Obama: Proven Fraud

Of course President Obama is center-right.

Left wing presidents do not implement a republican health care plan that is a sop to private Big Insurance.

Left wing presidents do not offer to cut Social Security...the most wildly successful governmental program in history.

Those two indisputable facts are signal to his presidency. He is a center-right politician as president.
Of course President Obama is center-right.

Left wing presidents do not implement a republican health care plan that is a sop to private Big Insurance.

Left wing presidents do not offer to cut Social Security...the most wildly successful governmental program in history.

Those two indisputable facts are signal to his presidency. He is a center-right politician as president.
In your dream's maybe.
I suppose we could add the facts that President Obama has done zilch to regulate the creators of our financial meltdown - Wall Street, or that the President continues to be pro-war (just look at Afghanistan) or that he's expanded domestic surveillance and increased drone strikes.

The list goes on and on. This country needed an FDR and instead it got a double-downed version of President Reagan.

To call Obama liberal is an exercise in relativism. The word 'liberal' is rendered meaningless.
Of course President Obama is center-right.

Left wing presidents do not implement a republican health care plan that is a sop to private Big Insurance.

Left wing presidents do not offer to cut Social Security...the most wildly successful governmental program in history.

Those two indisputable facts are signal to his presidency. He is a center-right politician as president.
In your dream's maybe.
No, that is what we in the Royal Navy call fact-based. You've added nothing to this discussion but weak tea. Very weak.
Of course President Obama is center-right.

Left wing presidents do not implement a republican health care plan that is a sop to private Big Insurance.

Left wing presidents do not offer to cut Social Security...the most wildly successful governmental program in history.

Those two indisputable facts are signal to his presidency. He is a center-right politician as president.

The "Compromiser In Chief". Well said.
There you guys go with your false choices again. Just because Obama hasn't lived up to his liberal or progressive promise, that doesn't make him center, much less center-right.

Obama is little more than bluster. He can't be pigeon-holed because his ideals are as real as his experience was.
I suppose we could add the facts that President Obama has done zilch to regulate the creators of our financial meltdown - Wall Street, or that the President continues to be pro-war (just look at Afghanistan) or that he's expanded domestic surveillance and increased drone strikes.

The list goes on and on. This country needed an FDR and instead it got a double-downed version of President Reagan.

To call Obama liberal is an exercise in relativism. The word 'liberal' is rendered meaningless.

Liberals Today render the word "Liberal" as meaningless. Progressive Statist, Totalitarian, easily substitute. Though I'd argue that turning Left or Right Far Enough leads to Totalitarianism.

So is this part of the "How can Liberals ruin Thanksgiving for their conservative Relatives" Offensive? .... Interesting.

Here is a suggestion, from a classic......

The keyword here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink. Doublethink is basically the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

— Part II, Chapter IX — The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism
Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Several years ago, Jack Cashill wrote "Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America's First Postmodern President."

In it he documented in scholarly fashion, the evidence that it was Bill Ayers who wrote Obama's so-called 'autobiography,' "Dreams From My Father."

The book is fascinating in its detail.

1. From an amazon review: "Cashill's thesis is that Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author. What's more, the book is not really Obama's life story but a story concocted by Ayers …Cashill offers extensive evidence to support this thesis, and it's not just the language and story-line similarities between Dreams and Ayers' own book."

Now, this from Investor's Business Daily:

2." We know ObamaCare was sold on a lie, but what about the Obama presidency itself? Rumors that Obama's violent leftist pal Bill Ayers ghostwrote the memoir that launched his political career may actually be true.

3. In promoting his new book, "Public Enemy," Ayers' publisher, Beacon Press, has written a blurb on Amazon.com that says Ayers "finally 'confesses' that he did write 'Dreams From My Father.'"....a Baltimore bookstore — Red Emma's — last week posted a similar claim that Ayers penned Obama's memoir as part of an announcement for a book-signing event at the leftist coffeehouse.

