Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land but so was..

No, like food
who do you think regulates that?
and shelter
who do you think regulates that?
and electricity
who do you think regulates that?
and phone
who do you think regulates that?
and transportation
who do you think regulates that?
and tv.
who do you think regulates that?

and who do you think licenses and permits and taxes all that?


and eveything that is regulated has a COST and padding and pork which is why you spend all your money to survive and surcharges for the conveniences that the government takes the position is a "benefit" thanks to their benevolence, despite the fact that you paid for it all in the first place.

Take away all that regulation and we would just be another Somolia. No thank you, I prefer to eat food that won't kill me, have electricity when I turn on the switch, have a phone system that works, safe roads, and on and on and on. You can have your Somolia.

We had virtually no regulation in the formative years were we a somolia then?

Yes = you have an argument

no = you shot yourself in the foot.

and the answer is! NO

that and you either miss the underlying point I was making or are doing an end run around it with such absurd extremism.
Oh, but the United States did have these problems and they took a toll on the people of this country. Why do you think laws were passed to regulate food, electricity, TV, etc. America wasn't some "Fairy Tale Land" where everything was perfect. The Food and Drug administration was established because the food industry had an anything goes mentality. It was acceptable to put saw dust into sausages. Cows that were sick were butchered and sold to the people. Today cows that are sick or tubercular are not allowed into the food chain. This was not always so. Read the novel The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Anyone could make and sell a medicine even if it was water and turpentine. No one checked to see it it worked or was safe. Anyone could do anything they wanted and nobody stopped them. Is that really the kind of country you want? A country where you can't drink the water, the where the food was often tainted, and where the medicine might cure you or kill you. No thanks. You are living in a dream world if you think the past was paradise.
odd, it was reid and obama who said they refuse to negotiate

facts, learn them

The House refused to go to committee to make a FY 14 budget with the Senate.

bullshit and why do you ignore obama and the dems saying no negotiations? they flat out said it and yet you ignore it.

Is that Obama's full quote on the no negotiations or was there more?
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

Did you know Republicans are actually the majority party in the house? You learn something new every day, don't you? Democrats are the majority in the Senate. Which means, they need to work something out. Which means negotiate. Let's see, which party is not doing that?

But your quote is true, Democrats do not have the majority in the house, they don't have the votes to force legislation. But that doesn't count because you agree with them. Once again, you show you're a partisan hack.
Like taxes in the form of licenses and insurances gas tax excise and on and on and on?

No, like food and shelter and electricity and phone and transportation and tv.

How much of your paycheck is really left over for you to spend on anything you desire?

No, like food
who do you think regulates that?
and shelter
who do you think regulates that?
and electricity
who do you think regulates that?
and phone
who do you think regulates that?
and transportation
who do you think regulates that?
and tv.
who do you think regulates that?

and who do you think licenses and permits and taxes all that?


and eveything that is regulated has a COST and padding and pork which is why you spend all your money to survive and surcharges for the conveniences that the government takes the position is a "benefit" thanks to their benevolence, despite the fact that you paid for it all in the first place.

You have no idea what the point was. At least we know now that you are an anarchist, so we won't have to waste any energy trying to take you seriously.
yes it does, like healthcare? It created the shit mess we have.
There are many problems with health care today. All of them, every single problem, is directly attributable to government intrusion into our health care.

Did a Republican president have the right to ask Congress to pass a law forbidding dairy companies from putting an embalming fluid in milk to keep it from spoiling?

1st amendment... ayup. And yes to your suggested implication, we need the government to protect our markets, such as from people that want to poison us for profit. I'm not against regulations entirely, it's the ones that are non-nonsensical that bother me.
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these

And those were all overturned the normal way.

No, like food and shelter and electricity and phone and transportation and tv.

How much of your paycheck is really left over for you to spend on anything you desire?

No, like food
who do you think regulates that?
and shelter
who do you think regulates that?
and electricity
who do you think regulates that?
and phone
who do you think regulates that?
and transportation
who do you think regulates that?
and tv.
who do you think regulates that?

and who do you think licenses and permits and taxes all that?


and eveything that is regulated has a COST and padding and pork which is why you spend all your money to survive and surcharges for the conveniences that the government takes the position is a "benefit" thanks to their benevolence, despite the fact that you paid for it all in the first place.

