Obama Proposes 2 Years of Free Community College

Just more pandering by the Marxist in chief. This proposal will go nowhere and he knows that. It's just a trap he's setting to beat the Republicans with because he knows they won't go along with it.

Could be, could be indeed from the political dynamic standpoint. Hey that's purty smart, you been ta school, boy?

Yes, very much puts the opposition between a rock and a hard place, because now they have to make the argument on why education is a bad thing.

No, they just have to argue why another entitlement we can't afford is a bad thing. We provide a taxpayer funded education for kids, but once you turn 18 and are a legal adult you're responsible for yourself. That includes furthering your education if that is what you desire. I have an Associate's, Bachelor's, and Master's Degree and I paid for it myself.
Just more pandering by the Marxist in chief. This proposal will go nowhere and he knows that. It's just a trap he's setting to beat the Republicans with because he knows they won't go along with it.

Could be, could be indeed from the political dynamic standpoint. Hey that's purty smart, you been ta school, boy?

Yes, very much puts the opposition between a rock and a hard place, because now they have to make the argument on why education is a bad thing.

No, they just have to argue why another entitlement we can't afford is a bad thing. We provide a taxpayer funded education for kids, but once you turn 18 and are a legal adult you're responsible for yourself. That includes furthering your education if that is what you desire. I have an Associate's, Bachelor's, and Master's Degree and I paid for it myself.

That's pretty much what I said -- either make the case for why education's a bad idea or crow "will never work". You can't jump ahead to "an entitlement we can't afford" before you even know what the funding plan is -- in this you give away your prejudice.

You're lucky to have had the circumstances where you could get all that. Now you have to make the case for why education should be the privilege of the well-to-do. Which is pretty much where we started anyway. Seems to me that's a large part of the point of making it a possibility for the general populace.
Evil, just evil. Edumacatin' Murkins? We don't want that goin' on. Next thing you know peoples will be makin' dem intelligent arguments and shit. Larnin' reason an' logic, maybe even... science. :ack-1:

Nope, we likes our sheeples dumbed down 'n' stoopid. Give 'em books an' dey gets all uppity. Starts readin' them Constitutionals. I tell ya the old church had it right when they make it illegal to read the Holy Babble. Infermation's a dangerous game, leave it to duh experts. We wunt da common peoples in line and iggerant. When you know too much, you crow too much.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
And who is going to pay for their free education? Another obutthurtcare type program, take from the haves to give free stuff away. What an idiot.
Pay for their education for a couple years or have them collect welfare for the next 50 years or so? Even the dumbest teabagger should get this one right.

How far are you willing to take that?

"Give them a free education or they'll waste away on welfare because they can't figure out how to be worth more than minimum wage".
"Give them a free car or they'll waste away on welfare because they can't get to work".
"Give them free food or they'll starve to death".

And on it goes. When do we hold people responsible for their own destinies and allow for failure?
Pay for their education for a couple years or have them collect welfare for the next 50 years or so?

Show me evidence that because someone doesn't go to college they end up on welfare for 50 years. Then show me where we're required to have a welfare state for people to collect from in the first place.
Hey lets just give a free house to every high school grad. Coupled with welfare, they never have to worry about not getting a job. A free car too, every American deserves to live the Dream.

All for free. All of America's problems solved. Why didn't we think of this earlier?
Pay for their education for a couple years or have them collect welfare for the next 50 years or so? Even the dumbest teabagger should get this one right.

The program is only for students with good grades which are very unlikely candidates to become welfare recipients.
Of course it's not a free education. The ease of federal money will do to community college what it did to universities. The tuition will skyrocket. In order to get more money colleges will offer nothing classes with no benefit.
Now that is actually American!

"It is better for the poorer classes to have the aid of the richer by a general tax on property, than that every parent should provide at his own expence for the education of his children, it is certain that every Class is interested in establishments which give to the human mind its highest improvements, and to every Country its truest and most durable celebrity."
-- James Madison; from letter to W.T. Barry (Aug. 4, 1822)

I can't imagine what sort of fascists could disagree...
Pay for their education for a couple years or have them collect welfare for the next 50 years or so? Even the dumbest teabagger should get this one right.

