Obama: Proven Fraud


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Several years ago, Jack Cashill wrote "Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America's First Postmodern President."

In it he documented in scholarly fashion, the evidence that it was Bill Ayers who wrote Obama's so-called 'autobiography,' "Dreams From My Father."

The book is fascinating in its detail.

1. From an amazon review: "Cashill's thesis is that Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author. What's more, the book is not really Obama's life story but a story concocted by Ayers …Cashill offers extensive evidence to support this thesis, and it's not just the language and story-line similarities between Dreams and Ayers' own book."

Now, this from Investor's Business Daily:

2." We know ObamaCare was sold on a lie, but what about the Obama presidency itself? Rumors that Obama's violent leftist pal Bill Ayers ghostwrote the memoir that launched his political career may actually be true.

3. In promoting his new book, "Public Enemy," Ayers' publisher, Beacon Press, has written a blurb on Amazon.com that says Ayers "finally 'confesses' that he did write 'Dreams From My Father.'"....a Baltimore bookstore — Red Emma's — last week posted a similar claim that Ayers penned Obama's memoir as part of an announcement for a book-signing event at the leftist coffeehouse.

4. The reprehensible former terrorist twice before laid claim to Obama's book — once during a post-election interview and again during a speech two years ago.
In October 2009, Ayers told an interviewer at Reagan National Airport in Washington that he wrote "Dreams From My Father." Asked if he meant he "heavily edited" the book for his friend, Ayers insisted, "I wrote it."

a. He added that Michelle Obama asked him to help Obama, who had blown deadlines and was struggling with delivering a manuscript.

5. in March 2011, Ayers revealed his role in the book after giving a speech at Montclair State University in New Jersey. During a question-and-answer session, a member of the audience remarked how well Obama's first memoir was written.
...Then Ayers volunteered, "Did you know I wrote it?"

6. Ayers and Obama worked together on a panel approving grants for far-left causes. Later that year, Ayers and his radical wife launched Obama's political career during a fundraiser at their Hyde Park home.

7. Obama had a bad case of writer's block and couldn't produce. He had contracted to write his memoir almost five years earlier, when Simon & Schuster had given him a $125,000 contract after he was elected the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. After Obama missed several deadlines, Simon & Schuster canceled the contract. Random House picked it up.

8. The writing style in "Dreams" differs markedly from "Audacity," which is comparatively dry and straightforward prose. The narrative in the first memoir has literary flourishes common to Ayers' own books.

9. If someone else wrote the book the president has repeatedly claimed he did — a book that proved significant in his election and earned him millions in late royalties — it not only exposes him as a fraud, but further indicts the national media for failing to properly vet him.

10. ....recently busted by Obama biographer David Maraniss, who documented at least 38 instances in the president's life story that were fabricated. Obama made up people, events and history. Much of the book was pure fiction."
Violent Communist Ayers Admits For Third Time He Wrote Obama's Memoir - Investors.com


How long before the Merriam-Webster definition of "Stupid" simply lists 'Obama voter'?
We are a nation of dupes for allowing ourselves to be hoodwinked time and again by this semi-negoid fraud.
The silence from the left here in this thread is revealing. It goes to show you the damning connection between Obama and Bill Ayers.
He lied to be considered for the job. He lied to win the job. He has lied to keep the job.

But most of all he lied to keep us from knowing how badly he is sabotaging our government and society.

Mark Levin said in March 2012 that if Obama LOST the 2012 re-election bid it would take fifty years to recover from all the harm he has done to this country.

He is working overtime now.

Just a screwin us and a screwin us for all he's worth.

Someone needs to legally and peacefully stop him.
The silence from the left here in this thread is revealing. It goes to show you the damning connection between Obama and Bill Ayers.

No doubt.

This, from Cashill's book:

1. There are a number of ‘echoes’ that can be found in Ayer’s works and in “Dreams.’

a. Ayers: Narrative begins with something to say; content precedes form. Obama: I understood that I’d spent my life trying to review these stories, plugging up holes in the narratives.

b. Ayers: Narrative inquiry can be a useful corrective to all this.
Obama: Truth is the best corrective.

c. Ayers: The mind works in contradiction, and honesty requires the writer to reveal disputes with herself on the page
Obama: But I suspect that we can’t pretend that these contradictions of our situation don’t exist. All we can do is choose.

d. Ayers: The reader must actively see the struggle; it is a journey, not by a tourist, but by a pilgrim.
Obama: But, all in all, it was an intellectual journey that I imagined for myself, complete with maps and rest points and a strict itinerary.

2. After Ayer’s dropped out of college, he joined the merchant marines. It had a great influence on him, and language and reference to the sea appears often and with regularity. Although there are no literal sea experiences in Dreams, the following words appear in both Dreams and in Ayers’ work: fog, mist, ships, seas, boats, oceans, calms, captains, charts, first mates, storms, streams, wind, waves, barges, horizons, ports, panoramas, moorings, tides, currents, and things howling, fluttering, knotted, ragged, tangled, and murky.
This is not coincidence. This is fraud.

a. Consider this sentence from “Dreams:” “The notion that for black nationalists the steady attack on the white race served at the ballast that could prevent the ideas of personal and communal responsibility form tipping into an ocean of despair.”

b. Have you used the term ‘ballast’ in your writing? When was the last time you read the word, if ever?