You have no idea what the point was. At least we know now that you are an anarchist, so we won't have to waste any energy trying to take you seriously.

Yeah cause if we don't regulate how we wipe our asses and flush our toilets there will be women and children being slaughtered in the streets.

Why do lazy good for nothing crybabies always call for riots and anarchy if they don't their re-distribution checks? Don't they have a way to make money like everyone else? Or are they "special?"
Take away all that regulation and we would just be another Somolia. No thank you, I prefer to eat food that won't kill me, have electricity when I turn on the switch, have a phone system that works, safe roads, and on and on and on. You can have your Somolia.

We had virtually no regulation in the formative years were we a somolia then?

Yes = you have an argument

no = you shot yourself in the foot.

and the answer is! NO

that and you either miss the underlying point I was making or are doing an end run around it with such absurd extremism.
Oh, but the United States did have these problems and they took a toll on the people of this country. Why do you think laws were passed to regulate food, electricity, TV, etc. America wasn't some "Fairy Tale Land" where everything was perfect. The Food and Drug administration was established because the food industry had an anything goes mentality. It was acceptable to put saw dust into sausages. Cows that were sick were butchered and sold to the people. Today cows that are sick or tubercular are not allowed into the food chain. This was not always so. Read the novel The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Anyone could make and sell a medicine even if it was water and turpentine. No one checked to see it it worked or was safe. Anyone could do anything they wanted and nobody stopped them. Is that really the kind of country you want? A country where you can't drink the water, the where the food was often tainted, and where the medicine might cure you or kill you. No thanks. You are living in a dream world if you think the past was paradise.

Oh, but the United States did have these problems and they took a toll on the people of this country. Why do you think laws were passed to regulate food, electricity, TV, etc. America wasn't some "Fairy Tale Land" where everything was perfect.

No one said it was perfect, once upon a time you had "individual" rights and in fact had the rights of a king in its person.

yeh over the course of 200 years.

The Food and Drug administration was established because the food industry had an anything goes mentality.

Yeh and they sued burzynski to the tune of 5 times and the last time threw him in jail and stole his non poisonous cancer cure patents, then had that person sign all right and title over to the FDA. Who has the anything goes mentality again?

It was acceptable to put saw dust into sausages.

Yep one tort would have ended that, but no the government had to butt in.

Cows that were sick were butchered and sold to the people.

That was common place in the old days not only in america but all over, they did not let meat go to waste unless it could not be eaten safely and it was not the norm and dependent on what the disease was. Grocery stores no longer sell dated foods because even though people KNEW what they were buying they being the treacherous lot they are would come back at the stores after buying it anyway.

Today cows that are sick or tubercular are not allowed into the food chain. This was not always so.

They were not allowed in the food chain then either. Some got through, you mean now there is regulation, so you must have known all along then that government is deeply involved and it has everything to do with government as I said.

Read the novel The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Anyone could make and sell a medicine even if it was water and turpentine.

They still can and do

No one checked to see it it worked or was safe.

They still dont. Ever watch the pharma adds on tv? The list of side effects pale the presumed cure.

Anyone could do anything they wanted and nobody stopped them.

What freedom until sued as a result of actual "INJURY"?

Is that really the kind of country you want?

Fuckin aye twitty that is the country I want!

A country where you can't drink the water, the where the food was often tainted, and where the medicine might cure you or kill you. No thanks.

For shit sake thats funny, its exactly what you have now! How can you not see that?

You are living in a dream world if you think the past was paradise.

Never implied or said paradise, that is your spin, it was certainly what I said however, that the reason you pay so much just to live is because of government interlopers sticking their noses in and making a business out of lawmaking and skimming off the top.

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No, like food and shelter and electricity and phone and transportation and tv.

How much of your paycheck is really left over for you to spend on anything you desire?

