Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"

Affirmative action

Affirmative action is Republican backed. Republicans can place blame on poor people instead of the real cause of economic decline in the US, corporate America.

You're annoying

The truth annoys you.

I just get weary of people like you thinking people can't make it on their own and need help. I know plenty of people that are successful because they applied themselves.
Fuck the big eared disaster, my husband and I worked hard to get where we are at...and guess what? We don't owe anyone a damn thing

If your rich you didn't work hard, you hired people to work hard.

Nobody except our nanny has ever worked for us. Educations, hard work and Wall St has paid off nicely

So you have enough money to live without working and be able to do anything you want?

We're only in our 30's with children to put through college, retirement is distant.

Then you are far from wealthy. Wealthy is when others make money for you.
Affirmative action

Affirmative action is Republican backed. Republicans can place blame on poor people instead of the real cause of economic decline in the US, corporate America.

You're annoying

The truth annoys you.

I just get weary of people like you thinking people can't make it on their own and need help. I know plenty of people that are successful because they applied themselves.

Applied themselves in directing others, or perhaps used others to reinvent the widget. Steve Jobs was a great example of that.
Fuck the big eared disaster, my husband and I worked hard to get where we are at...and guess what? We don't owe anyone a damn thing

If your rich you didn't work hard, you hired people to work hard.

Nobody except our nanny has ever worked for us. Educations, hard work and Wall St has paid off nicely

So you have enough money to live without working and be able to do anything you want?

We're only in our 30's with children to put through college, retirement is distant.

Then you are far from wealthy. Wealthy is when others make money for you.

What is wealthy to you may be different than what is wealthy to others.
That kind of profoundly ignorant rhetoric plays very well with the Entitlement Moocher crowd. He knows his audience.

The largest (in money) 'Entitlement Moocher crowd' is corporate America through direct and in-direct monies and thousands of tax breaks/loopholes.

Yep... Subjectivism is a virulent species of reasoning, destroying everything it touches.

I support corporations and feel that they do good things for society, but as it stands at this moment they CHEAT our tax system. They cheat it very badly.
Affirmative action

Affirmative action is Republican backed. Republicans can place blame on poor people instead of the real cause of economic decline in the US, corporate America.

You're annoying

The truth annoys you.

I just get weary of people like you thinking people can't make it on their own and need help. I know plenty of people that are successful because they applied themselves.

Applied themselves in directing others, or perhaps used others to reinvent the widget. Steve Jobs was a great example of that.

Jobs had an idea and ran with it, in the process he became wealthy and others did also. He had a vision
If your rich you didn't work hard, you hired people to work hard.

Nobody except our nanny has ever worked for us. Educations, hard work and Wall St has paid off nicely

So you have enough money to live without working and be able to do anything you want?

We're only in our 30's with children to put through college, retirement is distant.

Then you are far from wealthy. Wealthy is when others make money for you.

What is wealthy to you may be different than what is wealthy to others.

Is a billionaire getting 10% income taxes and outsourcing all of his jobs to asia...Wealthy enough for you?
Nobody except our nanny has ever worked for us. Educations, hard work and Wall St has paid off nicely

So you have enough money to live without working and be able to do anything you want?

We're only in our 30's with children to put through college, retirement is distant.

Then you are far from wealthy. Wealthy is when others make money for you.

What is wealthy to you may be different than what is wealthy to others.

Is a billionaire getting 10% income taxes and outsourcing all of his jobs to asia...Wealthy enough for you?

They abide by current tax laws and business laws, that's business. Don't like it change the laws. But you can't, it's bigger than you, all of you. You want to fight the system and you won't win, I chose to join the system and it's paid off
Affirmative action

Affirmative action is Republican backed. Republicans can place blame on poor people instead of the real cause of economic decline in the US, corporate America.

"Republican"... yes. American, NO!

But, if it helps, we... the Americans are working hard to remove the Progressives from the GOP.

It's about deflecting blame, not progressive politics.


Progressivism is rooted in Relativism... Relativism rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth, thus 'Progressives' are incapable of honesty, required to engage anything honestly... therefore Progressivism, is ALWAYS REGRESSIVE... and deflection produces regression.

See how that works?
Hussein Obama is a pure Marxist, of the worst kind... the man is a Bolshevik... pure and simple

After his "lottery" commentary?? that's it.

I take it you are pro child labor and against free education for children?

What's wrong with child labor? And who is the last child you knew, who was being 'educated' in the Progressive Outhouse that are modern US Schools.

You're conflating 'education' and 'indoctrination'... and you should know, that's a dead center indication of regression, thus it follows that you're a Progressive.
Fuck the big eared disaster, my husband and I worked hard to get where we are at...and guess what? We don't owe anyone a damn thing

If your rich you didn't work hard, you hired people to work hard.

Nobody except our nanny has ever worked for us. Educations, hard work and Wall St has paid off nicely

So you have enough money to live without working and be able to do anything you want?

We're only in our 30's with children to put through college, retirement is distant.

Then you are far from wealthy. Wealthy is when others make money for you.

