Obama Says His Apology Calmed Things Down


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama Says Afghan Apology Calmed Anti-US Violence

They've been playing a video of Obama this morning saying that his apology calmed things down in Afghanistan.

I burst out loud laughing when I saw this.

This guy just can't stop lying. He has to put a spin on everything he says to the point that it loses it's meaning.

He says his apology calmed things down, but he also said we're not out of the woods yet.
Obama says Afghan apology calmed anti-US violence

If it calmed things down we wouldn't be in the woods. PressTV - Afghanistan?s current upheaval beyond US control

He claims that the apology was made to save lives but two more soldiers were killed yesterday, rioters are still in the streets burning us in effigy. Our soldiers can't walk the streets in Afghanistan without fear for their lives thanks to Obama's apology.

The fact is he is responsible for this mess. He is ultimately responsible for foreign policy. If there is a problem with Qurans in the prison library you don't burn them. You turn them over to local religious leaders for disposal. At the very least you ask them what we should do with them.

This is what happens in just about every Muslim country we help. First they're grateful for our help. Then the radicals start bitching and moaning about infidels desecrating their country by our mere presence. Eventually they start trying to kill us. You have a choice in dealing with these people; Ether kiss their asses or tell them to STFU or risk serious consequences. Obama decided to kiss their asses and now the radicals are taking over, exactly what he claims he tried to prevent.

They are claiming that anti-US sentiments are currently at an all time high. PressTV - 'Human rights violations tarnish US image'
Iran is claiming that the United States is guilty of human rights violations.

Wow. All of those apologies are doing wonders to improve our image in the Muslim world.

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I am surpirsed he didnt say that his words bring healing and prosperity.
He is so full of himself he cannot recognize his own failure. His Afghan policy is a failure. His Iraq policy is a failure. His N.Korea policy is a failure. He is the most failed president since idi Amin.
I am surpirsed he didnt say that his words bring healing and prosperity.
He is so full of himself he cannot recognize his own failure. His Afghan policy is a failure. His Iraq policy is a failure. His N.Korea policy is a failure. He is the most failed president since idi Amin.
No worse than Bush II, in fact, somewhat better. But, NOT ENOUGH, thus far.
Don't think he apology calmed anything.

Jesus that would be the day religion ruled my world.

Bout time we left Astan to the Taliban.

They can have it. Good riddance.
Don't think he apology calmed anything.

Jesus that would be the day religion ruled my world.

Bout time we left Astan to the Taliban.

They can have it. Good riddance.
Shame we didn't finish the job prior to Bush's war.
The best thing about his lying is that it is now getting so ourtrageous that its harder and harder to justify and explain away. Democrats keep saying it, but fewer and fewer believe it.
The best thing about his lying is that it is now getting so ourtrageous that its harder and harder to justify and explain away. Democrats keep saying it, but fewer and fewer believe it.
We didn't invade Iraq while the struggle in Afghanistan continued? You are confused.
Maybe he should go tell that to the families of the two soldiers that were killed this morning in retaliation.
The best thing about his lying is that it is now getting so ourtrageous that its harder and harder to justify and explain away. Democrats keep saying it, but fewer and fewer believe it.
We didn't invade Iraq while the struggle in Afghanistan continued? You are confused.

obama caused this by apologizing. He actually caused it by negotiating for "peace" with the Taliban instead of crushing them absolutely.
The best thing about his lying is that it is now getting so ourtrageous that its harder and harder to justify and explain away. Democrats keep saying it, but fewer and fewer believe it.
We didn't invade Iraq while the struggle in Afghanistan continued? You are confused.

obama caused this by apologizing. He actually caused it by negotiating for "peace" with the Taliban instead of crushing them absolutely.
Why didn't Bush do so? TOO worried about The Man Who Threatened Poppy.
I am surpirsed he didnt say that his words bring healing and prosperity.
He is so full of himself he cannot recognize his own failure. His Afghan policy is a failure. His Iraq policy is a failure. His N.Korea policy is a failure. He is the most failed president since idi Amin.
No worse than Bush II, in fact, somewhat better. But, NOT ENOUGH, thus far.

Do you guys ever grow up?
Bush achieved all his objectives, save killing bin Laden. Obama has achieved none of his.
This latest is called "whitewashing."
Yeah, we see how well it went over when 2 Americans were killed in retaliation. Of course the Left will bleat "it could have been worse." Always the refuge of failed policies.
We didn't invade Iraq while the struggle in Afghanistan continued? You are confused.

obama caused this by apologizing. He actually caused it by negotiating for "peace" with the Taliban instead of crushing them absolutely.
Why didn't Bush do so? TOO worried about The Man Who Threatened Poppy.

Do what? Apologize? Because Bush was a professional. Obama is an amateur.
We didn't invade Iraq while the struggle in Afghanistan continued? You are confused.

obama caused this by apologizing. He actually caused it by negotiating for "peace" with the Taliban instead of crushing them absolutely.
Why didn't Bush do so? TOO worried about The Man Who Threatened Poppy.


We do know though that Obamas policy was to protect the poppy fields.

Many soldiers are on record with that one.
Let's see..

Muslims teach Obama that there are reprisals for accidentally destroying books made of paper and ink.

Obama teaches Muslims that there are NO reprisals for deliberately killing American soldiers made of flesh and blood.
Let's see..

Muslims teach Obama that there are reprisals for accidentally destroying books made of paper and ink.

Obama teaches Muslims that there are NO reprisals for deliberately killing American soldiers made of flesh and blood.

Since you get more of the behavior you reward guess which one we will see more of?
is there any real reason to believe it didn't in some way help? we do after all still have to work with the government in afghanistan.

any reason to believe that apologizing somehow made the violence worse?
is there any real reason to believe it didn't in some way help? we do after all still have to work with the government in afghanistan.

any reason to believe that apologizing somehow made the violence worse?

Is there any reason to believe that what I ate for lunch didnt make the violence better?

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