Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"

I suspect you sell tax advantaged investments for a living. lol.
Yeah, eliminating reams of accountants, tax planners, tax attorneys and tax shelters would be "ugly" for those involved. For the rest of us it would usher in some of the best growth we've ever seen in this country as assets are channelled into productive uses away from unproductive ones.
I get paid whether the investments are tax-advantaged or not. My job is to work in my clients' best interest, and when they're/we're incentivized to channel funds to securities such as municipal bonds it's a win-win for everyone concerned.

No. It is a lose for society as a whole when assets that could be used towards productive ends are instead routed based on the tax code. It creates gross inefficiencies in the system.
We'll just have to disagree, huh? Either way, a flat tax won't happen.

No. You are arguing that tax advantaged investments are good for you and your clients. I am arguing they are bad for society as a whole. Both are correct.
A flat tax will happen given the results in 2016. Everyone understands the tax code is outmoded and unworkable.
How many congressional republicans support a flat tax?

That's not a rhetorical question, I'm curious.

Check my sig line. That isnt snark. I honestly dont know.
I also dont know how many Congressmen supported tax reform before Reagan's first term. But it happened. There is significant bipartisan support for tax reform this time. It may not get to a flat tax, but it will be lots flatter than now.
I don't know about that Owebama ...

But everything I got, I did myself

I didn't need no parents, no skools, no relatives, no Gubmint...it was all me
That's why you're a millionaire? After all, you had the same advantages as the people who got rich off those roads, schools, etc. Right?

I made my millions the hard way....sweat, hard work , cheating on my taxes
I get paid whether the investments are tax-advantaged or not. My job is to work in my clients' best interest, and when they're/we're incentivized to channel funds to securities such as municipal bonds it's a win-win for everyone concerned.

No. It is a lose for society as a whole when assets that could be used towards productive ends are instead routed based on the tax code. It creates gross inefficiencies in the system.
We'll just have to disagree, huh? Either way, a flat tax won't happen.

No. You are arguing that tax advantaged investments are good for you and your clients. I am arguing they are bad for society as a whole. Both are correct.
A flat tax will happen given the results in 2016. Everyone understands the tax code is outmoded and unworkable.
How many congressional republicans support a flat tax?

That's not a rhetorical question, I'm curious.

Check my sig line. That isnt snark. I honestly dont know.
I also dont know how many Congressmen supported tax reform before Reagan's first term. But it happened. There is significant bipartisan support for tax reform this time. It may not get to a flat tax, but it will be lots flatter than now.
What concerns me, assuming that the graduated tax rate remains, is that they'll find a way to fuck up incentives.

Being politicians and all.

Yep, anyone who has succeeded didn't earn that.

They were just walking along one day and BAM, they had all kinds o' money.


That is the left's narrative to convince their base to hate the rich and feel entitled to a share of their money. In these sicko liberals minds wealth belongs to the government and should be confiscated and doled out evenly to all.

Can you imagine the left and their welfare sucking lazy ass base back when we were hunter gatherers or an agricultural society, just sitting around on their ass waiting to be fed and taken care of by those actually working?
I don't know about that Owebama ...

But everything I got, I did myself

I didn't need no parents, no skools, no relatives, no Gubmint...it was all me
That's why you're a millionaire? After all, you had the same advantages as the people who got rich off those roads, schools, etc. Right?

I made my millions the hard way....sweat, hard work , cheating on my taxes
In reality, you don't have to cheat on your taxes if you are in the group Obama was referring to....they pay a lower rate than the average person.
I don't know about that Owebama ...

But everything I got, I did myself

I didn't need no parents, no skools, no relatives, no Gubmint...it was all me
That's why you're a millionaire? After all, you had the same advantages as the people who got rich off those roads, schools, etc. Right?

I made my millions the hard way....sweat, hard work , cheating on my taxes
In reality, you don't have to cheat on your taxes if you are in the group Obama was referring to....they pay a lower rate than the average person.

Doesn't matter as long as paying lawyers is cheaper than paying taxes
I am happy he is saying this. It is what libs believe. No one got rich on his own. This guy is rich because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. But if it wasnt him some other guy would have gotten rich instead.
It betrays absolutely zero understanding of how the economy, business, and the world works.
Remind me who thought this ignorant asshole was qualifed t be president?

Nobody has gotten rich on their own. It's either given to them by inheritance or divorce settlement, or using others to make you rich.

