Obama: Rise of ISIS caught me by surprise


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Why did Barack Obama fail to stop the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq? It was “not on my intelligence radar screen,” he told Fareed Zakaria in an interview aired last night on CNN."

Maybe if he had attended any of his national Security / Intel Briefings it would have been on his RADAR?!

"ISIS’ march across Iraq and Syria — a campaign that’s forced President Barack Obama to return small numbers of US troops to the region, even after touting an end to the decade-long ground offensives there — came as a surprise to US intelligence, the President told CNN in a new special report."

1. Barry ALLOWED ISIS to march across Iraq because he refused to allow air strikes to take out ISIS' mile-long convoys as they entered Iraq.

2. 'Small Number of US Troops' - I guess that is a relative term; however, after promising there would be 'no more boots on the ground', nearly 1,000 troops being sent back to Iraq is not a 'small number'.

Obama: Rise of ISIS caught me by surprise - Hot Air
The rise of ISIS caught Barry by surprise?

What caught me by surprise was how he supplied them, financed them, armed them, trained them, protected them, protected their black market oil program that financed 50% of their terrorist operations, like the attack on Paris, etc...!
I think it's ironic that Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and IRAN of all countries has publicly supported Trump's presidency as a sign that ISIS's influence was going to come to an end.

Obama buys into the belief that America is morally equivalent to all other countries and historically been a source of evil. That is what directly led to the rise of ISIS.
Obama is the biggest dufus to ever hold the position of Commander in Chief. These Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

Trump is no military man but he is smart enough to surround himself with strong military leaders. That jackass Obama could care less and that is why America has been weakened and our foreign policy is the laughing stock of the world.

It is not surprising that he didn't have a clue about ISIS. There were many things he didn't have a clue about. The worse President this country ever had.
"Why did Barack Obama fail to stop the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq? It was “not on my intelligence radar screen,” he told Fareed Zakaria in an interview aired last night on CNN."

Maybe if he had attended any of his national Security / Intel Briefings it would have been on his RADAR?!

"ISIS’ march across Iraq and Syria — a campaign that’s forced President Barack Obama to return small numbers of US troops to the region, even after touting an end to the decade-long ground offensives there — came as a surprise to US intelligence, the President told CNN in a new special report."

1. Barry ALLOWED ISIS to march across Iraq because he refused to allow air strikes to take out ISIS' mile-long convoys as they entered Iraq.

2. 'Small Number of US Troops' - I guess that is a relative term; however, after promising there would be 'no more boots on the ground', nearly 1,000 troops being sent back to Iraq is not a 'small number'.

Obama: Rise of ISIS caught me by surprise - Hot Air
They are just the JV
Hussaine is one dumb SOB. Even Dubya, who Hussaine blames for everything, said ISIS would form if US policy was fucked up. So Obama is dumber than Dubya...yet SNL pretends otherwise...
Hussaine is one dumb SOB. Even Dubya, who Hussaine blames for everything, said ISIS would form if US policy was fucked up. So Obama is dumber than Dubya...yet SNL pretends otherwise...

Obama was a worthless affirmative action asshole who was never qualified to be President and was elected on the basis of his race by his fellow minorities and some pretty weak minded White Gilt dumbasses.

He screwed up almost everything he touched and was a disaster for this country.

I suspect it will take Trump his first administration just to fix what Obama broke. He won't actually get around to making America great again until his second administration.
Yep his followers believe that shit, videos cause wars...Holy shit these peoe are stupid. He dintorni have a clue about ISIS, he just dintorni have a clue and never had executive experience prior to being President.
Obama is the biggest dufus to ever hold the position of Commander in Chief. These Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

Trump is no military man but he is smart enough to surround himself with strong military leaders. That jackass Obama could care less and that is why America has been weakened and our foreign policy is the laughing stock of the world.

It is not surprising that he didn't have a clue about ISIS. There were many things he didn't have a clue about. The worse President this country ever had.
Obama spent too much time bashing cops, dividing the country and making BLM the armed wing of the Democrat Party. Glad to see that faggot bitch go.
Obama is the biggest dufus to ever hold the position of Commander in Chief. These Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

Trump is no military man but he is smart enough to surround himself with strong military leaders. That jackass Obama could care less and that is why America has been weakened and our foreign policy is the laughing stock of the world.

It is not surprising that he didn't have a clue about ISIS. There were many things he didn't have a clue about. The worse President this country ever had.
Obama spent too much time bashing cops, dividing the country and making BLM the armed wing of the Democrat Party. Glad to see that faggot bitch go.

It is apparent that Obama never was much interested in doing his real job. He was more interested in redistribution of wealth, kissing the ass of Muslims and his convoluted deranged fantasies of social justice.

In addition to that he doesn't have a work ethic nor does he have competent advisors. He is simply a sorry ass Moon Bat. What the hell were these Libtards thinking electing him to that office?

Trump has worked harder in a month as President Elect than Obama did in his entire eight years.
Obama got the Iraqis to fight for their country and not sit back and let Americans do it.

That may be the single greatest foreign policy achievement of the last 16 years.

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