Obama orders full review of elections hacking

1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?
I agree he should have acted way earlier, maybe even last year.

I am not sure anyone expected to see the unprecedented audacity of Putin in conducting these Hacks. It is mind boggling to think an adversarial country would insert itself into the very heart of another country's political proves.

Trump is not doing himself any favors for his continual denial of Russia's involvement. He is either demonstrating a dangerous ignorance of foreign policy or he is covering up for something or somebody. Which is it?
1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?
I agree he should have acted way earlier, maybe even last year.

I am not sure anyone expected to see the unprecedented audacity of Putin in conducting these Hacks. It is mind boggling to think an adversarial country would insert itself into the very heart of another country's political proves.

Trump is not doing himself any favors for his continual denial of Russia's involvement. He is either demonstrating a dangerous ignorance of foreign policy or he is covering up for something or somebody. Which is it?
And yet both the FBI and DNI say there is no proof to support the CIA's allegations that Russia tried to influence the election, and Obama's call for a review of the issue was just a political ploy to prevent the CIA from testifying before Congressional investigations while he is still in office.
1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?
I agree he should have acted way earlier, maybe even last year.

I am not sure anyone expected to see the unprecedented audacity of Putin in conducting these Hacks. It is mind boggling to think an adversarial country would insert itself into the very heart of another country's political proves.

Trump is not doing himself any favors for his continual denial of Russia's involvement. He is either demonstrating a dangerous ignorance of foreign policy or he is covering up for something or somebody. Which is it?
You didn't answer the questions:

1. Why did he wait so long to do anything? Why not when it started?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?[
1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?
I agree he should have acted way earlier, maybe even last year.

I am not sure anyone expected to see the unprecedented audacity of Putin in conducting these Hacks. It is mind boggling to think an adversarial country would insert itself into the very heart of another country's political proves.

Trump is not doing himself any favors for his continual denial of Russia's involvement. He is either demonstrating a dangerous ignorance of foreign policy or he is covering up for something or somebody. Which is it?
And yet both the FBI and DNI say there is no proof to support the CIA's allegations that Russia tried to influence the election, and Obama's call for a review of the issue was just a political ploy to prevent the CIA from testifying before Congressional investigations while he is still in office.
It seems, in part, this is part of an attempt to either overturn the election or delegitimize Trump's Presidency.

There is no proof the Russians changd the outcome of the election, and the CIA just violated a Congressional subpoena by refusing to show and brief what they supposedly have.

The only place Congress, Electoral college voters, and the American people are getting any 'news' is from the same news nedia supposedly 'infested' with 'fake news'.
1. Help yourself. Read my previous comments.
2. It was concluded by 17 agencies that Russians did the the hacking. Trump even invited them during campaign ( Russia if you are listening I hope you find the 33,000 emails).
Yes Trump is protecting Putin. Why are you denying that Trump is not protecting Putin? Dude It's all over world.
CIA works for the president his name is Barrack Obama not DumBama. For your information CIA always work for the POTUS not against it. CIA always loyal to the POTUS but because Trump is Putin puppet he is blasting his own intelligence agency.

It's not Trump's agency. As you stated, loyalty is to the sitting President.

And again I ask for proof of these 17 agencies. What 17 agencies? Are you including the post office or something? I want to see this so-called evidence. So far, nothing I read has any evidence against Russia or any hacking. Which states were hacked? How was it done? So Trump asked Russia if they hacked Hillary's emails. What does that have to do with the election?

Are you saying the CIA are lying? What proof do you have that they are lying?
Your questions are pure delusional.... I have to work for CIA in order for me to answer your questions.
What has to do with election? To help Trump.
Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary email? you can ask that to your messiah Trump and Putin. I can't answer that question.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Eliza Collins | USA TODAY
Updated 17 days ago
Donald Trump’s claim that the United States has "no idea" who is behind recent email hacks is just not true.

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.
“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.
Trump pushed back, saying that Clinton and the United States had “no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else.”

Aw, now there you see.......you left out the best part:

"The Clinton campaign has neither confirmed or denied the authenticity of the emails, though they have pushed back on certain emails and warned that stolen information could be altered."

So apparently, Hillary is not admitting those supposed emails are legitimate. Furthermore stating that it's all misinformation because the supposed hacker could have altered the emails. So were they hacked emails or not?

All I can say is............... I just have to rely on what CIA are telling us and wait for the conclusion of the investigations.

So what's the worst they can find, that the emails were hacked by Russia? Then what?

