Obama Says He Discussed Hurricane Isaac by Phone—From Plane


Aug 13, 2012
"President Barack Obama, who in 2005 criticized then-President George Bush for not exhibiting a “greater sense of empathy” toward the victims of Hurricane Katrina, told a campaign crowd at the University of Virginia on Wednesday afternoon--as people in Louisiana were dealing with what the National Hurricane Center called “life-threatening hazards” caused by Hurricane Isaac--that he had discussed the hurricane on the telephone from Air Force One as he was flying East from a previous campaign event in Colorado."

Obama Says He Discussed Hurricane Isaac by Phone
yeah, he prolly could have phrased that in a way that doesn't make him look like a hypocritical douche-nozzle.
"President Barack Obama, who in 2005 criticized then-President George Bush for not exhibiting a “greater sense of empathy” toward the victims of Hurricane Katrina, told a campaign crowd at the University of Virginia on Wednesday afternoon--as people in Louisiana were dealing with what the National Hurricane Center called “life-threatening hazards” caused by Hurricane Isaac--that he had discussed the hurricane on the telephone from Air Force One as he was flying East from a previous campaign event in Colorado."

Obama Says He Discussed Hurricane Isaac by Phone

Just like Bush got beaten by the Liberals for irresponsible deficit spending and blamed for Obama's woes and yet they praise Obama for tripling deficit spending as a solution and still blame Bush because it is not working. Is this what it means to be enlightened or is it simply a bunch of sheeple with no common sense?
"President Barack Obama was today forced to announce he will fly to storm-hit Louisiana on Monday – hours after Mitt Romney beat him to the punch by deciding to head there this afternoon."

"Romney had changed his schedule to head to an affected town outside New Orleans while Obama, who has yet to visit the Tropical Storm Isaac zone, headed off to Texas to campaign."

"He (Romney) opted out of a joint campaign appearance in Richmond, Virginia with Paul Ryan, his vice-presidential running mate, to head to Louisiana."

Read more: Mitt Romney heads to storm-hit Louisiana as President Obama hits the campaign trail | Mail Online
By phone? Hmph!...
... Called my cousin in Harvey, La. last night - electric poles are down all over the place in her area and it may be a week or two before they get power back on...
Misery in La. as Isaac flooding leaves power out
August 31, 2012 — Isaac sloshed north into the central U.S. on Friday after flooding stretches of Louisiana and Mississippi and knocking out power, leaving entire water-logged neighborhoods without lights, air conditioning or clean water.
It will be a few days before the soupy brown water recedes and people forced out of flooded neighborhoods can return home. And the damage may not be done. Officials were pumping water from a reservoir to ease the pressure behind an Isaac-stressed dam in Mississippi on the Louisiana border. In Arkansas, power lines were downed and trees knocked over as Isaac moved into the state. The earthen dam on Lake Tangipahoa could unleash a 17-foot flood crest downstream in Louisiana if it were to give way, which prompted evacuations in small towns and rural areas Thursday. Officials released extra water through the dam and were considering punching a hole in it to lower the rain-swollen reservoir.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said Friday that the Tangipahoa River crested Thursday night and was expected to go down by 2 feet Saturday. He said Mississippi's work to alleviate pressure on the dam appeared to be working. "So far, operations seem to be proceeding as expected, and they seem to be working," Jindal said. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was headed to Louisiana to tour the damage. Romney scheduled a last-minute visit Friday to Lafitte, La., with Jindal. Lafitte was the site of rescue efforts when Isaac's tidal surge pushed in through the night Wednesday and into Thursday.

Shortly after Romney said he would visit Louisiana, White House spokesman Jay Carney announced that President Barack Obama would visit the state Monday to examine water and wind damage from Isaac. In the Republican stronghold of Jefferson Parish, Romney could expect a friendly reception. One Republican, Mike Townsend, 47, said he was curious what Romney will say about Isaac and approaches to protecting the area. "I like his business sense," Townsend said.

In Lafitte, Richard Riley, 45, was pleased that Obama was coming to Louisiana. "He needs to see the devastation and allocate the money that's needed to build new levees or do whatever is needed to protect us," Riley said. New Orleans, spared any major damage, lifted its curfew and returned to its usual liveliness, although it was dampened by heavy humidity. "I have a battery-operated fan. This is the only thing keeping me going," said Rhyn Pate, a food services worker who sat under the eaves of a porch with other renters, making the best of the circumstances. "And a fly swatter to keep the bugs off me — and the most important thing, insect repellent."

More Misery in La. as Isaac flooding leaves power out | cnsnews.com
Was there some point to this poutrage thread? I mean, other than for conservatives to get their daily dose of poutrage in.

They're apparently upset because the president used a telephone. That's scraping bottom in terms of finding reasons to be outraged.

Of course, if President Obama did go to Louisiana, they'd be screaming at him for grandstanding and interfering with the cleanup.
Obama can be kept up to date on the damage by phone and other ways, his going to the scene is just a distraction that takes many people off the real job at hand.

He doesn't need to go, it would be nothing more than a photo op.

They don't need him there.
Was there some point to this poutrage thread? I mean, other than for conservatives to get their daily dose of poutrage in.

They're apparently upset because the president used a telephone. That's scraping bottom in terms of finding reasons to be outraged.

Of course, if President Obama did go to Louisiana, they'd be screaming at him for grandstanding and interfering with the cleanup.
That huge reeking thing right in front of you that you're busily ignoring is Obama's hypocrisy.

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