Obama put Comrade Trump in tight spot with Brother Putoooon.

The amount of Putin ass licking on this forum is disgusting.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- not that long ago we had Ronald Reagan wheeling and dealing with Russias Gorbachev , then it was 'gwb' that could see into Putins soul . And long before that the USA was allies with the Russians as we all killed 'nazis' and destroyed Berlin and Germany . And then along comes mrobama and we can no longer deal with the Russians but the muslims are Americas friends . Doesn't make any sense except to mrobama and his boys WAddict .
Keep licking that Putin ass.
^^^ peanut gallery ^^^
So will Comrade Trump lift the sanctions or will he keep them and place and risk Putin revealing the information he is blackmailing him with? Sticky situation for the Comrade...

and this STILL isn't in Conspiracy Theories?

Go figure

(I know, I could just not watch the thread, but the insanity shown is kinda like a twenty car pileup. cant' take your eyes off it)


Mental illness.
I don't care either way but it is a pretty slick "fuck you" before leaving office. Obama be trolling.
In six months from now, nobody will even remember this "Russia" thing because it's all made up anyway.

Yea? This is made up?

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

I understand wanting to believe shit, but come on let's keep the feet on the ground.

They can "say" what they want. Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it. Wiki says that Russia had nothing to do with it. Do you believe them because they said so?
In a zeal to destroy Trump, democrats are trying to use Russia as some kind of pawn. The fake connections and accusations are being churned out as fast as the liberal imagination can dream them up.

Russia is an independent country and a world power. The damage democrats are doing will undoubtably hurt them because everyone knows it's fake! Russia knows it's fake.

Getting Trump is so important that democrats are destroying the credibility of the whole country. They are becoming a caricature of an opposition party.

Strange that.

Oh please....they hacked the DNC and published fake news to elect Trump, their employee. Every citizen of this country should be afraid of a Dictatorship selecting who they want as our President. The GOP and the Dems in Congress are going to investigate and find out what Russia Did and if Trump was involved.

You are placing the word of a thug and murderer above our intelligence agencies. Just Stop!
I know this is a crazy question.

But why would an outgoing American President go out of his way to "box in" an incoming American President?

Has there been a transition like this in modern history?

What is pathetic is the juvenile accusations and fearmongering.
In six months from now, nobody will even remember this "Russia" thing because it's all made up anyway.

Yea? This is made up?

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

I understand wanting to believe shit, but come on let's keep the feet on the ground.

They can "say" what they want. Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it. Wiki says that Russia had nothing to do with it. Do you believe them because they said so?

...You believe this responsible-to-no-one Assage with god knows what interests....over unanimous view of American intelligence?

They released a technical overview that answers your questions:

Here you go: https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Time to quit chugging that koolaid brotha, pretty soon your eyes are going to be so cross eyed you won't be able to tell friends from enemies.
I know this is a crazy question.

But why would an outgoing American President go out of his way to "box in" an incoming American President?

Has there been a transition like this in modern history?

We usually gave ONE president, but wr have President and a grandstanding Carnival Barker president. Stump is taking credit for everything, much of which happened months ago.

It is only a matter of time until his mental illness takes over and he runs naked through the Rose Garden...
So would it be fair to assume that you're okay with an outgoing American President "boxing in" an incoming American President?

Another lobotomy patient...must be an epidemic...
Yikes. Right to the personal insults.

If you don't like the question, just avoid it.
Fuck that.

He needs to be called out.
In six months from now, nobody will even remember this "Russia" thing because it's all made up anyway.

Yea? This is made up?

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

I understand wanting to believe shit, but come on let's keep the feet on the ground.

They can "say" what they want. Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it. Wiki says that Russia had nothing to do with it. Do you believe them because they said so?

...You believe this responsible-to-no-one Assage with god knows what interests....over unanimous view of American intelligence?

They released a technical overview that answers your questions:

Here you go: https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Time to quit chugging that koolaid brotha, pretty soon your eyes are going to be so cross eyed you won't be able to tell friends from enemies.

I would suggest you do the same. You're posting crap that has nothing to do with the discussion. This PDF file explains "how" their systems were hacked and what preventative measures to take in the future; nothing about Putin or Russia in there or who was to blame.

We already know the system was hacked, what we don't have evidence is by who.
In six months from now, nobody will even remember this "Russia" thing because it's all made up anyway.

