Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land but so was..

If the mandate were delayed for a year the Republicans in the House would be back a year from now threatening to shut down the government if it wasn't delayed for another year.
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

Yes , Because Obama is forcing US who do not want it do so something we do not want to do. Just like Slavery..

The ACA is law. Passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court. In order to repeal a law, you must have the VOTES for it. That is how our system of government works. What the GOP is doing is anarchy.

"Most of US" do not support repeal and an OVERWHELMING "most of us" do not want the government shut down over it.

Yes, its law.

congress is not obligated to fund every law, they are obligated to create a budget that sets priorities in funding based on revenue

65-70% of americans do not want ACA

Only 15% of the govt is shut down and that was done by Obama, because he and the senate dems have refused to do their jobs and work to find a compromise with the house.

The real reason that obama will not agree to a 1 year delay is because even he knows that if the people have another year to learn how bad this law is, they will reject in completely. He is trying to ram in home before the country finds out what it really is.
Because forcing someone to spend a few bucks and do a sensible thing is just like working 16 hours a day in the blazing sun picking cotton for no pay.

Do you people really expect to be taken seriously with that argument?

slavery takes many forms. generational welfare is a form of slavery. government dependency is a form of slavery

That would make dependency on your electric company, or your supermarket, or your gas station, or your doctor, or your dentist, or your auto mechanic, or your bank, or your job for that matter,


bs you are not forced under matter of law to use those things
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these

for you to compare health care for all the people in the country is like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA is the stupidest thing you could come up with ... but then again republicans were never to bright
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

in some ways yes

So if Pelosi and the Democrats in 2007 had threatened to shut down the government if GW Bush wouldn't sign a tax increase designed to pay for the Afghan and Iraq wars,

you'd have sided with Pelosi, in principle, if not on the specific issue?

lol, you are in the top ten full-of-shit conservatives on this board.
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

Yes , Because Obama is forcing US who do not want it do so something we do not want to do. Just like Slavery..

The ACA is law. .

So is the border fence

slavery takes many forms. generational welfare is a form of slavery. government dependency is a form of slavery

That would make dependency on your electric company, or your supermarket, or your gas station, or your doctor, or your dentist, or your auto mechanic, or your bank, or your job for that matter,


bs you are not forced under matter of law to use those things

again republicans not so bright
slavery takes many forms. generational welfare is a form of slavery. government dependency is a form of slavery

That would make dependency on your electric company, or your supermarket, or your gas station, or your doctor, or your dentist, or your auto mechanic, or your bank, or your job for that matter,


bs you are not forced under matter of law to use those things

You're not forced as a matter of law to apply for welfare either.

I win, dumbass.
Yes , Because Obama is forcing US who do not want it do so something we do not want to do. Just like Slavery..

Because forcing someone to spend a few bucks and do a sensible thing is just like working 16 hours a day in the blazing sun picking cotton for no pay.

Do you people really expect to be taken seriously with that argument?

It's against the constitution to FORCE anyone to buy something they don't want or get taxed (fined) for it if they don't. And yes it can be compared to slavery...people are being forced against their will to do something they don't want to do. But all Lovebear was saying is just because it's a law, doesn't mean it can't be changed.

The current SCOTUS disagrees with your assessment.

Slavery is one person having ownership of another, not being taxed. Gads, the hyperbole. I'm "forced" to fund all kinds of shit I disagree with. It's not fucking slavery, you obnoxious drama queens.

Yes, laws CAN be changed...but not by shutting down the government because you don't have the votes. That's a temper tantrum, not legislating.
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

in some ways yes

So if Pelosi and the Democrats in 2007 had threatened to shut down the government if GW Bush wouldn't sign a tax increase designed to pay for the Afghan and Iraq wars,

you'd have sided with Pelosi, in principle, if not on the specific issue?

lol, you are in the top ten full-of-shit conservatives on this board.

what are you talking about
A GOP President and Senate would negotiate. Not rule like a dictator.


obama and the dems do not want a 1 year delay in the individual mandate because they know that once the people find out what obamacare will do to them personally, they will reject in completely. They are determined to ram it up our butts before the real impacts are known.

How long has the law been on the books?

3 years. But only now are the people being told what it will do to them personally. Up to now its all been lies and rhetoric-----"you can keep your policy" "you can keep your doctor" "it will save you $2500/year" "it will reduce the deficit" all lies.
The ACA is law. .

So is the border fence


Who's threatening to shut down the government if the border fence isn't torn down?

that's not the point. The point is supporters of Obamacare using the 'law' as an excuse not to negotiate, really have no basis for such an argument when we have laws unenforced. Obama should have the same passion for all laws, not just the socialist ones

Yes , Because Obama is forcing US who do not want it do so something we do not want to do. Just like Slavery..