No, like food
who do you think regulates that?
and shelter
who do you think regulates that?
and electricity
who do you think regulates that?
and phone
who do you think regulates that?
and transportation
who do you think regulates that?
and tv.
who do you think regulates that?

and who do you think licenses and permits and taxes all that?


and eveything that is regulated has a COST and padding and pork which is why you spend all your money to survive and surcharges for the conveniences that the government takes the position is a "benefit" thanks to their benevolence, despite the fact that you paid for it all in the first place.

You have no idea what the point was. At least we know now that you are an anarchist, so we won't have to waste any energy trying to take you seriously.

ah yes and we know you are born and bred statist parrot. I suppose parrots will be pissed at me now because they can see beyond their beaks.
There are many problems with health care today. All of them, every single problem, is directly attributable to government intrusion into our health care.

Did a Republican president have the right to ask Congress to pass a law forbidding dairy companies from putting an embalming fluid in milk to keep it from spoiling?

1st amendment... ayup. And yes to your suggested implication, we need the government to protect our markets, such as from people that want to poison us for profit. I'm not against regulations entirely, it's the ones that are non-nonsensical that bother me.

when their interest becomes this invasive leap of imagination or blatantly steps on individual rights in favor of the mob or in most cases simply greasing their own grubby pockets.
We had virtually no regulation in the formative years were we a somolia then?

Yes = you have an argument

no = you shot yourself in the foot.

and the answer is! NO

that and you either miss the underlying point I was making or are doing an end run around it with such absurd extremism.
Oh, but the United States did have these problems and they took a toll on the people of this country. Why do you think laws were passed to regulate food, electricity, TV, etc. America wasn't some "Fairy Tale Land" where everything was perfect. The Food and Drug administration was established because the food industry had an anything goes mentality. It was acceptable to put saw dust into sausages. Cows that were sick were butchered and sold to the people. Today cows that are sick or tubercular are not allowed into the food chain. This was not always so. Read the novel The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Anyone could make and sell a medicine even if it was water and turpentine. No one checked to see it it worked or was safe. Anyone could do anything they wanted and nobody stopped them. Is that really the kind of country you want? A country where you can't drink the water, the where the food was often tainted, and where the medicine might cure you or kill you. No thanks. You are living in a dream world if you think the past was paradise.

Oh, but the United States did have these problems and they took a toll on the people of this country. Why do you think laws were passed to regulate food, electricity, TV, etc. America wasn't some "Fairy Tale Land" where everything was perfect.

No one said it was perfect, once upon a time you had "individual" rights and in fact had the rights of a king in its person.

yeh over the course of 200 years.

The Food and Drug administration was established because the food industry had an anything goes mentality.

Yeh and they sued burzynski to the tune of 5 times and the last time threw him in jail and stole his non poisonous cancer cure patents, then had that person sign all right and title over to the FDA. Who has the anything goes mentality again?

It was acceptable to put saw dust into sausages.

Yep one tort would have ended that, but no the government had to butt in.

Cows that were sick were butchered and sold to the people.

That was common place in the old days not only in america but all over, they did not let meat go to waste unless it could not be eaten safely and it was not the norm and dependent on what the disease was. Grocery stores no longer sell dated foods because even though people KNEW what they were buying they being the treacherous lot they are would come back at the stores after buying it anyway.

Today cows that are sick or tubercular are not allowed into the food chain. This was not always so.

They were not allowed in the food chain then either. Some got through, you mean now there is regulation, so you must have known all along then that government is deeply involved and it has everything to do with government as I said.

Read the novel The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Anyone could make and sell a medicine even if it was water and turpentine.

They still can and do

No one checked to see it it worked or was safe.

They still dont. Ever watch the pharma adds on tv? The list of side effects pale the presumed cure.

Anyone could do anything they wanted and nobody stopped them.

What freedom until sued as a result of actual "INJURY"?

Is that really the kind of country you want?

Fuckin aye twitty that is the country I want!

A country where you can't drink the water, the where the food was often tainted, and where the medicine might cure you or kill you. No thanks.

For shit sake thats funny, its exactly what you have now! How can you not see that?

You are living in a dream world if you think the past was paradise.

Never implied or said paradise, that is your spin, it was certainly what I said however, that the reason you pay so much just to live is because of government interlopers sticking their noses in and making a business out of lawmaking and skimming off the top.

