Obama orders full review of elections hacking

I have not lived in the United States for 20 years. They deserve what they get,
I agree to some extent. But .... did you vote? Just asking.
Yes, I voted against Trump, who was the greater of the two evils. It was a pathetic election, but an interesting one. I supported Bernie Saunders.
I was wondering. There is an american woman here in town who I know. I met her in town as she was going to the post office to send in her vote. She said that she was voting for Hillary. But that was before the Wikileaks bombshell exploded. I am dying to see her again to ask her if she's had any regrets in voting for Hillary. I don't know when I'll run into her again so I'll ask you.
1). Did you vote before the scandal blew?
2). How did the scandal affect you?
3). Do think the whole thing is a lie or do think it's true but that it doesn't matter?

I'm not trying to push you into a corner or set you up for an attack. I just want to know your thoughts. That's all.

Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.

Russian hacking? What did they hack?
I have not lived in the United States for 20 years. They deserve what they get,
I agree to some extent. But .... did you vote? Just asking.
Yes, I voted against Trump, who was the greater of the two evils. It was a pathetic election, but an interesting one. I supported Bernie Saunders.
I was wondering. There is an american woman here in town who I know. I met her in town as she was going to the post office to send in her vote. She said that she was voting for Hillary. But that was before the Wikileaks bombshell exploded. I am dying to see her again to ask her if she's had any regrets in voting for Hillary. I don't know when I'll run into her again so I'll ask you.
1). Did you vote before the scandal blew?
2). How did the scandal affect you?
3). Do think the whole thing is a lie or do think it's true but that it doesn't matter?

I'm not trying to push you into a corner or set you up for an attack. I just want to know your thoughts. That's all.

Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.

Russian hacking? What did they hack?
They have a bad cough.
Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.
So, you're saying, "The Russians did it!" no matter what the results were .... or would have been. Put your thumb back into your mouth. The hole you have it in now is giving you a brain clog.

Do you have other evidence that the fucking Russians didn't do the hacking?
Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.
So, you're saying, "The Russians did it!" no matter what the results were .... or would have been. Put your thumb back into your mouth. The hole you have it in now is giving you a brain clog.

Do you have other evidence that the fucking Russians didn't do the hacking?

How would one go about proving somebody didn't do something?
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections - CNNPolitics.com

(CNN)A bipartisan quartet of high-profile senators said Sunday that "recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American," as President-elect Donald Trump sharpened his unprecedented attacks on US intelligence agencies.

The group -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- called for an investigation into American intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian hacking was intended to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
"Congress's national security committees have worked diligently to address the complex challenge of cybersecurity, but recent events show that more must be done," said Sens. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader, Sen. John McCain, the Armed Services Committee chairman, fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Sen. Jack Reed, the top Armed Services Committee Democrat, in a Sunday morning statement.
While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber-attacks."

I call that bipartisan: Republicans who hate Trump and Democrats that want to steal the election.

The election is done get over it. No one is stealing the election.
Why are you protecting Putin?
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections - CNNPolitics.com

(CNN)A bipartisan quartet of high-profile senators said Sunday that "recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American," as President-elect Donald Trump sharpened his unprecedented attacks on US intelligence agencies.

The group -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- called for an investigation into American intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian hacking was intended to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
"Congress's national security committees have worked diligently to address the complex challenge of cybersecurity, but recent events show that more must be done," said Sens. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader, Sen. John McCain, the Armed Services Committee chairman, fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Sen. Jack Reed, the top Armed Services Committee Democrat, in a Sunday morning statement.
While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber-attacks."

I call that bipartisan: Republicans who hate Trump and Democrats that want to steal the election.

The election is done get over it. No one is stealing the election.
Why are you protecting Putin?

One, I am over it. It's the Democrats who are not.
Two, I'm not protecting anybody. Why blame somebody that didn't have anything to do with the election?
A full review in 30 days! Brilliant! I hope Republicans start deleting emails and destroying hard drives! Just to fuck with him!

