Obama refuses to release pictures of Air Force One buzzing NYC

The Prophet's administration messed up. Holding back the photos helps kill the story and hastens the incident being generally forgotten by the public. Good politics - for the time being.
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My question would be, what pictures? What were they really doing with those aircraft? The F-16 certainly wouldn't make a very good camera platform with it's curved canopy and I didn't see anything else in the sky. To do a correct job of shooting worthwhile photographs of Air Force 1, an aircraft that could open a window or door to shoot out of would have been required. Besides, the F-16 trailed the 747 most of the time in the video I saw, where were the cameras. Was a movie being shot? Where was Harrison Ford at that time, maybe they were filming "Air Force One Part Deux". Or, they could be filming footage for the eventual movie that we will probably made to watch about the messiah himself starring Will Smith as Barry and Oprah as Michelle.
It must so suck being you guys... considering his approval rating keeps going up....

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

and the precentage of people who think the country is going in the wrong direction keeps going down.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

ever consider that the problem is you deadender wingnuts?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
— Hillary Rodham Clinton
It must so suck being you guys... considering his approval rating keeps going up....

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

and the precentage of people who think the country is going in the wrong direction keeps going down.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

ever consider that the problem is you deadender wingnuts?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
— Hillary Rodham Clinton

That's the quote that I was referring to in my post as well, I just didn't feel like looking the whole thing up. Thanks. :lol:
It must so suck being you guys... considering his approval rating keeps going up....

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

and the precentage of people who think the country is going in the wrong direction keeps going down.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

ever consider that the problem is you deadender wingnuts?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
— Hillary Rodham Clinton

YEAH!!! Tea Party anyone?
We may never see the pictures that were taken...but somehow, I can't help but feel like there's a GIGANTIC print hanging on Obama's secret clubhouse wall of AF1 flying low over NY with his face super-imposed with a devlish grin and the word "PSYCHE!!!" at the bottom.
Pictures of AF1 taken in a public place kept secret; classified interrogation memos made public. Oh, give the guy some credit . . . he did promise change.

Let me see if I've got this straight.

Somebody is screeching over the fact that more photographs haven't been released of the 747 cruising over NYC with F-16s in hot pursuit. We've seen that image already, but apparently people want to see closeups with the pilots waving or thumbs up or something. Yawn...

The torture memos were released which confirmed Bush's lawyers okayed certain types of torture, which said torture the entire world already knew about, and that's supposed to be some sort of surprise to certain folks. How does that work?
Have you people that voted for this clown figured out the you voted for the wrong person???????? Even Hillary wouldn't have been this much of an embarassment... The guy lies to your face and yet you still worship him....:eusa_hand: Most transparent administration my ass....


He isn't an embarrassment to anyone. But he does manage to piss off those who try to make a big fucking deal over every misstep or mistake he ever makes. Um, that would be you and the rest of the Fox Flock.

So why doesn't his majesty release the photo's
Well, since I'm accused daily of being a wingnut I think I will be one.. Has it ever occurred to anyone that the jet airplane flying over ground zero was no accident but was a planned photo,, maybe it's no accident that he plans to release all the photos of Abu Garib and drag all that shit out again with nothing to gain but to damage the image of the USA,, maybe the AF one photos will in fact be released in the middle east along with the Abu Graib photos. I am beginning to wonder about this guy..
After all that fuss, why hide the pictures?

And give the Fox Brigade unlimited ammunition to keep the flock rev'd? Never fear, however, tomorrow Obama might get caught coughing, then yawll can spend two full days yammering about whether or not he deliberately started the swine flu in Mexico in order to divert attention from the economic mess.
Pictures of AF1 taken in a public place kept secret; classified interrogation memos made public. Oh, give the guy some credit . . . he did promise change.

Let me see if I've got this straight.

Somebody is screeching over the fact that more photographs haven't been released of the 747 cruising over NYC with F-16s in hot pursuit. We've seen that image already, but apparently people want to see closeups with the pilots waving or thumbs up or something. Yawn...

The torture memos were released which confirmed Bush's lawyers okayed certain types of torture, which said torture the entire world already knew about, and that's supposed to be some sort of surprise to certain folks. How does that work?

Please go right ahead and explain to us why the ACLU was suing to have them released it the entire world already knew about the contents.. We will wait!
Have you people that voted for this clown figured out the you voted for the wrong person???????? Even Hillary wouldn't have been this much of an embarassment... The guy lies to your face and yet you still worship him....:eusa_hand: Most transparent administration my ass....