Economy: To have a healthy economy you need a prosperous middle class.
Business: Fuck them before they fuck you.
Workings of the world: Greed makes the world go around.
^ Projection.
That kind of profoundly ignorant rhetoric plays very well with the Entitlement Moocher crowd. He knows his audience.

The largest (in money) 'Entitlement Moocher crowd' is corporate America through direct and in-direct monies and thousands of tax breaks/loopholes.

Again, he knows his audience. Got you all worked up, ha? The man is a pampered dipshit Communist Organizer. He knows nothing about working hard or running a business.

When he leaves the White House he'll be supported by hard-working Taxpayers the rest of his life, and receive a $Million a speech. He's an Entitlement Moocher like you.
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Fuck the big eared disaster, my husband and I worked hard to get where we are at...and guess what? We don't owe anyone a damn thing

If your rich you didn't work hard, you hired people to work hard.
Incorrect. But you wouldn't know that cause you are living on the efforts of your parents.

I'm thinking he lives in a cardboard box
I'm thinking he's a house sitter at a rich man's house off the coast of Miami.
Not all, some of them work harder, pay attention in class and have good ideas. ;) Probably around 60% fall into this class of people...The other 40% got lucky to have a rich dad, uncle, etc.
The way I see it, unless you inherit something, it will be hard to find the capital to invest in the future.

Especially true, when I start reading doom and gloom articles about algorithms wiping out most white collar jobs, which paints a future of astronomical unemployment and poverty.
Any income tax rate could be called "punishing success".

The key is finding an equilibrium, and I believe (as do many of my peers in the financial profession) that two new, marginally higher tax tiers on the top earners would not retard growth to a significant degree. It would almost certainly, in fact, incentivize more tax-advantaged investment.

These increases, of course, are separate from an expectation that spending does not increase as a percentage of GDP, and that real attempts at increasing efficiencies must continue. As always.

Which is why adding top marginal rates is almost criminal without FIRST cutting excessive spending, fraud, waste, and abuse, and including in our budget, a mechanism for paying down the debt without tax increases.

A better plan is to reduce government interference in the economy to the point that it begins to grow at a self sustaining rate. A robust economy cures more ills in this society than 100k liberal 'vote purchase' programs.
That's the point of my last paragraph - adding those brackets can't be the only element. No doubt, in these simplistic and binary times, many would look at that like a 16-year old girl looks at Daddy's Gold Card.

There is taxing and there is spending, and the two go hand in hand. Both sides have to be done efficiently.

Again, what is accomplished by making the tax code more progressive?

You shift the tax burden away from lower income and towards higher income.
Currently low income people have no tax burden. All the burden is borne by the upper 50%. That creates a situation of haves and gimmes, dividing the country. Which is what Democrats want
A fair system would make everyone pay something. Somehow Democrats balk at real equality when it's offered.
The Rabbi
Are the ignored trolls actually reinforcing Obama's statement? Just out of curiosity.

I'll unignore anymore liberoid trolls that have rebuked this statement.

This comment by Obama is when I started the mass ignore on USMB. ANyone who would defend that is hopeless or intentionally deceiving their own base (propaganda agent).
Not all, some of them work harder, pay attention in class and have good ideas. ;) Probably around 60% fall into this class of people...The other 40% got lucky to have a rich dad, uncle, etc.
The way I see it, unless you inherit something, it will be hard to find the capital to invest in the future.

Especially true, when I start reading doom and gloom articles about algorithms wiping out most white collar jobs, which paints a future of astronomical unemployment and poverty.

Not true, when I started investing it was relatively small sums but as those investments paid off I reinvested and the investments grew. In no way does it happen overnight

Then there are people such as yourself that never apply themselves and never even get into the game, just a spectator

The point Obama was trying to make is that some people are born on third base and consider it an achievement while others are born with two strikes against them and are mocked by the one percent because they did not succeed in life

Then there are people such as yourself that never apply themselves and never even get into the game, just a spectator

The point Obama was trying to make is that some people are born on third base and consider it an achievement while others are born with two strikes against them and are mocked by the one percent because they did not succeed in life

I don't need you trying to cover for Ear's dumb ass comments

Then there are people such as yourself that never apply themselves and never even get into the game, just a spectator

The point Obama was trying to make is that some people are born on third base and consider it an achievement while others are born with two strikes against them and are mocked by the one percent because they did not succeed in life
Please show me those people who think that. There are none. It is a typical strawman bullshit assertion.

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