Investigation is full speed ahead.


WASHINGTON — Republican congressional leaders said Monday that key committees will investigate CIA allegations that Russia deployed hackers to disrupt the American presidential election to help President-elect Donald Trump and hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee will conduct bipartisan reviews.
"Obviously, any foreign breach of our cybersecurity measures is disturbing and I strongly condemn any such efforts," McConnell said in a statement that he read to reporters at a news conference at the U.S. Capitol.
He said he agrees with incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Armed Services Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., and Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., that possible Russian interference in the U.S. election "cannot be a partisan issue."

On the House side, Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said the House Intelligence Committee will continue to look into cyber threats posed by foreign governments. He did not announce any new investigations and cautioned that recent reports from the CIA should not be used to "cast doubt" on the legitimacy of Trump's "clear and decisive" victory.
"We must condemn and push back forcefully against any state-sponsored cyber attacks on our democratic process," Ryan said in a statement. "Throughout this Congress, Chairman (Devin) Nunes and the Intelligence Committee have been working diligently on the cyber threats posed by foreign governments and terrorist organizations to the security and institutions of the United States. This important work will continue and has my support."
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

At least President Obama is trying to do the right thing.

Trump will stop the investigation. He must protect Putin.

Protect Putin from what?

Do you have proof that even if what you think was done was in fact done that it's a crime in Russia?

Aside from Trump pulling all these stunts protecting Putin................. Does Trump or YOU have any proof that Putin thug didn't do the hacking?


Electoral College Members Request Intel...

Ex-CIA Heavy: Russia Hacks ‘The Political Equivalent Of 9/11’...

Bipartisan Anger Grows Over Election Interference...

McConnell Backs Probe...

Ryan Gives Bizarre, Noncommittal Response To Meddling...

Trump Trashes CIA’s Findings: ‘I Don’t Believe It’...

Bolton Pushes ‘False Flag’ Conspiracy Theory...

Team Trump Goes On Defense Over Electoral College Lawsuit...

COUNTDOWN: 7 Days Until Electors Officially Cast Votes...

Go Hillary!!!!!
You people laughing at Obama and the GOP Senate investigations of Russia tampering of the Dems and possible election process are really dumb fucks.
You folks could care less if a foreign power is attacking your country via a cyber war because this attack may have resulted in your hero's win in November.
One major concern for country is if a foreign power can accomplish what they have accomplished, the US's security is a highly possible target and that is a huge concern to our military.
Now if you still think this is a joke, you fuckers are unpatriotic as hell or unbelievably stupid. Take you pick!

You can say that again. Voting Trump is one thing........... but siding with foreign interests is just so fucking unpatriotic and a bunch of traitors.
Then you have this Glasnost trashing this country................. and his American followers love him for doing it.
A full review in 30 days! Brilliant! I hope Republicans start deleting emails and destroying hard drives! Just to fuck with him!

Investigation is full speed ahead.


WASHINGTON — Republican congressional leaders said Monday that key committees will investigate CIA allegations that Russia deployed hackers to disrupt the American presidential election to help President-elect Donald Trump and hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee will conduct bipartisan reviews.
"Obviously, any foreign breach of our cybersecurity measures is disturbing and I strongly condemn any such efforts," McConnell said in a statement that he read to reporters at a news conference at the U.S. Capitol.
He said he agrees with incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Armed Services Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., and Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., that possible Russian interference in the U.S. election "cannot be a partisan issue."

On the House side, Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said the House Intelligence Committee will continue to look into cyber threats posed by foreign governments. He did not announce any new investigations and cautioned that recent reports from the CIA should not be used to "cast doubt" on the legitimacy of Trump's "clear and decisive" victory.
"We must condemn and push back forcefully against any state-sponsored cyber attacks on our democratic process," Ryan said in a statement. "Throughout this Congress, Chairman (Devin) Nunes and the Intelligence Committee have been working diligently on the cyber threats posed by foreign governments and terrorist organizations to the security and institutions of the United States. This important work will continue and has my support."
So, now you care that Hillary had an unsecured server in her basement? Outstanding!
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections - CNNPolitics.com

(CNN)A bipartisan quartet of high-profile senators said Sunday that "recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American," as President-elect Donald Trump sharpened his unprecedented attacks on US intelligence agencies.