No that is the far left mentality on how to fund projects they want, but do not want to contribute themselves. The far left thinks they should be exempt from such things..
Hussein Obama is a pure Marxist, of the worst kind... the man is a Bolshevik... pure and simple

After his "lottery" commentary?? that's it.

I take it you are pro child labor and against free education for children?

What's wrong with child labor? And who is the last child you knew, who was being 'educated' in the Progressive Outhouse that are modern US Schools.

You're conflating 'education' and 'indoctrination'... and you should know, that's a dead center indication of regression, thus it follows that you're a Progressive.

Well you have to remember this one that will use over priced electronics, like apple, to show their status in society. Even though it is made in China using slave child labor. As long as it is not their child they could care less..
In all honesty, it's comments of this Marxism Magnitude that truly make me wonder if Obama will leave office.

"I'm taking money from the lucky people and giving it to the government (me and my friends) that way everyone is unlucky together!"

Keep an eye on Mac1958. He'll trot this out every chance he gets and never admit that he is taking it out of context, much like the you didn't build that nonsense. All the while pretending he is non-partisan.
I'd like to add two new marginal tax tiers, 44.9% and 49.9%. Across the board. Oops!

Did you think you "had" me there? Wanna try again?

My politics are clearly too complicated for run-of-the-mill hardcore partisan ideologues like you. I'm used to it, I know how you people are.

And your fixation on me is getting a little creepy.

Why do you think punishing success is a good strategy?
Any income tax rate could be called "punishing success".

The key is finding an equilibrium, and I believe (as do many of my peers in the financial profession) that two new, marginally higher tax tiers on the top earners would not retard growth to a significant degree. It would almost certainly, in fact, incentivize more tax-advantaged investment.

These increases, of course, are separate from an expectation that spending does not increase as a percentage of GDP, and that real attempts at increasing efficiencies must continue. As always.

Which is why adding top marginal rates is almost criminal without FIRST cutting excessive spending, fraud, waste, and abuse, and including in our budget, a mechanism for paying down the debt without tax increases.

A better plan is to reduce government interference in the economy to the point that it begins to grow at a self sustaining rate. A robust economy cures more ills in this society than 100k liberal 'vote purchase' programs.
Obama's projecting.

FUCKING BINGO!!! Give the man a cigar!!

If there has been a douchebag with less accomplishments than the moonbat messiah it would have to be a kennedy. The sniveling zealots who maintain devotion to bathhouse barry will never even consider how they're manipulated by the "filthy rich" so that the "filthy rich" will never be held accountable so long as the democrooks who get all their campaign cash from the "filthy rich" are in control.

The RINOs are equally culpable.
I am happy he is saying this. It is what libs believe. No one got rich on his own. This guy is rich because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. But if it wasnt him some other guy would have gotten rich instead.
It betrays absolutely zero understanding of how the economy, business, and the world works.
Remind me who thought this ignorant asshole was qualifed t be president?

Nobody has gotten rich on their own. It's either given to them by inheritance or divorce settlement, or using others to make you rich.

Economy: To have a healthy economy you need a prosperous middle class.
Business: Fuck them before they fuck you.
Workings of the world: Greed makes the world go around.
You're such an ignoramus, poseur.
Yep, anyone who has succeeded didn't earn that.

They were just walking along one day and BAM, they had all kinds o' money.

Depends how they made it. Was it from working hard or manipulating others? For instance, the Koch Brothers inherited billions, and the billions they've made since was through manipulation, up to, and including kidnapping.

And you teabaggers eat them up.
You obviously don't know my politics.

And the Koch brothers exist, so millions of other business owners are suspect? Lunacy.

You're obviously consumed by your partisan ideology.

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Keep an eye on Mac1958. He'll trot this out every chance he gets and never admit that he is taking it out of context, much like the you didn't build that nonsense. All the while pretending he is non-partisan.
I'd like to add two new marginal tax tiers, 44.9% and 49.9%. Across the board. Oops!

Did you think you "had" me there? Wanna try again?

My politics are clearly too complicated for run-of-the-mill hardcore partisan ideologues like you. I'm used to it, I know how you people are.

And your fixation on me is getting a little creepy.

Why do you think punishing success is a good strategy?
Any income tax rate could be called "punishing success".

The key is finding an equilibrium, and I believe (as do many of my peers in the financial profession) that two new, marginally higher tax tiers on the top earners would not retard growth to a significant degree. It would almost certainly, in fact, incentivize more tax-advantaged investment.

These increases, of course, are separate from an expectation that spending does not increase as a percentage of GDP, and that real attempts at increasing efficiencies must continue. As always.

Which is why adding top marginal rates is almost criminal without FIRST cutting excessive spending, fraud, waste, and abuse, and including in our budget, a mechanism for paying down the debt without tax increases.

A better plan is to reduce government interference in the economy to the point that it begins to grow at a self sustaining rate. A robust economy cures more ills in this society than 100k liberal 'vote purchase' programs.
That's the point of my last paragraph - adding those brackets can't be the only element. No doubt, in these simplistic and binary times, many would look at that like a 16-year old girl looks at Daddy's Gold Card.

There is taxing and there is spending, and the two go hand in hand. Both sides have to be done efficiently.


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