Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land but so was..

Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

It's a valid comparison. It means Amercians have done away with very bad laws in the past such as slavery and DOMA. Liberals can keep saying Obamacare is the law of the land but we know any bad law can be repealed.

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

Americans voted in the GOP House. It's why we have separation of power and a system of checks and balances. This way no one person can run the country. Would you rather the GOP House run away and hide like the Wisconson Democrats?

No, it's not a valid comparison. No law has ever been overturned by shutting down the government because you couldn't get your way legislatively.
The whining faggots of the left will throw the "bad analogy' flag...and retreat to their playpen.

Was slavery a law, did Americans have to have slaves and does the Constitution say America is a slave nation.

Yes. See the 14th due process clause and the 16th amendment. If you are an American Citizen you are a slave. Any more questions?

Those amendments do not say we have to have slavery, in fact they sort of imply
America can not have slavery.
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these

Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

It's a valid comparison. It means Amercians have done away with very bad laws in the past such as slavery and DOMA. Liberals can keep saying Obamacare is the law of the land but we know any bad law can be repealed.

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

Americans voted in the GOP House. It's why we have separation of power and a system of checks and balances. This way no one person can run the country. Would you rather the GOP House run away and hide like the Wisconson Democrats?

No, it's not a valid comparison. No law has ever been overturned by shutting down the government because you couldn't get your way legislatively.
Yeah cause the American Revolution is just a figment of our imagination.
Another false analogy.

You guys so realize that aside from DOMA all those laws were changed by some legiislative act, rather than shutting down the govt, and DOMA was killed by the scotus?
Another false analogy.

You guys so realize that aside from DOMA all those laws were changed by some legiislative act, rather than shutting down the govt, and DOMA was killed by the scotus?

the house is doing nothing illegal or unconstitutional. They are using a perfectly valid strategy. Its all about give and take, negotiation, compromise. In politics and in war, you use whatever methods are available to you. This is a dangerous time for our country, creeping socialism along with unsubstainable debt.
Another false analogy.

You guys so realize that aside from DOMA all those laws were changed by some legiislative act, rather than shutting down the govt, and DOMA was killed by the scotus?

the house is doing nothing illegal or unconstitutional. They are using a perfectly valid strategy. Its all about give and take, negotiation, compromise. In politics and in war, you use whatever methods are available to you. This is a dangerous time for our country, creeping socialism along with unsubstainable debt.

false analogy was aimed at defunding govt = am. revolution. The other false analogies were in the OP, which all involved legislative changes to laws or a scotus strikedown, and CRs were not involved.

I agree that the to gop didn't do anything illegal. I posted elsewhere that Boehner's greatest blunder was thinking he'd have more leverage on the debt ceiling. Mainsteam Republicans brought an end to that nonsense. LehmanI was quite enough one time around.

Boehner knew Cruz could not defund a mandatory spending law in either a CR or Debt ceiling showdown. Letting him try may have been necessary for Boehner's political survival, but Boehner pssed away conservatives' chance to extract spending concessions from Obama.
Another false analogy.

You guys so realize that aside from DOMA all those laws were changed by some legiislative act, rather than shutting down the govt, and DOMA was killed by the scotus?

the house is doing nothing illegal or unconstitutional. They are using a perfectly valid strategy. Its all about give and take, negotiation, compromise. In politics and in war, you use whatever methods are available to you. This is a dangerous time for our country, creeping socialism along with unsubstainable debt.

false analogy was aimed at defunding govt = am. revolution. The other false analogies were in the OP, which all involved legislative changes to laws or a scotus strikedown, and CRs were not involved.

I agree that the to gop didn't do anything illegal. I posted elsewhere that Boehner's greatest blunder was thinking he'd have more leverage on the debt ceiling. Mainsteam Republicans brought an end to that nonsense. LehmanI was quite enough one time around.

Boehner knew Cruz could not defund a mandatory spending law in either a CR or Debt ceiling showdown. Letting him try may have been necessary for Boehner's political survival, but Boehner pssed away conservatives' chance to extract spending concessions from Obama.

The term "defunding" is a misnomer. There is no funding until this year's budget is passed and signed by the president or his veto is overrriden. None of that has happened. Prior congresses can't approve this year's budget. If they could, there would be no shutdown.
Another false analogy.

