Obama Rocks in Israel - kills GOP image of his policy

I wonder if the Israelis gave Obama that rousing reception just to spit in the eye of Republicans?

Or give Limbaugh another heart attack?

Obummer musta let Netanyahu perform the ritual sodomization on him on Israeli state media.
So Israel bent over backwards and gave their highest decoration (something not even Junior rot) to their enemy who's out to do them harm because of politicians?

...Does anyone non-retarded want to answer this question?
Well how about this, butt lick, explain what he did to deserve it, and then follow up with why he deserved the nobel peace prize.

By doing more to ensure Israel's security than any previous President. And to your second question, not being George W. Bush or any other piece of shit Neo-Conservative.

You really think that giving Egypt those F-16s helpful to Israel's security? The difference between Americans and Isralies is that no one in Israel is stupid enough to think that Shimon Peres has done more to enhance America's security than any previous president of Israel. obama gave him our highest non-military award too. What's Peres done? Anything? Is there anything in your life better because of Shimon Perez?

It was a formality. A courtesy, an international niceity.
Well how about this, butt lick, explain what he did to deserve it, and then follow up with why he deserved the nobel peace prize.

By doing more to ensure Israel's security than any previous President. And to your second question, not being George W. Bush or any other piece of shit Neo-Conservative.

You really think that giving Egypt those F-16s helpful to Israel's security? The difference between Americans and Isralies is that no one in Israel is stupid enough to think that Shimon Peres has done more to enhance America's security than any previous president of Israel. obama gave him our highest non-military award too. What's Peres done? Anything? Is there anything in your life better because of Shimon Perez?

It was a formality. A courtesy, an international niceity.

No, I generally go by what Israeli leaders say

Ehud Barak - Prime Minister and Minister of Defense "But I should tell you honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing in regard to our security more than anything that I can remember in the past."
Ehud Barak sings praises of Obama administration ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Netanyahu lavishes praise on Obama by claiming he has done 'more than any other President' to help Israel defend itself
Netanyahu praises on Obama claiming he's done 'more than any other President' to help Israel defend itself | Mail Online

I give you idiots credit, you do your goddamndest to avoid facts and reality.
Cnn and the dailymail, did we expect anything else from them?

might as well be the dailybeast or Hufferpost
Pants on Fire?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjiLcl6WGBQ]End Times Watch: Obama's Speech To Israeli Students - YouTube[/ame]

Cnn and the dailymail, did we expect anything else from them?

might as well be the dailybeast or Hufferpost

:laugh: Okay you silly girl. Why don't you go lay down and stay out of adult subjects.

why so nasty?...If you don't see the difference in how this media wrote about Bush when he was President and how they do with Obama that is your problem, but a lot of people do
Cnn and the dailymail, did we expect anything else from them?

might as well be the dailybeast or Hufferpost

:laugh: Okay you silly girl. Why don't you go lay down and stay out of adult subjects.

why so nasty?...If you don't see the difference in how this media wrote about Bush when he was President and how they do with Obama that is your problem, but a lot of people do

I'm not being nasty. I'm saying if you think those quotes and articles are fabricated, then you simply don't have the intelligent to contribute to adult conversations. It's just that simple.
Only the most hard core of rabid obama worshippers would find this visit anything other than a massive failure on many different levels.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcqDBT37SQ]World Reacts to Obama Victory - YouTube[/ame]

hating your own president based on lies is pathetic

listen up, I was here with you during Bush...and I can say, you didn't LOVE him and still spread lies about him

....That he was....


are you a child? do you have any idea how foolish you look with your large font colored posts? its juvenile and idiotic. if you think posting that way helps you make your points, just the opposite is true, it makes you look like a clown.

If this forum has an ignore list, you will be the first that I put on it if this idiotic posting continues.
I mean come on folks...Barack Obama is the guy who promised that he'd cut the deficit by half before the end of his first term and then proceeded to spend more money in that time period than any President in history.
Aw, jeez.......


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7 - YouTube[/ame]​
:laugh: Okay you silly girl. Why don't you go lay down and stay out of adult subjects.

why so nasty?...If you don't see the difference in how this media wrote about Bush when he was President and how they do with Obama that is your problem, but a lot of people do

I'm not being nasty. I'm saying if you think those quotes and articles are fabricated, then you simply don't have the intelligent to contribute to adult conversations. It's just that simple.

really, you should look at your postings before you accuse others of lacking intelligence


and you say you are the adult.

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