Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins

Can you believe the Redskins didn't integrate until 1962? 15 years after Jackie Robinson

And it was still two years before they would have been forced by law. What's your point?

"Forced by law" would be over the top, since there's nothing 'illegal' about a choice of team totem. They could call the team the Washington Wetbacks if they so chose. Then again, denying the use of a stadium on federal property isn't exactly "forced by law". The choice is entirely the team's, being a matter not of law but public taste.

Federal property? Do you think the fucking government owns the entire fucking planet?
I wonder what percentage of our esteemed RW posters would have gone all in supporting Marshall.

So because we don't support this ridiculous PC idea of renaming the Redskins means we also would have been against integration?

Not necessarily. But it does indicate you might carry a certain insensitivity.

Because we think honoring the warrior culture by naming teams that engage in ritual combat after them you think we might be insensitive? Is it remotely possible that you might be stupid?
I wonder what percentage of our esteemed RW posters would have gone all in supporting Marshall.

So because we don't support this ridiculous PC idea of renaming the Redskins means we also would have been against integration?

I know what you're trying here, you're assuming it's progress to rename the team just as it was progress when integration came.
The latter was progress, renaming is nothing more than a feel good measure to make those in favor feel like they've accomplished something when in this case they've only fell further into the PC cesspool.

What is ridiculous about not using a racially derogatory term? It is amazing to me that people have a problem with changing the name but claim others are sensitive. If its not a big deal to you then why not change it to accommodate someone that it may offend due to past historically references? Is it because you are the really sensitive one and wish to keep using the term to further make others feel bad?

What is insensitive about about honoring warriors? Should we go back to spitting on vets because you are afraid it might offend people who hate war?
No need to ignore them if its offensive to them. If its no big deal then change the name. Doesnt cost the fan any money and earns the owner some good will.

Its not earning goodwill, its caving to a small minority within a minority that gets butthurt when the sun rises.

This PC bullshit has to stop.

What do you mean by caving? It takes a man to give up that which he could care less for to another man that does cares for it. Otherwise you are acting like a kid that is bored with his GI Joe but doesn't want to let the other kid to play with it.

It takes a man to stand on principle. Children are pretty good at giving up things they don't care about.
Lets get rid of as many things we can, that remind us of Indians
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He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?

The most non committal answer would have been saying that as president it isn't his place to say anything.

By the way, how is naming a football team after a group of warriors offensive? Should the Vikings change their name in or not to offends white people? Is calling a team the Packers offensive to meat packers? Or even homosexuals? The Cowboys should change their name too, I am pretty sure cowboys is pretty offensive to the fake Indians that get offended by being honored as warriors.

I don't think it's offensive.

Nor do I think Obama's comments were.

I'm baffled by the idea that Presidents aren't allowed to hold opinions on things that you don't approve of.

I am baffled that you haven't learned to read, yet can post on a message board.

I never said he cannot hold an opinion, did I? I have, however, pointed out that, as president, there are some things he should get involved in. Occasionally, he points this out, then slams face first into it anyway. The rest of the time he just slams his fucking nose in and pretends he isn't.
The most non committal answer would have been saying that as president it isn't his place to say anything.

By the way, how is naming a football team after a group of warriors offensive? Should the Vikings change their name in or not to offends white people? Is calling a team the Packers offensive to meat packers? Or even homosexuals? The Cowboys should change their name too, I am pretty sure cowboys is pretty offensive to the fake Indians that get offended by being honored as warriors.

I don't think it's offensive.

Nor do I think Obama's comments were.

I'm baffled by the idea that Presidents aren't allowed to hold opinions on things that you don't approve of.

I am baffled that you haven't learned to read, yet can post on a message board.

I never said he cannot hold an opinion, did I? I have, however, pointed out that, as president, there are some things he should get involved in. Occasionally, he points this out, then slams face first into it anyway. The rest of the time he just slams his fucking nose in and pretends he isn't.

Answering a throwaway question at the end of an interview isn't "getting involved" in anything. He didn't insert himself into anything - simply voiced his very moderate opinion.

The histrionics about "stirring up hatred" just make you look like an idiot.
I don't think it's offensive.

Nor do I think Obama's comments were.

I'm baffled by the idea that Presidents aren't allowed to hold opinions on things that you don't approve of.

I am baffled that you haven't learned to read, yet can post on a message board.

I never said he cannot hold an opinion, did I? I have, however, pointed out that, as president, there are some things he should get involved in. Occasionally, he points this out, then slams face first into it anyway. The rest of the time he just slams his fucking nose in and pretends he isn't.