The group -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- called for an investigation into American intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian hacking was intended to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
"Congress's national security committees have worked diligently to address the complex challenge of cybersecurity, but recent events show that more must be done," said Sens. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader, Sen. John McCain, the Armed Services Committee chairman, fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Sen. Jack Reed, the top Armed Services Committee Democrat, in a Sunday morning statement.
While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber-attacks."

I call that bipartisan: Republicans who hate Trump and Democrats that want to steal the election.

The election is done get over it. No one is stealing the election.
Why are you protecting Putin?

One, I am over it. It's the Democrats who are not.
Two, I'm not protecting anybody. Why blame somebody that didn't have anything to do with the election?

What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
And why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?
I have not lived in the United States for 20 years. They deserve what they get,
I agree to some extent. But .... did you vote? Just asking.
Yes, I voted against Trump, who was the greater of the two evils. It was a pathetic election, but an interesting one. I supported Bernie Saunders.
I was wondering. There is an american woman here in town who I know. I met her in town as she was going to the post office to send in her vote. She said that she was voting for Hillary. But that was before the Wikileaks bombshell exploded. I am dying to see her again to ask her if she's had any regrets in voting for Hillary. I don't know when I'll run into her again so I'll ask you.
1). Did you vote before the scandal blew?
2). How did the scandal affect you?
3). Do think the whole thing is a lie or do think it's true but that it doesn't matter?

I'm not trying to push you into a corner or set you up for an attack. I just want to know your thoughts. That's all.

Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.

Russian hacking? What did they hack?

Please don't play dumb.
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections - CNNPolitics.com

(CNN)A bipartisan quartet of high-profile senators said Sunday that "recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American," as President-elect Donald Trump sharpened his unprecedented attacks on US intelligence agencies.

The group -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- called for an investigation into American intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian hacking was intended to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
"Congress's national security committees have worked diligently to address the complex challenge of cybersecurity, but recent events show that more must be done," said Sens. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader, Sen. John McCain, the Armed Services Committee chairman, fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Sen. Jack Reed, the top Armed Services Committee Democrat, in a Sunday morning statement.
While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber-attacks."

I call that bipartisan: Republicans who hate Trump and Democrats that want to steal the election.

The election is done get over it. No one is stealing the election.
Why are you protecting Putin?

One, I am over it. It's the Democrats who are not.
Two, I'm not protecting anybody. Why blame somebody that didn't have anything to do with the election?

What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
And why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?

Again I ask, how do you prove somebody didn't do something? We had a bank robbery nearby, how do I prove that you didn't rob the bank???

You can't prove what somebody didn't do. You can only provide evidence if somebody did do something. Trump isn't protecting Putin because there is nothing yet to protect. He had nothing to do with our elections. The CIA works for DumBama. Of course Trump has every reason to suspect their loyalty to him.
Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.
So, you're saying, "The Russians did it!" no matter what the results were .... or would have been. Put your thumb back into your mouth. The hole you have it in now is giving you a brain clog.

Do you have other evidence that the fucking Russians didn't do the hacking?

How would one go about proving somebody didn't do something?

According to CIA and 16 other agencies concluded that Putin interfered into our election process.

Now it's your turn to disputes those finding.
Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.
So, you're saying, "The Russians did it!" no matter what the results were .... or would have been. Put your thumb back into your mouth. The hole you have it in now is giving you a brain clog.

Do you have other evidence that the fucking Russians didn't do the hacking?

How would one go about proving somebody didn't do something?

According to CIA and 16 other agencies concluded that Putin interfered into our election process.

Now it's your turn to disputes those finding.

Any link to that claim?

So let's see the evidence. How was it done? What did they do? How did it change our elections?

