Obama Rocks in Israel - kills GOP image of his policy

I mean come on folks...Barack Obama is the guy who promised that he'd cut the deficit by half before the end of his first term and then proceeded to spend more money in that time period than any President in history. Now you would think that the main stream media would be on his case about that...but you'd be wrong. By the end of his second term BO will have put us further into debt than all the other Presidents we've ever had COMBINED...but he has the main stream media so entranced that they don't even report on the massive amounts of debt we're piling up. It's such a normal occurance now that it's not deemed news worthy.
Republicans have spent 4 years spinning Obama as anti-Israel, and this propaganda bs all went up in smoke in his 50 minute speech in Israel, where the camera caught Israelis crying with emotion over our President's comments.


Very nice ...

Uuuumm... sorry but... you're of SHIT...

Obama's Middle East policy in tatters: Column

'Most Palestinians hate Obama'; US president gets heated reception in West Bank - Telegraph

Protests held in Jordan ahead of Obama visit
I mean come on folks...Barack Obama is the guy who promised that he'd cut the deficit by half before the end of his first term

That was before he opened the real books on the Bush calamity and found out that Bush had tripled the debt, lost 8 million jobs and left our financial system in ruins.

"Trust but verify"

I mean come on folks...Barack Obama is the guy who promised that he'd cut the deficit by half before the end of his first term

That was before he opened the real books on the Bush calamity and found out that Bush had tripled the debt, lost 8 million jobs and left our financial system in ruins.

"Trust but verify"


Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2012

More trolling trolling and lying lying??

Tsk Tsk Tsk
Republicans have spent 4 years spinning Obama as anti-Israel, and this propaganda bs all went up in smoke in his 50 minute speech in Israel, where the camera caught Israelis crying with emotion over our President's comments.


Very nice ...

Since your OP has no links or quotes, I must ask,
Is this the speech that he gave while standing underneath the massive photo of Yassir Arrafat, the super-terrorist of all time?
Or is it the speech where he was booed and heckled by dozens of audience members?

Please explain to us why Israel gave President Obama their highest non-military decoration if Obama is somehow a threat or detrimental to Israel?

Politicians, even ones that do not like each other, kiss each other's ass...

As if you did not know that

So Israel bent over backwards and gave their highest decoration (something not even Junior rot) to their enemy who's out to do them harm because of politicians?

...Does anyone non-retarded want to answer this question?
Republicans have spent 4 years spinning Obama as anti-Israel, and this propaganda bs all went up in smoke in his 50 minute speech in Israel, where the camera caught Israelis crying with emotion over our President's comments.


Very nice ...

Uuuumm... sorry but... you're of SHIT...

Obama's Middle East policy in tatters: Column

'Most Palestinians hate Obama'; US president gets heated reception in West Bank - Telegraph

Protests held in Jordan ahead of Obama visit
They always seem to MISS these posts that pop their little bubble... :eusa_eh:
Please explain to us why Israel gave President Obama their highest non-military decoration if Obama is somehow a threat or detrimental to Israel?

Politicians, even ones that do not like each other, kiss each other's ass...

As if you did not know that

So Israel bent over backwards and gave their highest decoration (something not even Junior rot) to their enemy who's out to do them harm because of politicians?

...Does anyone non-retarded want to answer this question?

Yes... do they still receive assistance etc?? Is Obamalama intergal to that as President?

Yes.. they will kiss his ass, as they kissed Bush II's ass, and everyone before them as well
  • Thanks
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Please explain to us why Israel gave President Obama their highest non-military decoration if Obama is somehow a threat or detrimental to Israel?

Politicians, even ones that do not like each other, kiss each other's ass...

As if you did not know that

So Israel bent over backwards and gave their highest decoration (something not even Junior rot) to their enemy who's out to do them harm because of politicians?

...Does anyone non-retarded want to answer this question?
Well how about this, butt lick, explain what he did to deserve it, and then follow up with why he deserved the nobel peace prize.
I mean come on folks...Barack Obama is the guy who promised that he'd cut the deficit by half before the end of his first term

That was before he opened the real books on the Bush calamity and found out that Bush had tripled the debt, lost 8 million jobs and left our financial system in ruins.

"Trust but verify"


Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2012

More trolling trolling and lying lying??

Tsk Tsk Tsk

Yes indeed timmy, all with Bush's budgets - the last, his 2009 $1.4 trillion deficit budget, is still in place.

Politicians, even ones that do not like each other, kiss each other's ass...

As if you did not know that

So Israel bent over backwards and gave their highest decoration (something not even Junior rot) to their enemy who's out to do them harm because of politicians?

...Does anyone non-retarded want to answer this question?
Well how about this, butt lick, explain what he did to deserve it, and then follow up with why he deserved the nobel peace prize.

By doing more to ensure Israel's security than any previous President. And to your second question, not being George W. Bush or any other piece of shit Neo-Conservative.
Please explain to us why Israel gave President Obama their highest non-military decoration if Obama is somehow a threat or detrimental to Israel?

please explain why Obama deserved a medal? for gracing them with his presence?

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