Now you would have to prove it had anything to do with the election outcome which is impossible. Logically, I would doubt they did. What voter is going to actually vote for Hil-Liar, read about these emails, and then change their mind?

I mean seriously...........the woman setup a server in her basement for the ability to erase evidence which she did. She totally lied about Benghazi, destroyed evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, lied to Congress under oath repeatedly, was under an FBI criminal investigation, shady dealings with her so-called charity with foreigners, unbelievably made millions and millions of dollars just for speeches, and you think it was the emails that changed anybody's mind?

You are going all over the place.
Discussion is the hacked emails by Putin. The election is over............ done get over it. Enough.
Nobody is changing the result of the election but we need to get to the bottom of these hacking.
1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?
I agree he should have acted way earlier, maybe even last year.

I am not sure anyone expected to see the unprecedented audacity of Putin in conducting these Hacks. It is mind boggling to think an adversarial country would insert itself into the very heart of another country's political proves.

Trump is not doing himself any favors for his continual denial of Russia's involvement. He is either demonstrating a dangerous ignorance of foreign policy or he is covering up for something or somebody. Which is it?
You didn't answer the questions:

1. Why did he wait so long to do anything? Why not when it started?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?[

Everyone feels he should have acted sooner, but unlike Comey, he said he did not want to influence the election. The lies about Russia not being involved is this Hackins are making me nauscious.

Now you answer my question:

Why is Donald Trump denying and even defending Putin questioning 17 intelligence agencies, who agree that Russia did the hacking. the only question that is still unresolved is why.? Tell me why he is defending Putin.
I posted anarticle on tis yeserdy - Barry didn't do anything because he was trying to negotiate a Syrian deal with Russia.

Barry negotiated a treaty with Iran while they practiced bombing our aircraft carriers and their leader lead chants of 'death to America'. Now he negotiates a deal with Russia while they are trying to infiltrate and effect our election.

1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?
I agree he should have acted way earlier, maybe even last year.

I am not sure anyone expected to see the unprecedented audacity of Putin in conducting these Hacks. It is mind boggling to think an adversarial country would insert itself into the very heart of another country's political proves.

Trump is not doing himself any favors for his continual denial of Russia's involvement. He is either demonstrating a dangerous ignorance of foreign policy or he is covering up for something or somebody. Which is it?
You didn't answer the questions:

1. Why did he wait so long to do anything? Why not when it started?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?[

Everyone feels he should have acted sooner, but unlike Comey, he said he did not want to influence the election. The lies about Russia not being involved is this Hackins are making me nauscious.

Now you answer my question:

Why is Donald Trump denying and even defending Putin questioning 17 intelligence agencies, who agree that Russia did the hacking. the only question that is still unresolved is why.? Tell me why he is defending Putin.
I think there is a reason to all of this. Why do you think Trump is not attending intelligence briefings? I think it is intentional, so he doesn't get implicated, or doesn't "appear" to be on a side.

And also: I was thinking it would have been kind of cool if Petraeus would have been nominated Secretary of State. Sure, he might have had trouble keeping quiet around female agents, but not more than Trump. But he is not a Putinist, which may have been a reason he didn't get nominated.

I'm beginning to have doubts Mattis will get nominated for Defense.
1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?
I agree he should have acted way earlier, maybe even last year.

I am not sure anyone expected to see the unprecedented audacity of Putin in conducting these Hacks. It is mind boggling to think an adversarial country would insert itself into the very heart of another country's political proves.

Trump is not doing himself any favors for his continual denial of Russia's involvement. He is either demonstrating a dangerous ignorance of foreign policy or he is covering up for something or somebody. Which is it?
You didn't answer the questions:

1. Why did he wait so long to do anything? Why not when it started?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?[

Everyone feels he should have acted sooner, but unlike Comey, he said he did not want to influence the election. The lies about Russia not being involved is this Hackins are making me nauscious.

Now you answer my question:

Why is Donald Trump denying and even defending Putin questioning 17 intelligence agencies, who agree that Russia did the hacking. the only question that is still unresolved is why.? Tell me why he is defending Putin.
I think there is a reason to all of this. Why do you think Trump is not attending intelligence briefings? I think it is intentional, so he doesn't get implicated, or doesn't "appear" to be on a side.

And also: I was thinking it would have been kind of cool if Petraeus would have been nominated Secretary of State. Sure, he might have had trouble keeping quiet around female agents, but not more than Trump. But he is not a Putinist, which may have been a reason he didn't get nominated.

I'm beginning to have doubts Mattis will get nominated for Defense.

The Swamp is getting pretty Deep....

