Obama says he's not leaving!

How in the world could any one think that Obama is qualified to be a supreme court justice? All his experience as a community organizer?
Call him whatever you like but everything in this country is 100X better than it was 8 years ago. It`s not Obama`s fault that the lives of rightwing whiny little bitches are fucked up.
100x better? What drugs are you doing? By virtually every economic indicator there is, we are in worse shape now than we were in 2007. I sometimes wonder if the 2 parties in this country aren't trying to lose this election so they won't be blamed when this house of cards collapses.
Losing 745,000 jobs per month during Gomer`s last 5 months was good? Cutting the unemployment rate in half is bad? A total fiasco!! If you`re life stinks it`s not Obama`s fault, it`s your own and you really shouldn`t be dependent on the govt. to keep you from doing stupid things.
If the economy is so great, why are so many on welfare? I mean that is how you rate the economy. By those means, the economy sucks.

Liberals can't explain why if unemployment is so low, as they claim, so many more are on welfare than when unemployment was so high.
How in the world could any one think that Obama is qualified to be a supreme court justice? All his experience as a community organizer?

How could anyone think Trump is qualified to be President? It could be a great DC, no one qualified.
Liberals lowered the qualifications to be president with Obama. Congratulations.

Did they?

Dubya Bush. 5 years as governor of Texas.

Clinton had 11 years as governor of Arkansas and two as Attorney General of the same state

Bush senior had a wealth of experience, including being VP and a House of Representatives member for Texas.

Reagan was governor of Texas for 8 years.

Obama was State senator for 7 years, and 3 years as a US senator.

So, Obama had more experience of working in DC than both Reagan and Dubya and also Clinton and certainly more than Trump.

So Obama wasn't a governor, neither was Bush senior. Running a state with no foreign policy compared to being in the Senate which is a part of Foreign policy is different.

So why was Obama not qualified? What makes someone qualified to be president (apart from the obvious in the constitution?)
How in the world could any one think that Obama is qualified to be a supreme court justice? All his experience as a community organizer?
Call him whatever you like but everything in this country is 100X better than it was 8 years ago. It`s not Obama`s fault that the lives of rightwing whiny little bitches are fucked up.
100x better? What drugs are you doing? By virtually every economic indicator there is, we are in worse shape now than we were in 2007. I sometimes wonder if the 2 parties in this country aren't trying to lose this election so they won't be blamed when this house of cards collapses.
Losing 745,000 jobs per month during Gomer`s last 5 months was good? Cutting the unemployment rate in half is bad? A total fiasco!! If you`re life stinks it`s not Obama`s fault, it`s your own and you really shouldn`t be dependent on the govt. to keep you from doing stupid things.
Yes and right before everything blew up we were told everything was peachy, things are much worse now than they were before the last blow up. While the unemployment rate has come down it's been a miserable excuse of a recovery and please don't tell me you buy the 5% rate, complete fantasy.

Oh and my life is splendid. I worry about the hell we are leaving my children.
How in the world could any one think that Obama is qualified to be a supreme court justice? All his experience as a community organizer?
Call him whatever you like but everything in this country is 100X better than it was 8 years ago. It`s not Obama`s fault that the lives of rightwing whiny little bitches are fucked up.
100x better? What drugs are you doing? By virtually every economic indicator there is, we are in worse shape now than we were in 2007. I sometimes wonder if the 2 parties in this country aren't trying to lose this election so they won't be blamed when this house of cards collapses.
Losing 745,000 jobs per month during Gomer`s last 5 months was good? Cutting the unemployment rate in half is bad? A total fiasco!! If you`re life stinks it`s not Obama`s fault, it`s your own and you really shouldn`t be dependent on the govt. to keep you from doing stupid things.
Yes and right before everything blew up we were told everything was peachy, things are much worse now than they were before the last blow up. While the unemployment rate has come down it's been a miserable excuse of a recovery and please don't tell me you buy the 5% rate, complete fantasy.

