Obama says he feels sorry for the senators that signed the letter.

I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves

Wingers still haven't learned from the flop & failure of the Iraq War.

the Iraq war was won until obama declared defeat and let ISIS take over.

I am not saying that the Iraq war was right or good, but it was almost won when obama decided to lose it.

Do you think he really wants ISIS to control the entire mid east?

What was the cost-benefit to the invasion and occupation of Iraq? When Bush left office how much blood and treasure was spent, let alone American prestige, by October 2008? Tossing good lives and borrowed money into the fire was the last thing Obama needed to do - remember, our economy was in free fall that month.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves

Wingers still haven't learned from the flop & failure of the Iraq War.

the Iraq war was won until obama declared defeat and let ISIS take over.

I am not saying that the Iraq war was right or good, but it was almost won when obama decided to lose it.

Do you think he really wants ISIS to control the entire mid east?

What was the cost-benefit to the invasion and occupation of Iraq? When Bush left office how much blood and treasure was spent, let alone American prestige, by October 2008? Tossing good lives and borrowed money into the fire was the last thing Obama needed to do - remember, our economy was in free fall that month.

I have said many times that the Iraq war was a waste of lives and money. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco, just as both authorized and funded the viet nam fiasco.

the only point I was making is that we had almost won the Iraq mess, then obama managed to find a way to lose it and turn the territory over to ISIS.
Wonder if the idiot realizes that roughly 64% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track.

That would please him greatly. Nothing about Obama cares what the people think, only what he thinks and wants. We have a narcissistic dictator on our hands and within two more years, this sweet country and our Constitution will be fried.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves

Wingers still haven't learned from the flop & failure of the Iraq War.

the Iraq war was won until obama declared defeat and let ISIS take over.

I am not saying that the Iraq war was right or good, but it was almost won when obama decided to lose it.

Do you think he really wants ISIS to control the entire mid east?

What was the cost-benefit to the invasion and occupation of Iraq? When Bush left office how much blood and treasure was spent, let alone American prestige, by October 2008? Tossing good lives and borrowed money into the fire was the last thing Obama needed to do - remember, our economy was in free fall that month.

I have said many times that the Iraq war was a waste of lives and money. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco, just as both authorized and funded the viet nam fiasco.

the only point I was making is that we had almost won the Iraq mess, then obama managed to find a way to lose it and turn the territory over to ISIS.

That's partisan group think, and not exactly honest.

The Republicans in the H. of Rep. voted 215 for the Iraqi Resolution, and six against (two didn't vote); the Democrats voted 82 for the Resolution and 126 against (one not voting).

In the Senate Democrats voted 29 for and 21 against; The Republicans 48 for and one against.

Mainstream Democrats opposed the Vietnam War both under the Administration of LBJ and Nixon. I was one of them, but I still served our country on active duty (1967 -1969).
All the excuses don't change the fact that the letter was an act of sabotage.

And therefore seditious (Sedition: Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch). There is no doubt the Republican Party under the leadership of Boehner and McConnell, and the self defined conservative element on this message board, are seditious and have no claim to being patriotic Americans.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
In no way, did these Senators do anything that even resembles, protecting or even caring about, our Nation....period. They made a HUGE mistake, and IT HURT US, as a Nation, and it hurt the Senate as an institution.

At least the Iranian Ayatollah agrees with you and Obama.

"TEHRAN —Iran’s highest leader issued a sharp response Thursday to a letter to the country’s leadership by Republican lawmakers, deriding it as an indication that Washington is “disintegrating” from within.

AyatollahAli Khamenei,Iran’s supreme leader, said the letter warning that any nuclear deal could be scrapped by a new president was “a sign of a decline in political ethics and the destruction of the American establishment from within.” The statement was posted on his website."
You haven't learned a thing from the hawkish clusterf___ that was the GOP-led Iraq Debacle.
They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves

Wingers still haven't learned from the flop & failure of the Iraq War.

the Iraq war was won until obama declared defeat and let ISIS take over.

I am not saying that the Iraq war was right or good, but it was almost won when obama decided to lose it.

Do you think he really wants ISIS to control the entire mid east?

What was the cost-benefit to the invasion and occupation of Iraq? When Bush left office how much blood and treasure was spent, let alone American prestige, by October 2008? Tossing good lives and borrowed money into the fire was the last thing Obama needed to do - remember, our economy was in free fall that month.

I have said many times that the Iraq war was a waste of lives and money. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco, just as both authorized and funded the viet nam fiasco.

the only point I was making is that we had almost won the Iraq mess, then obama managed to find a way to lose it and turn the territory over to ISIS.

That's partisan group think, and not exactly honest.