The Food and Drug administration was established because the food industry had an anything goes mentality.


however lots of bad stuff still gets in the food system
Did a Republican president have the right to ask Congress to pass a law forbidding dairy companies from putting an embalming fluid in milk to keep it from spoiling?

1st amendment... ayup. And yes to your suggested implication, we need the government to protect our markets, such as from people that want to poison us for profit. I'm not against regulations entirely, it's the ones that are non-nonsensical that bother me.

when their interest becomes this invasive leap of imagination or blatantly steps on individual rights in favor of the mob or in most cases simply greasing their own grubby pockets.

And that's the problem. When the feds become all powerful.. who watches the feds?
What we need to do is take a chop saw to the freaking bills that were already passed. We've been going backwards for decades passing freaking bills that only managed to screw things up.
1st amendment... ayup. And yes to your suggested implication, we need the government to protect our markets, such as from people that want to poison us for profit. I'm not against regulations entirely, it's the ones that are non-nonsensical that bother me.

when their interest becomes this invasive leap of imagination or blatantly steps on individual rights in favor of the mob or in most cases simply greasing their own grubby pockets.

And that's the problem. When the feds become all powerful.. who watches the feds?

Most regulations are in answer to a problem. A company puts out pills for weight reduction and it does nothing for weight reduction but actually harms people so the government steps in with a regulation. In due time the company goes out of business but the regulation stays and now seems to be nonsensical, or worse, an impediment to producers of weight reduction pills. Our life span has increased significantly over the years I wonder how much of that longer span is due to regulation?
when their interest becomes this invasive leap of imagination or blatantly steps on individual rights in favor of the mob or in most cases simply greasing their own grubby pockets.

And that's the problem. When the feds become all powerful.. who watches the feds?

Most regulations are in answer to a problem. A company puts out pills for weight reduction and it does nothing for weight reduction but actually harms people so the government steps in with a regulation. In due time the company goes out of business but the regulation stays and now seems to be nonsensical, or worse, an impediment to producers of weight reduction pills. Our life span has increased significantly over the years I wonder how much of that longer span is due to regulation?
Most of the time when someone says most of a thing ____ they are just guessing.

I'm pretty sure life spans increased due to modern medicine improvements in nutrition and education, none of which require regulation. One law would suffice. Make it illegal to do people and/or the environment harm by producing and selling products that are not tested and / or are known to cause said harm. Does not even need to be a regulation just one law and there you have it. Now all you have to do is identify the people doing us and our environment harm and put them in jail.
And that's the problem. When the feds become all powerful.. who watches the feds?

Most regulations are in answer to a problem. A company puts out pills for weight reduction and it does nothing for weight reduction but actually harms people so the government steps in with a regulation. In due time the company goes out of business but the regulation stays and now seems to be nonsensical, or worse, an impediment to producers of weight reduction pills. Our life span has increased significantly over the years I wonder how much of that longer span is due to regulation?
Most of the time when someone says most of a thing ____ they are just guessing.

I'm pretty sure life spans increased due to modern medicine improvements in nutrition and education, none of which require regulation. One law would suffice. Make it illegal to do people and/or the environment harm by producing and selling products that are not tested and / or are known to cause said harm. Does not even need to be a regulation just one law and there you have it. Now all you have to do is identify the people doing us and our environment harm and put them in jail.

There are many many regulations involved involved in modern medicine and nutrition.
Some of the regulations were made by the medical profession and some by government. Now it has been discovered that despite modern medical improvements, hospitals kill people. So we can now expect some more regulations by hospitals to try and solve the problem, and in the event hospitals do not try, government will step in with some regulations? As for the one law concept fixing everything, if that were only so. Pass a law and people immediately begin trying to figure our a way to bypass the law. How many new laws are produced in these United States in one day?
Regulation is attempt to solve a problem be it by the producer or the government.
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these

And those were all overturned the normal way.


Some were changed through legislation, some through litigation (and one through a civil war). With the exception of the latter, that's what Republicans are trying to do as well. So I agree, the whole "it's the law of the land" meme is nonsense - laws are changed all the time, there's no reason to believe Obamacare should be exempt from this process.

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