Oh and my life is splendid. I worry about the hell we are leaving my children.
More evidence of this "bad" economy. Yes son, the unemployment rate is 5% and that`s why 1,000,000 people will be losing their Food Stamps. If your life is splendid why are you whining so much and refusing to deal with reality?
U.S. payrolls surge, boost Fed rate hike prospects
Obama says he's not leaving D.C. next year - CNNPolitics.comSticking around to take that Supreme Court vacancy the Republicans are refusing to fill? With the Republicans in such disarray the Dems may sweep in, making him a shoo-in for the position.
He wants his daughter to finish school there. He's got NO shot at SCOTUS. He gave up his right to practice law years ago.
A. If the Dems take advantage of the chaos in the Republican party, he'd definitely have a shot. B. He wouldn't be practicing law, he'd be a judge, not the same thing. C. Pay the fee and take a few continuing education classes and he could have it back before the confirmation hearings are even convened..
How in the world could any one think that Obama is qualified to be a supreme court justice? All his experience as a community organizer?
Call him whatever you like but everything in this country is 100X better than it was 8 years ago. It`s not Obama`s fault that the lives of rightwing whiny little bitches are fucked up.
100x better? What drugs are you doing? By virtually every economic indicator there is, we are in worse shape now than we were in 2007. I sometimes wonder if the 2 parties in this country aren't trying to lose this election so they won't be blamed when this house of cards collapses.
Losing 745,000 jobs per month during Gomer`s last 5 months was good? Cutting the unemployment rate in half is bad? A total fiasco!! If you`re life stinks it`s not Obama`s fault, it`s your own and you really shouldn`t be dependent on the govt. to keep you from doing stupid things.
Yes and right before everything blew up we were told everything was peachy, things are much worse now than they were before the last blow up. While the unemployment rate has come down it's been a miserable excuse of a recovery and please don't tell me you buy the 5% rate, complete fantasy.

Oh and my life is splendid. I worry about the hell we are leaving my children.
More evidence of this "bad" economy. Yes son, the unemployment rate is 5% and that`s why 1,000,000 people will be losing their Food Stamps. If your life is splendid why are you whining so much and refusing to deal with reality?
U.S. payrolls surge, boost Fed rate hike prospects
When 1,000,000 people get off welfare then that will be a start. I won't hold my breath.
Obama is not going to be on the Supreme Court. Don't be such a retard.
People keep claiming that Hillary will nominate him. If there are any retards here, it's them. I'm just trying to see how worried people really are about it and apparently it's a lot or we wouldn't be seeing so many vehement denials.
Dubya Bush. 5 years as governor of Texas. Clinton had 11 years as governor of Arkansas and two as Attorney General of the same state Bush senior had a wealth of experience, including being VP and a House of Representatives member for Texas. Reagan was governor of Texas for 8 years. Obama was State senator for 7 years, and 3 years as a US senator.
For the sake of accuracy, Reagan was the governor of CA.
Did they?

Dubya Bush. 5 years as governor of Texas.

Clinton had 11 years as governor of Arkansas and two as Attorney General of the same state

Bush senior had a wealth of experience, including being VP and a House of Representatives member for Texas.

Reagan was governor of Texas for 8 years.

Obama was State senator for 7 years, and 3 years as a US senator.

So, Obama had more experience of working in DC than both Reagan and Dubya and also Clinton and certainly more than Trump.

So Obama wasn't a governor, neither was Bush senior. Running a state with no foreign policy compared to being in the Senate which is a part of Foreign policy is different.

So why was Obama not qualified? What makes someone qualified to be president (apart from the obvious in the constitution?)

Reagan was governor of California, not Texas, and I would argue a governor is far more qualified to be president than a three year sitting U.S. Senator. Governors are the chief executives of their state, just as the president is the CEO of the country. A Senator is just one vote in a body of 100.
How in the world could any one think that Obama is qualified to be a supreme court justice? All his experience as a community organizer?
Why not? He wasn't qualified to be president and look what happened there.

More qualified than Trump.
What does that matter? Trump may be more qualified than a toad. How does that make Obama any more qualified?