This story could actually escalate into something more substantial. Word is a few local reporters are following up on it.

We shall see...

I agree. This is total BS. It's okay with BO to de-classify and release Bush admin documents, but he's not man enough to take responsibility for his administration. HA!

I hope Fox News will file a Freedom of Information request for the pictures. Dammit, we paid for those pictures to be taken and we should get to see them.

This isn't the only thing BO is trying to coverup. The thing with Chrysler and threats made is going to haunt him too.

Obama DID assume responsibility for the flyover. What do you want him to do? Prostate himself before you assholes and allow you to whip him? Why SHOULD they release more pictures? What else would you be looking for?

As for Chrysler, you'll have to be more specific. And please don't quote some NewsMax piece of shit. Negotiations with Fiat were none of the public's goddamned business until the deal was (or was not) reached.
Have you people that voted for this clown figured out the you voted for the wrong person???????? Even Hillary wouldn't have been this much of an embarassment... The guy lies to your face and yet you still worship him....:eusa_hand: Most transparent administration my ass....


He isn't an embarrassment to anyone. But he does manage to piss off those who try to make a big fucking deal over every misstep or mistake he ever makes. Um, that would be you and the rest of the Fox Flock.

So why doesn't his majesty release the photo's
Psst... You asking this of someone who thinks nobody was embarrassed for their country when their President bowed before a king - and then had his bots lie about it. :lol:
After all that fuss, why hide the pictures?

why did they bother taking pics in the first place?
are they trying to drum up some charter business when obama's not using it?

i realize it's a small amount of money, relatively speaking, but why the fuck did they bother?
My question would be, what pictures? What were they really doing with those aircraft? The F-16 certainly wouldn't make a very good camera platform with it's curved canopy and I didn't see anything else in the sky. To do a correct job of shooting worthwhile photographs of Air Force 1, an aircraft that could open a window or door to shoot out of would have been required. Besides, the F-16 trailed the 747 most of the time in the video I saw, where were the cameras. Was a movie being shot? Where was Harrison Ford at that time, maybe they were filming "Air Force One Part Deux". Or, they could be filming footage for the eventual movie that we will probably made to watch about the messiah himself starring Will Smith as Barry and Oprah as Michelle.

Think I'll check back tomorow and see if Gunny has moved this to "Conspiracy Theories" where it belongs.
It must so suck being you guys... considering his approval rating keeps going up....

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

and the precentage of people who think the country is going in the wrong direction keeps going down.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

ever consider that the problem is you deadender wingnuts?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
— Hillary Rodham Clinton

YEAH!!! Tea Party anyone?

Was anyone abused at the tea parties? Did anyone suggest you shouldn't have them? No. So what ARE you talking about?

As for the Clinton quote, I don't see any postings here in disagreement with the conservatives who post saying anything at all about their dissenting opinions being "unpatriotic." What I, personally, get sick of seeing is a bunch of whining over non-issues that in the big picture of things mean zip.
"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
— Hillary Rodham Clinton

YEAH!!! Tea Party anyone?

Was anyone abused at the tea parties? Did anyone suggest you shouldn't have them? No. So what ARE you talking about?

As for the Clinton quote, I don't see any postings here in disagreement with the conservatives who post saying anything at all about their dissenting opinions being "unpatriotic." What I, personally, get sick of seeing is a bunch of whining over non-issues that in the big picture of things mean zip.

Maggie Mae is having a meltdown! :lol::lol:
Pictures of AF1 taken in a public place kept secret; classified interrogation memos made public. Oh, give the guy some credit . . . he did promise change.

Let me see if I've got this straight.

Somebody is screeching over the fact that more photographs haven't been released of the 747 cruising over NYC with F-16s in hot pursuit. We've seen that image already, but apparently people want to see closeups with the pilots waving or thumbs up or something. Yawn...

The torture memos were released which confirmed Bush's lawyers okayed certain types of torture, which said torture the entire world already knew about, and that's supposed to be some sort of surprise to certain folks. How does that work?

Please go right ahead and explain to us why the ACLU was suing to have them released it the entire world already knew about the contents.. We will wait!

Because they thought the memos would be the opening salvo to a full investigation. Which ain't gonna happen.

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