Obama put Comrade Trump in tight spot with Brother Putoooon.

What planet have you been on? Unemployment has gone for 10% to less than 5%. Obama got us out of the worst recession since 1929, and the stock market has tripled. I'll bet you that Trump will put us right back in an economic collapse in the next three months.
and if he doesnt,will we see you here saying you were wrong or will you be like your good buddy clayton jones and "disappear?".......just asking...
March 31st interest on the debt comes dew....the debt ceiling will will be reached.....the stock market is already headed south, because of uncertainty with what Trump is going to do....there are predictions of an 80% crash in the next three months....Trump has already promised a trade war with Mexico and China....the whole senate is about to put more sanctions of Putin and Russia.....a cyber war looms.....deporting 11 million immigrants and building the wall is going to cost at least a $100 billion....then there's at least $10 trillion for his war with Iran,Syria and ISIS...NOT EVEN SATAN CAN DO THAT WITHOUT DESTROYING THE ECONOMY....If Trump does it, I will call you his prophet, by July. Please remind me to grovel at your feet...if not, I'll try to remember to tell you "I told you so."
hey i was just asking,and at least you, unlike others here, answered the question....and you dont have to tell me nothing,i was not for trump being President,but unlike quite a few here i will at least give him the benefit of the doubt like i did bush and obama before i start bad mouthing the guy,and if he actually does some good i will say so....
Trump has already told half the country to go fuck themselves. That already defines him. He sided with Putin, and trashed the CIA. Can you name one good thing he's said he's gonna do?
try to bring manufacturing back?.....or is that a bad thing to you?....
I'll believe it when I see it. He's already taken credit for keeping 1500 jobs in Carrier plant, when half of them are still moving to Mexico. His trade war with Mexico and China will cost far more than it helps.
I love that liberals think Obama has been with America!

Like, since when???

What planet have you been on? Unemployment has gone for 10% to less than 5%. Obama got us out of the worst recession since 1929, and the stock market has tripled. I'll bet you that Trump will put us right back in an economic collapse in the next three months.
and if he doesnt,will we see you here saying you were wrong or will you be like your good buddy clayton jones and "disappear?".......just asking...
March 31st interest on the debt comes dew....the debt ceiling will will be reached.....the stock market is already headed south, because of uncertainty with what Trump is going to do....there are predictions of an 80% crash in the next three months....Trump has already promised a trade war with Mexico and China....the whole senate is about to put more sanctions of Putin and Russia.....a cyber war looms.....deporting 11 million immigrants and building the wall is going to cost at least a $100 billion....then there's at least $10 trillion for his war with Iran,Syria and ISIS...NOT EVEN SATAN CAN DO THAT WITHOUT DESTROYING THE ECONOMY....If Trump does it, I will call you his prophet, by July. Please remind me to grovel at your feet...if not, I'll try to remember to tell you "I told you so."
hey i was just asking,and at least you, unlike others here, answered the question....and you dont have to tell me nothing,i was not for trump being President,but unlike quite a few here i will at least give him the benefit of the doubt like i did bush and obama before i start bad mouthing the guy,and if he actually does some good i will say so....
Trump has already told half the country to go fuck themselves. That already defines him. He sided with Putin, and trashed the CIA. Can you name one good thing he's said he's gonna do?

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