The Russians were seeking to choose a US President and they were successful. Now I suppose we should move along and forget about it...? Right?

They investigated and concluded that there was no hacking of the votes, now where is the left asking to investigate Jill Stein's cash windfall from this charade?
Remember when Obama and the rest said the voting was secure and tamper proof, that no fraud was occuring?
So he is admitting he lied and tampered with our election, like he did in tampering eith Israel's election.
So when you gonna cry out to arrest Obama?

His press secretary said this is not a laughing matter then went on snidely to laugh about the matter. It's like watching Ace Ventura talk out his rear end.
they selectively choose concerns to self interests.=Busted!
It's not Trump's agency. As you stated, loyalty is to the sitting President.

And again I ask for proof of these 17 agencies. What 17 agencies? Are you including the post office or something? I want to see this so-called evidence. So far, nothing I read has any evidence against Russia or any hacking. Which states were hacked? How was it done? So Trump asked Russia if they hacked Hillary's emails. What does that have to do with the election?

Are you saying the CIA are lying? What proof do you have that they are lying?
Your questions are pure delusional.... I have to work for CIA in order for me to answer your questions.
What has to do with election? To help Trump.
Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary email? you can ask that to your messiah Trump and Putin. I can't answer that question.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Eliza Collins | USA TODAY
Updated 17 days ago
Donald Trump’s claim that the United States has "no idea" who is behind recent email hacks is just not true.

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.
“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.
Trump pushed back, saying that Clinton and the United States had “no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else.”

Aw, now there you see.......you left out the best part:

"The Clinton campaign has neither confirmed or denied the authenticity of the emails, though they have pushed back on certain emails and warned that stolen information could be altered."

So apparently, Hillary is not admitting those supposed emails are legitimate. Furthermore stating that it's all misinformation because the supposed hacker could have altered the emails. So were they hacked emails or not?

All I can say is............... I just have to rely on what CIA are telling us and wait for the conclusion of the investigations.

So what's the worst they can find, that the emails were hacked by Russia? Then what?

Now you would have to prove it had anything to do with the election outcome which is impossible. Logically, I would doubt they did. What voter is going to actually vote for Hil-Liar, read about these emails, and then change their mind?

I mean seriously...........the woman setup a server in her basement for the ability to erase evidence which she did. She totally lied about Benghazi, destroyed evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, lied to Congress under oath repeatedly, was under an FBI criminal investigation, shady dealings with her so-called charity with foreigners, unbelievably made millions and millions of dollars just for speeches, and you think it was the emails that changed anybody's mind?

You are going all over the place.
Discussion is the hacked emails by Putin. The election is over............ done get over it. Enough.
Nobody is changing the result of the election but we need to get to the bottom of these hacking.

Yeah right, you do that. And then tell me you think had Hil-Liar won, anybody would give two shits about who hacked what. There is only one reason the left is so obsessed with Russia, and that is your candidate lost, and in desperation, trying to prove that Trump is a illegitimate winner and has these mysterious ties to Putin.
1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?
I agree he should have acted way earlier, maybe even last year.

I am not sure anyone expected to see the unprecedented audacity of Putin in conducting these Hacks. It is mind boggling to think an adversarial country would insert itself into the very heart of another country's political proves.

Trump is not doing himself any favors for his continual denial of Russia's involvement. He is either demonstrating a dangerous ignorance of foreign policy or he is covering up for something or somebody. Which is it?

Or maybe Trump is waiting to see empirical evident that Russia had anything to do with it before condemning anybody.

The Russians were seeking to choose a US President and they were successful. Now I suppose we should move along and forget about it...? Right?

Or we should accept the assumptions by the left and call it fact..........right?

The Russians were seeking to choose a US President and they were successful. Now I suppose we should move along and forget about it...? Right?

Or we should accept the assumptions by the left and call it fact..........right?

The CIA and 16 other intelligence agencies are the Left? You need some help....

Lynch: No Evidence Of 'Technical Interference' From Russia [VIDEO]

You must be dumb as a rock. No one HAS EVER said the Russians hacked voting machines. Go Away!
This is the latest.

Official: FBI Backs CIA Conclusion on Russian Hacking Motive

Official: FBI Backs CIA Conclusion on Russian Hacking Motive
WASHINGTON — Dec 16, 2016, 2:45 PM ET

The FBI is supporting the CIA's conclusion that Russia interfered in the presidential election with the goal of supporting Republican candidate Donald Trump.

In a message sent to employees, CIA Director John Brennan said he had spoken with FBI Director James Comey and James Clapper, the director of national intelligence.

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