Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"

He was referring to the hedge fund loophole. That's it. You know an Acorn thread will have some sort of lie in the OP.

Nothing new here.

"The top rate for wage earners is 43.4 percent. Many investment managers pay taxes at a 23.8 percent top rate, because their gains are counted differently in the tax code."

Obama Attacks Carried Interest Again to Shrugs in Congress - Bloomberg Politics

But the nutters on this thread think it is A OK to charge different people different tax rates.

I think carried interest should not be taxed as capital gains. Because, well, it's NOT capital gains and shouldn't be taxed as such.

But Obama reinforces the perception that Democrats think that success comes from luck, not hard work.
All income should be taxed the same

If anything, income earned from hard work should be taxed at a lower rate

Define 'hard work.'

Middle class workers making less is a Republican/corporate America accomplishment.

Every ill that effects/affects the middle class today can be directly shown as a Republican fail.

Yea right.

Since Obama has become President and the Democrats controlled both houses of the Congress for four years and the Senate for six years the poverty rate has increased, the welfare rolls increased and family income decreased.

You can blame Obama's failure on anybody you want because you are unwilling to take responsibility for the failure you elected because we have come to expect that kind of cowardice from the Moon Bats.

To have true control of Congress, one party must have a majority in the House, and 60 or more seats in the Senate. The last time that occurred for Democrats was in the late 70's.

Obama has done a great job keeping Republicans from fucking the middle class more than they have already done. He took a job to recover the United States from the worst economic crash in history. In 2009, economists stated that it would take 8 -10 years to recover. Following that time-line, were well on our way.

He has increased taxes on the American people, destroyed healthcare with that stupid Obamacare program, let millions of illegals flood into the country and the worse thing is raid the American treasury to give the money to his filthy special interest groups like the unions.

The result of that is increasing poverty, increasing welfare, decreasing family income and an enormous debt not to mention a stagnant low growth economy.

However, his biggest failure has been to not stimulate the economy by lowering taxes and incentive for investment. He has concentrated on stealing money from the productive in this country and giving the money to the unproductive and as we have seen many times that destroys economies.

In a convoluted way you are correct about the Republicans. They have given Obama too much. They have some of the responsibility for his failures. They should have defunded all of his stupid programs and told him no after they took over the House in 2010 but they didn't do it. They are not even putting a stop to his bullshit when they control both the House and Senate.
Obama reinforces the perception that Democrats think that success comes from luck, not hard work.

"You didn't earn that, you didn't build that, therefore you don't own that."

You Didn t Build That Uncut and Unedited
Great, that will include his taunt:

I'm always struck by people who think, "well, it must be because I was just so smart." There are a lot of smart people out there. "It must be because I worked harder than everybody else." Let me tell you somethin'. There are a whole lot of hard working people out there.

Obama mocks business owners. Obama equates starting, growing and running a business with working for a business.


He was referring to the hedge fund loophole. That's it. You know an Acorn thread will have some sort of lie in the OP.

Nothing new here.

"The top rate for wage earners is 43.4 percent. Many investment managers pay taxes at a 23.8 percent top rate, because their gains are counted differently in the tax code."

Obama Attacks Carried Interest Again to Shrugs in Congress - Bloomberg Politics

But the nutters on this thread think it is A OK to charge different people different tax rates.

I think carried interest should not be taxed as capital gains. Because, well, it's NOT capital gains and shouldn't be taxed as such.

But Obama reinforces the perception that Democrats think that success comes from luck, not hard work.
All income should be taxed the same

If anything, income earned from hard work should be taxed at a lower rate
What if I have no income... and just live off billions in accumulated assets.
It's great being wealthy isn't it

Thanks to Republicans, YES!

Uh, no. In the context of Obama's statement the term luck (actually he didn't use the term but let's go with it) was used in the context of hedge fund earnings being taxed lower than the earnings of people that work regular jobs for a living.


He used the term luckier and the context was everybody, not just hedge fund earners.

Watch the video. I can't embed it.

What the sonofabitch was doing was trying to justify using the government to steal money on behalf the despicable Democrat special interest groups.

Obama Calls Successful Society s Lottery Winners PJ Tatler

When President Obama told American business owners that they didn’t build their own success, he shifted the credit to government for providing things like infrastructure and public schools. Now, he’s attributing success to another factor – dumb luck. From the New York Times:

Speaking to a gathering of faith leaders at Georgetown University, Obama said …his unsuccessful effort to raise taxes on hedge fund managers is an example of the refusal by conservatives to compromise for the benefit of the poor…

“If we can’t ask from society lottery winners to just make that modest investment, then really this conversation is for show,” Obama said. He added later, “If we can’t bridge that gap, I suspect we are not going to make as much progress as we need to.”
You have to be a total and complete dumb ass to still be following Obungles at this stage of the game
Yes, a simple OS is something that pretty much any average systems engineer can generate in about two - four weeks effort.