The ACA is law. Passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court. In order to repeal a law, you must have the VOTES for it. That is how our system of government works. What the GOP is doing is anarchy.

"Most of US" do not support repeal and an OVERWHELMING "most of us" do not want the government shut down over it.

Yes, its law.

congress is not obligated to fund every law, they are obligated to create a budget that sets priorities in funding based on revenue

65-70% of americans do not want ACA

Only 15% of the govt is shut down and that was done by Obama, because he and the senate dems have refused to do their jobs and work to find a compromise with the house.

The real reason that obama will not agree to a 1 year delay is because even he knows that if the people have another year to learn how bad this law is, they will reject in completely. He is trying to ram in home before the country finds out what it really is.

Link for your 65-70% bullshit. The majority DO NOT want repeal or shutdown.

The GOP orchestrated the shutdown weeks ago, telegraphed their intentions and now are "gleeful" that it is done. They are also shouldering the majority of the blame as they should. This "blame the President lie" is akin to one sibling pushing the other into the table, knocking over and breaking the lamp and saying "look what you did".

The country is finding out what it "really is"...and it's saving them money.
The ACA is law. Passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court. In order to repeal a law, you must have the VOTES for it. That is how our system of government works. What the GOP is doing is anarchy.

"Most of US" do not support repeal and an OVERWHELMING "most of us" do not want the government shut down over it.

Yes, its law.

congress is not obligated to fund every law, they are obligated to create a budget that sets priorities in funding based on revenue

65-70% of americans do not want ACA

Only 15% of the govt is shut down and that was done by Obama, because he and the senate dems have refused to do their jobs and work to find a compromise with the house.

The real reason that obama will not agree to a 1 year delay is because even he knows that if the people have another year to learn how bad this law is, they will reject in completely. He is trying to ram in home before the country finds out what it really is.

Link for your 65-70% bullshit. The majority DO NOT want repeal or shutdown.

The GOP orchestrated the shutdown weeks ago, telegraphed their intentions and now are "gleeful" that it is done. They are also shouldering the majority of the blame as they should. This "blame the President lie" is akin to one sibling pushing the other into the table, knocking over and breaking the lamp and saying "look what you did".

The country is finding out what it "really is"...and it's saving them money.

Oh, shaking in the boots over blame. The republican party was already on life support, so pulling the plug is not a bad option

They just want to take Obama's agenda with them

requiring people to buy health insurance= slavery?


I think requiring hospitals to treat people who can't afford treatment, is slavery.

Guess who signed that into law? Ronald Reagan.
obama and the dems do not want a 1 year delay in the individual mandate because they know that once the people find out what obamacare will do to them personally, they will reject in completely. They are determined to ram it up our butts before the real impacts are known.

How long has the law been on the books?

3 years. But only now are the people being told what it will do to them personally. Up to now its all been lies and rhetoric-----"you can keep your policy" "you can keep your doctor" "it will save you $2500/year" "it will reduce the deficit" all lies.

The law has been on the books, and therefore available for all to see and read, for 3 years.

There is no 'only now' about it.
The 2nd Amendment is the law of the land.

But so was slavery.

...see what I just did?
The ACA is law. Passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court. In order to repeal a law, you must have the VOTES for it. That is how our system of government works. What the GOP is doing is anarchy.

"Most of US" do not support repeal and an OVERWHELMING "most of us" do not want the government shut down over it.

Yes, its law.

congress is not obligated to fund every law, they are obligated to create a budget that sets priorities in funding based on revenue

65-70% of americans do not want ACA

Only 15% of the govt is shut down and that was done by Obama, because he and the senate dems have refused to do their jobs and work to find a compromise with the house.

The real reason that obama will not agree to a 1 year delay is because even he knows that if the people have another year to learn how bad this law is, they will reject in completely. He is trying to ram in home before the country finds out what it really is.

Link for your 65-70% bullshit. The majority DO NOT want repeal or shutdown.

The GOP orchestrated the shutdown weeks ago, telegraphed their intentions and now are "gleeful" that it is done. They are also shouldering the majority of the blame as they should. This "blame the President lie" is akin to one sibling pushing the other into the table, knocking over and breaking the lamp and saying "look what you did".

The country is finding out what it "really is"...and it's saving them money.

here's one from CBS.

Majority of Americans oppose Obamacare, want it repealed, poll finds - National Government | Examiner.com

in all but 3 or 4 states, the annual premiums are going up significantly, and the coverage is less than what they had before, large deductibles, limitations of types of testing etc.

If a poor person gets a policy, the premium is subsidized by the govt, but the policy has a 10K deductible, who do you think is going to pay the 10K? not the poor person, you and me, just like we do now. But under obozocare we will also have to pay for a huge govt beaurocracy.

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