Obama’s Massive Fraud


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
is it time folks?
links in article at site

If he were a CEO in the private sector, he’d be prosecuted for such deception.

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Ms. Stewart, naturally, was fearful that truthful statements would send the stock price plummeting. Obama, by comparison, was not lying merely to prevent a company from losing value. His fraud was, first, to induce passage of a plan designed gradually to destroy the private health-insurance market — a plan that barely passed and never would have been enacted if he’d been honest. And later, his fraud was to procure his reelection and the guaranteed implementation of Obamacare; had he been honest, he would have been defeated and Obamacare forestalled.

Barack Obama is guilty of fraud — serial fraud — that is orders of magnitude more serious than frauds the Justice Department routinely prosecutes, and that courts punish harshly. The victims will be out billions of dollars, quite apart from other anxiety and disruption that will befall them.

The president will not be prosecuted, of course, but that is immaterial. As discussed here before, the remedy for profound presidential corruption is political, not legal. It is impeachment and removal. “High crimes and misdemeanors” — the Constitution’s predicate for impeachment — need not be indictable offenses under the criminal code. “They relate chiefly,” Hamilton explained in Federalist No. 65, “to injuries done immediately to the society itself.” They involve scandalous breaches of the public trust by officials in whom solemn fiduciary duties are reposed — like a president who looks Americans in the eye and declares, repeatedly, that they can keep their health insurance plans . . . even as he studiously orchestrates the regulatory termination of those plans; even as he shifts blame to the insurance companies for his malfeasance — just as he shifted blame to a hapless video producer for his shocking dereliction of duty during the Benghazi massacre.

ALL of it here with LOTS of comments
Obama?s Massive Fraud | National Review Online
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So his massive fraud was to get the Romney's Republican HC plan implemented, nationally?

That's exactly what I've been bitching about all along.

An interesting thought exercise, I suppose, but ultimately irrelevant.

He lied, they lied, and they got away with it. The ACA is law now.

The problem is that Americans no longer care if their "leaders" lie to them. Sure, righties care when lefties lie to them and vice versa, but by and large the liars will always have people protecting them, spinning for them. And whoever lies better will gain more power until they're opposed by someone who lies even better.

A symptom of the decay.

So his massive fraud was to get the Romney's Republican HC plan implemented, nationally?

That's exactly what I've been bitching about all along.

RomneyCare has nothing to with ObamaCare or with Obama's lies and fraud...

An interesting thought exercise, I suppose, but ultimately irrelevant.

He lied, they lied, and they got away with it. The ACA is law now.

The problem is that Americans no longer care if their "leaders" lie to them. Sure, righties care when lefties lie to them and vice versa, but by and large the liars will always have people protecting them, spinning for them. And whoever lies better will gain more power until they're opposed by someone who lies even better.

A symptom of the decay.


This is exactly why I name WJ Clinton as the worse president in my lifetime. His lying straight to our faces while wagging his finger in our faces was one of the rare times I actually watched him. I believed him, I didn't think a president would do what he was accused of doing, I thought he could have done better. So for once I believed what Clinton had to say and he totally lied his ass off. Now truth no longer matters he lowered the bar for all future presidents. Or should I say the democrats in congress lowered the bar by not removing him from office. He lied and denied a woman her constitutional rights to a fair trial and the left was OK with it.

The only great thing about it is that it actually backfired on the democrats. If Gore would have taken over as President he would have been a shoe in to win the next election. So by their despotic actions they in fact ensured Bush would win. LOL
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An interesting thought exercise, I suppose, but ultimately irrelevant.

He lied, they lied, and they got away with it. The ACA is law now.

The problem is that Americans no longer care if their "leaders" lie to them. Sure, righties care when lefties lie to them and vice versa, but by and large the liars will always have people protecting them, spinning for them. And whoever lies better will gain more power until they're opposed by someone who lies even better.

A symptom of the decay.

So his massive fraud was to get the Romney's Republican HC plan implemented, nationally?

That's exactly what I've been bitching about all along.

RomneyCare has nothing to with ObamaCare or with Obama's lies and fraud...

You need to listen to this guy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L4euSLsmfY]ZoNATION: Liberals, Sending Mixed Messages on RomneyCare AKA Obamacare? - YouTube[/ame]
is it time folks?
links in article at site

If he were a CEO in the private sector, he’d be prosecuted for such deception.

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Ms. Stewart, naturally, was fearful that truthful statements would send the stock price plummeting. Obama, by comparison, was not lying merely to prevent a company from losing value. His fraud was, first, to induce passage of a plan designed gradually to destroy the private health-insurance market — a plan that barely passed and never would have been enacted if he’d been honest. And later, his fraud was to procure his reelection and the guaranteed implementation of Obamacare; had he been honest, he would have been defeated and Obamacare forestalled.

Barack Obama is guilty of fraud — serial fraud — that is orders of magnitude more serious than frauds the Justice Department routinely prosecutes, and that courts punish harshly. The victims will be out billions of dollars, quite apart from other anxiety and disruption that will befall them.

The president will not be prosecuted, of course, but that is immaterial. As discussed here before, the remedy for profound presidential corruption is political, not legal. It is impeachment and removal. “High crimes and misdemeanors” — the Constitution’s predicate for impeachment — need not be indictable offenses under the criminal code. “They relate chiefly,” Hamilton explained in Federalist No. 65, “to injuries done immediately to the society itself.” They involve scandalous breaches of the public trust by officials in whom solemn fiduciary duties are reposed — like a president who looks Americans in the eye and declares, repeatedly, that they can keep their health insurance plans . . . even as he studiously orchestrates the regulatory termination of those plans; even as he shifts blame to the insurance companies for his malfeasance — just as he shifted blame to a hapless video producer for his shocking dereliction of duty during the Benghazi massacre.

ALL of it here with LOTS of comments
Obama?s Massive Fraud | National Review Online

So his massive fraud was to get the Romney's Republican HC plan implemented, nationally?

That's exactly what I've been bitching about all along.

If Obamacare is no more then Romneycare then why did you liberals not fall in love with Romney? The real deal? Hypocrites.
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So his massive fraud was to get the Romney's Republican HC plan implemented, nationally?

That's exactly what I've been bitching about all along.

Well then, if Romney were the subject of this thread, you'd have an argument. But this is all Obama's fault. He chose to take a page out of the Romney playbook, and it backfired.
The other FRAUD, was the Democrats passing a bill into LAW with out knowing or explaining all it would entail for the people in this country...I wonder if Obama would of been RE-ELECTED if the people had known?

remember this folks come next elections...send them all (Democrats) to jail by kicking them out of power over our lives and country

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