Back the Apple II days, I wrote mostly in 6502 assembly. The ProDOS operating system that Apple included had the most stupid assembler in history. You had to key ,mnemonics into direct memory locations. If you made a change to the code, you had to rekey the entire program. Writes to disk were based on memory locations so there was no way around it.

So I wrote an operating system for the 6502 that provided relocatable code and labeling. But what it could do was list a directory, read and write the floppy disk, and provided an assembler to translate mnemonics to machine code. That is literally it. Big difference between a simple OS like that and DOS 3.2.

Trivia point of the day, the BASIC interpreter in ProDOS for the Apple II was written by Microsoft.
HEH I can remember coding up sprites back in HS on the Apple IIe. Fun times.

FYI DOS was a relatively simple OS.... I never liked coding in ASM much. C's better.
Yes, a simple OS is something that pretty much any average systems engineer can generate in about two - four weeks effort.

"Simple" is the key word in that sentence. The last I heard, Windows has 11 million lines of code.
11m? Jebuz, my version of it was only 2m loc, what have they done to my baby?

Windows is one of the worst operating systems on the market.
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.
people like Soros and the Clintons? Are you so stupid that you don't realize that there are more rich democrats and liberals than republicans and conservatives? Are you that stupid, RW?

Of the hundreds of millionaires I personally know and have met, 90% are Republicans and ultra-conservative.
That's my point.. 1% for the most part are just accumulating assets, and they do that without much if any income by comparison. Thus, attacking the upper middle class by pointing at the wealth of the 1% ... yeah all that does is make it harder on the income bound upper middle class. You could tax income at 95% and all you will do is further separate the middle class from the upper class.

So you move tax deductions to favor the middle class to spend in the economy.
Amazing how many millions of hard working people have to be ignored when tossing out the "life's lottery" bullshit.

Yeah, some lucked into it. The rest busted their ass, and they're being insulted by this ignorant crap.

The fact remains that wealth is made on the backs of others. There are no wealthy people today that have 'busted their ass.'
Crap like that from the Libtards is nothing more than class warfare.

It is justification for stealing money from the people that make it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it. That is the foundation for socialism. Everybody is entitled to the same amount regardless of productivity. That mindset has bankrupted countries by the way. The Libtards are pushing for it to bankrupt this country.

The rich shouldn't pay the same percentage of their total income in taxes as the middle class?
"Simple" is the key word in that sentence. The last I heard, Windows has 11 million lines of code.
11m? Jebuz, my version of it was only 2m loc, what have they done to my baby?

Windows is one of the worst operating systems on the market.
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.
It wasn't a monopoly, and Gates put Microsoft in the position it was in.
Absolutely no contradictions.

Obama has screwed up the economy of this country.

Libtards hate corporations unless they can get something out of them.

Welfare, subsides and bailout are always bad things.

Corporations are good for this country but should never be subsidized by the government.

Your inability to understand the points is not my problem. Most Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding most things. They are very confused.

The economy of this country is middle class spending which was destroyed by Republicans and corporate America in 2008. Why do you continue to promote the ones that are the problem?
11m? Jebuz, my version of it was only 2m loc, what have they done to my baby?

Windows is one of the worst operating systems on the market.
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.
It wasn't a monopoly, and Gates put Microsoft in the position it was in.
Incorrect. It was a monopoly, and IBM put Microsoft in the position it was in.
Absolutely no contradictions.

Obama has screwed up the economy of this country.

Libtards hate corporations unless they can get something out of them.

Welfare, subsides and bailout are always bad things.

Corporations are good for this country but should never be subsidized by the government.

Your inability to understand the points is not my problem. Most Moon Bats have a difficult time understanding most things. They are very confused.

The economy of this country is middle class spending which was destroyed by Republicans and corporate America in 2008. Why do you continue to promote the ones that are the problem?

The statement "The economy of this country is middle class spending" is nonsensical. The economy is always the sum total of all economic activity.

How did Republicans and corporate America destroy middle class spending?
people like Soros and the Clintons? Are you so stupid that you don't realize that there are more rich democrats and liberals than republicans and conservatives? Are you that stupid, RW?

Of the hundreds of millionaires I personally know and have met, 90% are Republicans and ultra-conservative.
FYI... millionaires are upper middle class.
Onepercenter has seen a couple of millionaires on TV. That's as close as he's gotten.
In real life millionaires and billionaires like Warren Buffet are all liberals. And Democrats.
Windows is one of the worst operating systems on the market.
And yet its probably the most used. That's the impressive part of Microsoft. They never had the best product for any application but they were successful in selling it anyway.

Bill Gates is a marketing genius, not a technical genius.
Meh... Gates owned a monopoly... it's easy to be a marketing genius when you own a monopoly.
It wasn't a monopoly, and Gates put Microsoft in the position it was in.
Incorrect. It was a monopoly, and IBM put Microsoft in the position it was in.

Wrong. It wasn't a monopoly. There was Apple and a number of other computer vendors like Amiga.

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