Obama Pisses On Kate Steinle's Grave

OMG. Righties are truly beyond all help.

Had Obama called the family, Bullshitdipstick fake Marine Kurtz would be bellyaching that the President is grandstanding or something like that.

Righties are completely untethered from reality. They are beyond all help.

For him to speak out about Martin and company and ignore the real victim is worthy of criticism.

Nothing in your post offers any reason to not.

No it isn't. He spoke out on Martin for obvious reasons. Even you know what they are.
Obozo spoke out for Martin for political gain, no other reason, speaking out against a murder committed by an illegal immigrant is not in his party's best interest. If you cant admit that, then I hope you keep your family away from illegal immigrants, because they deserve someone to protect them, other than a fool.

Illegal immigrants are less violent than natural born American citizens. Didn't you know that?
Wow! You really are a fool. I guess you believe everything you read on the internet too.

Like I said, if you love your family, keep them away from illegal immigrants, I don't want to read about them because you were a fool.
OMG. Righties are truly beyond all help.

Had Obama called the family, Bullshitdipstick fake Marine Kurtz would be bellyaching that the President is grandstanding or something like that.

Righties are completely untethered from reality. They are beyond all help.

For him to speak out about Martin and company and ignore the real victim is worthy of criticism.

Nothing in your post offers any reason to not.

No it isn't. He spoke out on Martin for obvious reasons. Even you know what they are.
Obozo spoke out for Martin for political gain, no other reason, speaking out against a murder committed by an illegal immigrant is not in his party's best interest. If you cant admit that, then I hope you keep your family away from illegal immigrants, because they deserve someone to protect them, other than a fool.

Illegal immigrants are less violent than natural born American citizens. Didn't you know that?
Wow! You really are a fool. I guess you believe everything you read on the internet too.

Like I said, if you love your family, keep them away from illegal immigrants, I don't want to read about them because you were a fool.

Leave other members' families out of this! This is strictly against USMB rules and could be interpreted as a nasty threat.

Who da fuck do you think you are?

The murderer is a member of a PC-protected group.

End of story.


Liberals side against the police and with the criminal.
Liberal President wont even acknowledge the murder of an innocent woman by an illegal alien criminal.
Seems like the liberals side with the criminal animals every time!
Fox News Channel political commentator Megyn Kelly criticized President Obama's silence on Steinle's murder, contrasting it to his direct comments on the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Freddie Gray. In remarks directed at Obama, Kelly said, "Give an answer. You can't, because there isn't one. There's no excuse for it! He picks and chooses the victims he wants to highlight. And apparently, this victim wasn't deemed worthy."


Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson could not say Tuesday whether the Obama administration was reaching out to the family of the young woman killed earlier this month on a San Francisco pier, allegedly by an illegal immigrant.
During a Capitol Hill hearing, the DHS secretary even sought clarification when questioned about the high-profile case.
Asked by Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, if the administration had reached out to the Steinle family, Johnson initially said: "To who?"

At 6:30 p.m. Francisco Sanchez fired three shots from a stolen 40-caliber Sig Sauer at Pier 14 at the Embarcadero district. One of the bullets struck Steinle in the chest and pierced her aorta. She collapsed to the floor while saying, "Help me, dad, help me!" Her father, Jim Steinle, performed CPR on her before paramedics arrived and sent her to an ambulance. She died two hours later at San Francisco General Hospital. The suspect allegedly then dropped the firearm in the bay, then lit a cigarette and walked away. He was arrested about an hour later and was booked into San Francisco County Jail on suspicion of murder.[2] The shooting was believed by police to be random. Divers from a police boat found the gun in the bay later that night.[3]

To who DHS boss can t say if admin reaching out to SF murder victim s family Fox News

To who DHS boss can t say if admin reaching out to SF murder victim s family Fox News
Oh...look who's politicizing deaths now.
So you think this murder should be ignored?

Obama said if he could make changes that would save one life it would be worth it.
All he had to do is make Sanctuary Cities illegal and it would have saved this woman's life.
Fact is, he wants them.....because bringing in these people helps win states for Democrats. Democrats are to blame for this.
Obama has snubbed the Steinle family, but he does intend to have Francisco Sanchez to the White House as an honored guest.

Obama will probably pardon Sanchez before he leaves office.
Pardoning career criminals is Obama's favorite pastime, lately.
Where is the guy who killed this woman?

Where is George Zimmerman?
Where is Travis Wilson?