The Republicans in the H. of Rep. voted 215 for the Iraqi Resolution, and six against (two didn't vote); the Democrats voted 82 for the Resolution and 126 against (one not voting).

In the Senate Democrats voted 29 for and 21 against; The Republicans 48 for and one against.

Mainstream Democrats opposed the Vietnam War both under the Administration of LBJ and Nixon. I was one of them, but I still served our country on active duty (1967 -1969).

as I said both parties voted to authorize and fund it. Just as both parties authorized and funded Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam war which lost 58,000 americans and billions of dollars for nothing.

stop with the partisan bullshit and deal with the reality.
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.
How the hell do you rationalyl come up with that nonsense,the letter was a simple notice that they will be dealing with the people of the US not just the guy in the white house,thats how it legally works,not the way you wish it does.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
In no way, did these Senators do anything that even resembles, protecting or even caring about, our Nation....period. They made a HUGE mistake, and IT HURT US, as a Nation, and it hurt the Senate as an institution.

At least the Iranian Ayatollah agrees with you and Obama.

"TEHRAN —Iran’s highest leader issued a sharp response Thursday to a letter to the country’s leadership by Republican lawmakers, deriding it as an indication that Washington is “disintegrating” from within.

AyatollahAli Khamenei,Iran’s supreme leader, said the letter warning that any nuclear deal could be scrapped by a new president was “a sign of a decline in political ethics and the destruction of the American establishment from within.” The statement was posted on his website."

the ayatollah is right, our country is disjointed right now. no leadership from the whitehouse, incompetents in the congress. We need another Reagan and O'Neill. Can anyone fill those shoes?
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
So does treason.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
So does treason.

do you consider obama's deal to be treasonous?

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason.
They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves

Wingers still haven't learned from the flop & failure of the Iraq War.

the Iraq war was won until obama declared defeat and let ISIS take over.

I am not saying that the Iraq war was right or good, but it was almost won when obama decided to lose it.

Do you think he really wants ISIS to control the entire mid east?

What was the cost-benefit to the invasion and occupation of Iraq? When Bush left office how much blood and treasure was spent, let alone American prestige, by October 2008? Tossing good lives and borrowed money into the fire was the last thing Obama needed to do - remember, our economy was in free fall that month.

I have said many times that the Iraq war was a waste of lives and money. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco, just as both authorized and funded the viet nam fiasco.

the only point I was making is that we had almost won the Iraq mess, then obama managed to find a way to lose it and turn the territory over to ISIS.

That's partisan group think, and not exactly honest.

The Republicans in the H. of Rep. voted 215 for the Iraqi Resolution, and six against (two didn't vote); the Democrats voted 82 for the Resolution and 126 against (one not voting).

In the Senate Democrats voted 29 for and 21 against; The Republicans 48 for and one against.

Mainstream Democrats opposed the Vietnam War both under the Administration of LBJ and Nixon. I was one of them, but I still served our country on active duty (1967 -1969).
Thank you for your service.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
So does treason.

do you consider obama's deal to be treasonous?

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason.
You guys love it when you make America look bad, and then you have the balls to criticize Democrats. The world laughs at you guys on the right, and I know this all too well since I live in Europe. You guys constantly embaress America and Americans.
Wingers still haven't learned from the flop & failure of the Iraq War.

the Iraq war was won until obama declared defeat and let ISIS take over.

I am not saying that the Iraq war was right or good, but it was almost won when obama decided to lose it.

Do you think he really wants ISIS to control the entire mid east?

What was the cost-benefit to the invasion and occupation of Iraq? When Bush left office how much blood and treasure was spent, let alone American prestige, by October 2008? Tossing good lives and borrowed money into the fire was the last thing Obama needed to do - remember, our economy was in free fall that month.

I have said many times that the Iraq war was a waste of lives and money. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco, just as both authorized and funded the viet nam fiasco.

the only point I was making is that we had almost won the Iraq mess, then obama managed to find a way to lose it and turn the territory over to ISIS.

That's partisan group think, and not exactly honest.

The Republicans in the H. of Rep. voted 215 for the Iraqi Resolution, and six against (two didn't vote); the Democrats voted 82 for the Resolution and 126 against (one not voting).

In the Senate Democrats voted 29 for and 21 against; The Republicans 48 for and one against.

Mainstream Democrats opposed the Vietnam War both under the Administration of LBJ and Nixon. I was one of them, but I still served our country on active duty (1967 -1969).

as I said both parties voted to authorize and fund it. Just as both parties authorized and funded Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam war which lost 58,000 americans and billions of dollars for nothing.

stop with the partisan bullshit and deal with the reality.

How many Americans died under the watch of JFK and LBJ, and how many on Nixon's watch. Lying by omission is still lying and proof that you're a partisan liar or very ignorant.

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