Yea? This is made up?

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

I understand wanting to believe shit, but come on let's keep the feet on the ground.

They can "say" what they want. Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it. Wiki says that Russia had nothing to do with it. Do you believe them because they said so?

...You believe this responsible-to-no-one Assage with god knows what interests....over unanimous view of American intelligence?

They released a technical overview that answers your questions:

Here you go: https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Time to quit chugging that koolaid brotha, pretty soon your eyes are going to be so cross eyed you won't be able to tell friends from enemies.

I would suggest you do the same. You're posting crap that has nothing to do with the discussion. This PDF file explains "how" their systems were hacked and what preventative measures to take in the future; nothing about Putin or Russia in there or who was to blame.

We already know the system was hacked, what we don't have evidence is by who.

I'm going to quote you:

"Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it."

I showed you the released evidence that in technical detail explains how they did it and why this HOW evidences WHO they are.

I asked you a question - Do you seriously believe Assange, over American intelligence. And you answer seems to be yes. What he says is plausible without any evidence, what American intelligence states and even goes to some lengths to explain is not.

You can get back to your Koolaid chugging but you do sound completely inebriated
In six months from now, nobody will even remember this "Russia" thing because it's all made up anyway.

Yea? This is made up?

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

I understand wanting to believe shit, but come on let's keep the feet on the ground.

They can "say" what they want. Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it. Wiki says that Russia had nothing to do with it. Do you believe them because they said so?

...You believe this responsible-to-no-one Assage with god knows what interests....over unanimous view of American intelligence?

They released a technical overview that answers your questions:

Here you go: https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Time to quit chugging that koolaid brotha, pretty soon your eyes are going to be so cross eyed you won't be able to tell friends from enemies.

I would suggest you do the same. You're posting crap that has nothing to do with the discussion. This PDF file explains "how" their systems were hacked and what preventative measures to take in the future; nothing about Putin or Russia in there or who was to blame.

We already know the system was hacked, what we don't have evidence is by who.

I'm going to quote you:

"Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it."

I showed you the released evidence that in technical detail explains how they did it and why this HOW reveals WHO they are.

I asked you a question - Do you seriously believe Assange, over American intelligence. And you answer seems to be yes. What he says is plausible without any evidence, what American intelligence states and even goes to some lengths to explain is not.

You can get back to your Koolaid chugging but you do sound completely inebriated

Yes, how RUSSIA did it. Nowhere in that file did I see a mention of Russia or Putin.

They can "say" what they want. Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it. Wiki says that Russia had nothing to do with it. Do you believe them because they said so?

...You believe this responsible-to-no-one Assage with god knows what interests....over unanimous view of American intelligence?

They released a technical overview that answers your questions:

Here you go: https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Time to quit chugging that koolaid brotha, pretty soon your eyes are going to be so cross eyed you won't be able to tell friends from enemies.

I would suggest you do the same. You're posting crap that has nothing to do with the discussion. This PDF file explains "how" their systems were hacked and what preventative measures to take in the future; nothing about Putin or Russia in there or who was to blame.

We already know the system was hacked, what we don't have evidence is by who.

I'm going to quote you:

"Talk is cheap. Let's see the evidence and an explanation of how they did it."

I showed you the released evidence that in technical detail explains how they did it and why this HOW reveals WHO they are.

I asked you a question - Do you seriously believe Assange, over American intelligence. And you answer seems to be yes. What he says is plausible without any evidence, what American intelligence states and even goes to some lengths to explain is not.

You can get back to your Koolaid chugging but you do sound completely inebriated

Yes, how RUSSIA did it. Nowhere in that file did I see a mention of Russia or Putin.

....:alcoholic: time put that bottle down Ray.

GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity.

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.
Trump will agree to some sanctions against Russia, and then this Democrat hissy-fit scam will be done. And Trump will come out of it stronger than ever. Most Americans despise sore loser whiners. The Democrats have embarrassed themselves. They'll be punished in 2020. Bet on it.

Russia is gonna hang around Stump's neck for s looonnngggg time.

In six months from now, nobody will even remember this "Russia" thing because it's all made up anyway. Just like they did with those phony recounts in three states. Nothing there, just casting accusations with no evidence, getting the MSM to make a big deal out of it, making up phony claims of proof that never really existed.

You're right, but i think Trump will agree to some sanctions. He's been sabotaged. He really doesn't have a choice. But he's gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Which is the exact opposite of what the Democrats intended.

