Obama says he feels sorry for the senators that signed the letter.

Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?

The R senators wrote Iran to tell them they would not stop Iran from getting the nuclear weapons Obama is trying to stop.

Obama is doing no such thing. You only think he is...

Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?

The R senators wrote Iran to tell them they would not stop Iran from getting the nuclear weapons Obama is trying to stop.

totally wrong. the letter is public, I suggest you read it.
I feel sorry for them too. They disparaged their country in the most egregious of ways.
How so?

Like Kerry throwing medals over the Whitehouse fence & calling soldiers murderers?
by taking our inner family issues out in public

Us italians never do that shit. Shows severely poor fuckin ethics

Hey GT, side note. Turn down the reverbe on your track. Do you have a home studio?
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?

The R senators wrote Iran to tell them they would not stop Iran from getting the nuclear weapons Obama is trying to stop.

totally wrong. the letter is public, I suggest you read it.

This is what we up against. Sheep of the Democrats that don't even know what is going on. Obama/democrats tells them to jump they ask how high
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?

The R senators wrote Iran to tell them they would not stop Iran from getting the nuclear weapons Obama is trying to stop.

Do you have a quote for that, or are you just a retarded hyper liberal blindingly crapping out your mouth again?

Go ahead, pick one of those options.
No they didn't say jack when Pelosi went to Syria. that was WORSE than writing some damn letter. but boy now they say Republicans hurt us. bs

why is it i can not get a libercrat to respond to this act of treason ??

Despite the networks’ eagerness to tout Democratic opposition to the GOP letter, on two separate occasions the “big three” completely ignored a letter penned by former Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) written to the Soviet Union in 1983 aimed at undermining President Ronald Reagan’s nuclear negotiations with the Communist regime.

Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.

- See more at: Flashback Big Three Ignored Ted Kennedy s Letter to Soviet Union

you are OK with this or are you too young to even know about this little charming FACT !! :up:

or this:

the following can be found here:
7 Times Democrats Advised America s Enemies to Oppose the President - Breitbart

House Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX). In 1984, 10 Democrats sent a letter to Daniel Ortega Saavedra, the head of the military dictatorship in Nicaragua, praising Saavedra for “taking steps to open up the political process in your country.” House Speaker Jim Wright signed the letter.

and this:

Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Kerry jumped into the pro-Sandanista pool himself in 1985, when he traveled to Nicaragua to negotiate with the regime. He wasn’t alone; Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) joined him. TheChristian Science Monitor reported that the two senators “brought back word that Mr. Ortega would be willing to accept a cease-fire if Congress rejected aid to the rebels…That week the House initially voted down aid to the contras, and Mr. Ortega made an immediate trip to Moscow.” Kerry then shilled on behalf of the Ortega government:

something more recent,

Representatives Jim McDermott (D-WA), David Bonior (D-MI), and Mike Thompson (D-CA). In 2002, the three Congressmen visited Baghdad to play defense for Saddam Hussein’s regime. There, McDermott laid the groundwork for the Democratic Party’s later rip on President George W. Bush, stating, “the president of the United States will lie to the American people in order to get us into this war.” McDermott, along with his colleagues, suggested that the American administration give the Iraqi regime “due process” and “take the Iraqis on their face value.” Bonior said openly he was acting on behalf of the government:

all this is right with you ? i do not expect you to reply because you will not want to put your stupid commie views on public display. please do not be afraid to open those links.., unless you are fearful of TRUTH !! ....... :up:

oooooh !! just for all good commies, a salute to you.., :fu:.......... :asshole:

demoscum are the worlds biggest liars and hypocrites :up:

I feel sorry for them too. They disparaged their country in the most egregious of ways.
How so?

Like Kerry throwing medals over the Whitehouse fence & calling soldiers murderers?
by taking our inner family issues out in public

Us italians never do that shit. Shows severely poor fuckin ethics

Hey GT, side note. Turn down the reverbe on your track. Do you have a home studio?
I do, but it wasnt sound proofed yet at the time i made that track. Ears were off
No they didn't say jack when Pelosi went to Syria. that was WORSE than writing some damn letter. but boy now they say Republicans hurt us. bs

why is it i can not get a libercrat to respond to this act of treason ??

Despite the networks’ eagerness to tout Democratic opposition to the GOP letter, on two separate occasions the “big three” completely ignored a letter penned by former Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) written to the Soviet Union in 1983 aimed at undermining President Ronald Reagan’s nuclear negotiations with the Communist regime.

Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.