4. The reprehensible former terrorist twice before laid claim to Obama's book — once during a post-election interview and again during a speech two years ago.
In October 2009, Ayers told an interviewer at Reagan National Airport in Washington that he wrote "Dreams From My Father." Asked if he meant he "heavily edited" the book for his friend, Ayers insisted, "I wrote it."

a. He added that Michelle Obama asked him to help Obama, who had blown deadlines and was struggling with delivering a manuscript.

5. in March 2011, Ayers revealed his role in the book after giving a speech at Montclair State University in New Jersey. During a question-and-answer session, a member of the audience remarked how well Obama's first memoir was written.
...Then Ayers volunteered, "Did you know I wrote it?"

6. Ayers and Obama worked together on a panel approving grants for far-left causes. Later that year, Ayers and his radical wife launched Obama's political career during a fundraiser at their Hyde Park home.

7. Obama had a bad case of writer's block and couldn't produce. He had contracted to write his memoir almost five years earlier, when Simon & Schuster had given him a $125,000 contract after he was elected the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. After Obama missed several deadlines, Simon & Schuster canceled the contract. Random House picked it up.

8. The writing style in "Dreams" differs markedly from "Audacity," which is comparatively dry and straightforward prose. The narrative in the first memoir has literary flourishes common to Ayers' own books.

9. If someone else wrote the book the president has repeatedly claimed he did — a book that proved significant in his election and earned him millions in late royalties — it not only exposes him as a fraud, but further indicts the national media for failing to properly vet him.

10. ....recently busted by Obama biographer David Maraniss, who documented at least 38 instances in the president's life story that were fabricated. Obama made up people, events and history. Much of the book was pure fiction."
Violent Communist Ayers Admits For Third Time He Wrote Obama's Memoir - Investors.com


How long before the Merriam-Webster definition of "Stupid" simply lists 'Obama voter'?

Oh for chrissake, still clutching to the Bill Ayers thing are you? Such a crashing bore.
Several years ago, Jack Cashill wrote "Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America's First Postmodern President."

In it he documented in scholarly fashion, the evidence that it was Bill Ayers who wrote Obama's so-called 'autobiography,' "Dreams From My Father."

The book is fascinating in its detail.

1. From an amazon review: "Cashill's thesis is that Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author. What's more, the book is not really Obama's life story but a story concocted by Ayers …Cashill offers extensive evidence to support this thesis, and it's not just the language and story-line similarities between Dreams and Ayers' own book."

Now, this from Investor's Business Daily:

2." We know ObamaCare was sold on a lie, but what about the Obama presidency itself? Rumors that Obama's violent leftist pal Bill Ayers ghostwrote the memoir that launched his political career may actually be true.

3. In promoting his new book, "Public Enemy," Ayers' publisher, Beacon Press, has written a blurb on Amazon.com that says Ayers "finally 'confesses' that he did write 'Dreams From My Father.'"....a Baltimore bookstore — Red Emma's — last week posted a similar claim that Ayers penned Obama's memoir as part of an announcement for a book-signing event at the leftist coffeehouse.

4. The reprehensible former terrorist twice before laid claim to Obama's book — once during a post-election interview and again during a speech two years ago.
In October 2009, Ayers told an interviewer at Reagan National Airport in Washington that he wrote "Dreams From My Father." Asked if he meant he "heavily edited" the book for his friend, Ayers insisted, "I wrote it."

a. He added that Michelle Obama asked him to help Obama, who had blown deadlines and was struggling with delivering a manuscript.

5. in March 2011, Ayers revealed his role in the book after giving a speech at Montclair State University in New Jersey. During a question-and-answer session, a member of the audience remarked how well Obama's first memoir was written.
...Then Ayers volunteered, "Did you know I wrote it?"

6. Ayers and Obama worked together on a panel approving grants for far-left causes. Later that year, Ayers and his radical wife launched Obama's political career during a fundraiser at their Hyde Park home.

7. Obama had a bad case of writer's block and couldn't produce. He had contracted to write his memoir almost five years earlier, when Simon & Schuster had given him a $125,000 contract after he was elected the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. After Obama missed several deadlines, Simon & Schuster canceled the contract. Random House picked it up.

