Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"

Yep, anyone who has succeeded didn't earn that.

They were just walking along one day and BAM, they had all kinds o' money.

Depends how they made it. Was it from working hard or manipulating others? For instance, the Koch Brothers inherited billions, and the billions they've made since was through manipulation, up to, and including kidnapping.

And you teabaggers eat them up.
Hussein Obama is a pure Marxist, of the worst kind... the man is a Bolshevik... pure and simple

After his "lottery" commentary?? that's it.
I am happy he is saying this. It is what libs believe. No one got rich on his own. This guy is rich because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. But if it wasnt him some other guy would have gotten rich instead.
It betrays absolutely zero understanding of how the economy, business, and the world works.
Remind me who thought this ignorant asshole was qualifed t be president?

Nobody has gotten rich on their own. It's either given to them by inheritance or divorce settlement, or using others to make you rich.

Economy: To have a healthy economy you need a prosperous middle class.
Business: Fuck them before they fuck you.
Workings of the world: Greed makes the world go around.
President Obama referred yesterday to the wealthy as "society's lottery winners", as though the only reason they were wealthy is because they got lucky one time. No mention of years of training, hard work, risks, 20-hour workdays, failure, recovery, and eventual success.

It's just more of the same attempt to pretend there's nothing wrong with taking they money and resources from those who earned them.

Private people who do this are called "thieves", and are prosecuted and jailed as they deserve.

Public people who do the same are called "liberals", and are immune from the prosecution and jail terms they deserve.


Keying on poverty Obama suggests high earners hit lottery

Keying on poverty, Obama suggests high earners hit 'lottery'

By Angela Greiling Keane BLOOMBERG NEWS
Updated today at 4:03 a.m.

WASHINGTON -- Unless Democrats and Republicans can agree to raise taxes on the earnings of hedge-fund and private-equity managers, there is little chance the nation can make a meaningful dent in poverty, President Barack Obama said Tuesday.

Obama, whose long-standing proposal to raise taxes on what is known as carried interest has gained little traction in Congress, said fairness demands that the nation's wealthiest pitch in as more and more Americans are falling behind.

"If I were able to close that loophole, I'd be able to invest in early-childhood education," Obama said Tuesday. "If we can't ask from society's lottery winners to make that modest investment, then really this conversation is for show."

The president has often said the wealthiest Americans must make sacrifices to better life for poorer people. In addition to urging higher taxes for investment managers, he questioned whether the pay of some corporate chief executives is justified.

Yes obama and his freakishly man-like old-lady, are showing you who they really are. Hard core communists, playing to the ignorance and idiocy of the Intellectually Less Fortunate. Even as he undermines the security of the United States, as the fools try to understand how anyone could be THAT corrupt.

In truth, the Military should have frogged marched obama out of the Whitehouse YEARS ago, for crimes against the people of the United States, starting with its attempt to frame innocent Americans in the firearms industry, claiming that the weapons HE SOLD to the terrorists of the drug cartels, was intentionally sold by the Firearms industry... 'in the name of PROFIT!'.

That he was able to stay in power after the IRS scheme and Benghazi tells you everything you need to know about the brown-clown and his cult.

I gotta say, the coolest part is how he was elected wearing the BIGGEST CLUE OF ALL: His Name.

Whoever it is that put him there, did so to prove a point to someone... and that point is a most unflattering one for the idiots that voted for him.
That kind of profoundly ignorant rhetoric plays very well with the Entitlement Moocher crowd. He knows his audience.

The largest (in money) 'Entitlement Moocher crowd' is corporate America through direct and in-direct monies and thousands of tax breaks/loopholes.
That kind of profoundly ignorant rhetoric plays very well with the Entitlement Moocher crowd. He knows his audience.

The largest (in money) 'Entitlement Moocher crowd' is corporate America through direct and in-direct monies and thousands of tax breaks/loopholes.

Yep... Subjectivism is a virulent species of reasoning, destroying everything it touches.
Fuck the big eared disaster, my husband and I worked hard to get where we are at...and guess what? We don't owe anyone a damn thing

If your rich you didn't work hard, you hired people to work hard.

Nobody except our nanny has ever worked for us. Educations, hard work and Wall St has paid off nicely

So you have enough money to live without working and be able to do anything you want?
Hussein Obama is a pure Marxist, of the worst kind... the man is a Bolshevik... pure and simple

After his "lottery" commentary?? that's it.

I take it you are pro child labor and against free education for children?
Fuck the big eared disaster, my husband and I worked hard to get where we are at...and guess what? We don't owe anyone a damn thing

If your rich you didn't work hard, you hired people to work hard.

Nobody except our nanny has ever worked for us. Educations, hard work and Wall St has paid off nicely

So you have enough money to live without working and be able to do anything you want?

We're only in our 30's with children to put through college, retirement is distant.

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