- See more at: Flashback Big Three Ignored Ted Kennedy s Letter to Soviet Union

you are OK with this or are you too young to even know about this little charming FACT !! :up:

or this:

the following can be found here:
7 Times Democrats Advised America s Enemies to Oppose the President - Breitbart

House Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX). In 1984, 10 Democrats sent a letter to Daniel Ortega Saavedra, the head of the military dictatorship in Nicaragua, praising Saavedra for “taking steps to open up the political process in your country.” House Speaker Jim Wright signed the letter.

and this:

Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Kerry jumped into the pro-Sandanista pool himself in 1985, when he traveled to Nicaragua to negotiate with the regime. He wasn’t alone; Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) joined him. TheChristian Science Monitor reported that the two senators “brought back word that Mr. Ortega would be willing to accept a cease-fire if Congress rejected aid to the rebels…That week the House initially voted down aid to the contras, and Mr. Ortega made an immediate trip to Moscow.” Kerry then shilled on behalf of the Ortega government:

something more recent,

Representatives Jim McDermott (D-WA), David Bonior (D-MI), and Mike Thompson (D-CA). In 2002, the three Congressmen visited Baghdad to play defense for Saddam Hussein’s regime. There, McDermott laid the groundwork for the Democratic Party’s later rip on President George W. Bush, stating, “the president of the United States will lie to the American people in order to get us into this war.” McDermott, along with his colleagues, suggested that the American administration give the Iraqi regime “due process” and “take the Iraqis on their face value.” Bonior said openly he was acting on behalf of the government:

all this is right with you ? i do not expect you to reply because you will not want to put your stupid commie views on public display. please do not be afraid to open those links.., unless you are fearful of TRUTH !! ....... :up:

oooooh !! just for all good commies, a salute to you.., :fu:.......... :asshole:

demoscum are the worlds biggest liars and hypocrites :up:

they won't Respond, because they didn't care then. all this over a LETTER
Wonder if the idiot realizes that roughly 64% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track.

I doubt Boehner has any thoughts, his single goal is to keep the Speaker's Office. As for the other idiot, McConnell, I often wondered if he is still alive, he sure looks like a corpse.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
In no way, did these Senators do anything that even resembles, protecting or even caring about, our Nation....period. They made a HUGE mistake, and IT HURT US, as a Nation, and it hurt the Senate as an institution.
If democrats had done this you would've championed them. Clown man. Lol
Obama is just is a slimy liar. the man can't tell the truth if it kicked him up the side of the head..... Well, here's something for him. We've been embarrassed to have YOU as our President. He makes sick


Bad news, Republicans: Obama is ‘embarrassed’ for you
posted at 4:41 pm on March 13, 2015 by Noah Rothman

The alternative news outlet Vice recently had the opportunity to sit down with the President of the United States for an extended interview. Apparently, a variety of subjects – ranging from climate change, to marijuana legalization, to “the big issues” generally – were raised. How do we know? Vice released a trailer promoting this exchange that appears to focus primarily on the uproarious hilarity of Vice founder and Obama interlocutor Shane Smith. Writing as a genuine fan of the work Vice does in reporting from international conflict zones and in exposing underreported stories in fascinating detail, I found this aspect of the trailer more than a little bit disappointing.

The full interview, scheduled for release next Monday, surely contains a bit more substance than the trailer, but it wouldn’t have hurt Vice to share an example of that substance in this teaser. There was, however, one exception to this stinging letdown. On the subject of Iran and Obama’s quest for a nuclear deal, any nuclear deal, with the Islamic Republic, the president apparently reserved most of his vitriol for his Republican opponents.

“I’m embarrassed for them,” Obama said of the 47 Republicans who signed a letter to Tehran reminding the Islamic Republic’s theocrats of their roles as members of the majority party in control of the only American institution that can legally ratify international treaty. “For them to address a letter to the Ayatollah, who they claim is their mortal enemy, and their basic argument to them is ‘Don’t deal with our president because you can’t trust him to follow through on an agreement,’ that’s close to unprecedented.”

And don’t forget to donate to the Democratic National Committee by clicking the button below!

Where do we begin?

First, there is nothing “unprecedented” about this maneuver by Senate Republicans – “close to” or otherwise. As many astute commentators and students of history have noted, this letter is tame when compared to past efforts made by Democratic officeholders to undermine a sitting American president abroad. The notion that this letter lacks a historical parallel is a pure fabrication, not to mention a display of contempt for the intelligence of the viewing audience.

Second, Obama has misrepresented the GOP’s position. They did not warn Iran to avoid negotiating with Obama’s representatives, but to remember that they will not secure a deal that outlasts his presidency unless they give consideration to the opposition party in Congress. Republicans fear that Iran, not Obama, will fail to abide by the terms of a nuclear accord.

all of it here:
Bad news Republicans Obama is embarrassed for you Hot Air
I feel sorry for them too. They disparaged their country in the most egregious of ways.
How so?