I read up on all this. Their claim was that Russia had something to do with the emails that were leaked which they believe helped Hil-Liar lose. No proof mind you, just baseless accusations.

You guys did recounts in three separate states. Not one showed any hacking or Russian involvement.
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections
Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of Russian role in 2016 US elections - CNNPolitics.com

(CNN)A bipartisan quartet of high-profile senators said Sunday that "recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American," as President-elect Donald Trump sharpened his unprecedented attacks on US intelligence agencies.

The group -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- called for an investigation into American intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian hacking was intended to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
Gap on Russia hacking conclusions between intelligence, FBI
"Congress's national security committees have worked diligently to address the complex challenge of cybersecurity, but recent events show that more must be done," said Sens. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader, Sen. John McCain, the Armed Services Committee chairman, fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Sen. Jack Reed, the top Armed Services Committee Democrat, in a Sunday morning statement.
While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber-attacks."

I call that bipartisan: Republicans who hate Trump and Democrats that want to steal the election.

The election is done get over it. No one is stealing the election.
Why are you protecting Putin?

One, I am over it. It's the Democrats who are not.
Two, I'm not protecting anybody. Why blame somebody that didn't have anything to do with the election?

What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
And why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?

1. Again I ask, how do you prove somebody didn't do something? We had a bank robbery nearby, how do I prove that you didn't rob the bank???

2. You can't prove what somebody didn't do. You can only provide evidence if somebody did do something. Trump isn't protecting Putin because there is nothing yet to protect. He had nothing to do with our elections. The CIA works for DumBama. Of course Trump has every reason to suspect their loyalty to him.

1. Help yourself. Read my previous comments.
2. It was concluded by 17 agencies that Russians did the the hacking. Trump even invited them during campaign ( Russia if you are listening I hope you find the 33,000 emails).
Yes Trump is protecting Putin. Why are you denying that Trump is not protecting Putin? Dude It's all over world.
CIA works for the president his name is Barrack Obama not DumBama. For your information CIA always work for the POTUS not against it. CIA always loyal to the POTUS but because Trump is Putin puppet he is blasting his own intelligence agency.
Hillary got more votes than Trump after the Wikileaks and Russian hacking.
So, you're saying, "The Russians did it!" no matter what the results were .... or would have been. Put your thumb back into your mouth. The hole you have it in now is giving you a brain clog.

.em ot klat ot deifilauq era uoy fi wonk uoy tel lliw I

I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me.
I call that bipartisan: Republicans who hate Trump and Democrats that want to steal the election.

The election is done get over it. No one is stealing the election.
Why are you protecting Putin?

One, I am over it. It's the Democrats who are not.
Two, I'm not protecting anybody. Why blame somebody that didn't have anything to do with the election?

What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
And why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?

1. Again I ask, how do you prove somebody didn't do something? We had a bank robbery nearby, how do I prove that you didn't rob the bank???

2. You can't prove what somebody didn't do. You can only provide evidence if somebody did do something. Trump isn't protecting Putin because there is nothing yet to protect. He had nothing to do with our elections. The CIA works for DumBama. Of course Trump has every reason to suspect their loyalty to him.

1. Help yourself. Read my previous comments.
2. It was concluded by 17 agencies that Russians did the the hacking. Trump even invited them during campaign ( Russia if you are listening I hope you find the 33,000 emails).
Yes Trump is protecting Putin. Why are you denying that Trump is not protecting Putin? Dude It's all over world.
CIA works for the president his name is Barrack Obama not DumBama. For your information CIA always work for the POTUS not against it. CIA always loyal to the POTUS but because Trump is Putin puppet he is blasting his own intelligence agency.

It's not Trump's agency. As you stated, loyalty is to the sitting President.

And again I ask for proof of these 17 agencies. What 17 agencies? Are you including the post office or something? I want to see this so-called evidence. So far, nothing I read has any evidence against Russia or any hacking. Which states were hacked? How was it done? So Trump asked Russia if they hacked Hillary's emails. What does that have to do with the election?

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