The program is only for students with good grades which are very unlikely candidates to become welfare recipients.

I take back my comment because I found the grades needed aren't really that high.

Obama proposes free community college program funding details unclear Fox News

Under the president's new plan, students would be required to maintain a 2.5 GPA while in college, and must make steady progress toward completing their program in order to have their tuition eliminated, according to the press release.
Evil, just evil. Edumacatin' Murkins? We don't want that goin' on. Next thing you know peoples will be makin' dem intelligent arguments and shit. Larnin' reason an' logic, maybe even... science. :ack-1:

Nope, we likes our sheeples dumbed down 'n' stoopid. Give 'em books an' dey gets all uppity. Starts readin' them Constitutionals. I tell ya the old church had it right when they make it illegal to read the Holy Babble. Infermation's a dangerous game, leave it to duh experts. We wunt da common peoples in line and iggerant. When you know too much, you crow too much.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
And who is going to pay for their free education? Another obutthurtcare type program, take from the haves to give free stuff away. What an idiot.
Pay for their education for a couple years or have them collect welfare for the next 50 years or so? Even the dumbest teabagger should get this one right.

How far are you willing to take that?

"Give them a free education or they'll waste away on welfare because they can't figure out how to be worth more than minimum wage".
"Give them a free car or they'll waste away on welfare because they can't get to work".
"Give them free food or they'll starve to death".

And on it goes. When do we hold people responsible for their own destinies and allow for failure?

Do you actually not comprehend the character-building difference between on the one hand a deep education, and on the other hand a car and meals?
Pay for their education for a couple years or have them collect welfare for the next 50 years or so?

Show me evidence that because someone doesn't go to college they end up on welfare for 50 years. Then show me where we're required to have a welfare state for people to collect from in the first place.

"Collect welfare" need not be taken literally. I see it as a metaphor for those without skills to contribute.
Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
Don't worry about it. It would require legislation and we all know that the Republican controlled Congress is not about to provide free education for anyone.
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Evil, just evil. Edumacatin' Murkins? We don't want that goin' on. Next thing you know peoples will be makin' dem intelligent arguments and shit. Larnin' reason an' logic, maybe even... science. :ack-1:

Nope, we likes our sheeples dumbed down 'n' stoopid. Give 'em books an' dey gets all uppity. Starts readin' them Constitutionals. I tell ya the old church had it right when they make it illegal to read the Holy Babble. Infermation's a dangerous game, leave it to duh experts. We wunt da common peoples in line and iggerant. When you know too much, you crow too much.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
And who is going to pay for their free education? Another obutthurtcare type program, take from the haves to give free stuff away. What an idiot.
Pay for their education for a couple years or have them collect welfare for the next 50 years or so? Even the dumbest teabagger should get this one right.
Under a Republican controlled government, there will be no need for such education, welfare, minimum wage, or unemployment. Americans will work for $2/hr and corporate America will be able to compete with the Chinese.
Evil, just evil. Edumacatin' Murkins? We don't want that goin' on. Next thing you know peoples will be makin' dem intelligent arguments and shit. Larnin' reason an' logic, maybe even... science. :ack-1:

Nope, we likes our sheeples dumbed down 'n' stoopid. Give 'em books an' dey gets all uppity. Starts readin' them Constitutionals. I tell ya the old church had it right when they make it illegal to read the Holy Babble. Infermation's a dangerous game, leave it to duh experts. We wunt da common peoples in line and iggerant. When you know too much, you crow too much.

Give em books, they'll start voting Democrat. :eek:
Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
So he will give extra funding to the golden apples, who would pass and get a job anyway. While the rest that community colleges are meant to be there for have to pack their bags, as the government attempts to make them as elitist as Harvard.

What this means is that community colleges will accept only students that get the government hand out for 'good grades' or those that can pay upfront.

Once again 'good intentions' of government is destroying American education, just like common core. Thanks Obama, for keeping the poor and struggling students out of education.
There are some things that people need to actually work and pay for themselves to appreciate.
Obama proposes we all get Unicorns next. you watch

I wish he'd lose his voice myself. sick of hearing from him every single damn day


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