Obama Pisses On Kate Steinle's Grave

OMG. Righties are truly beyond all help.

Had Obama called the family, Bullshitdipstick fake Marine Kurtz would be bellyaching that the President is grandstanding or something like that.

Righties are completely untethered from reality. They are beyond all help.

For him to speak out about Martin and company and ignore the real victim is worthy of criticism.

Nothing in your post offers any reason to not.

No it isn't. He spoke out on Martin for obvious reasons. Even you know what they are.
Obozo spoke out for Martin for political gain, no other reason, speaking out against a murder committed by an illegal immigrant is not in his party's best interest. If you cant admit that, then I hope you keep your family away from illegal immigrants, because they deserve someone to protect them, other than a fool.

Illegal immigrants are less violent than natural born American citizens. Didn't you know that?

Now that you put that unsubstantiated and selective bit of false statistics on the internet, I am sure the Steinle family will find great comfort knowing that illegal and repeatedly deported and returning innocents meant no harm they just wanted to provide for their family.

I think that if sometime down the road President Obama pretends to care and make a statement about the murder of an innocent white lady, it will be condemning her to be where the illegal had every right to shoot and tough luck being in the way of the bullet.

I wish this presidential bastard experienced the same pain the father of victim of this illegal sonofabitch felt.
OMG. Righties are truly beyond all help.

Had Obama called the family, Bullshitdipstick fake Marine Kurtz would be bellyaching that the President is grandstanding or something like that.

Righties are completely untethered from reality. They are beyond all help.

For him to speak out about Martin and company and ignore the real victim is worthy of criticism.

Nothing in your post offers any reason to not.

No it isn't. He spoke out on Martin for obvious reasons. Even you know what they are.
Obozo spoke out for Martin for political gain, no other reason, speaking out against a murder committed by an illegal immigrant is not in his party's best interest. If you cant admit that, then I hope you keep your family away from illegal immigrants, because they deserve someone to protect them, other than a fool.

Illegal immigrants are less violent than natural born American citizens. Didn't you know that?

Now that you put that unsubstantiated and selective bit of false statistics on the internet, I am sure the Steinle family will find great comfort knowing that illegal and repeatedly deported and returning innocents meant no harm they just wanted to provide for their family.

I think that if sometime down the road President Obama pretends to care and make a statement about the murder of an innocent white lady, it will be condemning her to be where the illegal had every right to shoot and tough luck being in the way of the bullet.

I wish this presidential bastard experienced the same pain the father of victim of this illegal sonofabitch felt.

Is that right? Which daughter would you like to see killed?

You christian you!
Notice that the progs have gone silent after trying to derail this thread....they know what traitorous trash the Rat party is and they are. :eusa_eh:
For him to speak out about Martin and company and ignore the real victim is worthy of criticism.

Nothing in your post offers any reason to not.

No it isn't. He spoke out on Martin for obvious reasons. Even you know what they are.
Obozo spoke out for Martin for political gain, no other reason, speaking out against a murder committed by an illegal immigrant is not in his party's best interest. If you cant admit that, then I hope you keep your family away from illegal immigrants, because they deserve someone to protect them, other than a fool.

Illegal immigrants are less violent than natural born American citizens. Didn't you know that?

Now that you put that unsubstantiated and selective bit of false statistics on the internet, I am sure the Steinle family will find great comfort knowing that illegal and repeatedly deported and returning innocents meant no harm they just wanted to provide for their family.

I think that if sometime down the road President Obama pretends to care and make a statement about the murder of an innocent white lady, it will be condemning her to be where the illegal had every right to shoot and tough luck being in the way of the bullet.

I wish this presidential bastard experienced the same pain the father of victim of this illegal sonofabitch felt.

Is that right? Which daughter would you like to see killed?

You christian you!

Either or both will do.

I stated no less Christianity with what I said than Obama stated with his staunch refusal to acknowledge the vicious murder of a totally innocent young white woman.

As soon as Obama makes a Rose Garden appearance decrying the cruelty of loosing an innocent WHITE woman's life as he was crying crocodile tears about the thugs in Ferguson, New York and Baltimore, who just by coincidence to grab His royal attention, who, by also a coincidence, were blacks, while ignoring the fact of murder by an illegal thug, and disrespecting the loss and pain of a white family in San Francisco, I will stop wishing that Obama had experience about losing a child to a senseless murder.