3. In Ayer’s 1993 book, “To Teach,” he gives this example: 2 kids observing the Hudson River, NYC, and one says the tide is flowing North, and the other, the tide is flowing South. The teacher explains that the Hudson is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting.

Now, in “Dreams,” Barack Obama is at the parallel river to the Hudson, the East River, which is also a tidal river. A black youngster comes up to him and comments in a similar way about the two opposing tides or currents. And, guess what? Barack explains that the East River is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting!
Or a Merchant Marine explaining about the mysteries of the sea???
There's only one problem

The majority of the people do not care. If they did, Obama would have never been elected in 2008 and definitely not in 2012.
There's only one problem

The majority of the people do not care. If they did, Obama would have never been elected in 2008 and definitely not in 2012.

Yeah, the one problem was a mainstream media who stopped at nothing to cover his tracks. Nobody cared because they were told not to care.

EDIT: Perhaps I misread that statement. Please accept my apologies. This post has been edited to reflect my agreement with your opinion.
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There's only one problem

The majority of the people do not care. If they did, Obama would have never been elected in 2008 and definitely not in 2012.

Yeah, the one problem was a mainstream media who would stop at nothing to cover his tracks. And covered his tracks they did. In fact, you are doing the exact same thing right now.

Are you serious?

Everyone knows who he affiliates himself with, who he hung around with, what his beliefs are. Everyone knows who and what he is but the majority elected him twice because they don't care.

Remember Fast and Furious, The IRS, Benghazi, The NSA?

Republicans have to change tactics. Telling people the truth isn't going to cut it any more because the majority does not care.

EDIT: Damn, I was to fast with my response. I thought it might have been misunderstood, but went ahead anyway.
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The silence from the left here in this thread is revealing. It goes to show you the damning connection between Obama and Bill Ayers.

No doubt.

This, from Cashill's book:

1. There are a number of ‘echoes’ that can be found in Ayer’s works and in “Dreams.’

a. Ayers: Narrative begins with something to say; content precedes form. Obama: I understood that I’d spent my life trying to review these stories, plugging up holes in the narratives.

b. Ayers: Narrative inquiry can be a useful corrective to all this.
Obama: Truth is the best corrective.

c. Ayers: The mind works in contradiction, and honesty requires the writer to reveal disputes with herself on the page
Obama: But I suspect that we can’t pretend that these contradictions of our situation don’t exist. All we can do is choose.

d. Ayers: The reader must actively see the struggle; it is a journey, not by a tourist, but by a pilgrim.
Obama: But, all in all, it was an intellectual journey that I imagined for myself, complete with maps and rest points and a strict itinerary.

2. After Ayer’s dropped out of college, he joined the merchant marines. It had a great influence on him, and language and reference to the sea appears often and with regularity. Although there are no literal sea experiences in Dreams, the following words appear in both Dreams and in Ayers’ work: fog, mist, ships, seas, boats, oceans, calms, captains, charts, first mates, storms, streams, wind, waves, barges, horizons, ports, panoramas, moorings, tides, currents, and things howling, fluttering, knotted, ragged, tangled, and murky.
This is not coincidence. This is fraud.

a. Consider this sentence from “Dreams:” “The notion that for black nationalists the steady attack on the white race served at the ballast that could prevent the ideas of personal and communal responsibility form tipping into an ocean of despair.”

b. Have you used the term ‘ballast’ in your writing? When was the last time you read the word, if ever?

3. In Ayer’s 1993 book, “To Teach,” he gives this example: 2 kids observing the Hudson River, NYC, and one says the tide is flowing North, and the other, the tide is flowing South. The teacher explains that the Hudson is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting.

Now, in “Dreams,” Barack Obama is at the parallel river to the Hudson, the East River, which is also a tidal river. A black youngster comes up to him and comments in a similar way about the two opposing tides or currents. And, guess what? Barack explains that the East River is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting!
Or a Merchant Marine explaining about the mysteries of the sea???

Obviously a fraud. He has been since day one and when anyone has questioned him they are mocked. He will be a black eye on our history unlike any other. Another fantastic thread, PC!
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Obama has won the Presidency twice, and you think that some mouth-frothing post on an anonymous message board about a much-mocked author and his laughable book is going to make a difference now?

Obama has won the Presidency twice, and you think that some mouth-frothing post on an anonymous message board about a much-mocked author and his laughable book is going to make a difference now?


pssstt....have you checked poll numbers lately?

Only the most severely disturbed are still defending this wind-bag.

Ooops....did I just hurt your feelings? I was actually aiming lower.
pssstt....have you checked poll numbers lately?

Only the most severely disturbed are still defending this wind-bag.

Whatever. Not only did he cakewalk two elections, but the Democrats will win in 2016 again by BLAMING BUSH. Get over it.

