Obama put Comrade Trump in tight spot with Brother Putoooon.

You are disagreeing with our intelligence and the GOP senate in order to defend Putin. Yes, that is loving Russia and hating the US.

You mean the mythical "17 intelligence agencies" lie and the well known worthless warmongers Graham and McCain?

No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails

Hillary Debunked: Intelligence Agencies Do Not Think Russia Hacked DNC

The "Fact" That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia is Behind the Email Hacks Isn’t Actually…A "Fact" | Zero Hedge
Putin just brushed off Barry's ham handed tuff boy attempts with a wave of his hand.

Barry humiliated again.

And a keyboard warrior tweet too! :eusa_dance::lol:

Settle down there, Laptop Bronson. You might actually have to provide proof about your lies. The truth is, none of us know who hacked or leaked what.
Settle down there, Laptop Bronson. You might actually have to provide proof about your lies. The truth is, none of us know who hacked or leaked what.
We do know that Assange has said numerous times that his info didn't come from any state actor, and some of it came from a disgruntled DNC source.
The amount of Putin ass licking on this forum is disgusting.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- not that long ago we had Ronald Reagan wheeling and dealing with Russias Gorbachev , then it was 'gwb' that could see into Putins soul . And long before that the USA was allies with the Russians as we all killed 'nazis' and destroyed Berlin and Germany . And then along comes mrobama and we can no longer deal with the Russians but the muslims are Americas friends . Doesn't make any sense except to mrobama and his boys WAddict .
Keep licking that Putin ass.
The amount of Putin ass licking on this forum is disgusting.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- not that long ago we had Ronald Reagan wheeling and dealing with Russias Gorbachev , then it was 'gwb' that could see into Putins soul . And long before that the USA was allies with the Russians as we all killed 'nazis' and destroyed Berlin and Germany . And then along comes mrobama and we can no longer deal with the Russians but the muslims are Americas friends . Doesn't make any sense except to mrobama and his boys WAddict .
Keep licking that Putin ass.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- so nothing of substance to say eh , you are just another kid on the board WAddict ??
So will Comrade Trump lift the sanctions or will he keep them and place and risk Putin revealing the information he is blackmailing him with? Sticky situation for the Comrade...
So will Comrade Trump lift the sanctions or will he keep them and place and risk Putin revealing the information he is blackmailing him with? Sticky situation for the Comrade...

Not a wonder why most actors and actresses are liberal. You people really live in your own little world.
I love that Obama made Trump choose....Are you with Putin, or are you with America?

I love that liberals think Obama has been with America!

Like, since when???

What planet have you been on? Unemployment has gone for 10% to less than 5%. Obama got us out of the worst recession since 1929, and the stock market has tripled. I'll bet you that Trump will put us right back in an economic collapse in the next three months.
and if he doesnt,will we see you here saying you were wrong or will you be like your good buddy clayton jones and "disappear?".......just asking...
So will Comrade Trump lift the sanctions or will he keep them and place and risk Putin revealing the information he is blackmailing him with? Sticky situation for the Comrade...

and this STILL isn't in Conspiracy Theories?

Go figure

(I know, I could just not watch the thread, but the insanity shown is kinda like a twenty car pileup. cant' take your eyes off it)
You are disagreeing with our intelligence and the GOP senate in order to defend Putin. Yes, that is loving Russia and hating the US.

You mean the mythical "17 intelligence agencies" lie and the well known worthless warmongers Graham and McCain?

No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails

Hillary Debunked: Intelligence Agencies Do Not Think Russia Hacked DNC

The "Fact" That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia is Behind the Email Hacks Isn’t Actually…A "Fact" | Zero Hedge
The Obama Administration is conducting yet another fraud on the public, and putting the security of the United States at risk, risking a war with Russia to pull of some sort off misinformation campaign so he can stage riots in the future.
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So will Comrade Trump lift the sanctions or will he keep them and place and risk Putin revealing the information he is blackmailing him with? Sticky situation for the Comrade...

Not a wonder why most actors and actresses are liberal. You people really live in your own little world.
-------------------------------------------------- in the old days these actors and such were the Kings clowns as they were Court JESTERS Ray .
Trump Has Tough Choice After Obama Sanctions on Russia Hack

So will Comrade Trump step up and help his buddy and lover, putee out.

This board is now infested with Fake News artist, many who are being paid. It is dead..
What happened to the Democrat's self-righteous proclamations of wanting a smooth transition of power?

It appears like this petulant child in the Oval Office is doing everything in his power to make the transition as bumpy as possible.

This is yet another illustration of Obama saying one thing but doing the opposite.

Let's just hope that Obama doesn't steal all the "T"s off of the keyboards in the White House.
You are disagreeing with our intelligence and the GOP senate in order to defend Putin. Yes, that is loving Russia and hating the US.

You mean the mythical "17 intelligence agencies" lie and the well known worthless warmongers Graham and McCain?

No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails

Hillary Debunked: Intelligence Agencies Do Not Think Russia Hacked DNC

The "Fact" That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia is Behind the Email Hacks Isn’t Actually…A "Fact" | Zero Hedge
The Obama Administration is conducting yet another fraud on the public, and putting the security of the United States at risk, risking a war with Russia to pull of some sort of misinformation campaign so he can stage riots in the future.
You sound pretty forgiving towards Russia Comrade

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