Obama orders full review of elections hacking

You do noy care if the Russians effected the election, as long as you get your way. You are disgraceful and you hate America.
It is very clear that you do not care about your fellow countrymen. It is you who is a disgrace and it is you who hates the principles upon which the US is meant to represent.
Could you supply some examples to this meaningless accusation?
The example is in the thread itself. Have you not been paying attention? You were saved (by the skin of your teeth) from one of the most proficient liars since the beginning of recorded time. Hillary Clinton was almost certain to be the president of your country. Given the choice, your reaction could be:

1). "Thank God the truth was revealed so that we could apply our vote based upon a greater amount of fact! Whew!"

2). "I don't care that Hillary did all of those things. I hate the people who exposed the truth. Not only do I hate the one who exposed the truth, I accuse the Russians because although there is not proof it was them who saved us in the last minute, I want to believe it was them because ..... uhhh .... er ...... duhhhh ... I don't like Putin or the Russians!"

You chose point number 2. So, let me repeat myself >>>>>>>
"It is you who is a disgrace and it is you who hates the principles upon which the US is meant to represent."

.... unless you think the US does not claim to represent "Truth and Justice"?

So you aren't from the United States, you have an avatar of a dog shitting on the U.S. flag, and you sit in threads telling Americans who they should have as their President, and Americans that they don't know how their own system works?
So you complain about this in his regard remind me how you feel about the lefties from other countries defending your points?

You are the one saying they are all lefties in the other countries. That's your job to prove that since you are the one making the allegations.
So Dr Grumpy is a US Citizen now?

I don't know if he is or not. Hell I've not been reading his posts hardly. What does that have to do with this post?
The example is in the thread itself. Have you not been paying attention? You were saved (by the skin of your teeth) from one of the most proficient liars since the beginning of recorded time. Hillary Clinton was almost certain to be the president of your country. Given the choice, your reaction could be:

1). "Thank God the truth was revealed so that we could apply our vote based upon a greater amount of fact! Whew!"

2). "I don't care that Hillary did all of those things. I hate the people who exposed the truth. Not only do I hate the one who exposed the truth, I accuse the Russians because although there is not proof it was them who saved us in the last minute, I want to believe it was them because ..... uhhh .... er ...... duhhhh ... I don't like Putin or the Russians!"

You chose point number 2. So, let me repeat myself >>>>>>>
.... unless you think the US does not claim to represent "Truth and Justice"?

So you aren't from the United States, you have an avatar of a dog shitting on the U.S. flag, and you sit in threads telling Americans who they should have as their President, and Americans that they don't know how their own system works?
So you complain about this in his regard remind me how you feel about the lefties from other countries defending your points?

You are the one saying they are all lefties in the other countries. That's your job to prove that since you are the one making the allegations.
So Dr Grumpy is a US Citizen now?

So you only attack those damn foreigners when they disagree with you and then claim you don't see the ones that agree with you, got it.
So you aren't from the United States, you have an avatar of a dog shitting on the U.S. flag, and you sit in threads telling Americans who they should have as their President, and Americans that they don't know how their own system works?
So you complain about this in his regard remind me how you feel about the lefties from other countries defending your points?

You are the one saying they are all lefties in the other countries. That's your job to prove that since you are the one making the allegations.
So Dr Grumpy is a US Citizen now?

So you only attack those damn foreigners when they disagree with you and then claim you don't see the ones that agree with you, got it.

Well how can I attack a foreigner for saying something about our system when I don't know they are a foreigner? It kind of helps that Glasnot has an avatar of a dog shitting on the U.S. flag. Does that not bother you?
Show me a world leader that doesn't live in relative opulence.
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...
Obama would serve his constituents better if he went after the GOP culprits that orchestrated mass fraud and voter suppression to secure Trump's win. Forget Putin.
No evidence of that either.
Oh, yes there is. there were myriad discrepancies noted. One I took special notice of was the discrepancies between
exit polls and the actual votes recorded.
Really? LINK to these exit polls.
Say Please and I might!
I have not lived in the United States for 20 years. They deserve what they get,
I agree to some extent. But .... did you vote? Just asking.
Yes, I voted against Trump, who was the greater of the two evils. It was a pathetic election, but an interesting one. I supported Bernie Saunders.
I was wondering. There is an american woman here in town who I know. I met her in town as she was going to the post office to send in her vote. She said that she was voting for Hillary. But that was before the Wikileaks bombshell exploded. I am dying to see her again to ask her if she's had any regrets in voting for Hillary. I don't know when I'll run into her again so I'll ask you.
1). Did you vote before the scandal blew?
2). How did the scandal affect you?
3). Do think the whole thing is a lie or do think it's true but that it doesn't matter?

I'm not trying to push you into a corner or set you up for an attack. I just want to know your thoughts. That's all.
if Russia's goal is to disrupt US institutions, should we anticipate RNC emails to come out once Trump is sworn in?
1. Putin wanted Trump to win. 2. The press are biased. 3. Hillary was an awful candidate.

All can be true simultaneously.
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections - CNNPolitics.com

(CNN)A bipartisan quartet of high-profile senators said Sunday that "recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American," as President-elect Donald Trump sharpened his unprecedented attacks on US intelligence agencies.

The group -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- called for an investigation into American intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian hacking was intended to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
"Congress's national security committees have worked diligently to address the complex challenge of cybersecurity, but recent events show that more must be done," said Sens. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader, Sen. John McCain, the Armed Services Committee chairman, fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Sen. Jack Reed, the top Armed Services Committee Democrat, in a Sunday morning statement.
While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber-attacks."
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Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections - CNNPolitics.com

(CNN)A bipartisan quartet of high-profile senators said Sunday that "recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American," as President-elect Donald Trump sharpened his unprecedented attacks on US intelligence agencies.

The group -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- called for an investigation into American intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian hacking was intended to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
"Congress's national security committees have worked diligently to address the complex challenge of cybersecurity, but recent events show that more must be done," said Sens. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader, Sen. John McCain, the Armed Services Committee chairman, fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Sen. Jack Reed, the top Armed Services Committee Democrat, in a Sunday morning statement.
While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber-attacks."

I call that bipartisan: Republicans who hate Trump and Democrats that want to steal the election.
I have not lived in the United States for 20 years. They deserve what they get,
I agree to some extent. But .... did you vote? Just asking.
Yes, I voted against Trump, who was the greater of the two evils. It was a pathetic election, but an interesting one. I supported Bernie Saunders.
I was wondering. There is an american woman here in town who I know. I met her in town as she was going to the post office to send in her vote. She said that she was voting for Hillary. But that was before the Wikileaks bombshell exploded. I am dying to see her again to ask her if she's had any regrets in voting for Hillary. I don't know when I'll run into her again so I'll ask you.
1). Did you vote before the scandal blew?
2). How did the scandal affect you?
3). Do think the whole thing is a lie or do think it's true but that it doesn't matter?

I'm not trying to push you into a corner or set you up for an attack. I just want to know your thoughts. That's all.

Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.
Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.
So, you're saying, "The Russians did it!" no matter what the results were .... or would have been. Put your thumb back into your mouth. The hole you have it in now is giving you a brain clog.
Riots failed, death threats to EC members failed, Stein recount failed.

Now butt-hurt losers want Obama to declare state of emergency!

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