Maybe if the decent people who loved Ms. Steinle had shouted: "Burn this BITCH down" if they had pissed on and over police cars, if they had invited professional shit disturbers like Al Sharpton, if they had had the decency NOT to be white, this empty-suit in the White House would have come down from His Divine throne and pretend to be human.
Holder took 40 FBI agents with him to Ferguson for a strong-arm robber who tried to take away a deputy's pistol. Holder threatened Zimmerman with prosecution before he was ever charged and never apologized after he was acquitted. Not even a mention of Kate's murder by one of their imported criminals....and Hillary says she'll do the same AND raise taxes....and the progs think she'll see the inside of the White House ever again? :eusa_snooty:
For him to speak out about Martin and company and ignore the real victim is worthy of criticism.

Nothing in your post offers any reason to not.

No it isn't. He spoke out on Martin for obvious reasons. Even you know what they are.
Obozo spoke out for Martin for political gain, no other reason, speaking out against a murder committed by an illegal immigrant is not in his party's best interest. If you cant admit that, then I hope you keep your family away from illegal immigrants, because they deserve someone to protect them, other than a fool.

Illegal immigrants are less violent than natural born American citizens. Didn't you know that?

Now that you put that unsubstantiated and selective bit of false statistics on the internet, I am sure the Steinle family will find great comfort knowing that illegal and repeatedly deported and returning innocents meant no harm they just wanted to provide for their family.

I think that if sometime down the road President Obama pretends to care and make a statement about the murder of an innocent white lady, it will be condemning her to be where the illegal had every right to shoot and tough luck being in the way of the bullet.

I wish this presidential bastard experienced the same pain the father of victim of this illegal sonofabitch felt.

Is that right? Which daughter would you like to see killed?

You christian you!
I am trying to protect your family from your foolishness, then again, perhaps you aren't as fool hearty as you pretend to be.

Perhaps you just run off at the mouth and never, ever go people of different races, avoiding them like the plague, and just wanting them around in order to manipulate their votes so that you can get your agenda through.

Either way, you are still a fool.
No it isn't. He spoke out on Martin for obvious reasons. Even you know what they are.
Obozo spoke out for Martin for political gain, no other reason, speaking out against a murder committed by an illegal immigrant is not in his party's best interest. If you cant admit that, then I hope you keep your family away from illegal immigrants, because they deserve someone to protect them, other than a fool.

Illegal immigrants are less violent than natural born American citizens. Didn't you know that?

Now that you put that unsubstantiated and selective bit of false statistics on the internet, I am sure the Steinle family will find great comfort knowing that illegal and repeatedly deported and returning innocents meant no harm they just wanted to provide for their family.

I think that if sometime down the road President Obama pretends to care and make a statement about the murder of an innocent white lady, it will be condemning her to be where the illegal had every right to shoot and tough luck being in the way of the bullet.

I wish this presidential bastard experienced the same pain the father of victim of this illegal sonofabitch felt.

Is that right? Which daughter would you like to see killed?

You christian you!

Either or both will do.

I stated no less Christianity with what I said than Obama stated with his staunch refusal to acknowledge the vicious murder of a totally innocent young white woman.

As soon as Obama makes a Rose Garden appearance decrying the cruelty of loosing an innocent WHITE woman's life as he was crying crocodile tears about the thugs in Ferguson, New York and Baltimore, who just by coincidence to grab His royal attention, who, by also a coincidence, were blacks, while ignoring the fact of murder by an illegal thug, and disrespecting the loss and pain of a white family in San Francisco, I will stop wishing that Obama had experience about losing a child to a senseless murder.

Maybe if the decent people who loved Ms. Steinle had shouted: "Burn this BITCH down" if they had pissed on and over police cars, if they had invited professional shit disturbers like Al Sharpton, if they had had the decency NOT to be white, this empty-suit in the White House would have come down from His Divine throne and pretend to be human.

I think you are embarrassed by your own comment and felt the need to write that thesis. You suck.
OMG. Righties are truly beyond all help.

Had Obama called the family, Bullshitdipstick fake Marine Kurtz would be bellyaching that the President is grandstanding or something like that.

Righties are completely untethered from reality. They are beyond all help.

And you're a faggot. :lol:

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