You guys so realize that aside from DOMA all those laws were changed by some legiislative act, rather than shutting down the govt, and DOMA was killed by the scotus?

the house is doing nothing illegal or unconstitutional. They are using a perfectly valid strategy. Its all about give and take, negotiation, compromise. In politics and in war, you use whatever methods are available to you. This is a dangerous time for our country, creeping socialism along with unsubstainable debt.

false analogy was aimed at defunding govt = am. revolution. The other false analogies were in the OP, which all involved legislative changes to laws or a scotus strikedown, and CRs were not involved.

I agree that the to gop didn't do anything illegal. I posted elsewhere that Boehner's greatest blunder was thinking he'd have more leverage on the debt ceiling. Mainsteam Republicans brought an end to that nonsense. LehmanI was quite enough one time around.

Boehner knew Cruz could not defund a mandatory spending law in either a CR or Debt ceiling showdown. Letting him try may have been necessary for Boehner's political survival, but Boehner pssed away conservatives' chance to extract spending concessions from Obama.

maybe, time will tell. Standing on principle is never wrong. its sometimes painful, but never wrong.

dems and libs don't get that because they have no principles, morals, or ethics. Winning is the only thing that matters to them. in other words, liberals suck.
Another false analogy.

You guys so realize that aside from DOMA all those laws were changed by some legiislative act, rather than shutting down the govt, and DOMA was killed by the scotus?

the house is doing nothing illegal or unconstitutional. They are using a perfectly valid strategy. Its all about give and take, negotiation, compromise. In politics and in war, you use whatever methods are available to you. This is a dangerous time for our country, creeping socialism along with unsubstainable debt.

false analogy was aimed at defunding govt = am. revolution. The other false analogies were in the OP, which all involved legislative changes to laws or a scotus strikedown, and CRs were not involved.

I agree that the to gop didn't do anything illegal. I posted elsewhere that Boehner's greatest blunder was thinking he'd have more leverage on the debt ceiling. Mainsteam Republicans brought an end to that nonsense. LehmanI was quite enough one time around.

Boehner knew Cruz could not defund a mandatory spending law in either a CR or Debt ceiling showdown. Letting him try may have been necessary for Boehner's political survival, but Boehner pssed away conservatives' chance to extract spending concessions from Obama.

False analogy is yours. What is occurring is a partial shut down of non-essential elements of government, not a de-funding of government. I simply countered your rhetoric. The last time there was a complete shut down of our government was the AR.
the house is doing nothing illegal or unconstitutional. They are using a perfectly valid strategy. Its all about give and take, negotiation, compromise. In politics and in war, you use whatever methods are available to you. This is a dangerous time for our country, creeping socialism along with unsubstainable debt.

false analogy was aimed at defunding govt = am. revolution. The other false analogies were in the OP, which all involved legislative changes to laws or a scotus strikedown, and CRs were not involved.

I agree that the to gop didn't do anything illegal. I posted elsewhere that Boehner's greatest blunder was thinking he'd have more leverage on the debt ceiling. Mainsteam Republicans brought an end to that nonsense. LehmanI was quite enough one time around.

Boehner knew Cruz could not defund a mandatory spending law in either a CR or Debt ceiling showdown. Letting him try may have been necessary for Boehner's political survival, but Boehner pssed away conservatives' chance to extract spending concessions from Obama.

maybe, time will tell. Standing on principle is never wrong. its sometimes painful, but never wrong.

dems and libs don't get that because they have no principles, morals, or ethics. Winning is the only thing that matters to them. in other words, liberals suck.

Well, when standing on principle becomes the same thing as telling voters you will do somehting (defund mandatory spending via a CR) that is legally and practically impossilbe ... that's wrong. Morally and politically. And that's what Kasich, Scott Walker and the Wall St Journal were telling the GOP that Cruz was doing. Cruz is not an admiriable conservative; he's a demagoging cynic.

And to say all liberals have no morals or ethics is just immature.
And to say all liberals have no morals or ethics is just immature.

True liberals are libertarians. The reference to "liberals" is the euphemism for authoritarian leftists who believe that the force of government guns should be used to force their values on everyone else. Those are the "liberals" who have no morals or ethics.

My getting my way allows you to continue to make your own choices. The reverse is not true. That is neither moral nor ethical.

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