You idiots just can't think clearly.

Zimmerman and Wilson shot in self-defense and that has been proven.
How was Sanchez defending himself against the woman?
Did Kate viciously attack Sanchez, beating Sanchez to a pulp?
Did Kate savagely punch Sanchez in the face several times, fracturing Sanchez's eye-socket?
Was Kate a criminal that was resisting arrest?
"Yuppers, Kate deserved to be shot, like the criminal she was".
You sure are a cheerleader for the illegal and common criminals, err?
Where is the guy who killed this woman?

Where is George Zimmerman?
Where is Travis Wilson?

You idiots just can't think clearly.

Zimmerman and Wilson shot in self-defense and that has been proven.
How was Sanchez defending himself against the woman?
Did Kate viciously attack Sanchez, beating Sanchez to a pulp?
Did Kate savagely punch Sanchez in the face several times, fracturing Sanchez's eye-socket?
Was Kate a criminal that was resisting arrest?
"Yuppers, Kate deserved to be shot, like the criminal she was".
You sure are a cheerleader for the illegal and common criminals, err?

Being that you are a retard, I won't try to explain my post to you.
Where is the guy who killed this woman?

Where is George Zimmerman?
Where is Travis Wilson?

You idiots just can't think clearly.

Zimmerman and Wilson shot in self-defense and that has been proven.
How was Sanchez defending himself against the woman?
Did Kate viciously attack Sanchez, beating Sanchez to a pulp?
Did Kate savagely punch Sanchez in the face several times, fracturing Sanchez's eye-socket?
Was Kate a criminal that was resisting arrest?
"Yuppers, Kate deserved to be shot, like the criminal she was".
You sure are a cheerleader for the illegal and common criminals, err?

Being that you are a retard, I won't try to explain my post to you.

We know you CAN'T explain your stupid post.
Zimmerman was/is a law-abiding American citizen, so was Kate Steinle, minding her business while walking with her father.
The illegal alien criminal is/was an illegal alien that is/was a career-criminal that should never have been in this country to begin with.
The illegal-alien criminal should've been back in Mexico, murdering Mexican citizens.
Being the good-liberal that you are, you stick up for the career-criminals and you don't give a shit about Kate Steinle's life/death.
Fact is that the family, at least the spokesperson brother of Kate, has publicly slammed Trump for sensationalizing his sisters death. Sort of like the OP of this thread is doing by using her death to promote his distorted and warped political agenda of and Obama derangement syndrome.
Shouldn't we count how many people in the US die every day and the president does not acknowledge...?

Gee, the President sure does acknowledge when criminals get killed while resisting arrest, or get shot while beating a law-abiding citizen (self-defense).
"IF I had a son, he would look like Trayvon"..
Obama is saying that IF he had a son, he would be a vicious criminal, A "dead vicious criminal, shot while committing a crime".
I listened to obutholes thug Jeh Johnson and understood one thing, him and obuthole are totall incompetent bafoons.
I listened to obutholes thug Jeh Johnson and understood one thing, him and obuthole are totall incompetent bafoons.

He impresses me as a guy who hits the office about 11am, heads out to lunch at noon, and isn't seen again until the next morning.....probably spends his days in strip clubs.
Homeland Security is a joke and its director should be arrested and jailed for refusing to enforce Federal Laws, for incompetence in protecting the Homeland, for not sealing the border, for allowing Heroin traffickers from Mexico to roam free in the U.S. Such a shame.
Homeland Security is a joke and its director should be arrested and jailed for refusing to enforce Federal Laws, for incompetence in protecting the Homeland, for not sealing the border, for allowing Heroin traffickers from Mexico to roam free in the U.S. Such a shame.

What pisses me off is the drive-by media calling her murder a "tragedy"....it wasn't a tragedy...it was a TRAVESTY brought about by politicians more interested in the perks of power than the safety of citizens....Barry and Pelousy should both be charged as accessories to Kate's murder.
Surprise! Homeland Security Chief Doesn’t Know Who Kate Steinle Was

Pajamas Media ^ | 07/15/2015 | Michael Walsh
The Obama administration seems to be devoted to the proposition that nearly every important official should look, sound and act as much like Barack Obama as possible, right down to their ignorance (“I read about it in the papers”) and their inability to pronounce words and names in the news. So this, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, is entirely in keeping: Jeh Johnson, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, appeared not to know the identity of the woman murdered in San Francisco earlier this month by an illegal alien who had been deported numerous times....

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