The point being that those who support Trump will say Obama is not qualified. But then people manage to do that sort of hypocrisy.
We get that kind of non-logic all the time. For many people, a bad thing somehow makes another bad thing OK.
How in the world could any one think that Obama is qualified to be a supreme court justice? All his experience as a community organizer?
Call him whatever you like but everything in this country is 100X better than it was 8 years ago. It`s not Obama`s fault that the lives of rightwing whiny little bitches are fucked up.
100x better? What drugs are you doing? By virtually every economic indicator there is, we are in worse shape now than we were in 2007. I sometimes wonder if the 2 parties in this country aren't trying to lose this election so they won't be blamed when this house of cards collapses.
Losing 745,000 jobs per month during Gomer`s last 5 months was good? Cutting the unemployment rate in half is bad? A total fiasco!! If you`re life stinks it`s not Obama`s fault, it`s your own and you really shouldn`t be dependent on the govt. to keep you from doing stupid things.
Yes and right before everything blew up we were told everything was peachy, things are much worse now than they were before the last blow up. While the unemployment rate has come down it's been a miserable excuse of a recovery and please don't tell me you buy the 5% rate, complete fantasy.

Oh and my life is splendid. I worry about the hell we are leaving my children.
More evidence of this "bad" economy. Yes son, the unemployment rate is 5% and that`s why 1,000,000 people will be losing their Food Stamps. If your life is splendid why are you whining so much and refusing to deal with reality?
U.S. payrolls surge, boost Fed rate hike prospects
No the govt unemployment number is 5%, the number of unemployed is much larger. By pretty much any metric you want to look at the world economy is a house of cards. One good wind and the whole thing comes crashing down.

What do you consider reality? How about record govt debt, record student debt, near record corporate debt, near record consumer debt, lowest home ownership rates since 1965, lowest stock market participation rate in god knows how long, shrinking labor participation rates, half of US households receiving checks from the govt, international trade at a virtual stand still, commodity prices in the tank, currency manipulation at unheard of levels, negative interest rates spreading around the world, bail ins now the law of the land even here, massive printing, massive derivatives exposure to US banks in the hundreds of trillions. I could go on for a couple of more pages.

But of course everything is actually wonderful. So how is the view under the sand?
Dubya Bush. 5 years as governor of Texas. Clinton had 11 years as governor of Arkansas and two as Attorney General of the same state Bush senior had a wealth of experience, including being VP and a House of Representatives member for Texas. Reagan was governor of Texas for 8 years. Obama was State senator for 7 years, and 3 years as a US senator.
For the sake of accuracy, Reagan was the governor of CA.

Never..... :biggrin:
How in the world could any one think that Obama is qualified to be a supreme court justice? All his experience as a community organizer?
Why not? He wasn't qualified to be president and look what happened there.

More qualified than Trump.
What does that matter? Trump may be more qualified than a toad. How does that make Obama any more qualified?

The point being that those who support Trump will say Obama is not qualified. But then people manage to do that sort of hypocrisy.
We get that kind of non-logic all the time. For many people, a bad thing somehow makes another bad thing OK.

Or in this case it's a case of they like one person, everything is okay, they hate another and nothing is okay, and they'll make any old argument to support their case, no matter how contradictory it is to what they just said.
Why not? He wasn't qualified to be president and look what happened there.

More qualified than Trump.
What does that matter? Trump may be more qualified than a toad. How does that make Obama any more qualified?

The point being that those who support Trump will say Obama is not qualified. But then people manage to do that sort of hypocrisy.
We get that kind of non-logic all the time. For many people, a bad thing somehow makes another bad thing OK.

Or in this case it's a case of they like one person, everything is okay, they hate another and nothing is okay, and they'll make any old argument to support their case, no matter how contradictory it is to what they just said.
But you're the one trying to qualify a bad thing with another bad thing.
More qualified than Trump.
What does that matter? Trump may be more qualified than a toad. How does that make Obama any more qualified?

The point being that those who support Trump will say Obama is not qualified. But then people manage to do that sort of hypocrisy.
We get that kind of non-logic all the time. For many people, a bad thing somehow makes another bad thing OK.

Or in this case it's a case of they like one person, everything is okay, they hate another and nothing is okay, and they'll make any old argument to support their case, no matter how contradictory it is to what they just said.
But you're the one trying to qualify a bad thing with another bad thing.

No, I'm not. I haven't even spoken about whether I think Trump and Obama are qualified or not. I've merely made a statement about what other people say.

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