Ooops....did I just hurt your feelings? I was actually aiming lower

No. You're a conspiratorial loon. Your boggle-eyed opinions are for amusement only.
There's only one problem

The majority of the people do not care. If they did, Obama would have never been elected in 2008 and definitely not in 2012.

Yeah, the one problem was a mainstream media who would stop at nothing to cover his tracks. And covered his tracks they did. In fact, you are doing the exact same thing right now.

Are you serious?

Everyone knows who he affiliates himself with, who he hung around with, what his beliefs are. Everyone knows who and what he is but the majority elected him twice because they don't care.

Remember Fast and Furious, The IRS, Benghazi, The NSA?

Republicans have to change tactics. Telling people the truth isn't going to cut it any more because the majority does not care.

EDIT: Damn, I was to fast with my response. I thought it might have been misunderstood, but went ahead anyway.

No worries. Here, I'll rep you for the misunderstanding. All is well. :)
pssstt....have you checked poll numbers lately?

Only the most severely disturbed are still defending this wind-bag.

Whatever. Not only did he cakewalk two elections, but the Democrats will win in 2016 again by BLAMING BUSH. Get over it.

Ooops....did I just hurt your feelings? I was actually aiming lower

No. You're a conspiratorial loon. Your boggle-eyed opinions are for amusement only.

Don't you ever consider the damage Obama and the Democrats have done to the nation, the Constitution, the economy....?

All that counts is you 'team'?

You're so dumb, blondes tell jokes about you.
In Dreams, Obama talks of his love life on only one occasion…. a white woman back in New York. “She was white,” he tells Auma. “She had dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes.” This nameless young woman had grown up on a sprawling estate in the country.

Could Obama’s mystery woman have been drawn fully from the memory of Bill Ayers and based on the great love of Ayers’s life, the late Diana Oughton. Physically, the woman of Obama’s memory with her “dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes” evokes images of Oughton. As her FBI files attest, copies of which my correspondent sent me, Oughton had brown hair and green eyes.

a. The two women shared similar family backgrounds as well. In fact, they seemed to have grown up on the very same estate. “The house was very old, her grandfather’s house,” Obama writes of his girlfriend’s country home. “He had inherited it from his grandfather.”

b. Oughton had “brought Bill Ayers and other radicals” to the family homestead in Dwight, Illinois. Oughton’s father’s grandfather built the main house on the estate, a 20-room Victorian mansion.

c. The carriage house, in which Diana lived as a child, now serves as a public library. It may have already seemed like one when Ayers visited, an impression that finds its way into Obama’s words as a library “ filled with old books and pictures of the famous people [the grandfather] had known--presidents, diplomats, industrialists.”
The Invented Love Life of Barack Obama

He's lied about everything and the Leftists bought it like it was on sale......

Are we on the Right cynical.....or just really, really smarter?
There's only one problem

The majority of the people do not care. If they did, Obama would have never been elected in 2008 and definitely not in 2012.

Yeah, the one problem was a mainstream media who would stop at nothing to cover his tracks. And covered his tracks they did. In fact, you are doing the exact same thing right now.

Are you serious?

Everyone knows who he affiliates himself with, who he hung around with, what his beliefs are. Everyone knows who and what he is but the majority elected him twice because they don't care.

Remember Fast and Furious, The IRS, Benghazi, The NSA?

Republicans have to change tactics. Telling people the truth isn't going to cut it any more because the majority does not care.

EDIT: Damn, I was to fast with my response. I thought it might have been misunderstood, but went ahead anyway.

I absolutely agree - then disagree with your post (sounds weird, right?)

(1) Americans are a lazy, LAZY people. Have been for years. When they turn on their televisions at night to watch the news, they really don't care. Whatever the hell ABC, CBS, NBC, et al spews out to them is just fine. Obama counted on this - or should I say Valerie Jarrett counted on this. Obama doesn't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot - let alone run a campaign.

(2) White America COULDN'T vote against a "black" man, now could they? After all your great-great-great grandparents had done to these poor people…White guilt in this country (and especially white FEMALE guilt) will eventually be it's downfall.

(3) 40 years ago - a president caught lying - was forced to resign from office. Then came Bill Clinton. Now, America takes it as a matter of course that the person they elect to the highest office in the land - not to mention the world - can be a lying, misogynistic piece of gutter scum. It just doesn't matter to them any longer. After all, the president is just a human, right?

(4) America itself has changed. We, for the most part, have turned our collective backs on anything remotely connected with civility, goodness, fairness and correctness. It has effectively been bred out of us by our teachers, our politicians, our "journalists", our police force, and years and years of constant war. Our "religion" has been belittled and nearly destroyed by those pieces of gutter trash that seek nothing more than to destroy.

Most Americans think the country's lost its moral compass: Gallup poll - Washington Times

Here's the bottom line - at least to me.

We've done this to ourselves. We've allowed ourselves (collectively) to be led around by those on the left in this country by giving them an ear rather than slapping them down. Until we begin doing this - we have no chance whatsoever to reclaim America. None.

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