he picked had years to get the launch of ObamaCare ready, and the rocket blew up on the pad.

This was a lie deliberately crafted to reassure people that what is happening would not happen. It was a lie told long enough and loud enough to get Obama re-elected.
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If I was more energetic I would locate my post from the other day and repost it...
Like I said then...I do not believe Obama was "lying". I completely believe, as all evidence clearly shows, he was repeating what he was told to say. Obama is the Parrot President. Without Ted Kennedy Obama would have never made it past a two-bit organizer in Chicago. No way no how. Ted Kennedy knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to appoint a front man behind the desk, and the real power was going to come from Democrat leaders in the Senate/House. Which is what happened. Problem was, Ted died and no one knew Obama was an egotistical narcissist. As stated by TOP DEMOCRATS - not Republicans - DEMOCRATS - who have said Obama is not capable of doing his job and essentially gets in the way.
He is a parrot. He said what he was told to say, and is doing it again now.

In 2008, when challenged on his lack of experience, Obama said we would be voting for the person we thought had the best judgement. Who would pick the best advisors and leaders.

If he was just parroting a lie told to him by the people around him, then his judgement is totally fucked. Not only that, the people he picked had years to get the launch of ObamaCare ready, and the rocket blew up on the pad.

This was a lie deliberately crafted to reassure people that what is happening would not happen. It was a lie told long enough and loud enough to get Obama re-elected.

His judgement is fucked. That pretty much goes without saying.
Look at his administration. How more obvious is it that no one is really in charge? As the saying goes "when no one is in charge, everyone is in charge". And the result of that is disorganization, failed programs and blame shifting.
You have to really consider just how amazing it is that the website was such a clusterf*ck AND NO ONE APPARENTLY KNEW IT??? That is ONLY possible in an organization where there is no leadership and everyone just kinda does what they do.
The people who are in charge in our White House is political advisers.
If BO were an R, the Ds would be drafting articles of impeachment right now...and the MSM would be cheering them on...and so would progressives.

Frankly, I'm surprised that he tried this. I wonder if it was planned or just off the cuff.

Surely he and his staff and the Dems see that this was a bad idea. Surely he regrets it.

Did he really think he'd get away with this? Really? He'd have been better off avoiding it.


Frankly, I'm surprised that he tried this. I wonder if it was planned or just off the cuff.

Surely he and his staff and the Dems see that this was a bad idea. Surely he regrets it.

Did he really think he'd get away with this? Really? He'd have been better off avoiding it.


He will get away with it. Not long term, but this media will not challenge it. Not seriously.
Presidential writers will have a field day with this administration years from now. Obama is/will be the next Jimmy Carter.

Frankly, I'm surprised that he tried this. I wonder if it was planned or just off the cuff.

Surely he and his staff and the Dems see that this was a bad idea. Surely he regrets it.

Did he really think he'd get away with this? Really? He'd have been better off avoiding it.


You kidding? He did get away with it. Without the Roadshow of Lies, the legislation would not have passed and now that it has, they are counting on the usual idiot Americans forgetting about it enough before they vote again. Regardless, it's the law now and the government has all the control over us that they need. What happens from this point forward is of no consequence.

We are not dealing with your average political piggy, we(some of us) have voted for THE FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA, so enjoy it.
"What we said was...."

... if you like your insurance, you can keep it.
... if you like your doctor, you can keep it.
... it's not a tax.
... ACA will cut the cost of your health care.
... ACA will not increase the deficit.
... ACA will create jobs.

All these things above used to sell Obamacare to the people were lies.

Now question is, if those things were lies, were other things true?

Things like...

... the law will cut premiums by $2,500.
... there are no death panels.
... you can't be denied because of pre existing conditions.
... you can stay on your parents insurance until 26.
... the law won’t raise taxes on families making less than $250,000 a year.
... the law will protect Medicare.
... the law will decrease deficit.

I'd like to hear excuses...
If Bush did this, he would be impeached and rightfully so. The old double standard is even more pronounced with this president.

Many claim BO is the most intelligent man ever to occupy the WH (funny the MSM said the same thing about BJ Bubba Clinton too, but the R POTUS's are all dumbasses), yet he in continually stepping in it. How can he be so damn smart and yet, know nothing of the many scandals which have occurred on his watch? From Fast & Furious, to IRS targeting the TP, to NSA spying, to Benghazi, to etc..........
If Bush did this, he would be impeached and rightfully so. The old double standard is even more pronounced with this president.

Many claim BO is the most intelligent man ever to occupy the WH (funny the MSM said the same thing about BJ Bubba Clinton too, but the R POTUS's are all dumbasses), yet he in continually stepping in it. How can he be so damn smart and yet, know nothing of the many scandals which have occurred on his watch? From Fast & Furious, to IRS targeting the TP, to NSA spying, to Benghazi, to etc..........

Obama is smart, however his ego, narcissism and idealism completely marginalizes whatever IQ he happens to have. Smart people, typically, do smart things. Not dumb things, like not involve themselves in critical policies.
Like I said above - when is the last time we have seen an administration so disorganized and incompetent?
If I was more energetic I would locate my post from the other day and repost it...
Like I said then...I do not believe Obama was "lying". I completely believe, as all evidence clearly shows, he was repeating what he was told to say. Obama is the Parrot President. Without Ted Kennedy Obama would have never made it past a two-bit organizer in Chicago. No way no how. Ted Kennedy knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to appoint a front man behind the desk, and the real power was going to come from Democrat leaders in the Senate/House. Which is what happened. Problem was, Ted died and no one knew Obama was an egotistical narcissist. As stated by TOP DEMOCRATS - not Republicans - DEMOCRATS - who have said Obama is not capable of doing his job and essentially gets in the way.
He is a parrot. He said what he was told to say, and is doing it again now.
Whether he knew what the fuck he was talking about or not, he STILL, LIED! Now you can song and dance around that however the hell you want, but he STILL, LIED, PERIOD, and there's no reason to spin that other than if you want to also be a liar for making excuses for obama's lies.
If I was more energetic I would locate my post from the other day and repost it...
Like I said then...I do not believe Obama was "lying". I completely believe, as all evidence clearly shows, he was repeating what he was told to say. Obama is the Parrot President. Without Ted Kennedy Obama would have never made it past a two-bit organizer in Chicago. No way no how. Ted Kennedy knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to appoint a front man behind the desk, and the real power was going to come from Democrat leaders in the Senate/House. Which is what happened. Problem was, Ted died and no one knew Obama was an egotistical narcissist. As stated by TOP DEMOCRATS - not Republicans - DEMOCRATS - who have said Obama is not capable of doing his job and essentially gets in the way.
He is a parrot. He said what he was told to say, and is doing it again now.
Whether he knew what the fuck he was talking about or not, he STILL, LIED! Now you can song and dance around that however the hell you want, but he STILL, LIED, PERIOD, and there's no reason to spin that other than if you want to also be a liar for making excuses for obama's lies.

:eusa_eh: Read much?
If you would have read my post beyond the first 8-10 words....you would see that I am not only not making "excuses" but saying what he does is WORSE than lying. It is systematic. He is a part of an organized deception wherein he is the spokesperson.
I don't believe he involves himself in details enough to know it is a lie...he is the f*cking President man....that is worse than a simple lie!! :eusa_hand:

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