Like Kerry throwing medals over the Whitehouse fence & calling soldiers murderers?
by taking our inner family issues out in public

Us italians never do that shit. Shows severely poor fuckin ethics

Hey GT, side note. Turn down the reverbe on your track. Do you have a home studio?
I do, but it wasnt sound proofed yet at the time i made that track. Ears were off

Ahh gotcha.

One day if I stop working so fucking much I want to get back to recording. I don't do any vocoals (wring but just don't have the voice) but I do 7 sting guitar/5 string bass and have a Roland TD 20 for a drum kit. All my old recordings have a acoustic kit and man, recording a acoustic kit at home is h a r d a s f u c k . . . Do you have a MP3 of that song without drums by chance?

I have not had a chance to record anything with the TD 20.

I like your track, it has a good hook. I'd be interested to see what distortion on the guitar would would like during your chorus and a more solid drums.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves

Wingers still haven't learned from the flop & failure of the Iraq War.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves

Wingers still haven't learned from the flop & failure of the Iraq War.

the Iraq war was won until obama declared defeat and let ISIS take over.

I am not saying that the Iraq war was right or good, but it was almost won when obama decided to lose it.

Do you think he really wants ISIS to control the entire mid east?
I feel sorry for them too. They disparaged their country in the most egregious of ways.
How so?

Like Kerry throwing medals over the Whitehouse fence & calling soldiers murderers?
by taking our inner family issues out in public

Us italians never do that shit. Shows severely poor fuckin ethics

Hey GT, side note. Turn down the reverbe on your track. Do you have a home studio?
I do, but it wasnt sound proofed yet at the time i made that track. Ears were off

Ahh gotcha.

One day if I stop working so fucking much I want to get back to recording. I don't do any vocoals (wring but just don't have the voice) but I do 7 sting guitar/5 string bass and have a Roland TD 20 for a drum kit. All my old recordings have a acoustic kit and man, recording a acoustic kit at home is h a r d a s f u c k . . . Do you have a MP3 of that song without drums by chance?

I have not had a chance to record anything with the TD 20.

I like your track, it has a good hook. I'd be interested to see what distortion on the guitar would would like during your chorus and a more solid drums.
Unfortunately i dont, but we can def. Work together in the future man.

I havent put anything out in a while, thats not cuz im not working. When i go radio silent it means im cooking up my next album : )
How so?

Like Kerry throwing medals over the Whitehouse fence & calling soldiers murderers?
by taking our inner family issues out in public

Us italians never do that shit. Shows severely poor fuckin ethics

Hey GT, side note. Turn down the reverbe on your track. Do you have a home studio?
I do, but it wasnt sound proofed yet at the time i made that track. Ears were off

Ahh gotcha.

One day if I stop working so fucking much I want to get back to recording. I don't do any vocoals (wring but just don't have the voice) but I do 7 sting guitar/5 string bass and have a Roland TD 20 for a drum kit. All my old recordings have a acoustic kit and man, recording a acoustic kit at home is h a r d a s f u c k . . . Do you have a MP3 of that song without drums by chance?

I have not had a chance to record anything with the TD 20.

I like your track, it has a good hook. I'd be interested to see what distortion on the guitar would would like during your chorus and a more solid drums.
Unfortunately i dont, but we can def. Work together in the future man.

I havent put anything out in a while, thats not cuz im not working. When i go radio silent it means im cooking up my next album : )


If you ever have something and want to just dick around send it my way. =D

I like what I have recorded (not a huge amount) but i messed up and it carries a shit ton of bass to it. It's not a problem as long as you don't turn it up way loud and if you turn the bass down, finding that sweet spot.
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?

The R senators wrote Iran to tell them they would not stop Iran from getting the nuclear weapons Obama is trying to stop.

Obama is doing no such thing. You only think he is...


Well, the facts speak for themselves. Only the dishonest say and only fools believe President Obama wants nuclear weapons to proliferate, and for Iran to have them.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
In no way, did these Senators do anything that even resembles, protecting or even caring about, our Nation....period. They made a HUGE mistake, and IT HURT US, as a Nation, and it hurt the Senate as an institution.
If democrats had done this you would've championed them. Clown man. Lol

Democrats didn't, and that is the point. In fact, if Democrats had sent a letter to Saddam in the Spring of 2003 expressing the same intent, they would have been called traitors and worse.
Our far right posters constantly scream about how Obama is an embarrassment on the world stage and in some cases they are right.
But did the GOP ever embarrass themselves with their Dear Iran letter? They truly made America look like a joke. Leaders around the world are shaking their heads at the actions of the Iran 47.
You can count on the far right response will be, they they know more than world leaders and who cares what the world think anyways. Of course this would be a reversal of their crying that Obama has embarrassed America's image in the eyes of the world and that's what only counts.

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