8. The writing style in "Dreams" differs markedly from "Audacity," which is comparatively dry and straightforward prose. The narrative in the first memoir has literary flourishes common to Ayers' own books.

9. If someone else wrote the book the president has repeatedly claimed he did — a book that proved significant in his election and earned him millions in late royalties — it not only exposes him as a fraud, but further indicts the national media for failing to properly vet him.

10. ....recently busted by Obama biographer David Maraniss, who documented at least 38 instances in the president's life story that were fabricated. Obama made up people, events and history. Much of the book was pure fiction."
Violent Communist Ayers Admits For Third Time He Wrote Obama's Memoir - Investors.com


How long before the Merriam-Webster definition of "Stupid" simply lists 'Obama voter'?

We've had worse. One left the white house in disgrace in the 70's but was pardoned by his successor. We had one repub (repig?) selling arms to the Iranians. Over a hundred felons in his administration, pardoned of course by another dirt bag republican. Another lied us into a trillion plus dollar war. Killed a lot of innocent people too .Afterward, he stuck us with a crashed economy which Obama is slowly getting us out of. Other than leaning right too much sometimes Obama is doing pretty good compared to his "conservative" predecessors.
Liberals are happy about how easy voters were to dupe.

Thats the scary part. The fact that Americans are stupid enough(or greedy enough) to re elect this clown.
You just have to many people who are disconnected from the political process and vote because "it's the nice thing to do" rather then whats feasible ...at least thats what I hope is happening,because the alternative is we have a bunch of socialist voting.
Liberals are happy about how easy voters were to dupe.

Thats the scary part. The fact that Americans are stupid enough(or greedy enough) to re elect this clown.
You just have to many people who are disconnected from the political process and vote because "it's the nice thing to do" rather then whats feasible ...at least thats what I hope is happening,because the alternative is we have a bunch of socialist voting.

too many
Socialists.......with an "s"
Of course President Obama is center-right.

Left wing presidents do not implement a republican health care plan that is a sop to private Big Insurance.

Left wing presidents do not offer to cut Social Security...the most wildly successful governmental program in history.

Those two indisputable facts are signal to his presidency. He is a center-right politician as president.
In your dream's maybe.
No, that is what we in the Royal Navy call fact-based. You've added nothing to this discussion but weak tea. Very weak.

Royal Navy? Nuff said. To these folk center right would be Lenin or Mao.
Looks like you didn't do your credibility any favors by failing to do your homework first.

Your source is a conspiracy nutter who writes for WND, PoliticalSpice.

Perhaps the mods can move this thread to the Conspiracy section where it belongs. :D
The silence from the left here in this thread is revealing. It goes to show you the damning connection between Obama and Bill Ayers.

Bill Ayers is hiding under your bed right now...

Okay, not seeing the big deal.

Few of these guys who run for president write their own books. Come on. They hire a ghost writer and get on with it.
You're mistaken. The ghost of Sgt. Brian V. McDonnell is hiding under Bill Ayers' bed.

Some day, Bill Ayers will have to pay for murdering him and maiming others who were in the precinct's office when his wife's bomb was delivered and set off by him.

His prediction in 1969 was that when his group took over the government, 25,000,000 Americans who opposed them would have to be killed.
This is a pointless and crazy thread....but you have certainly assured us that O will not seek a third term. Thanks
pssstt....have you checked poll numbers lately?

Only the most severely disturbed are still defending this wind-bag.

Whatever. Not only did he cakewalk two elections, but the Democrats will win in 2016 again by BLAMING BUSH. Get over it.

Ooops....did I just hurt your feelings? I was actually aiming lower

No. You're a conspiratorial loon. Your boggle-eyed opinions are for amusement only.

the Democrats will win in 2016 again by BLAMING BUSH.

You are dilusional. :cuckoo:

Still blaming Bush, even up to the 2016 elections. That shows that the democraps refuse to accept any blame for whatever they have fucked up. No matter what the hell it is, it's always someone elses fault. The liberals blame everyone else. The democraps blame everyone else.

Why is that? Why can't the democraps take some responsibility for their own faults and actions?

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