Obama Removed Paper-trails When He Took Office


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Before Obama this is what you saw. Unsightly piles of shredded paper every time the opposing party started calling for investigations. Now Obama had invented a new way to destroy the evidence. Never make a hard copy of it.

After listening to the IRS excuse that they couldn't recover Lois Lerner's lost emails because they destroyed the hard drives, it is becoming obvious that Obama had been planning on this since he took the oath.

Obama has been removing all of the paper-trails in just about every part of government.


Before he took office, every payday we received a LES or Leave And Earnings Statement in the mail. Without notice, they stopped coming. We were later notified that according to new regulations, the only way we could get a copy of our pay statement was to go online and perhaps make a paper copy of it. So the only record is on government computers............ that seem to crash every time the House asks for them in an investigation. So basically, our lives are in the hands of a bunch of grabasstic screwups who blew it on the Obamacare site, and lost 2 years of emails belonging to Lois Lerner. For an administration that can't seem to do anything right when it comes to computers, this is a risky proposition. Not having hard copies. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs...-broken-admits-he-doesnt-know-law_795673.html


I'm waiting one day for the bank to start bouncing my checks because some server crashed and lost all of my financial data and wasn't able to pay my wages.

Obama doesn't like hard copies, even though they are required by law in some cases, it's easier to lie to Congress when there isn't a smidgen of hard evidence to prove you're lying.

I can hear the Democrat's excuse already. "He didn't plan this......it was all an accident!"

This is no accident. When you have a president that refuses to follow the law you can believe that he's capable of doing anything to cover up his misdeeds. This refusal to make paper copies is simply an easy way to obstruct justice.
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As long as it keeps the Tea Party out of the White House, liberals could care less how much corruption is discovered.

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