Most Americans see this for what it is. It's just a sore loser Democrat hissy-fit. And most Americans hate sore losers. Mark my words, this will backfire on the Democrats.

It will especially if Trump does very well as a President. History will show how DumBama did what he could to make Trump's presidency more complicated for no reason other than political revenge. It will reflect what we've been saying about Obama all along, and that he is a party-first country-second President if there ever was one.

Yeah, it's unprecedented what Obama and Democrats have done. They've sabotaged Trump for sure. By far, the most classless dishonorable transition ever. I've never seen any other outgoing President behave this way.

It's petty tyrant hate. But like i said, i expect Trump to handle it well. I really do believe he's gonna come out of it stronger than ever. Democrats are vastly underestimating how much most Americans despise sore losers.
I love that Obama made Trump choose....Are you with Putin, or are you with America?

I love that liberals think Obama has been with America!

Like, since when???

What planet have you been on? Unemployment has gone for 10% to less than 5%. Obama got us out of the worst recession since 1929, and the stock market has tripled. I'll bet you that Trump will put us right back in an economic collapse in the next three months.
and if he doesnt,will we see you here saying you were wrong or will you be like your good buddy clayton jones and "disappear?".......just asking...
March 31st interest on the debt comes dew....the debt ceiling will will be reached.....the stock market is already headed south, because of uncertainty with what Trump is going to do....there are predictions of an 80% crash in the next three months....Trump has already promised a trade war with Mexico and China....the whole senate is about to put more sanctions of Putin and Russia.....a cyber war looms.....deporting 11 million immigrants and building the wall is going to cost at least a $100 billion....then there's at least $10 trillion for his war with Iran,Syria and ISIS...NOT EVEN SATAN CAN DO THAT WITHOUT DESTROYING THE ECONOMY....If Trump does it, I will call you his prophet, by July. Please remind me to grovel at your feet...if not, I'll try to remember to tell you "I told you so."
hey i was just asking,and at least you, unlike others here, answered the question....and you dont have to tell me nothing,i was not for trump being President,but unlike quite a few here i will at least give him the benefit of the doubt like i did bush and obama before i start bad mouthing the guy,and if he actually does some good i will say so....
Trump has already told half the country to go fuck themselves. That already defines him. He sided with Putin, and trashed the CIA. Can you name one good thing he's said he's gonna do?
I love that liberals think Obama has been with America!

Like, since when???

What planet have you been on? Unemployment has gone for 10% to less than 5%. Obama got us out of the worst recession since 1929, and the stock market has tripled. I'll bet you that Trump will put us right back in an economic collapse in the next three months.
and if he doesnt,will we see you here saying you were wrong or will you be like your good buddy clayton jones and "disappear?".......just asking...
March 31st interest on the debt comes dew....the debt ceiling will will be reached.....the stock market is already headed south, because of uncertainty with what Trump is going to do....there are predictions of an 80% crash in the next three months....Trump has already promised a trade war with Mexico and China....the whole senate is about to put more sanctions of Putin and Russia.....a cyber war looms.....deporting 11 million immigrants and building the wall is going to cost at least a $100 billion....then there's at least $10 trillion for his war with Iran,Syria and ISIS...NOT EVEN SATAN CAN DO THAT WITHOUT DESTROYING THE ECONOMY....If Trump does it, I will call you his prophet, by July. Please remind me to grovel at your feet...if not, I'll try to remember to tell you "I told you so."
hey i was just asking,and at least you, unlike others here, answered the question....and you dont have to tell me nothing,i was not for trump being President,but unlike quite a few here i will at least give him the benefit of the doubt like i did bush and obama before i start bad mouthing the guy,and if he actually does some good i will say so....
Trump has already told half the country to go fuck themselves. That already defines him. He sided with Putin, and trashed the CIA. Can you name one good thing he's said he's gonna do?
try to bring manufacturing back?.....or is that a bad thing to you?....
I love that Obama made Trump choose....Are you with Putin, or are you with America?
Do you subscribe to McCarthyism?
Pretty Cheesy way to embrace Putin.

I don't embrace Putin.

I also don't insinuate/accuse my fellow Americans of siding with Putin.
Yeah sure. Just the same, I'll notify the CIA to have them put you on their radar so you don't defect with one of our planes.

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