Answering a throwaway question at the end of an interview isn't "getting involved" in anything. He didn't insert himself into anything - simply voiced his very moderate opinion.

The histrionics about "stirring up hatred" just make you look like an idiot.

There are no throwaway questions in an interview of a porcupine.
I am baffled that you haven't learned to read, yet can post on a message board.

I never said he cannot hold an opinion, did I? I have, however, pointed out that, as president, there are some things he should get involved in. Occasionally, he points this out, then slams face first into it anyway. The rest of the time he just slams his fucking nose in and pretends he isn't.

Answering a throwaway question at the end of an interview isn't "getting involved" in anything. He didn't insert himself into anything - simply voiced his very moderate opinion.

The histrionics about "stirring up hatred" just make you look like an idiot.

There are no throwaway questions in an interview of a porcupine.

I don't know what this means.

Are you trying to claim that the question was planned ahead of time by Obama?
Look...we might as well move on
Redskins are eventually changing their name

I suggest Griffins


or maybe Griffin III
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Espn had a poll this afternoon (prolly a phone in with no real probative value) where most SUPPORTED changing the name. I was shocked.

"the dysfuncitional useless dipshits." Obviousy not the Senators. The bullets are non-pc.

and how many of those "supporters" are just Eagles, Giants and Cowjerks fans wanting to screw over the Skins?
thank goodness they ask these tough questions of our King the Dear Leader

I can now sleep better at night

I hope the interviewer didn't chap their knees
You really think that oppossing teams care what the Redskins are called?

I know a few Bears fans who call them "the Foreskins".

No, But I know opposing fans would vote to change the name in an ESPN poll just to piss off Redskin fans.
He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?

The most non committal answer would have been saying that as president it isn't his place to say anything.

By the way, how is naming a football team after a group of warriors offensive? Should the Vikings change their name in or not to offends white people? Is calling a team the Packers offensive to meat packers? Or even homosexuals? The Cowboys should change their name too, I am pretty sure cowboys is pretty offensive to the fake Indians that get offended by being honored as warriors.

It isn't. There's nothing "insensitive" about Cleveland Indians or Kansas City Chiefs or Atlanta Braves. Those are all neutral. Naming a team after a racial slur however might be a different kettle of fish. No doubt you in your blithe ignorance would name your team the Jersey Jigaboos, oblivious to the repercussions, and figure that over time people would get used to it. Oh well. :dunno:

"It isn't his place to say anything" is basically what he did. That's why any observations about concerns that other people have were put in the third person. He doesn't say he himself is offended, but acknowledges that some are. That's the part you'd prefer swept under the rug, eh?

Wait, hang on...
I am pretty sure cowboys is pretty offensive to the fake Indians that get offended by being honored as warriors

So .... you think it was the cowboys who wiped out the Indians?
No wonder you're confuserated.
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Obama, in an interview with The Associated Press, said team names such as the Redskins offend "a sizable group of people." He said that while fans get attached to the names, nostalgia may not be a good enough reason to keep them in place.

News from The Associated Press

Uh....hey Cracka Ass.....mind yo own bidness.

um..... he gave an opinion you colossal asswipe :thup: You don't have to be a butt hurt asswipe everyday you know :confused:

He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?

The most non committal answer would have been saying that as president it isn't his place to say anything.

By the way, how is naming a football team after a group of warriors offensive? Should the Vikings change their name in or not to offends white people? Is calling a team the Packers offensive to meat packers? Or even homosexuals? The Cowboys should change their name too, I am pretty sure cowboys is pretty offensive to the fake Indians that get offended by being honored as warriors.

It isn't. There's nothing "insensitive" about Cleveland Indians or Kansas City Chiefs or Atlanta Braves. Those are all neutral. Naming a team after a racial slur however might be a different kettle of fish. No doubt you in your blithe ignorance would name your team the Jersey Jigaboos, oblivious to the repercussions, and figure that over time people would get used to it. Oh well. :dunno:

There are people who are even butthurt over those names, or in the case of the Braves and Indians, the symbols. The considering of redskin as a slur ignores its origin from the PAINT used on the faces of warriors of certain Northeastern tribes, not on the skin color in general.

One wouldnt name a team a jigaboo because that term denotes something no sport team would want as its indentifier, i.e. something lazy, untrustworthy, and promiscuous.

insulting name for "a black person," 1909, perhaps from jig (q.v.), which had been applied insultingly to persons since late 18c., and ending from bugaboo.

[buhg-uh-boo] Show IPA

noun, plural bug·a·boos.
something that causes fear or worry; bugbear; bogy.

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