Obama orders full review of elections hacking

So what did the Russians dew to affect the outcome of the election? Any brilliant libtards know?
So what did the Russians dew to affect the outcome of the election? Any brilliant libtards know?
One year of leaks from DNC and Podesta. BS and boring but our crap media ran with it
Awww hell, is that all?
Pissed off a lot of Sanders people with DNC bs, a LOT of corruption BULLSHYTTE, and I do mean BULLSHYTTE.
Well, ya'll did fuck over Sanders didn't you? Assange said for months leading up to the election he would pop the cork on yer dirty dealings. Is he connected to the Russians?
So what did the Russians dew to affect the outcome of the election? Any brilliant libtards know?
One year of leaks from DNC and Podesta. BS and boring but our crap media ran with it
Awww hell, is that all?
Pissed off a lot of Sanders people with DNC bs, a LOT of corruption BULLSHYTTE, and I do mean BULLSHYTTE.
Well, ya'll did fuck over Sanders didn't you? Assange said for months leading up to the election he would pop the cork on yer dirty dealings. Is he connected to the Russians?
Sanders says they didn't do anything but bs on e-mails. Ruskies gave the e-mails to Assange.
The old Democrat DOUBLE STANDARD...how many times did Hillary, Dem's, the MSM and even GOP flap their big fat corrupt mouths about how all these other countries around the world were so worried about Trump becoming president...that sounds like other countries interfering in our election to me. But because one country Russia favored Trump this is a reason to overturn an election by the people???
Do you have other evidence that the fucking Russians didn't do the hacking?
Yes. Tons of it. But I am not at liberty to produce it at this particular point in time. My handler (Vladmr Vladimirovich Putin) thinks that such information would embarrass the American population unnecessarily.
How would one go about proving somebody didn't do something?
For the Bumble Club of Hillary Grove the fact that Putin congratulated Trump is enough proof for them that Putin was the culprit.
We patriotic Americans care. Who give a shit what Russians think.
If you really were a "patriotic American" you would care that your choice presidential candidate is a liar and a criminal.
You can say that again. Voting Trump is one thing........... but siding with foreign interests is just so fucking unpatriotic and a bunch of traitors.
Then you have this Glasnost trashing this country................. and his American followers love him for doing it.
My "followers" love me for telling the truth and getting to the most important issue .... Hitlery's criminal activities ...... and the glory for each and every REAL "patriotic American" that she was stopped in her tracks. What you are trying to do is a mini scenario of the Center Ring Hoax: Ignore Hillary's crimes by demonizing the messenger (whoever it might be) ..... and creating a smoke screen obscuring the fact that I am pro-American (in the pure sense of the word) by making absurd accusations that I am anti-American instead.
What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
What proof do you have that Boy Scout Troop 33 from Boise, Idaho didn't hack or interfere to *YOUR* country's election process?
why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?
1). The CIA have been deceiving the American people, creating false wars based upon fake news for decades, and blowing flames up the American tax-payers asses to go to war with Russia, Iran, and China..
2). Putin has offered his hand in friendship, cooperation, and peace.
Please don't play dumb.
Now ain't that sumpin'! That's exactly what I've been meaning to say to you.
According to CIA and 16 other agencies concluded that Putin interfered into our election process.
Now it's your turn to disputes those finding.
According to CIA and umteen other agencies concluded that Saddam Hussein had WMD's up the ying-yang.
Now it's your turn to pretend those findings have no affect on the CIA's credibility.

.em ot klat ot deifilauq era uoy fi wonk uoy tel lliw I

I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me.
Klaatu barada nikto. Now fetch me a glass of water so I can toss it in your face .... just to wash the egg off.
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

How dare those Russians expose democrats for the crooks they are.:lmao:
You cant make this shit up!
Don't you see how pathetic this is?

And now Flynn is defending fake news. A sociopath in the WH and a nut in charge of security of the country.

How is that worse than a elitist dickhead in the White House and a S For Brains who probably can't spell security.
The old Democrat DOUBLE STANDARD...how many times did Hillary, Dem's, the MSM and even GOP flap their big fat corrupt mouths about how all these other countries around the world were so worried about Trump becoming president...that sounds like other countries interfering in our election to me. But because one country Russia favored Trump this is a reason to overturn an election by the people???
Nobody's saying that. And being concerned is hardly interfering lol
The old Democrat DOUBLE STANDARD...how many times did Hillary, Dem's, the MSM and even GOP flap their big fat corrupt mouths about how all these other countries around the world were so worried about Trump becoming president...that sounds like other countries interfering in our election to me. But because one country Russia favored Trump this is a reason to overturn an election by the people???
Nobody's saying that. And being concerned is hardly interfering lol

Hillary and the democrats who foamed at the mouth about how worried other countries were over Trump should be investigated for treason. How dare they allow these other countries to influence our elections.
I'm gonna close this discussion and thread
by saying:
if Russia would have interefered in our election then Bernie Sanders the Socialist would have won.
Period the end.
Next thread please, because that ends that argument.
Now let's investigate Obama's interference with former Israeli elections since it's a serious concern.
The CIA's tampering in other countries and their elections over the years, at least since 1953 Iran, is indeed troubling. Now they are tampering with the US election.
Liberal media not allowing equal time and coverage for third or more parties=tampering.
Threatening the job & reputation of Comey's wife who works for the party to avoid charges =tampering.
Getting your ally to give $500K to wife of FBI agent on email probe=tampering.
Rigging debates=tampering.
Registering dead voters=tampering.
Circumventing the electoriate by networking to get people to swap votes with other state voters=tampering.
Rushing to register illegals and going as far as rushing immigration even over allotments=tampering.
Killing outspoken whistle blowers=tampering.
Being exposed taking Saudis Money when Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden go without orders to take him down in 1998 when we had his location before we knew what he'd do & become =suspiciously tampering.
Admitting you had the chance to capture Bin Laden during a Sept 10th (day before 9/11= Priceless.
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if Russia would have interefered in our election then Bernie Sanders the Socialist would have won.
Period the end.
Next thread please, because that ends that argument.
Now let's investigate Obama's interference with former Israeli elections since it's a serious concern.
No. Sanders has a clear commitment to uphold human rights, and there is no reason to think he is pro-Putin.

If your comment made any sense, then I ask why Trump made fun of Bush's war for oil, when it is clear he wants to do the same?

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